Herman Cain said that he would Not appoint a Muslim to any position in his administra

This is kind of a silly statement. I think our only true enemy is ignorance. People are people regardless of what religion they are. Muslims are no more a threat than Christians. Extremists that have "the answer" pose the biggest problem to world peace.

And let's compare number of extremists of each religeon, shall we? Let's also examine whether those extremists not only want to kill people outside of their religion , but also want to kill those within their own religion who aren't extreme enough. Let's also examine how those who are not extreme react to those within their own religion who are extreme.

So you're going to fuck with the decent, non-threatening Muslims by discriminating against them - pushing them further away and making them more radical?

WTF. More Jack Bauer justice from fucking conservatives. All heart...no brains.

All you really have to remember is that ALL muslims believe that when dealing with unbelievers, any lie is justified so as to deceive their enemies until they can convert them or kill them.

If you are not a muslm, you are an infidel.
I invite any of the Islam haters to petition their elected officials – state or Federal – to introduce legislation banning Islam, or restricting its practice, or requiring Muslims to register as enemy agents. See how far such legislation would go.

Otherwise Islam haters exhibit only ignorant talk, no action.


I invite any of the mindless Chamberlain clones to invite a Taliban or Al Qaeda Jihadist to come live with them, so that through their tolerance and understanding, they can teach peace, love and kubayah.....

These guys are free for the summer....


You may believe George Bush, Dick Cheney, David Patreus and the entire military command are "Chamberlain clones" but I don't.
Their policy of allying themselves with MUSLIM countries and changing the dictators for democracies in MUSLIM countries, using MUSLIM people is sound.
Do not oblige them and their strategy.

Oh, it isn't Muslim vs Christian. You're right about that. It is Muslim vs the whole world. They don't target only Christians, they will kill Buddhists, Taoists, Hindus, Christians, African voodoo priestesses, hell even atheists. Hell, they kill each other.

Wake up.
Basically, to the forum rightwingers and so called libertarians, the only good blacks are accommodationist Negroes who act like House slaves because they're not scary, anyone black thats willing to stand up to them and put them in their place are bad blacks, your point is understood.

Umm no. The only blacks worth knowing are those who don't put black above anything else. Those who don't have a black agenda. Same as every other group.

Why are you unhappy with equality?

As long as there is inequality because people are black a voice must be heard and if blacks were accommodationists Negroes nothing would change. You just don't like those that tell it like it is because it makes you feel uncomfortable, thats why House slaves like Cain and Allen West suit you because they never and never will address white racism.

As long as their are blacks running around with a chip on their shoulder, daring a white person to knock it off, there will be those that will do just that.
Cains reasons for not hiring Muslims sounds similar to the reasons they gave for not hirin Catholics

Cain claims Muslims would be loyal to Sharia law while they used to claim Catholics would be loyal to the pope

Was that before or after a bunch of Catholics killed 3000 civilians by using airplanes as flying bombs?

So Cain blames 7 million peaceful American Muslims for the actions of 19 Saudi/Egyptian Muslims

Not too bright is he?

Unlike you, Cain knows that ALL muslims will lie to infidels about anything and everything until they reach their goal of an all muslim world.
Umm no. The only blacks worth knowing are those who don't put black above anything else. Those who don't have a black agenda. Same as every other group.

Why are you unhappy with equality?

As long as there is inequality because people are black a voice must be heard and if blacks were accommodationists Negroes nothing would change. You just don't like those that tell it like it is because it makes you feel uncomfortable, thats why House slaves like Cain and Allen West suit you because they never and never will address white racism.

As long as their are blacks running around with a chip on their shoulder, daring a white person to knock it off, there will be those that will do just that.

Ignore Bass, he's a toothless (and brainless) panther who should be shot and his head hung in someone's trophy room.
I invite any of the Islam haters to petition their elected officials – state or Federal – to introduce legislation banning Islam, or restricting its practice, or requiring Muslims to register as enemy agents. See how far such legislation would go.

Otherwise Islam haters exhibit only ignorant talk, no action.


I invite any of the mindless Chamberlain clones to invite a Taliban or Al Qaeda Jihadist to come live with them, so that through their tolerance and understanding, they can teach peace, love and kubayah.....

These guys are free for the summer....


What town in the U.S. was that picture taken, Uncensored?
Oh, that's right.....you're the one who keeps telling us what we think and believe. :lol::lol::lol:

That's what you've got. :lol::lol::lol: We don't say what you want us to...so you make shit up and have your own conversation. :lol::lol::lol:

Taking a page right out of your stank book.. how does it feel????
Truely, Lady? Where have I been presumptuous enough to tell other people what they think. Share any and all instances of me doing so.

But I will tell you this....you use words like "stank" like you are truly well acquainted with it. You must own it. Just sayin'

Telling me that I stated I shit on every liberal service member.. Gee, remember that?? When all I said is why do libs hate America, why do liberals hate the military?? AFTER some liberal douche made comments to that effect.. NOW WHAT?!!! Like I said, PEOPLE IN GLASS FUCKIN HOUSES...
Oh, it isn't Muslim vs Christian. You're right about that. It is Muslim vs the whole world. They don't target only Christians, they will kill Buddhists, Taoists, Hindus, Christians, African voodoo priestesses, hell even atheists. Hell, they kill each other.

Wake up.

He's right that it isn't Muslims though, it's Islam. Islam is an evil creed. Most Muslims ignore 90% of what Islam teaches and thus can live in peace. Islam remains at war with civilization, regardless of the apostasy of most Muslims.
Taking a page right out of your stank book.. how does it feel????
Truely, Lady? Where have I been presumptuous enough to tell other people what they think. Share any and all instances of me doing so.

