Herman Cain said that he would Not appoint a Muslim to any position in his administra

Lol have you reached your daily requirement for name-calling all who aren't like you yet?

And no matter your rhetoric I'm 1000% certain you'd be OUTRAGED if a democrat said this about christians or jews, and you wouldn't just dismiss it by saying "oh well, he/she can use this bigotry against people like me to pick who they want in office, no problem."

Really? Well, you're 1000% wrong , and if hypocrite is the worst thing you're called on this board today, count yourself lucky.

Do you not understand how the nomination process works for these type positions? The POTUS can nominate whomever he wants. If he wants to nominate all 23 y/o blonde haired big breasted bimbos then he can. Certainly doesn't mean they will all get approved, but it's his right to nominate them if he wishes.

PS I am one million percent positive that you and a few other morons would be giddy with excitement if Jews and Christians were excluded from government service.

That's just a story you have in your head, I repeat, all religions I view as equally stupid, but I have no moral issue with any religion whatsoever.

I never once said Cain couldn't pick who he wanted, I'm taking issue with HOW he'd pick who he wanted. I would think someone who's a minority would be sensitive of those who have a minority religious view and aware of the difficulties they have, however sadly he does not.

My favorite american of all time is Martin Luther King Jr, a hardcore christian, the only politician I like is Ron Paul, a christian so hardcore he'll even deny evolution.

So you'll have to take another swing at a group of people that I hate, but not all of us have religious based bigotries, so trying to normalize it won't make it any better for the islamophobes of this board.

LOL @ trying to equate a religion that would like to kill you with black people's struggle to be treated as humans. I'm sure you hero MLK Jr is spinning in his grave.
Really? Well, you're 1000% wrong , and if hypocrite is the worst thing you're called on this board today, count yourself lucky.

Do you not understand how the nomination process works for these type positions? The POTUS can nominate whomever he wants. If he wants to nominate all 23 y/o blonde haired big breasted bimbos then he can. Certainly doesn't mean they will all get approved, but it's his right to nominate them if he wishes.

PS I am one million percent positive that you and a few other morons would be giddy with excitement if Jews and Christians were excluded from government service.

That's just a story you have in your head, I repeat, all religions I view as equally stupid, but I have no moral issue with any religion whatsoever.

I never once said Cain couldn't pick who he wanted, I'm taking issue with HOW he'd pick who he wanted. I would think someone who's a minority would be sensitive of those who have a minority religious view and aware of the difficulties they have, however sadly he does not.

My favorite american of all time is Martin Luther King Jr, a hardcore christian, the only politician I like is Ron Paul, a christian so hardcore he'll even deny evolution.

So you'll have to take another swing at a group of people that I hate, but not all of us have religious based bigotries, so trying to normalize it won't make it any better for the islamophobes of this board.

LOL @ trying to equate a religion that would like to kill you with black people's struggle to be treated as humans. I'm sure you hero MLK Jr is spinning in his grave.

I'm not equating islam with MLK's struggles, I'm equating being bigotted towards people. I see you've also rationalized your bigotry.

MLK Jr has no equivalent, he's an american hero on his own level, a man who's view on peace and love of your fellow man is being spat on by religion-based bigots. I can promise you MLK Jr and Jesus wouldn't want you to hate muslims because they're muslim.
That's just a story you have in your head, I repeat, all religions I view as equally stupid, but I have no moral issue with any religion whatsoever.

I never once said Cain couldn't pick who he wanted, I'm taking issue with HOW he'd pick who he wanted. I would think someone who's a minority would be sensitive of those who have a minority religious view and aware of the difficulties they have, however sadly he does not.

My favorite american of all time is Martin Luther King Jr, a hardcore christian, the only politician I like is Ron Paul, a christian so hardcore he'll even deny evolution.

So you'll have to take another swing at a group of people that I hate, but not all of us have religious based bigotries, so trying to normalize it won't make it any better for the islamophobes of this board.

LOL @ trying to equate a religion that would like to kill you with black people's struggle to be treated as humans. I'm sure you hero MLK Jr is spinning in his grave.

