Herman Cain said that he would Not appoint a Muslim to any position in his administra

Actually, if a candidate said "If elected I will not appoint Christians to any position in my administration" my only reaction would be to laugh my ass off at his career ending statement.

Which is why Cain will not get elected.

As I said 20 pages ago. Cain wasn't going to win the Republican nomination BEFORE this statement was made.

That doesn't change the fact that once elected the POTUS can nominate whomever the fuck he wants and those arguing differently are just stupid and don't understand the process of Presidential appointments.

And look at the group that Obama has appointed! Can't think of one of them that should be helping to run our country, most should probably be in prison!
Which is why Cain will not get elected.

As I said 20 pages ago. Cain wasn't going to win the Republican nomination BEFORE this statement was made.

That doesn't change the fact that once elected the POTUS can nominate whomever the fuck he wants and those arguing differently are just stupid and don't understand the process of Presidential appointments.

And look at the group that Obama has appointed! Can't think of one of them that should be helping to run our country, most should probably be in prison!

Hey look at Booosssshh he only hired people from Christian schools
Basically, to the forum rightwingers and so called libertarians, the only good blacks are accommodationist Negroes who act like House slaves because they're not scary, anyone black thats willing to stand up to them and put them in their place are bad blacks, your point is understood.

Nah. You're just whining again, mouthing your mindless racism.
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Basically, to the forum rightwingers and so called libertarians, the only good blacks are accommodationist Negroes who act like House slaves because they're not scary, anyone black thats willing to stand up to them and put them in their place are bad blacks, your point is understood.

Nah. You're just whining again, mouthing your mindless racism.

I just told the truth, Blacks that are willing to take stands against racism scare the doodoo out of whites, those that are accommodating are preferred.
Which is why Cain will not get elected.

As I said 20 pages ago. Cain wasn't going to win the Republican nomination BEFORE this statement was made.

That doesn't change the fact that once elected the POTUS can nominate whomever the fuck he wants and those arguing differently are just stupid and don't understand the process of Presidential appointments.

And look at the group that Obama has appointed! Can't think of one of them that should be helping to run our country, most should probably be in prison!

Maybe not, but that is his right, he did win the election.
Basically, to the forum rightwingers and so called libertarians, the only good blacks are accommodationist Negroes who act like House slaves because they're not scary, anyone black thats willing to stand up to them and put them in their place are bad blacks, your point is understood.

Nah. You're just whining again, mouthing your mindless racism.

I just told the truth, Blacks that are willing to take stands against racism scare the doodoo out of whites, those that are accommodating are preferred.

What planet are you from??! Who the hell is afraid of anyone be they black or white for taking a stand on racism?? You're fuckin nutz, honest to God you are.
He made the mistake of saying it outloud.

WHY?? He doesn't give a good damn about you leftists and your unwavering support of any and all things muslim-- your extreme dislike of any and all things Jewish and Christian.. he's courting THE RIGHT'S vote, CONSERVATIVES.. Go worry about your own worthless candidates. I hear Weiner wants to run for Governor, LMFAO- Be sure to ask him to use his new penis trouser pic for that photo op!! ;-)

Well, you certainly helped prove my point. Thank you.
Nah. You're just whining again, mouthing your mindless racism.

I just told the truth, Blacks that are willing to take stands against racism scare the doodoo out of whites, those that are accommodating are preferred.

What planet are you from??! Who the hell is afraid of anyone be they black or white for taking a stand on racism?? You're fuckin nutz, honest to God you are.

Don't deny, blacks who speak out against white racism are feared thats why whites go out and find some old Uncle Tom to make them feel less fear but its usually ends up doing the opposite.
Basically, to the forum rightwingers and so called libertarians, the only good blacks are accommodationist Negroes who act like House slaves because they're not scary, anyone black thats willing to stand up to them and put them in their place are bad blacks, your point is understood.

Nah. You're just whining again, mouthing your mindless racism.

I just told the truth, Blacks that are willing to take stands against racism scare the doodoo out of whites, those that are accommodating are preferred.

Nah. Just aware of the fact that you're a fascist thug.
Over/under on Cains presidential campaign

3% popular vote
0 Delegates
As I said 20 pages ago. Cain wasn't going to win the Republican nomination BEFORE this statement was made.

