Herman Cain said that he would Not appoint a Muslim to any position in his administra

I always like using my imagination to pretend what the Cain defenders would be saying if he said this against christians and/or jews, they'd probably be calling for him to be killed or deported.

Well maybe you should try reading the fucking thread then, because I would say the same thing I'm saying now. First I'd laugh my ass off at him killing his chances of being elected; then I'd say but if he did get elected, he surely could nominate whomever he would like.

See unlike you, I'm not a hypocrite.

Lol have you reached your daily requirement for name-calling all who aren't like you yet?

And no matter your rhetoric I'm 1000% certain you'd be OUTRAGED if a democrat said this about christians or jews, and you wouldn't just dismiss it by saying "oh well, he/she can use this bigotry against people like me to pick who they want in office, no problem."
I have never and would never stoop to making moral judgements about christians or jews because their christian or jewish, such as you do towards muslims for their faith.

What about the Manson family? Shouldn't we all have just been tolerant of their faith? The Peoples Temple?

What you state is simply stupid. To ignore a creed with some 1.3 BILLION adherents that openly advocates murder, brutality and totalitarian dictatorship - AND ACTIVELY PRACTICES ALL OF THEM, is utterly stupid.

You can justify your bigotry all you want, the reason why you insult me is most likely because you're insecure and aware that your bigotry isn't moral.

Never in american history has bigotry later been looked at as anything but disgustingly immoral, islamophobia won't be the first instance of this being looked at favorably I can assure you.
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Why would I be proud of any Christian slaughtering a human being unless it was in self defense?? What an asinine comment.

I oppose what Uganda was considering, but in usual fashion, what the leftist here claim bears no similarity to the facts.

No one has been slaughtered in Uganda since the Muslim Idi Amin left.

{Uganda's parliament has adjourned without debating a controversial bill which includes the death penalty for some homosexual acts.

It had been reported that a vote could be held on Friday.

The Anti-Homosexuality Bill has been condemned by Western leaders and human rights groups, some of whom are celebrating victory.}

BBC News - Uganda anti-gay bill 'shelved by parliament'

The death penalty provision was for knowingly spreading HIV, which is a serious problem in Africa.
Thank goodness our secular government is well in place. But Uganda is looking uglier all the time in that regard.

So outside the USA there are Christian nations burning lesbians at the stake?

Got some pictures?

OR --- was Sallow simply lying to create a "moral equivalence" logical fallacy?

I'm kind of thinking it was the second.
Red Five, stay on target.
Why would I be proud of any Christian slaughtering a human being unless it was in self defense?? What an asinine comment.


You guys are a bloodthirsty bunch.

You ate people in Constantinople.

And those people were fellow Christians.

I ate people?? Really??? Show me where and when? You're not too bright, are you?

The tasty babies at Constantinolpe? Okay..maybe not you..

But Christian folks did have a hankering for babies down to a turn on spits at Constininolpe.
Ever hear of the Spanish Inquistion?

Yes, can you show people burned for being lesbian in the Spanish Inquisition? (didn't think so.}

The Nazis?


ROFL, what a fucking clown you are.

Wasn't there a beloved (of the left) MUSLIM leader over there... Something like, uh - oh, IDI AMIN DADA?

ROFL, what a fucking clown you are.

I tried a YOUTUBE search on the Spanish Inquistion..ack..no videos back then..

And Nazis were Christian. Yep.

Idi? Hes not there anymore. Hasn't been in a few decades. It's a Christian nation now.
That's what you've got. :lol::lol::lol: We don't say what you want us to...so you make shit up and have your own conversation. :lol::lol::lol:

What did I make up, dumbass?

In Iran, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria and other Sharia shit holes, rug munchers get stoned.

Might not be such a good idea for you to promote Sharia here, stupid.


Do you also have disdain for Corvettes of any make or model?

No, you actively support and promote them, because some Christian told you that homosexuals were sinners, and your hatred runs so deep that you would support even those who would kill you, to oppose the Christians.

Oh, that's right.....you're the one who keeps telling us what we think and believe. :lol::lol::lol:

That's what you've got. :lol::lol::lol: We don't say what you want us to...so you make shit up and have your own conversation. :lol::lol::lol:

Taking a page right out of your stank book.. how does it feel????
Truely, Lady? Where have I been presumptuous enough to tell other people what they think. Share any and all instances of me doing so.

But I will tell you this....you use words like "stank" like you are truly well acquainted with it. You must own it. Just sayin'

You guys are a bloodthirsty bunch.

You ate people in Constantinople.

And those people were fellow Christians.

I ate people?? Really??? Show me where and when? You're not too bright, are you?
Well that'll teach you to eat turkish food when you're in Istanbul next time. Although that definitely doesn't sound halal. :p

But if we're comparing atrocities... look up the history of the Fez. Yes the hat. Then find out WHY it's colored the way it is. (Hint... the City of Fez)

Probably the same reason the British redcoats were red.
You can justify your bigotry all you want,

The USA had 150 million bigots who just wouldn't tolerate Nazism back in 1943...

the reason why you insult me is most likely because you're insecure and aware that your bigotry isn't moral.

Probably why they insulted Nazis, too...

Never in american history has bigotry later been looked at as anything but
disgustingly immoral,

Yep, everyone shunned the Naziphobes..

Thank goodness our secular government is well in place. But Uganda is looking uglier all the time in that regard.

So outside the USA there are Christian nations burning lesbians at the stake?

Got some pictures?

OR --- was Sallow simply lying to create a "moral equivalence" logical fallacy?

I'm kind of thinking it was the second.

