Herman Cain said that he would Not appoint a Muslim to any position in his administra

Sunni Man has openly called for Sharia in America. Under Sharia, you would be stoned to death for being a Lesbian.

So my question is whether you would help gather the stones to kill you with, if you thought it would offend Christians and Republicans?

Stoning is probably a better death then what Christians had in mind. Which was burning at the stake.

Unless of course you dealt with the more modern Christians. And I reckon the gas chambers were a lot less painless. Thank you Pope Pius.

Oh yes, since we all read about horrible Christians burning gay and lesbians to death on a regular basis.. OMG, REALLY?????

Back in the day..it was all the rage.

Now? Well Uganda might do it..not sure..but that would be courtesy of your friends at the C-Street Fellowship.

Oh yes, since we all read about horrible Christians burning gay and lesbians to death on a regular basis.. OMG, REALLY?????

Thank goodness our secular government is well in place. But Uganda is looking uglier all the time in that regard.

Frankly , I don't care about Uganda. Do I feel sorry for those people? Of course I do, but you would be VERY hard pressed to find any American Christians who support what is going on over there. On the other hand you have an American Muslim on this very fucking board who is very vocal in his desire to implement Sharia Law in the US , as well as numerous more famous Muslims doing the same; but you want to pretend like Uganda is the more important issue.

You really are a brain dead retard .

No..you are a brain dead Retard.

And an asshole.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XEsd6oBPnE]YouTube - ‪C Street tied to Uganda anti-gay law‬‏[/ame]
Stoning is probably a better death then what Christians had in mind. Which was burning at the stake.

Unless of course you dealt with the more modern Christians. And I reckon the gas chambers were a lot less painless. Thank you Pope Pius.

Oh yes, since we all read about horrible Christians burning gay and lesbians to death on a regular basis.. OMG, REALLY?????

Thank goodness our secular government is well in place. But Uganda is looking uglier all the time in that regard.

I'm not well versed on Uganda but I do know Christians are being attacked and some slaughtered by Muslims on nearly a daily basis in Middle Eastern countries.
I don't believe that anyone would be getting close enough to me to throw a stone. :lol::lol::lol:



I have a lot of disdain for any sharia of any religion.

Do you also have disdain for Corvettes of any make or model?

I, however, do not hide under my bed frightened that my own shadow could be a mooooslim.

No, you actively support and promote them, because some Christian told you that homosexuals were sinners, and your hatred runs so deep that you would support even those who would kill you, to oppose the Christians.
Stoning is probably a better death then what Christians had in mind. Which was burning at the stake.

Unless of course you dealt with the more modern Christians. And I reckon the gas chambers were a lot less painless. Thank you Pope Pius.

Oh yes, since we all read about horrible Christians burning gay and lesbians to death on a regular basis.. OMG, REALLY?????

Back in the day..it was all the rage.

Now? Well Uganda might do it..not sure..but that would be courtesy of your friends at the C-Street Fellowship.


Why would I be proud of any Christian slaughtering a human being unless it was in self defense?? What an asinine comment.
I don't believe that anyone would be getting close enough to me to throw a stone. :lol::lol::lol:



I have a lot of disdain for any sharia of any religion.

Do you also have disdain for Corvettes of any make or model?

I, however, do not hide under my bed frightened that my own shadow could be a mooooslim.

No, you actively support and promote them, because some Christian told you that homosexuals were sinners, and your hatred runs so deep that you would support even those who would kill you, to oppose the Christians.

Oh yes, since we all read about horrible Christians burning gay and lesbians to death on a regular basis.. OMG, REALLY?????

Thank goodness our secular government is well in place. But Uganda is looking uglier all the time in that regard.

Frankly , I don't care about Uganda. Do I feel sorry for those people? Of course I do, but you would be VERY hard pressed to find any American Christians who support what is going on over there. On the other hand you have an American Muslim on this very fucking board who is very vocal in his desire to implement Sharia Law in the US , as well as numerous more famous Muslims doing the same; but you want to pretend like Uganda is the more important issue.

You really are a brain dead retard .

Why, bless your heart...here you are again. :bye1:
I don't believe that anyone would be getting close enough to me to throw a stone. :lol::lol::lol:



I have a lot of disdain for any sharia of any religion.

Do you also have disdain for Corvettes of any make or model?

I, however, do not hide under my bed frightened that my own shadow could be a mooooslim.

No, you actively support and promote them, because some Christian told you that homosexuals were sinners, and your hatred runs so deep that you would support even those who would kill you, to oppose the Christians.

Here's some good Christians and their hero..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zaCdKwFcHnw&feature=related]YouTube - ‪The Holocaust in color Nazi rising terror and concentration camps‬‏[/ame]
Oh yes, since we all read about horrible Christians burning gay and lesbians to death on a regular basis.. OMG, REALLY?????

