Herman Cain said that he would Not appoint a Muslim to any position in his administra

Why would people believe you went you're saying something that's visibly untrue? You make a claim about some guy names "Brackets" doing something (whoever the hell that is, as Google yielded nothing when I tried to search for what you were talking about), but ignore the repeated acts of violence from the right. You claim it's a lie to tell the elderly they're going to be significantly harmed by being asked to pay $12,000 a year out of pocket for health insurance, but believe "death panels" exist because the Democrats endorsed a proposal originally made by a Republican congressman to provide funding help seniors make informed end-of-life decisions.

You claim liberals "damage, vandal[ize], and litter" without any real evidence, ignoring the actual violence by protests by the right...

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Don't forget the countless death threats conservatives made toward members of Congress in the aftermath of the health reform vote, or how they spit on member of Congress, or the signs threating to kill them if they didn't get their way...

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Why would people believe you went you're saying something that's visibly untrue? You make a claim about some guy names "Brackets" doing something (whoever the hell that is, as Google yielded nothing when I tried to search for what you were talking about), but ignore the repeated acts of violence from the right. You claim it's a lie to tell the elderly they're going to be significantly harmed by being asked to pay $12,000 a year out of pocket for health insurance, but believe "death panels" exist because the Democrats endorsed a proposal originally made by a Republican congressman to provide funding help seniors make informed end-of-life decisions.

You claim liberals "damage, vandal[ize], and litter" without any real evidence, ignoring the actual violence by protests by the right...

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Don't forget the countless death threats conservatives made toward members of Congress in the aftermath of the health reform vote, or how they spit on member of Congress, or the signs threating to kill them if they didn't get their way...

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You mean the death threats often attributed by even kookier leftists? Or the ones given by union members towards Governor Walker over breaking a corrupt institution of public sector union power?

As compared to leftists, Conservative protests are the acme of civil obedience. Battle for Seattle anyone? RNC Convention in St. Paul? The most civil ones I've seen in a while were SOME of the Madison Union protests... but still, they were fucking pigs. That broken window doesn't compare. Those signs are violence? Wow... you need to look in the mirror.
Why would people believe you went you're saying something that's visibly untrue? You make a claim about some guy names "Brackets" doing something (whoever the hell that is, as Google yielded nothing when I tried to search for what you were talking about), but ignore the repeated acts of violence from the right. You claim it's a lie to tell the elderly they're going to be significantly harmed by being asked to pay $12,000 a year out of pocket for health insurance, but believe "death panels" exist because the Democrats endorsed a proposal originally made by a Republican congressman to provide funding help seniors make informed end-of-life decisions.

You claim liberals "damage, vandal[ize], and litter" without any real evidence, ignoring the actual violence by protests by the right...

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Don't forget the countless death threats conservatives made toward members of Congress in the aftermath of the health reform vote, or how they spit on member of Congress, or the signs threating to kill them if they didn't get their way...

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You mean the death threats often attributed by even kookier leftists? Or the ones given by union members towards Governor Walker over breaking a corrupt institution of public sector union power?

As compared to leftists, Conservative protests are the acme of civil obedience. Battle for Seattle anyone? RNC Convention in St. Paul? The most civil ones I've seen in a while were SOME of the Madison Union protests... but still, they were fucking pigs. That broken window doesn't compare. Those signs are violence? Wow... you need to look in the mirror.

*whoops* :lol::eusa_shifty:
That's a blatant fucking lie. At no point did the man say Islam should be outlawed in this nation or that he would support deporting Muslims, or anything close to it.

What is it with you loons and just making stuff up out of thin air?

If he is willing to openly deny appointments to which people may be qualified for on the basis that he does not approve of their religion..... Isn't he opposing freedom of religion?
No you stupid liberal,They have the freedom to be muslims.He just would not want the islamic pigs in his administration.

Glad to see someone standing up for the views of the Right Wing
The man just earned some of my respect. I like his view on the whole thing and I respect him for actually coming out and saying it in public.
Herman Cain went out of his way to show his bigotry against Muslim Americans

Anyone who supports Cain now should be ashamed
Nope. He is smart at least in that sense. Try watching the entire damn video before replying...I did and I understand where he is coming from.Course I would expect the leftist/liberals here to try and make people be friends/appoint people they aren't friends with and don't want to be friends with.
Nope. He is smart at least in that sense. Try watching the entire damn video before replying...I did and I understand where he is coming from.Course I would expect the leftist/liberals here to try and make people be friends/appoint people they aren't friends with and don't want to be friends with.

