Herman Cain said that he would Not appoint a Muslim to any position in his administra

I like Cain. And, if he's pissed you off... I like him even more.

A candidate expressing that he would practice religious discrimination when filling out his administration and making judicial appointments makes you like him more because it angers someone you dislike/disagree with :cuckoo:

just put cali girl on ignore. just a dumb troll
She pwned you too I see.

So, suddenly a litmus test is a bad thing?

Tell me. How many pro lifers and business owners has he appointed to positions in his administration? (Lawyers don't count as business owners).

Yo, dude, a No Muslim policy is not a litmus test. Get a clue.
Really? then why are Pro-Lifers constantly drummed out of the DNC? What, pray tell is the difference?

Oh that's right, political convenience for leftists.


Get a load of this guy spinning a candidate's statement to openly practice religious discrimination while having the nerve to speak of political convenience from someone else.

Well done, sir :clap2:
Herman Cain went out of his way to show his bigotry against Muslim Americans

Anyone who supports Cain now should be ashamed

Have to agree with you on this. I was starting to like Cain until he said this. Now I know he has no chance to win. I assume he was trying to play to the far right base who knows, but it was pretty stupid.

He went above and beyond playing the far right base. It was clear he really believes that and has studied it quite a bit
Herman Cain went out of his way to show his bigotry against Muslim Americans

Anyone who supports Cain now should be ashamed

Have to agree with you on this. I was starting to like Cain until he said this. Now I know he has no chance to win. I assume he was trying to play to the far right base who knows, but it was pretty stupid.

I agree that it was stupid of him to say. However , agreeing that it was stupid to say does not negate the fact that these other idiots don't seem to realize that the POTUS can nominate whomever he would like and refuse to nominate whomever he woud like.

Here's why it is not discrimination. There is no application process, if there were and Muslims were to fill out an application and some guy sitting in an office somewhere were instructed to throw out all Muslim applications on arrival then THAT would be discriminating.

However there are no applications. The POTUS merely says I want THIS person and with Congressional approval it happens. NO ONE is discriminated against, else every person in the country who wasn't afforded a chance at the job could claim discrimination.

Interestingly enough , a Supreme was recently nominated , and certified, partially based on the fact that she was a woman, and that she was a Latino. If that wasn't discrimination against everyone who wasn't a Latino woman, then certainly this isn't.

Stupid to say ? Yes. Discriminatory? No

Some of you idiots on the left need to get over yourselves.
Actually I do. It has nothing to do with this case. He doesn't like Muslims there is nothing in the Constitution that says he HAS to appoint them now is there?


But the Constitution makes it quite clear that the government can neither support or restrict any religion.

yeah and as we have seen the government and judges don't give a shit for the constitution or the people's will.
Why would people believe you went you're saying something that's visibly untrue? You make a claim about some guy names "Brackets" doing something (whoever the hell that is, as Google yielded nothing when I tried to search for what you were talking about), but ignore the repeated acts of violence from the right. You claim it's a lie to tell the elderly they're going to be significantly harmed by being asked to pay $12,000 a year out of pocket for health insurance, but believe "death panels" exist because the Democrats endorsed a proposal originally made by a Republican congressman to provide funding help seniors make informed end-of-life decisions.

You claim liberals "damage, vandal[ize], and litter" without any real evidence, ignoring the actual violence by protests by the right...

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Don't forget the countless death threats conservatives made toward members of Congress in the aftermath of the health reform vote, or how they spit on member of Congress, or the signs threating to kill them if they didn't get their way...

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You mean the death threats often attributed by even kookier leftists? Or the ones given by union members towards Governor Walker over breaking a corrupt institution of public sector union power?

As compared to leftists, Conservative protests are the acme of civil obedience. Battle for Seattle anyone? RNC Convention in St. Paul? The most civil ones I've seen in a while were SOME of the Madison Union protests... but still, they were fucking pigs. That broken window doesn't compare. Those signs are violence? Wow... you need to look in the mirror.

The only place those threats are attributed to "even kookier leftists" are in your diseased mind.

And yeah, threating to kill people if you don't get your way is violent.
Actually I do. It has nothing to do with this case. He doesn't like Muslims there is nothing in the Constitution that says he HAS to appoint them now is there?