That doesn't change the fact that once elected the POTUS can nominate whomever the fuck he wants and those arguing differently are just stupid and don't understand the process of Presidential appointments.

And look at the group that Obama has appointed! Can't think of one of them that should be helping to run our country, most should probably be in prison!

Hey look at Booosssshh he only hired people from Christian schools

Link please!
As I said 20 pages ago. Cain wasn't going to win the Republican nomination BEFORE this statement was made.

That doesn't change the fact that once elected the POTUS can nominate whomever the fuck he wants and those arguing differently are just stupid and don't understand the process of Presidential appointments.

And look at the group that Obama has appointed! Can't think of one of them that should be helping to run our country, most should probably be in prison!

Maybe not, but that is his right, he did win the election.

So it's ok that we have crooks running the country, from the top down. I see.......
He made the mistake of saying it outloud.

WHY?? He doesn't give a good damn about you leftists and your unwavering support of any and all things muslim-- your extreme dislike of any and all things Jewish and Christian.. he's courting THE RIGHT'S vote, CONSERVATIVES.. Go worry about your own worthless candidates. I hear Weiner wants to run for Governor, LMFAO- Be sure to ask him to use his new penis trouser pic for that photo op!! ;-)

Well, you certainly helped prove my point. Thank you.

Anytime and you're quite welcome :)
I just told the truth, Blacks that are willing to take stands against racism scare the doodoo out of whites, those that are accommodating are preferred.

What planet are you from??! Who the hell is afraid of anyone be they black or white for taking a stand on racism?? You're fuckin nutz, honest to God you are.

Don't deny, blacks who speak out against white racism are feared thats why whites go out and find some old Uncle Tom to make them feel less fear but its usually ends up doing the opposite.

YOU think in this manner.. NO ONE ELSE DOES.. That's because you're fuckin batshit looney.. I'm not afraid of any black person regardless of their views.. I don't see anyone else agreeing with you either, ya weirdo.
Cains reasons for not hiring Muslims sounds similar to the reasons they gave for not hirin Catholics

Cain claims Muslims would be loyal to Sharia law while they used to claim Catholics would be loyal to the pope

Was that before or after a bunch of Catholics killed 3000 civilians by using airplanes as flying bombs?
Cains reasons for not hiring Muslims sounds similar to the reasons they gave for not hirin Catholics

Cain claims Muslims would be loyal to Sharia law while they used to claim Catholics would be loyal to the pope

Was that before or after a bunch of Catholics killed 3000 civilians by using airplanes as flying bombs?

So Cain blames 7 million peaceful American Muslims for the actions of 19 Saudi/Egyptian Muslims

Not too bright is he?
Herman Cain is asked whether he would be willing to appoint a Muslim as a Cabinet officer or judge.

“No. I will not,” he said. “And here’s why: There’s this creeping attempt — there’s this attempt to gradually ease Sharia law and the Muslim faith into our government.” According to Cain, many American Muslims “are trying to force their Sharia law onto the rest of us.”

That’s just stupid. As in not very bright. By comparison, the Sharia conspiracy crowd makes the birthers look downright sane and reasonable. It will be interesting to see who, if anyone, among the GOP mainstream steps up to repudiate such nonsense. After all, the Constitution explicitly rules out such nonsense, stating point blank that “no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.”

I guess Herman Cain doesn’t believe in the Constitution.

| Jay Bookman

YouTube - ‪Herman Cain refuses to appoint a Muslim in his administration‬‏

Of course he doesn't believe in the Constitution. People in South Carolina often want to impose their Christian version of Sharia law on the people. This is what the abortion debate is about.
Cains reasons for not hiring Muslims sounds similar to the reasons they gave for not hirin Catholics

Cain claims Muslims would be loyal to Sharia law while they used to claim Catholics would be loyal to the pope

Was that before or after a bunch of Catholics killed 3000 civilians by using airplanes as flying bombs?

So Cain blames 7 million peaceful American Muslims for the actions of 19 Saudi/Egyptian Muslims

Not too bright is he?

Well, this tolerant man would probably resolve all questions about this by deport those AMERICAN Muslims out of their own country.
I didn't bother to read 50 pages of nonsense. I will add to the discussion though...

Here's my take. IF(and it's a big if) he wins in November of 2012, he can appoint whoever the hell he wants to. It's his show.

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