I'm not equating islam with MLK's struggles, I'm equating being bigotted towards people. I see you've also rationalized your bigotry.

MLK Jr has no equivalent, he's an american hero on his own level, a man who's view on peace and love of your fellow man is being spat on by religion-based bigots. I can promise you MLK Jr and Jesus wouldn't want you to hate muslims because they're muslim.

I agree with you about MLK. He was a great man.

NO ONE hates Muslims because they are Muslim. that is a bald face lie. Some do hate Muslims because their religion has been used to kill hundreds of thousands of people over the course of its history, and it still is today.

If you can't at least acknowledge the significant difference in those two points, then further conversation is pointless.
LOL @ trying to equate a religion that would like to kill you with black people's struggle to be treated as humans. I'm sure you hero MLK Jr is spinning in his grave.

I'm not equating islam with MLK's struggles, I'm equating being bigotted towards people. I see you've also rationalized your bigotry.

MLK Jr has no equivalent, he's an american hero on his own level, a man who's view on peace and love of your fellow man is being spat on by religion-based bigots. I can promise you MLK Jr and Jesus wouldn't want you to hate muslims because they're muslim.

I agree with you about MLK. He was a great man.

NO ONE hates Muslims because they are Muslim. that is a bald face lie. Some do hate Muslims because their religion has been used to kill hundreds of thousands of people over the course of its history, and it still is today.

If you can't at least acknowledge the significant difference in those two points, then further conversation is pointless.

Religion is never the reason to kill, it's been made into an excuse to kill. Al-Qaeda leaders, our politicians, politicians of other countries, all have the same motives, they want more money/resources/power so they use warmongering to get those.

Al-Qaeda leaders use a twisted version of their religion as a motivator to make their followers stoop to killing in the name of it when really they're just killing in order to give their leaders more money/resources/power.

It's a lot easier to motivate a red blooded male to blow themselves up by saying "72 virgins will be with you in heaven if you do this" rather than saying "go blow yourself and innocent civilians up so I can get more money and influence."

If people hate terrorists that's fine, if people hate 1.7 billion muslims and try to make a connection between them and terrorists, that's bigotry and not ok.
I'm not equating islam with MLK's struggles, I'm equating being bigotted towards people. I see you've also rationalized your bigotry.

MLK Jr has no equivalent, he's an american hero on his own level, a man who's view on peace and love of your fellow man is being spat on by religion-based bigots. I can promise you MLK Jr and Jesus wouldn't want you to hate muslims because they're muslim.

I agree with you about MLK. He was a great man.

NO ONE hates Muslims because they are Muslim. that is a bald face lie. Some do hate Muslims because their religion has been used to kill hundreds of thousands of people over the course of its history, and it still is today.

If you can't at least acknowledge the significant difference in those two points, then further conversation is pointless.

Religion is never the reason to kill, it's been made into an excuse to kill. Al-Qaeda leaders, our politicians, politicians of other countries, all have the same motives, they want more money/resources/power so they use warmongering to get those.

Al-Qaeda leaders use a twisted version of their religion as a motivator to make their followers stoop to killing in the name of it when really they're just killing in order to give their leaders more money/resources/power.

It's a lot easier to motivate a red blooded male to blow themselves up by saying "72 virgins will be with you in heaven if you do this" rather than saying "go blow yourself and innocent civilians up so I can get more money and influence."

If people hate terrorists that's fine, if people hate 1.7 billion muslims and try to make a connection between them and terrorists, that's bigotry and not ok.

Sir, if it's a twisted version then how do so many screw up the interpretation and turn it into a religeon that kills, rapes, treats women and anyone else as personal property to be abused, and or mistreated as one sees fit?

How do so many misread Islam into a cult of hate?