But the Constitution makes it quite clear that the government can neither support or restrict any religion.

yeah and as we have seen the government and judges don't give a shit for the constitution or the people's will.

Well to some extent.

We are in agreement here.:doubt:
Actually I do. It has nothing to do with this case. He doesn't like Muslims there is nothing in the Constitution that says he HAS to appoint them now is there?


But the Constitution makes it quite clear that the government can neither support or restrict any religion.

yeah and as we have seen the government and judges don't give a shit for the constitution or the people's will.

We are a republic not a democracy

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for supper
Herman Cain went out of his way to show his bigotry against Muslim Americans

Anyone who supports Cain now should be ashamed

Have to agree with you on this. I was starting to like Cain until he said this. Now I know he has no chance to win. I assume he was trying to play to the far right base who knows, but it was pretty stupid.

I agree that it was stupid of him to say. However , agreeing that it was stupid to say does not negate the fact that these other idiots don't seem to realize that the POTUS can nominate whomever he would like and refuse to nominate whomever he woud like.

Here's why it is not discrimination. There is no application process, if there were and Muslims were to fill out an application and some guy sitting in an office somewhere were instructed to throw out all Muslim applications on arrival then THAT would be discriminating.

However there are no applications. The POTUS merely says I want THIS person and with Congressional approval it happens. NO ONE is discriminated against, else every person in the country who wasn't afforded a chance at the job could claim discrimination.

Interestingly enough , a Supreme was recently nominated , and certified, partially based on the fact that she was a woman, and that she was a Latino. If that wasn't discrimination against everyone who wasn't a Latino woman, then certainly this isn't.

Stupid to say ? Yes. Discriminatory? No

Some of you idiots on the left need to get over yourselves.

Which begs the question of how many of his "Advisors" have been vetted BY the Congress?
Yo, dude, a No Muslim policy is not a litmus test. Get a clue.
Really? then why are Pro-Lifers constantly drummed out of the DNC? What, pray tell is the difference?

Oh that's right, political convenience for leftists.


Get a load of this guy spinning a candidate's statement to openly practice religious discrimination while having the nerve to speak of political convenience from someone else.

Well done, sir :clap2:
Does the equivalency sting? Do you need an ointment for your pucker?

I don't give a crap about the guy one way or another. The fact that you're criticizing him is racist according to your standards as set forth by the election of Obama AND hypocritical since you guys do the same damn thing. The way you act, it's as if he has no right to believe or say such things when he does.

The solution is simple. Don't like him, don't vote for him. Crazy, isn't it! I am looking forward to see what else is said by other candidates.
Why would people believe you went you're saying something that's visibly untrue? You make a claim about some guy names "Brackets" doing something (whoever the hell that is, as Google yielded nothing when I tried to search for what you were talking about), but ignore the repeated acts of violence from the right. You claim it's a lie to tell the elderly they're going to be significantly harmed by being asked to pay $12,000 a year out of pocket for health insurance, but believe "death panels" exist because the Democrats endorsed a proposal originally made by a Republican congressman to provide funding help seniors make informed end-of-life decisions.

You claim liberals "damage, vandal[ize], and litter" without any real evidence, ignoring the actual violence by protests by the right...

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Don't forget the countless death threats conservatives made toward members of Congress in the aftermath of the health reform vote, or how they spit on member of Congress, or the signs threating to kill them if they didn't get their way...

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You mean the death threats often attributed by even kookier leftists? Or the ones given by union members towards Governor Walker over breaking a corrupt institution of public sector union power?

As compared to leftists, Conservative protests are the acme of civil obedience. Battle for Seattle anyone? RNC Convention in St. Paul? The most civil ones I've seen in a while were SOME of the Madison Union protests... but still, they were fucking pigs. That broken window doesn't compare. Those signs are violence? Wow... you need to look in the mirror.

The only place those threats are attributed to "even kookier leftists" are in your diseased mind.

And yeah, threating to kill people if you don't get your way is violent.
Should we start looking at the hundreds of signs the left has put up about W?
Only Republitards would praise and throw their weight behind an openly religiously intolerant House Negro like Herman Cain who picks on Muslims by telling far right whites what they want to hear to garner support for himself, but let those far right whites get hustled by their pet House slave.
Sure. All it would go to show is that there are some crazies on both sides. The difference is you didn't have Democratic members of Congress cheering on those threats.
Only Republitards would praise and throw their weight behind an openly religiously intolerant House Negro like Herman Cain who picks on Muslims by telling far right whites what they want to hear to garner support for himself, but let those far right whites get hustled by their pet House slave.