But I will tell you this....you use words like "stank" like you are truly well acquainted with it. You must own it. Just sayin'

Telling me that I stated I shit on every liberal service member.. Gee, remember that??

Yes I do...and that is what I think. Can you not tell the difference? That would certainly explain a great deal in the way of your posts, I must admit.

When all I said is why do libs hate America, why do liberals hate the military?? AFTER some liberal douche made comments to that effect.. NOW WHAT?!!! Like I said, PEOPLE IN GLASS FUCKIN HOUSES...

And IMO, you DO spit on the liberals in the service. I'll say it again.
Oh, it isn't Muslim vs Christian. You're right about that. It is Muslim vs the whole world. They don't target only Christians, they will kill Buddhists, Taoists, Hindus, Christians, African voodoo priestesses, hell even atheists. Hell, they kill each other.

Wake up.

He's right that it isn't Muslims though, it's Islam. Islam is an evil creed. Most Muslims ignore 90% of what Islam teaches and thus can live in peace. Islam remains at war with civilization, regardless of the apostasy of most Muslims.

Oh , I agree with you . The problem is that those Islamic assholes are encouraged to pretend to get along with the rest of the world. Not every Islamic asshole is in jihad mode right now. There are sleepers, and Islamic assholes look at things in terms of decades, not years. Look at that asshole Sunni for instance, he makes it quite clear what his long term goals are if people would actually read his posts.
No matter how you twist and turn; conjob, uncensored, and LGS, no matter how hard you try you are not going to be successful in rationalizing that it's okay to discriminate against Muslims.

It's fun watching ppl take turns slappin' you around tho.
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No matter how you twist and turn; conjob, uncensored, and LGS, no matter how hard you try you are not going to be successful in rationalizing that it's okay to discriminate against Muslims.

It's fun watching ppl take turns slappin' you around tho.

Save the dramatics, no one is discriminating against Muslims. This is the US of A little one, we are free to dislike anyone we want , for any or no reason. Does that offend you? too bad.
No matter how you twist and turn; conjob, uncensored, and LGS, no matter how hard you try you are not going to be successful in rationalizing that it's okay to discriminate against Muslims.

It's fun watching ppl take turns slappin' you around tho.

Luissa the Pissah takes the opinion of Obamarrhoidal idiots like her to assume that rational posters are not aware that the majority of TRUE Muslims....and Muslims in general FOLLOW THE FIRST DICTUM....CLEARLY UNDERLINED BY THE AUTHOR of that Piece of Shit Qu'ran....The Historically Documented MASS MURDERER, THIEF, RAPIST & PEDOPHILIC RAPIST, The MONUMENTAL WHACKJOB MOHAMMED: "Make the World the Caliphate of Islam, preferably by word, by SWORD (caps mine) if necessary."

Luissa the Pissah is a fool. And, that......is the bottom line.
Well that'll teach you to eat turkish food when you're in Istanbul next time. Although that definitely doesn't sound halal. :p

But if we're comparing atrocities... look up the history of the Fez. Yes the hat. Then find out WHY it's colored the way it is. (Hint... the City of Fez)

Probably the same reason the British redcoats were red.
Ummmm no. Defintely not. Do your research. I'm not sure if you'll go "COOL!!" or "Eeww!"

I guess it comes down to how much you hate Christians for what you're reaction will be.

bullshit story. do your research.
Truely, Lady? Where have I been presumptuous enough to tell other people what they think. Share any and all instances of me doing so.

But I will tell you this....you use words like "stank" like you are truly well acquainted with it. You must own it. Just sayin'

Telling me that I stated I shit on every liberal service member.. Gee, remember that??

Yes I do...and that is what I think. Can you not tell the difference? That would certainly explain a great deal in the way of your posts, I must admit.

When all I said is why do libs hate America, why do liberals hate the military?? AFTER some liberal douche made comments to that effect.. NOW WHAT?!!! Like I said, PEOPLE IN GLASS FUCKIN HOUSES...

And IMO, you DO spit on the liberals in the service. I'll say it again.

EXactly, you fuckin hypocrite so don't whine when someone puts words in your mouth from your dumbass posts, IDIOT.
Telling me that I stated I shit on every liberal service member.. Gee, remember that??

Yes I do...and that is what I think. Can you not tell the difference? That would certainly explain a great deal in the way of your posts, I must admit.

When all I said is why do libs hate America, why do liberals hate the military?? AFTER some liberal douche made comments to that effect.. NOW WHAT?!!! Like I said, PEOPLE IN GLASS FUCKIN HOUSES...

And IMO, you DO spit on the liberals in the service. I'll say it again.

EXactly, you fuckin hypocrite so don't whine when someone puts words in your mouth from your dumbass posts, IDIOT.

I know a few liberals serving right now. Are you going to tell me they hate America and the military?

It looks to me like Bode busted you ... again.
Yes I do...and that is what I think. Can you not tell the difference? That would certainly explain a great deal in the way of your posts, I must admit.

And IMO, you DO spit on the liberals in the service. I'll say it again.

EXactly, you fuckin hypocrite so don't whine when someone puts words in your mouth from your dumbass posts, IDIOT.

I know a few liberals serving right now. Are you going to tell me they hate America and the military?

It looks to me like Bode busted you ... again.

As if your opinion matters to anyone?? LMAO!!! Ask me if I give a good damn what you think Liberal?! :) Have a nice night!

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