You sir are the one who is confused , and I assure you that that is EXACTLY what the Muslims want. They want fat, lazy Americans who are too self absorbed in their own worlds to take the time to understand what their religion is REALLY about until it is too late.
Go spend a week in ANY Muslim country and see how Islam treats people. It's a fucking cult with the leaders shitting all over anyone who is below them. When they beat a woman for the "crime" of allowing her ankle to accidentally become exposed in public that is their RELIGION that tells them to do it. When they stone a woman to death for falling in love with someone from the wrong village, that is their RELIGION, When they blow up a police station because a moderate police chief has decreed that women can't be beaten in public anymore; that is their religion.

They would kill you in a heart beat given a chance and you're too stupid to realize it.

PS - All these so called Muslim Americans, they would kill them to, not Islamic enough. So the Muslims here would have a choice, get more hardcore or die. Wonder which they'd choose.
I ate people?? Really??? Show me where and when? You're not too bright, are you?
Well that'll teach you to eat turkish food when you're in Istanbul next time. Although that definitely doesn't sound halal. :p

But if we're comparing atrocities... look up the history of the Fez. Yes the hat. Then find out WHY it's colored the way it is. (Hint... the City of Fez)

Probably the same reason the British redcoats were red.
Ummmm no. Defintely not. Do your research. I'm not sure if you'll go "COOL!!" or "Eeww!"

I guess it comes down to how much you hate Christians for what you're reaction will be.
I agree with you about MLK. He was a great man.

NO ONE hates Muslims because they are Muslim. that is a bald face lie. Some do hate Muslims because their religion has been used to kill hundreds of thousands of people over the course of its history, and it still is today.

If you can't at least acknowledge the significant difference in those two points, then further conversation is pointless.

Religion is never the reason to kill, it's been made into an excuse to kill. Al-Qaeda leaders, our politicians, politicians of other countries, all have the same motives, they want more money/resources/power so they use warmongering to get those.

Al-Qaeda leaders use a twisted version of their religion as a motivator to make their followers stoop to killing in the name of it when really they're just killing in order to give their leaders more money/resources/power.

It's a lot easier to motivate a red blooded male to blow themselves up by saying "72 virgins will be with you in heaven if you do this" rather than saying "go blow yourself and innocent civilians up so I can get more money and influence."

If people hate terrorists that's fine, if people hate 1.7 billion muslims and try to make a connection between them and terrorists, that's bigotry and not ok.

Sir, if it's a twisted version then how do so many screw up the interpretation and turn it into a religeon that kills, rapes, treats women and anyone else as personal property to be abused, and or mistreated as one sees fit?

How do so many misread Islam into a cult of hate?

You sir are the one who is confused , and I assure you that that is EXACTLY what the Muslims want. They want fat, lazy Americans who are too self absorbed in their own worlds to take the time to understand what their religion is REALLY about until it is too late.
Go spend a week in ANY Muslim country and see how Islam treats people. It's a fucking cult with the leaders shitting all over anyone who is below them. When they beat a woman for the "crime" of allowing her ankle to accidentally become exposed in public that is their RELIGION that tells them to do it. When they stone a woman to death for falling in love with someone from the wrong village, that is their RELIGION, When they blow up a police station because a moderate police chief has decreed that women can't be beaten in public anymore; that is their religion.

They would kill you in a heart beat given a chance and you're too stupid to realize it.

PS - All these so called Muslim Americans, they would kill them to, not Islamic enough. So the Muslims here would have a choice, get more hardcore or die. Wonder which they'd choose.

Go into any 3rd world country and things are going to be ugly, afghanistan/north korea/guatemala, I can assure you it's not just 3rd world countries with muslims in them that are dangerous.

I'm sorry, I've interacted with too many muslims to believe all the boogeyman stories about them should be applied to all 1.7 billion of them. I've found the opposite to be true in almost all cases.
Probably the worst equation you've ever done, that's saying a lot.

Yep, comparing a totalitarian creed dedicated to the enslavement of the globe to Nazism...

What WAS I thinking...

We're talking about actual bigotries, those against religion and skin color.

I'm talking about idiocy - that of using ad hominem as an effort to excuse atrocities.

Most nazis were christians, so yes if you or I hated nazis because they were christian than yes we'd still be disgusting bigots.

I see...

