Herman Cain said that he would Not appoint a Muslim to any position in his administra

You are some kind of retard. And a racist too boot.

Cain is a house Negro Coon, any black person who earns his keep by snuggling up and laying prostrate for whites is a House Negro, regardless of whether he's Democrat or Republican. This retard has an obvious anti-Muslim bias and anyone who doesn't respect and or tolerate the religion of others isn't fit to be president, nothing racist about what I said you retard and I don't give a damn if you think I am.

You post this shit as you think "being black" gives you a pass. Well here's some news.

It doesn't.

You don't know what the hell you're talking about, the only thing whites know about House Negroes like Cain id how good they snuggle up next to them and please them. I specifically said I know plenty of so called black conservatives like Cain and I know exactly what they do so go on ahead and get hustled by a coon like him.
Really? then why are Pro-Lifers constantly drummed out of the DNC? What, pray tell is the difference?

Oh that's right, political convenience for leftists.


Get a load of this guy spinning a candidate's statement to openly practice religious discrimination while having the nerve to speak of political convenience from someone else.

Well done, sir :clap2:
Does the equivalency sting? Do you need an ointment for your pucker?

I don't give a crap about the guy one way or another. The fact that you're criticizing him is racist according to your standards as set forth by the election of Obama AND hypocritical since you guys do the same damn thing. The way you act, it's as if he has no right to believe or say such things when he does.

The solution is simple. Don't like him, don't vote for him. Crazy, isn't it! I am looking forward to see what else is said by other candidates.

Equivalency and criticizing him is racist :lol:

You're in lala land, dude.
Only Republitards would praise and throw their weight behind an openly religiously intolerant House Negro like Herman Cain who picks on Muslims by telling far right whites what they want to hear to garner support for himself, but let those far right whites get hustled by their pet House slave.

You are some kind of retard. And a racist too boot.

Cain is a house Negro Coon, any black person who earns his keep by snuggling up and laying prostrate for whites is a House Negro, regardless of whether he's Democrat or Republican. This retard has an obvious anti-Muslim bias and anyone who doesn't respect and or tolerate the religion of others isn't fit to be president, nothing racist about what I said you retard and I don't give a damn if you think I am.

You have a real knack for being in the right but still being wrong.
You are some kind of retard. And a racist too boot.

Cain is a house Negro Coon, any black person who earns his keep by snuggling up and laying prostrate for whites is a House Negro, regardless of whether he's Democrat or Republican. This retard has an obvious anti-Muslim bias and anyone who doesn't respect and or tolerate the religion of others isn't fit to be president, nothing racist about what I said you retard and I don't give a damn if you think I am.

You have a real knack for being in the right but still being wrong.

According to this fool, just supporting blacks when they deserve to be supported isn't enough. We must support his pre approved list of blacks no matter what they do, or WE are the racists.

He's an idiot.

Get a load of this guy spinning a candidate's statement to openly practice religious discrimination while having the nerve to speak of political convenience from someone else.

Well done, sir :clap2:
Does the equivalency sting? Do you need an ointment for your pucker?

I don't give a crap about the guy one way or another. The fact that you're criticizing him is racist according to your standards as set forth by the election of Obama AND hypocritical since you guys do the same damn thing. The way you act, it's as if he has no right to believe or say such things when he does.

The solution is simple. Don't like him, don't vote for him. Crazy, isn't it! I am looking forward to see what else is said by other candidates.

Equivalency and criticizing him is racist :lol:

You're in lala land, dude.
So it's not racist to criticize Obama then anymore?

You can't have it both ways Little lulu.

Either they're both fair game, or it's racist. So what's it going to be? Willing to give up the defamation of character or open Brackets up for real criticism?
Saying "I won't appoint any Muslims" is no different than saying "I won't appoint any Christians" or "I won't appoint appoint any Jews".

I like Cain, but that was simply a stupid comment to make.
Cain is a house Negro Coon, any black person who earns his keep by snuggling up and laying prostrate for whites is a House Negro, regardless of whether he's Democrat or Republican. This retard has an obvious anti-Muslim bias and anyone who doesn't respect and or tolerate the religion of others isn't fit to be president, nothing racist about what I said you retard and I don't give a damn if you think I am.