So you think we are headed for Sharia law?

Glenn Beck would be proud
The brits and Irish this last week when he was busy fucking up the toast to the queen and making an ass of himself pretending to be O'Bama.

The Pakistanis are none to thrilled with his assassination of OBL behind their back, near their 'west point', on their soil, without warning.

Libya was relatively neutral till he took sides in their little civil war.

And as for core constituencies he's alienating:

The anti-war movement, whom he's now utterly betrayed by STARTING involvement illegally now (thanks to the war powers act) in Libya.

The Jewish constituency by his anti-Israel/Pro-Palestine positions.

How about those two groups for example?

I know he's gaining ground in the pro-terrorist camps though.

Well maybe in the fantasy world of conservatives...but you be sure to let me know when any of this has any real world impact.:lol:
Delusional poster is delusional.

But it must be nice to have a world with on the fly editing.

Well it seems you can't.

That's fine. You're last conservative hero did some real damage. To the tune of massive death and destruction. That's real.
Nope. He is smart at least in that sense. Try watching the entire damn video before replying...I did and I understand where he is coming from.Course I would expect the leftist/liberals here to try and make people be friends/appoint people they aren't friends with and don't want to be friends with.

So you think we are headed for Sharia law?

Glenn Beck would be proud

Like Cain said very slowly but surely.Glenn Beck is a piece of zionist shit who I wish would die.
Nope. He is smart at least in that sense. Try watching the entire damn video before replying...I did and I understand where he is coming from.Course I would expect the leftist/liberals here to try and make people be friends/appoint people they aren't friends with and don't want to be friends with.

^^^ And yet another who had no idea what the Constitution of the United States actually says..
Actually I do. It has nothing to do with this case. He doesn't like Muslims there is nothing in the Constitution that says he HAS to appoint them now is there?
I like Cain. And, if he's pissed you off... I like him even more.

A candidate expressing that he would practice religious discrimination when filling out his administration and making judicial appointments makes you like him more because it angers someone you dislike/disagree with :cuckoo:
So, suddenly a litmus test is a bad thing?

Tell me. How many pro lifers and business owners has he appointed to positions in his administration? (Lawyers don't count as business owners).

Yo, dude, a No Muslim policy is not a litmus test. Get a clue.
There is little wonder why Herman Cain has never held elective office. The voters are too smart

They will not be fooled this time either. He will quickly drop out
The man just earned some of my respect. I like his view on the whole thing and I respect him for actually coming out and saying it in public.

So should all the muslim Americans in the military just get out if this idiot gets elected? Isn't there a muslim governor somewhere....would he have to quit?
Actually I do. It has nothing to do with this case. He doesn't like Muslims there is nothing in the Constitution that says he HAS to appoint them now is there?


But the Constitution makes it quite clear that the government can neither support or restrict any religion.
Herman Cain went out of his way to show his bigotry against Muslim Americans

Anyone who supports Cain now should be ashamed

Have to agree with you on this. I was starting to like Cain until he said this. Now I know he has no chance to win. I assume he was trying to play to the far right base who knows, but it was pretty stupid.
A candidate expressing that he would practice religious discrimination when filling out his administration and making judicial appointments makes you like him more because it angers someone you dislike/disagree with :cuckoo:
So, suddenly a litmus test is a bad thing?

Tell me. How many pro lifers and business owners has he appointed to positions in his administration? (Lawyers don't count as business owners).

Yo, dude, a No Muslim policy is not a litmus test. Get a clue.
Really? then why are Pro-Lifers constantly drummed out of the DNC? What, pray tell is the difference?

Oh that's right, political convenience for leftists. When you do it... it's common sense (it ain't but... nobody's calling you out on it) when anyone you disagree with does it, it's racism, 'creedism', homophobia... whatever and a litmus test.

Know what's better than having a standard? Having a DOUBLE standard! :rolleyes:
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