Your rationalization for hating nazis is exactly what I'm trying to get across to you as to why I'm against bigots.

I don't notice you being against bigots. When bod spews anti-Christian rhetoric, not a peep from you. I pegged you as a Nazi because of your silence when the left here started in on the JOOOO hating that is part and parcel of the DNC.

You're either against the principle of bigotry or you aren't, I am against it, you aren't.

I'm against the murder and subjugation of large swaths of people in accordance to the Koran - you are not.
Religion is never the reason to kill, it's been made into an excuse to kill. Al-Qaeda leaders, our politicians, politicians of other countries, all have the same motives, they want more money/resources/power so they use warmongering to get those.

Al-Qaeda leaders use a twisted version of their religion as a motivator to make their followers stoop to killing in the name of it when really they're just killing in order to give their leaders more money/resources/power.

It's a lot easier to motivate a red blooded male to blow themselves up by saying "72 virgins will be with you in heaven if you do this" rather than saying "go blow yourself and innocent civilians up so I can get more money and influence."

If people hate terrorists that's fine, if people hate 1.7 billion muslims and try to make a connection between them and terrorists, that's bigotry and not ok.

Sir, if it's a twisted version then how do so many screw up the interpretation and turn it into a religeon that kills, rapes, treats women and anyone else as personal property to be abused, and or mistreated as one sees fit?

How do so many misread Islam into a cult of hate?

You sir are the one who is confused , and I assure you that that is EXACTLY what the Muslims want. They want fat, lazy Americans who are too self absorbed in their own worlds to take the time to understand what their religion is REALLY about until it is too late.
Go spend a week in ANY Muslim country and see how Islam treats people. It's a fucking cult with the leaders shitting all over anyone who is below them. When they beat a woman for the "crime" of allowing her ankle to accidentally become exposed in public that is their RELIGION that tells them to do it. When they stone a woman to death for falling in love with someone from the wrong village, that is their RELIGION, When they blow up a police station because a moderate police chief has decreed that women can't be beaten in public anymore; that is their religion.

They would kill you in a heart beat given a chance and you're too stupid to realize it.

PS - All these so called Muslim Americans, they would kill them to, not Islamic enough. So the Muslims here would have a choice, get more hardcore or die. Wonder which they'd choose.

Go into any 3rd world country and things are going to be ugly, afghanistan/north korea/guatemala, I can assure you it's not just 3rd world countries with muslims in them that are dangerous.

I'm sorry, I've interacted with too many muslims to believe all the boogeyman stories about them should be applied to all 1.7 billion of them. I've found the opposite to be true in almost all cases.

So you totally ignore the common thread huh? Islam.

You're a fool. You defend the very people who would see you dead.
Sir, if it's a twisted version then how do so many screw up the interpretation and turn it into a religeon that kills, rapes, treats women and anyone else as personal property to be abused, and or mistreated as one sees fit?

How do so many misread Islam into a cult of hate?

You sir are the one who is confused , and I assure you that that is EXACTLY what the Muslims want. They want fat, lazy Americans who are too self absorbed in their own worlds to take the time to understand what their religion is REALLY about until it is too late.
Go spend a week in ANY Muslim country and see how Islam treats people. It's a fucking cult with the leaders shitting all over anyone who is below them. When they beat a woman for the "crime" of allowing her ankle to accidentally become exposed in public that is their RELIGION that tells them to do it. When they stone a woman to death for falling in love with someone from the wrong village, that is their RELIGION, When they blow up a police station because a moderate police chief has decreed that women can't be beaten in public anymore; that is their religion.

They would kill you in a heart beat given a chance and you're too stupid to realize it.

PS - All these so called Muslim Americans, they would kill them to, not Islamic enough. So the Muslims here would have a choice, get more hardcore or die. Wonder which they'd choose.

Go into any 3rd world country and things are going to be ugly, afghanistan/north korea/guatemala, I can assure you it's not just 3rd world countries with muslims in them that are dangerous.

I'm sorry, I've interacted with too many muslims to believe all the boogeyman stories about them should be applied to all 1.7 billion of them. I've found the opposite to be true in almost all cases.

