Herman Cain said that he would Not appoint a Muslim to any position in his administra

Sunni, how would gays fare under Sharia? Would their biggest issue be wanting to teach that they are natural in public schools?
Sunni, how would gays fare under Sharia? Would their biggest issue be wanting to teach that they are natural in public schools?

How should I know what their biggest issue would be?

Not forgetting to take their HIV/AIDS medicine every day would be my guess. :doubt:
What about non Muslims. How would Sharia affect them? Would they be fair game for slaughter?
Why do you think I would want to go to Afghanistan?

I am fine right here in the US of A

Besides I can do more here in America to spread Islam than anywhere else. :cool:

Bring your jihad on muzzie pig,islam will NEVER rule here.I will help educate the people about rhe evil deathcult of islam.
Yet we see it happen worldwide on an almost daily basis how can that be?

Probably for the same reason that all major religions are against war and the killing of civilians but so-called followers of those religions do it all the time anyways.

The Christian nation of America dropped two atomic bombs on Japanese civilians during World War II

And the German city of Dresden which had no military value was carpet bombs and killed on told number of civilians also during World War II

I seriously doubt that Jesus would have approved of either of these actions.. :doubt:

Were not talking about about any other religion other then that of Islam are we.
So again tell us how if its against the Islam religion to kill innocents how it is that Islam is killing them by the thousands on a daily basis Men Women Children.
By the way...all this bullshit and you guys are defending a guy who made up a "problem" that doesnt exist here and is actually trying to say he is against freedom of religion here in America.

Fuck him and fuck his supporters.
By the way...all this bullshit and you guys are defending a guy who made up a "problem" that doesnt exist here and is actually trying to say he is against freedom of religion here in America.

Fuck him and fuck his supporters.

That's a blatant fucking lie. At no point did the man say Islam should be outlawed in this nation or that he would support deporting Muslims, or anything close to it.

What is it with you loons and just making stuff up out of thin air?
true, but the burden would be on you to prove that a Muslim was the more qualified candidate and passed over simply because he was a Musim. a complete no sell.

Not that it matters anyhow, Cain won't be elected POTUS and that's that.

That's not what happened here. Cain put forth a religious litmus test in order to work for the government under his administration. That strictly forbidden and goes against the founding of our nation.

I'm really surprised here. It's a very simple concept.

Callow Sallow,

Appointing an ENEMY into one's Administration is strictly forbidden and not only goes against the founding of our Nation, but ANY Nation ..... including sanity.

I'm really surprised here. It's a very simple concept.

Um no.

Which brings me back to my point that Conservatives have no understanding of the Constitution.
By the way...all this bullshit and you guys are defending a guy who made up a "problem" that doesnt exist here and is actually trying to say he is against freedom of religion here in America.

Fuck him and fuck his supporters.

That's a blatant fucking lie. At no point did the man say Islam should be outlawed in this nation or that he would support deporting Muslims, or anything close to it.

What is it with you loons and just making stuff up out of thin air?

If he is willing to openly deny appointments to which people may be qualified for on the basis that he does not approve of their religion..... Isn't he opposing freedom of religion?
By the way...all this bullshit and you guys are defending a guy who made up a "problem" that doesnt exist here and is actually trying to say he is against freedom of religion here in America.

Fuck him and fuck his supporters.

That's a blatant fucking lie. At no point did the man say Islam should be outlawed in this nation or that he would support deporting Muslims, or anything close to it.

What is it with you loons and just making stuff up out of thin air?

If he is willing to openly deny appointments to which people may be qualified for on the basis that he does not approve of their religion..... Isn't he opposing freedom of religion?

Of course not. And I thought you were intelligent enough to understand that and unpartisan enough be honest and admit that isn't the case. It appears I may have to reevaluate you.

Are you suggesting that a President wouldn't have the right to get his counsel from those whom he TRUSTS? if the man doesn't TRUST a Muslim, he certainly shouldn't have one on his cabinet.

Even IF he had announced a complete freeze on hiring ANY Muslims for government jobs, it still would not be a violation of the first Amendment because you have a freedom of religion, You do NOT have the right to a government job.

Some people SERIOUSLY need to take at least a junior college level course on the COTUS. Pathetic that people don't understand exactly what their rights are.
Brain - you are wrong. While no one has the "right" to a government job, no one has the "right" to discriminate based on religion. However, a presidential appointment is not just a "government job". They are supposed to be the president's closest advisors. So they must choose people they trust. Bodacea hit the nail on the head when she said that you just don't say that stuff out loud.
Brain - you are wrong. While no one has the "right" to a government job, no one has the "right" to discriminate based on religion. However, a presidential appointment is not just a "government job". They are supposed to be the president's closest advisors. So they must choose people they trust. Bodacea hit the nail on the head when she said that you just don't say that stuff out loud.

Herman Cain does, and that is why I have supported him since he ran for the US Senate in Georgia. Don't be surprised when he says a few more things that 'you just don't say out loud."
Brain - you are wrong. While no one has the "right" to a government job, no one has the "right" to discriminate based on religion. However, a presidential appointment is not just a "government job". They are supposed to be the president's closest advisors. So they must choose people they trust. Bodacea hit the nail on the head when she said that you just don't say that stuff out loud.

Herman Cain does, and that is why I have supported him since he ran for the US Senate in Georgia. Don't be surprised when he says a few more things that 'you just don't say out loud."

You're right...at least we know where he stands! And i think so far i like it!!

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