Back in the day..it was all the rage.

Now? Well Uganda might do it..not sure..but that would be courtesy of your friends at the C-Street Fellowship.


Why would I be proud of any Christian slaughtering a human being unless it was in self defense?? What an asinine comment.


You guys are a bloodthirsty bunch.

You ate people in Constantinople.

And those people were fellow Christians.
I don't believe that anyone would be getting close enough to me to throw a stone. :lol::lol::lol:



I have a lot of disdain for any sharia of any religion.

Do you also have disdain for Corvettes of any make or model?

I, however, do not hide under my bed frightened that my own shadow could be a mooooslim.

No, you actively support and promote them, because some Christian told you that homosexuals were sinners, and your hatred runs so deep that you would support even those who would kill you, to oppose the Christians.

Oh, that's right.....you're the one who keeps telling us what we think and believe. :lol::lol::lol:

That's what you've got. :lol::lol::lol: We don't say what you want us to...so you make shit up and have your own conversation. :lol::lol::lol:
I don't believe that anyone would be getting close enough to me to throw a stone. :lol::lol::lol:



Do you also have disdain for Corvettes of any make or model?

I, however, do not hide under my bed frightened that my own shadow could be a mooooslim.

No, you actively support and promote them, because some Christian told you that homosexuals were sinners, and your hatred runs so deep that you would support even those who would kill you, to oppose the Christians.

Here's some good Christians and their hero..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zaCdKwFcHnw&feature=related]YouTube - ‪The Holocaust in color Nazi rising terror and concentration camps‬‏[/ame]

Equating Christians with Nazi's is low, for even you but you go ahead and stick with that.. Just shows you to be an asshole of high order.. WTG-- I don't know ANY Christians who isn't horrified by what happened to the Jewish people during the Holocaust and if you think true Christians can actually torture, burn alive, skin, walk their Jewish brethren in to ovens then you're the biggest IDIOT on this board.
Back in the day..it was all the rage.

Now? Well Uganda might do it..not sure..but that would be courtesy of your friends at the C-Street Fellowship.


Why would I be proud of any Christian slaughtering a human being unless it was in self defense?? What an asinine comment.


You guys are a bloodthirsty bunch.

You ate people in Constantinople.

And those people were fellow Christians.

I ate people?? Really??? Show me where and when? You're not too bright, are you?
I don't believe that anyone would be getting close enough to me to throw a stone. :lol::lol::lol:



Do you also have disdain for Corvettes of any make or model?

I, however, do not hide under my bed frightened that my own shadow could be a mooooslim.

No, you actively support and promote them, because some Christian told you that homosexuals were sinners, and your hatred runs so deep that you would support even those who would kill you, to oppose the Christians.

Oh, that's right.....you're the one who keeps telling us what we think and believe. :lol::lol::lol:

That's what you've got. :lol::lol::lol: We don't say what you want us to...so you make shit up and have your own conversation. :lol::lol::lol:

Taking a page right out of your stank book.. how does it feel????
Why would I be proud of any Christian slaughtering a human being unless it was in self defense?? What an asinine comment.


You guys are a bloodthirsty bunch.

You ate people in Constantinople.

And those people were fellow Christians.

I ate people?? Really??? Show me where and when? You're not too bright, are you?
Well that'll teach you to eat turkish food when you're in Istanbul next time. Although that definitely doesn't sound halal. :p

But if we're comparing atrocities... look up the history of the Fez. Yes the hat. Then find out WHY it's colored the way it is. (Hint... the City of Fez)
I have never and would never stoop to making moral judgements about christians or jews because their christian or jewish, such as you do towards muslims for their faith.

What about the Manson family? Shouldn't we all have just been tolerant of their faith? The Peoples Temple?

What you state is simply stupid. To ignore a creed with some 1.3 BILLION adherents that openly advocates murder, brutality and totalitarian dictatorship - AND ACTIVELY PRACTICES ALL OF THEM, is utterly stupid.
Stoning is probably a better death then what Christians had in mind. Which was burning at the stake.

Which Christians had that in mind? Can you offer evidence?

Oh wait, you're just lying...

Carry on....

Ever hear of the Spanish Inquistion? The Nazis? Uganda?

:lol: Naw..probably not.
Shall we start playing atrocity comparison now? Boy, the atheists have a few hundred million dead in THAT closet in the 20th century alone!

Can we play? Please??? pretty please with lolcats on top?
Thank goodness our secular government is well in place. But Uganda is looking uglier all the time in that regard.

So outside the USA there are Christian nations burning lesbians at the stake?

Got some pictures?

OR --- was Sallow simply lying to create a "moral equivalence" logical fallacy?

I'm kind of thinking it was the second.

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