So you totally ignore the common thread huh? Islam.

You're a fool. You defend the very people who would see you dead.

1 name-calling effort closer to your quota for those who don't agree with you.

I just showed all the muslims I've dealt with don't "want me dead", that's the boogeyman story in your head that's gone unchallenged because of your lack of interaction (aka ignorance) with muslims.

The overwhelming majority of people in life I've met I've liked, and I've met people of all religions, so when someone of one religion tells me a boogeyman story about someone of a different religion I'll 100% entirely dismiss that attempt at making me a bigot, by a bigot.
Probably the worst equation you've ever done, that's saying a lot.

Yep, comparing a totalitarian creed dedicated to the enslavement of the globe to Nazism...

What WAS I thinking...

We're talking about actual bigotries, those against religion and skin color.

I'm talking about idiocy - that of using ad hominem as an effort to excuse atrocities.

I see...

Your rationalization for hating nazis is exactly what I'm trying to get across to you as to why I'm against bigots.

I don't notice you being against bigots. When bod spews anti-Christian rhetoric, not a peep from you. I pegged you as a Nazi because of your silence when the left here started in on the JOOOO hating that is part and parcel of the DNC.

You're either against the principle of bigotry or you aren't, I am against it, you aren't.

I'm against the murder and subjugation of large swaths of people in accordance to the Koran - you are not.

It's not ad hominem, you're loud and proud of your bigotry towards muslims.

I've seen Bod attack all religions, if she says they're stupid I'll agree with her, if she EVER says a christian is immoral because he/she is a christian than you can rest assured I'll go on the attack. Maybe she's done that, but I've never seen it.

Every major religion I can think of says to kill large numbers of people, it's not just the Koran that says this. Every major religion including the Koran speaks horribly of killing, including the Koran, hence my point why morally these religions just end up being a wash to me.
Go into any 3rd world country and things are going to be ugly, afghanistan/north korea/guatemala, I can assure you it's not just 3rd world countries with muslims in them that are dangerous.

I'm sorry, I've interacted with too many muslims to believe all the boogeyman stories about them should be applied to all 1.7 billion of them. I've found the opposite to be true in almost all cases.

So you totally ignore the common thread huh? Islam.

You're a fool. You defend the very people who would see you dead.

1 name-calling effort closer to your quota for those who don't agree with you.

I just showed all the muslims I've dealt with don't "want me dead", that's the boogeyman story in your head that's gone unchallenged because of your lack of interaction (aka ignorance) with muslims.

The overwhelming majority of people in life I've met I've liked, and I've met people of all religions, so when someone of one religion tells me a boogeyman story about someone of a different religion I'll 100% entirely dismiss that attempt at making me a bigot, by a bigot.

And I'll ask again, how many Muslims who live by Sharia Law have you met? I'd wager none. Understand this, the Muslims who you've met who don't live under Sharia would convert or be killed, no different from you. They are NOT Muslims. They're very own religion tells them that.
Religion is never the reason to kill, it's been made into an excuse to kill.


Perhaps you are just abjectly ignorant. (or agenda driven.)

{“Allah's apostle was asked, ‘What is the best deed?’ He replied, ‘To believe in Allah and his Apostle.’ The questioner then asked, ‘What is the next (in goodness)?’ He replied, ‘To participate in Jihad (religious fighting) in Allah's cause.’” – The Hadith, Al Bukhari, Vol. 1 no 25. }

Islam, in fact, divide the world into two sectors: Dar-al-Islam (the House of Islam) and Dar-al-Harb (The House of War). The only countries considered to be at peace are those where Islamic law (Sharia) is enforced.

{“Fight those who believe not in God nor the last day . . . Nor acknowledge the religion of truth, (even if they are) of the people of the Book, until they pay Jizya (tribute taxes) with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued” Surah 9:29. }

This means that those Christians and Jews not killed, must be slaves.