You are some kind of retard. And a racist too boot.
Only Republitards would praise and throw their weight behind an openly religiously intolerant House Negro like Herman Cain who picks on Muslims by telling far right whites what they want to hear to garner support for himself, but let those far right whites get hustled by their pet House slave.
Well well... look at this. The 'no true scotsman' stance on black people. It's cause he wasn't 'down for the struggle' enough for you? Should we fire up another chorus of "Barack the Magic Negro" for you?
lol,maggot there aint a muslim or liberal tough enough to kick my ass.Now get back to sucking muzzie cock you marble eyed yellow punk!

Now...isn't that the easiest thing to say while hiding safely in an undisclosed location behind your little keyboard. :lol::lol::lol: You're probably terrified to go to your local 7-11.

Said the yellow punk hiding behind his or her keyboard.


I'd bite.

But I'll get in trouble again.:eusa_shhh:
Only Republitards would praise and throw their weight behind an openly religiously intolerant House Negro like Herman Cain who picks on Muslims by telling far right whites what they want to hear to garner support for himself, but let those far right whites get hustled by their pet House slave.

You are some kind of retard. And a racist too boot.

Cain is a house Negro Coon, any black person who earns his keep by snuggling up and laying prostrate for whites is a House Negro, regardless of whether he's Democrat or Republican. This retard has an obvious anti-Muslim bias and anyone who doesn't respect and or tolerate the religion of others isn't fit to be president, nothing racist about what I said you retard and I don't give a damn if you think I am.
Only Republitards would praise and throw their weight behind an openly religiously intolerant House Negro like Herman Cain who picks on Muslims by telling far right whites what they want to hear to garner support for himself, but let those far right whites get hustled by their pet House slave.
Well well... look at this. The 'no true scotsman' stance on black people. It's cause he wasn't 'down for the struggle' enough for you? Should we fire up another chorus of "Barack the Magic Negro" for you?

Some of you right wing whites who rush out to support race hustling house Negroes like Cain don't understand what a House Negro is so let me explain, a house Negro is any black who earns his keep by selling out, snuggling up to and or laying prostrate for whites, regardless of his political party and like fools you retarded rightwing whites rush out to support these House Coons only because they say what you like and want to hear, not knowing that at the end of the day those same House Coon Negroes go behind your backs and talk about how stupid you white people are. I come from an area where a lot of those types live so I know what you whites don't know.
Only Republitards would praise and throw their weight behind an openly religiously intolerant House Negro like Herman Cain who picks on Muslims by telling far right whites what they want to hear to garner support for himself, but let those far right whites get hustled by their pet House slave.

You are some kind of retard. And a racist too boot.

Cain is a house Negro Coon, any black person who earns his keep by snuggling up and laying prostrate for whites is a House Negro, regardless of whether he's Democrat or Republican. This retard has an obvious anti-Muslim bias and anyone who doesn't respect and or tolerate the religion of others isn't fit to be president, nothing racist about what I said you retard and I don't give a damn if you think I am.

You post this shit as you think "being black" gives you a pass. Well here's some news.

It doesn't.
Only Republitards would praise and throw their weight behind an openly religiously intolerant House Negro like Herman Cain who picks on Muslims by telling far right whites what they want to hear to garner support for himself, but let those far right whites get hustled by their pet House slave.

You are some kind of retard. And a racist too boot.

Cain is a house Negro Coon, any black person who earns his keep by snuggling up and laying prostrate for whites is a House Negro, regardless of whether he's Democrat or Republican. This retard has an obvious anti-Muslim bias and anyone who doesn't respect and or tolerate the religion of others isn't fit to be president, nothing racist about what I said you retard and I don't give a damn if you think I am.

I think you need to log off for a bit and go read that Bible you claim to know so well. I'm pretty sure Jesus taught not to hate, and you hate everyone. Whites, not black enoughs, Mexicans, gays; essentially anyone who isn't YOU.

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