You post this shit as you think "being black" gives you a pass. Well here's some news.

It doesn't.

You don't know what the hell you're talking about, the only thing whites know about House Negroes like Cain id how good they snuggle up next to them and please them. I specifically said I know plenty of so called black conservatives like Cain and I know exactly what they do so go on ahead and get hustled by a coon like him.

I ain't getting hustled. I know exactly what Cain is.

But I don't need to couch it inside a race thing..like yourself.

You have much more in common with posters like Tank..then I do.
Does the equivalency sting? Do you need an ointment for your pucker?

I don't give a crap about the guy one way or another. The fact that you're criticizing him is racist according to your standards as set forth by the election of Obama AND hypocritical since you guys do the same damn thing. The way you act, it's as if he has no right to believe or say such things when he does.

The solution is simple. Don't like him, don't vote for him. Crazy, isn't it! I am looking forward to see what else is said by other candidates.

Equivalency and criticizing him is racist :lol:

You're in lala land, dude.
So it's not racist to criticize Obama then anymore?

You can't have it both ways Little lulu.

Either they're both fair game, or it's racist. So what's it going to be? Willing to give up the defamation of character or open Brackets up for real criticism?

Isn't it cute when she tries to get involved in adult conversations? :D
Does the equivalency sting? Do you need an ointment for your pucker?

I don't give a crap about the guy one way or another. The fact that you're criticizing him is racist according to your standards as set forth by the election of Obama AND hypocritical since you guys do the same damn thing. The way you act, it's as if he has no right to believe or say such things when he does.

The solution is simple. Don't like him, don't vote for him. Crazy, isn't it! I am looking forward to see what else is said by other candidates.

Equivalency and criticizing him is racist :lol:

You're in lala land, dude.
So it's not racist to criticize Obama then anymore?

You can't have it both ways Little lulu.

Either they're both fair game, or it's racist. So what's it going to be? Willing to give up the defamation of character or open Brackets up for real criticism?

The idea that you are a racist if you criticize Obama is a fantasy in your own mind. People manage to criticize him every day ... even here ... without getting called a racist. If not then you would be able to pull an accusation of racism in every thread critical of Obama on this board. You can't. I repeat: get a clue.
Only Republitards would praise and throw their weight behind an openly religiously intolerant House Negro like Herman Cain who picks on Muslims by telling far right whites what they want to hear to garner support for himself, but let those far right whites get hustled by their pet House slave.

Well well... look at this. The 'no true scotsman' stance on black people. It's cause he wasn't 'down for the struggle' enough for you? Should we fire up another chorus of "Barack the Magic Negro" for you?

Bass' rant is shameful, disgusting.

Here's another "Uncle Tom" he can rag on who tells the truth:

There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs -- partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs. … There is a certain class of race-problem solvers who don't want the patient to get well, because as long as the disease holds out they have not only an easy means of making a living, but also an easy medium through which to make themselves prominent before the public. —Booker T. Washington​
And it's laughable that you talk about defamation of character when this thread is about a direct, in context quote.
Equivalency and criticizing him is racist :lol:

You're in lala land, dude.
So it's not racist to criticize Obama then anymore?

You can't have it both ways Little lulu.

Either they're both fair game, or it's racist. So what's it going to be? Willing to give up the defamation of character or open Brackets up for real criticism?

The idea that you are a racist if you criticize Obama is a fantasy in your own mind. People manage to criticize him every day ... even here ... without getting called a racist. If not then you would be able to pull an accusation of racism in every thread critical of Obama on this board. You can't. I repeat: get a clue.

Is the Tea Party racist?
So it's not racist to criticize Obama then anymore?

You can't have it both ways Little lulu.

Either they're both fair game, or it's racist. So what's it going to be? Willing to give up the defamation of character or open Brackets up for real criticism?

The idea that you are a racist if you criticize Obama is a fantasy in your own mind. People manage to criticize him every day ... even here ... without getting called a racist. If not then you would be able to pull an accusation of racism in every thread critical of Obama on this board. You can't. I repeat: get a clue.

Is the Tea Party racist?