For most of us, another fate is demanded by the Koran;

{“Fight and slay the pagans wherever ye find them and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait (ambush) for them in every strategem (of war) . . .” Surah 9:5 (also 2:193). }

{“The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His apostle, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution or crucifixion, or the cutting off of the hands and feet from opposite sides or exile from the land . . .” Surah 5:36. }

{“No Muslim should be killed for killing a kafir (infidel).”} Hadith Vol 9:50

{“The person who participates in Jihad (Holy battles) in Allah's cause and nothing compels him to do so except belief in Allah and His apostle, will be recompensed by Allah either with a reward or booty (if he survives) or will be admitted to paradise (if he is killed).” } Hadith Vol 1:35

Hmm... Sounds a LOT like the religion is calling for murder.

Al-Qaeda leaders use a twisted version of their religion as a motivator to make their followers stoop to killing in the name of it when really they're just killing in order to give their leaders more money/resources/power.

They use the actual religion - it is your and other appeasers who present a false and perverted representation of Islam.

It's a lot easier to motivate a red blooded male to blow themselves up by saying "72 virgins will be with you in heaven if you do this" rather than saying "go blow yourself and innocent civilians up so I can get more money and influence."

Muhammad is the author of the commands to murder, rape and pillage. Are you claiming that he perverted Islam?

If people hate terrorists that's fine, if people hate 1.7 billion muslims and try to make a connection between them and terrorists, that's bigotry and not ok.

Did you hate every German who lived during WWII? Did you hate every Nazi? Islam is the basis of Islamic terrorism. Unlike Christianity with it's thousands of different versions, Islam is just Islam. Sunni and Shiite follow exactly the same canon of Koran and Hadiths.

You are bearing false witness, whether deliberate or not.
Probably the worst equation you've ever done, that's saying a lot.

Yep, comparing a totalitarian creed dedicated to the enslavement of the globe to Nazism...

What WAS I thinking...

I'm talking about idiocy - that of using ad hominem as an effort to excuse atrocities.

I see...

I don't notice you being against bigots. When bod spews anti-Christian rhetoric, not a peep from you. I pegged you as a Nazi because of your silence when the left here started in on the JOOOO hating that is part and parcel of the DNC.

You're either against the principle of bigotry or you aren't, I am against it, you aren't.

I'm against the murder and subjugation of large swaths of people in accordance to the Koran - you are not.

It's not ad hominem, you're loud and proud of your bigotry towards muslims.

I've seen Bod attack all religions, if she says they're stupid I'll agree with her, if she EVER says a christian is immoral because he/she is a christian than you can rest assured I'll go on the attack. Maybe she's done that, but I've never seen it.

Every major religion I can think of says to kill large numbers of people, it's not just the Koran that says this. Every major religion including the Koran speaks horribly of killing, including the Koran, hence my point why morally these religions just end up being a wash to me.

I've said again and again and again, a pox on all their houses. But, partisan fanatics will only see what they want to see.
Probably the worst equation you've ever done, that's saying a lot.

Yep, comparing a totalitarian creed dedicated to the enslavement of the globe to Nazism...

What WAS I thinking...

I'm talking about idiocy - that of using ad hominem as an effort to excuse atrocities.

I see...

I don't notice you being against bigots. When bod spews anti-Christian rhetoric, not a peep from you. I pegged you as a Nazi because of your silence when the left here started in on the JOOOO hating that is part and parcel of the DNC.

You're either against the principle of bigotry or you aren't, I am against it, you aren't.

I'm against the murder and subjugation of large swaths of people in accordance to the Koran - you are not.

It's not ad hominem, you're loud and proud of your bigotry towards muslims.

I've seen Bod attack all religions, if she says they're stupid I'll agree with her, if she EVER says a christian is immoral because he/she is a christian than you can rest assured I'll go on the attack. Maybe she's done that, but I've never seen it.

Every major religion I can think of says to kill large numbers of people, it's not just the Koran that says this. Every major religion including the Koran speaks horribly of killing, including the Koran, hence my point why morally these religions just end up being a wash to me.

Please link to the last time any CHristian leader of note called for the death of anyone, especially for the transgression of making fun of Jesus or God.