Ah...there you go....looking for that goal post to settle down sometime soon. Let us know when it does, okay?
You can justify your bigotry all you want,

The USA had 150 million bigots who just wouldn't tolerate Nazism back in 1943...

the reason why you insult me is most likely because you're insecure and aware that your bigotry isn't moral.

Probably why they insulted Nazis, too...

Never in american history has bigotry later been looked at as anything but
disgustingly immoral,

Yep, everyone shunned the Naziphobes..


Probably the worst equation you've ever done, that's saying a lot.

We're talking about actual bigotries, those against religion and skin color.

Most nazis were christians, so yes if you or I hated nazis because they were christian than yes we'd still be disgusting bigots.

Your rationalization for hating nazis is exactly what I'm trying to get across to you as to why I'm against bigots. Nazis were bigots so I'm against them, as I speak against all versions of bigotry, including the one you have against muslims.

You're either against the principle of bigotry or you aren't, I am against it, you aren't.
I always like using my imagination to pretend what the Cain defenders would be saying if he said this against christians and/or jews, they'd probably be calling for him to be killed or deported.

Well maybe you should try reading the fucking thread then, because I would say the same thing I'm saying now. First I'd laugh my ass off at him killing his chances of being elected; then I'd say but if he did get elected, he surely could nominate whomever he would like.

See unlike you, I'm not a hypocrite.

Lol have you reached your daily requirement for name-calling all who aren't like you yet?

And no matter your rhetoric I'm 1000% certain you'd be OUTRAGED if a democrat said this about christians or jews, and you wouldn't just dismiss it by saying "oh well, he/she can use this bigotry against people like me to pick who they want in office, no problem."

Really? Well, you're 1000% wrong , and if hypocrite is the worst thing you're called on this board today, count yourself lucky.

Do you not understand how the nomination process works for these type positions? The POTUS can nominate whomever he wants. If he wants to nominate all 23 y/o blonde haired big breasted bimbos then he can. Certainly doesn't mean they will all get approved, but it's his right to nominate them if he wishes.

PS I am one million percent positive that you and a few other morons would be giddy with excitement if Jews and Christians were excluded from government service.
Ever hear of the Spanish Inquistion?

Yes, can you show people burned for being lesbian in the Spanish Inquisition? (didn't think so.}

The Nazis?


ROFL, what a fucking clown you are.

Wasn't there a beloved (of the left) MUSLIM leader over there... Something like, uh - oh, IDI AMIN DADA?

ROFL, what a fucking clown you are.

Uncensored wants PICTURES of the Spanish Inquisition or it didn't happen. :lol::lol::lol:
I have never and would never stoop to making moral judgements about christians or jews because their christian or jewish, such as you do towards muslims for their faith.

What about the Manson family? Shouldn't we all have just been tolerant of their faith? The Peoples Temple?

What you state is simply stupid. To ignore a creed with some 1.3 BILLION adherents that openly advocates murder, brutality and totalitarian dictatorship - AND ACTIVELY PRACTICES ALL OF THEM, is utterly stupid.

You can justify your bigotry all you want, the reason why you insult me is most likely because you're insecure and aware that your bigotry isn't moral.

Never in american history has bigotry later been looked at as anything but disgustingly immoral, islamophobia won't be the first instance of this being looked at favorably I can assure you.

No, that is why gays pretend their choice is not a choice, but that is another conversation.
Ever hear of the Spanish Inquistion?

Yes, can you show people burned for being lesbian in the Spanish Inquisition? (didn't think so.}


ROFL, what a fucking clown you are.

Wasn't there a beloved (of the left) MUSLIM leader over there... Something like, uh - oh, IDI AMIN DADA?

ROFL, what a fucking clown you are.

Uncensored wants PICTURES of the Spanish Inquisition or it didn't happen. :lol::lol::lol:

I didn't see him ask for pictures , you dishonest piece of shit.

Lonestar may have been on to something.............:eusa_whistle:
Well maybe you should try reading the fucking thread then, because I would say the same thing I'm saying now. First I'd laugh my ass off at him killing his chances of being elected; then I'd say but if he did get elected, he surely could nominate whomever he would like.

See unlike you, I'm not a hypocrite.

Lol have you reached your daily requirement for name-calling all who aren't like you yet?

And no matter your rhetoric I'm 1000% certain you'd be OUTRAGED if a democrat said this about christians or jews, and you wouldn't just dismiss it by saying "oh well, he/she can use this bigotry against people like me to pick who they want in office, no problem."

Really? Well, you're 1000% wrong , and if hypocrite is the worst thing you're called on this board today, count yourself lucky.

Do you not understand how the nomination process works for these type positions? The POTUS can nominate whomever he wants. If he wants to nominate all 23 y/o blonde haired big breasted bimbos then he can. Certainly doesn't mean they will all get approved, but it's his right to nominate them if he wishes.

PS I am one million percent positive that you and a few other morons would be giddy with excitement if Jews and Christians were excluded from government service.

That's just a story you have in your head, I repeat, all religions I view as equally stupid, but I have no moral issue with any religion whatsoever.

I never once said Cain couldn't pick who he wanted, I'm taking issue with HOW he'd pick who he wanted. I would think someone who's a minority would be sensitive of those who have a minority religious view and aware of the difficulties they have, however sadly he does not.

My favorite american of all time is Martin Luther King Jr, a hardcore christian, the only politician I like is Ron Paul, a christian so hardcore he'll even deny evolution.

So you'll have to take another swing at a group of people that I hate, but not all of us have religious based bigotries, so trying to normalize it won't make it any better for the islamophobes of this board.

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