As an organization, no, but I believe that the racist fringe has latched onto it.
Only Republitards would praise and throw their weight behind an openly religiously intolerant House Negro like Herman Cain who picks on Muslims by telling far right whites what they want to hear to garner support for himself, but let those far right whites get hustled by their pet House slave.
Well well... look at this. The 'no true scotsman' stance on black people. It's cause he wasn't 'down for the struggle' enough for you? Should we fire up another chorus of "Barack the Magic Negro" for you?

Some of you right wing whites who rush out to support race hustling house Negroes like Cain don't understand what a House Negro is so let me explain, a house Negro is any black who earns his keep by selling out, snuggling up to and or laying prostrate for whites, regardless of his political party and like fools you retarded rightwing whites rush out to support these House Coons only because they say what you like and want to hear, not knowing that at the end of the day those same House Coon Negroes go behind your backs and talk about how stupid you white people are. I come from an area where a lot of those types live so I know what you whites don't know.
Wow, you are a racist fuck, aren't you?

You are silent about race hustlers like Al Sharpton, Jesseh Jackass and Brackets Obama, but Herman Cain offers a sincere opinion and expresses on what he's going to do if elected, and you call him an Uncle Tom.

Fucking Bigot, pwned yourself with your own words.
Equivalency and criticizing him is racist :lol:

You're in lala land, dude.
So it's not racist to criticize Obama then anymore?

You can't have it both ways Little lulu.

Either they're both fair game, or it's racist. So what's it going to be? Willing to give up the defamation of character or open Brackets up for real criticism?

The idea that you are a racist if you criticize Obama is a fantasy in your own mind. People manage to criticize him every day ... even here ... without getting called a racist. If not then you would be able to pull an accusation of racism in every thread critical of Obama on this board. You can't. I repeat: get a clue.

you REALLY deny that there are a substantial number of people in this country who claim that people only disagree with Obama b/c he's black? You really want to take that position?
Equivalency and criticizing him is racist :lol:

You're in lala land, dude.
So it's not racist to criticize Obama then anymore?

You can't have it both ways Little lulu.

Either they're both fair game, or it's racist. So what's it going to be? Willing to give up the defamation of character or open Brackets up for real criticism?

The idea that you are a racist if you criticize Obama is a fantasy in your own mind. People manage to criticize him every day ... even here ... without getting called a racist. If not then you would be able to pull an accusation of racism in every thread critical of Obama on this board. You can't. I repeat: get a clue.
Really? you've obviously not been paying attention then.
The idea that you are a racist if you criticize Obama is a fantasy in your own mind. People manage to criticize him every day ... even here ... without getting called a racist. If not then you would be able to pull an accusation of racism in every thread critical of Obama on this board. You can't. I repeat: get a clue.

Is the Tea Party racist?

As an organization, no, but I believe that the racist fringe has latched onto it.
thanks for showing you're a liar about that. Opponents of Obama are racists fringers but you don't have the balls to get saying your true feelings.
So it's not racist to criticize Obama then anymore?

You can't have it both ways Little lulu.

Either they're both fair game, or it's racist. So what's it going to be? Willing to give up the defamation of character or open Brackets up for real criticism?

The idea that you are a racist if you criticize Obama is a fantasy in your own mind. People manage to criticize him every day ... even here ... without getting called a racist. If not then you would be able to pull an accusation of racism in every thread critical of Obama on this board. You can't. I repeat: get a clue.

you REALLY deny that there are a substantial number of people in this country who claim that people only disagree with Obama b/c he's black? You really want to take that position?

I'm sure there are plenty of people who think that way. Just like there are plenty of idiots like Cain who think that all Muslims are part of a seekrit creeping Sharia plot.
So it's not racist to criticize Obama then anymore?

You can't have it both ways Little lulu.

Either they're both fair game, or it's racist. So what's it going to be? Willing to give up the defamation of character or open Brackets up for real criticism?

The idea that you are a racist if you criticize Obama is a fantasy in your own mind. People manage to criticize him every day ... even here ... without getting called a racist. If not then you would be able to pull an accusation of racism in every thread critical of Obama on this board. You can't. I repeat: get a clue.
Really? you've obviously not been paying attention then.

So you are taking the position that there is an accusation of racism in every thread critical of Obama on this board?

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