Please also note the last case of ao woman being beaten for not being a subservient Christian woman.

Please link to the last gay beheaded by a Christian.

Please link to the last thief who lost a hand to a Christian

Let's start there.
It's not ad hominem, you're loud and proud of your bigotry towards muslims.

Opposing a creed that advocates AND PRACTICES the murder and enslavement of innocent people isn't "bigotry."

What you offer IS ad hom, you seek to silence opposition by tossing out bullshit name calling.

Every major religion I can think of says to kill large numbers of people,


So you can show me New Testament verses to support your claim?

I await with anticipation this revelation.
Yep, comparing a totalitarian creed dedicated to the enslavement of the globe to Nazism...

What WAS I thinking...

I'm talking about idiocy - that of using ad hominem as an effort to excuse atrocities.

I see...

I don't notice you being against bigots. When bod spews anti-Christian rhetoric, not a peep from you. I pegged you as a Nazi because of your silence when the left here started in on the JOOOO hating that is part and parcel of the DNC.

I'm against the murder and subjugation of large swaths of people in accordance to the Koran - you are not.

It's not ad hominem, you're loud and proud of your bigotry towards muslims.

I've seen Bod attack all religions, if she says they're stupid I'll agree with her, if she EVER says a christian is immoral because he/she is a christian than you can rest assured I'll go on the attack. Maybe she's done that, but I've never seen it.

Every major religion I can think of says to kill large numbers of people, it's not just the Koran that says this. Every major religion including the Koran speaks horribly of killing, including the Koran, hence my point why morally these religions just end up being a wash to me.

Please link to the last time any CHristian leader of note called for the death of anyone, especially for the transgression of making fun of Jesus or God.

Please also note the last case of ao woman being beaten for not being a subservient Christian woman.

Please link to the last gay beheaded by a Christian.

Please link to the last thief who lost a hand to a Christian

Let's start there.

You and uncensored are citing texts of the Koran and saying what it says is diff than what other religions say, Brain you're well aware of another religious book that says to kill large groups of people and says to kill for ridiculous reasons.

Sorry, your boogeyman stories still aren't working, it hasn't changed the good interactions I've had with muslims.

If any religious person only did the negative things their book said to, we'd be an extinct species, if someone has to be religious my hope is they ignore the bad stuff and live by the good stuff.
Please link to the last time any CHristian leader of note called for the death of anyone, especially for the transgression of making fun of Jesus or God.

Please also note the last case of ao woman being beaten for not being a subservient Christian woman.

Please link to the last gay beheaded by a Christian.

Please link to the last thief who lost a hand to a Christian

Let's start there.
For that matter, when was the last time Israel threatened to wipe every Muslim off the face of the earth or the Roman Catholic Church advocate the violent overthrow of secular governments in favor of a global theocracy?

Jihadists are acting in accordance with Islamic views and practices, not in opposition to them. They are fundamentalist believers, not a fringe or rogue element of the Muslim religion. Mohammed, himself, was the first Muslim jihadist. (If only he'd shown the courage of his own convictions and committed suicide in the midst of his terrorist acts as his followers do today. LOL)

What too many people don't understand is that Muslims who deny jihad and sharia are either non-practising Muslims or they're lying to you about their true beliefs (something their religion encourages them to do when dealing with unbelievers, so as to deceive their enemies until they can subdue them.)

Islam is an illegitimate religion. Unlike any other religion in the world, Islam cannot - by its own tenants - live in peaceful coexistence with other beliefs or outlooks. What liberals really don't seem to understand is that other worldviews are incompatible with Islam also, not just religions. (As if liberalism really isn't a religion unto itself.)

The only way to defeat jihad is to defeat Islam. You kill the jihadists and you woo the other Muslims by giving them this example: either you enjoy freedom and the chance to prosper by adopting the values of Western civilization or you will be hunted and exterminated for raising your fist against us.

It's not bigotry to discriminate against adherents to an evil and hostile ideology that condemns non-believers to servitude or death. It's common sense.

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