Herman Cain said that he would Not appoint a Muslim to any position in his administra

Looking to see if they might have been in the same unit or company as you?

I am one liberal who didn't serve.

Why would leftists join the military of a nation they hate?

Well, you miss your premise in thinking that Leftists hate this country. Leftists FORMED this country, fighting the Brits AND the Conservative Tories the whole time.

I am proud of my service to this great country. And I am proud to be a Leftist....I look upon the alternative and it's pretty sad.
Looking to see if they might have been in the same unit or company as you?

I am one liberal who didn't serve.

Why would leftists join the military of a nation they hate?

Well, you miss your premise in thinking that Leftists hate this country. Leftists FORMED this country, fighting the Brits AND the Conservative Tories the whole time.

I am proud of my service to this great country. And I am proud to be a Leftist....I look upon the alternative and it's pretty sad.

What's really sad is that you think Rachel Maddow is hot. LOL
Well, you miss your premise in thinking that Leftists hate this country.

Well you know, the whole trying to turn it into an authoritarian state tends to make it look that way.

Leftists FORMED this country,


What a fucking moron.

Second grade history so would have aided you.

You see dummy, the nation was founded by liberty minded capitalists, Marx wasn't on the scene and the ideals you promote were yet to be shit onto the world.
I am one liberal who didn't serve.

Why would leftists join the military of a nation they hate?

Well, you miss your premise in thinking that Leftists hate this country. Leftists FORMED this country, fighting the Brits AND the Conservative Tories the whole time.

I am proud of my service to this great country. And I am proud to be a Leftist....I look upon the alternative and it's pretty sad.

What's really sad is that you think Rachel Maddow is hot. LOL

Yep....we all have different tastes. I cannot understand how people think Palin is hot, but I don't think it's sad....just different tastes.

But, you run on pure partisanship....so, I totally understand your sadness.
Well, you miss your premise in thinking that Leftists hate this country.

Well you know, the whole trying to turn it into an authoritarian state tends to make it look that way.

Leftists FORMED this country,


What a fucking moron.

Second grade history so would have aided you.

You see dummy, the nation was founded by liberty minded capitalists, Marx wasn't on the scene and the ideals you promote were yet to be shit onto the world.

I understand your brainwashing....

But our Founders were Liberal aka Leftists of their time period. AKA Whigs. The Conservatives were the Tories and fought FOR the Crown.

Perhaps you should do some reading on Tories vs Patriots.
Well, you miss your premise in thinking that Leftists hate this country. Leftists FORMED this country, fighting the Brits AND the Conservative Tories the whole time.

I am proud of my service to this great country. And I am proud to be a Leftist....I look upon the alternative and it's pretty sad.

What's really sad is that you think Rachel Maddow is hot. LOL

Yep....we all have different tastes. I cannot understand how people think Palin is hot, but I don't think it's sad....just different tastes.

But, you run on pure partisanship....so, I totally understand your sadness.

Yea sure...


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Oh, it isn't Muslim vs Christian. You're right about that. It is Muslim vs the whole world. They don't target only Christians, they will kill Buddhists, Taoists, Hindus, Christians, African voodoo priestesses, hell even atheists. Hell, they kill each other.

Wake up.

We don't deal with "they".
Who are "they"?
We deal with Iraq, Afghanistan and many other Muslim countries now.
You need to wake up if you do not know that the Bush doctrine, continued in detail by this administration, IS TO WORK WITH MUSLIMS.
Not fight all of "they".
Who the hell to you think we have supported in Iraq and Afghanistan?
Christian governments? :lol:

Yeah that's the weirdest thing about these people on this thread, they're proud to hate muslims, and they're also proud of our wars that spread islam and apply the influence of islam right into the governments our wars produced.

The Bush administration did not even know that of the 1.2 billion Muslims about 1 billion are Sunni. Ask the Saudis what they think of the Shia influence now in Iraq and what that does for Iranian power in the region. And go see what lengths the Saudis are going to to ensure their influence economically in the region. That is a good thing but is also for protection of the monarchies in the region.
Sunni are 90% of the Muslim world and they are not aligned with the mullahs and power in Iran. I agree with parts of the Bush doctrine but the fact they didn't even know that was shocking. The military warned them but they would not listen.
A thorough understanding of the region, their differing religous and political history and current strategies and alliances in the Muslim world both Shia and Sunni is necessary to discuss this issue. Those facts are missing in most of the posts here.
Yep....we all have different tastes. I cannot understand how people think Palin is hot, but I don't think it's sad....just different tastes.

But, you run on pure partisanship....so, I totally understand your sadness.

Yea sure...

Glasses and haircut are similar. So....you are a shallow partisan too.

LMFAO What's wrong Bod?? I post pictures of two goobs who look similar and you get all pissy over it?? I guess that means you find Al Franken hottttt too, hmm???:lol::lol:
Glasses and haircut are similar. So....you are a shallow partisan too.

LMFAO What's wrong Bod?? I post pictures of two goobs who look similar and you get all pissy over it?? I guess that means you find Al Franken hottttt too, hmm???:lol::lol:

Pissy? What is pissy about my post?

Too rich.. and typically liberal.. throw out insults , then deny you said anything.. "Shallow partisan," that would be YOU.
But our Founders were Liberal aka Leftists of their time period.

The problem is bod, that you're stupid. I'm not trying to insult you, it's just a fact.

You misapply words from the present, which you lack the ability to actually grasp, to a past you are utterly clueless about.

I could ask you to provide quotes from Jefferson, Washington, Mason, Henry, et al, advocating the ownership of the means of production by the proletariat. But to what end? You have no grasp of the concepts at play and throw out phrases which have no actual meaning to you, just those you have been trained to recite.

What did these men REALLY believe?

{A wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government, and this is necessary to close the circle of our felicity. Thomas Jefferson, First Inaugural Address.}

{"Government is not reason; it is not eloquence. It is force. And force, like fire, is a dangerous servant and a fearful master." George Washington}

{"Can the liberties of a nation be sure when we remove their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people, that these liberties are a gift from God? Thomas Jefferson}

{The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government." Patrick Henry }

AKA Whigs. The Conservatives were the Tories and fought FOR the Crown.

The Whigs, huh?


Goddamn but you are stupid. You REALLY should have stuck it out through second grade.

{The Whig Party was a political party of the United States during the era of Jacksonian democracy. Considered integral to the Second Party System and operating from the early 1830s to the mid-1850s,}

Whig Party (United States) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Whigs were a reaction to Jackson and Aaron Burr forming the Democratic party. The first election the Whigs participated in was 1836. There were no Whigs in the revolutionary war, dummy.

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