Herman Cain said that he would Not appoint a Muslim to any position in his administra

EXactly, you fuckin hypocrite so don't whine when someone puts words in your mouth from your dumbass posts, IDIOT.

I know a few liberals serving right now. Are you going to tell me they hate America and the military?

It looks to me like Bode busted you ... again.

As if your opinion matters to anyone?? LMAO!!! Ask me if I give a good damn what you think Liberal?! :) Have a nice night!

Unsurprisingly, once again when your bullshit gets confronted with logic all you are capable of is screeching like a banshee then running away. Tool.
No matter how you twist and turn; conjob, uncensored, and LGS, no matter how hard you try you are not going to be successful in rationalizing that it's okay to discriminate against Muslims.

It's fun watching ppl take turns slappin' you around tho.

The only way to defeat bigotry is by personal interraction, these people will choose to never interact with american muslims so when someone prefers ignorance over life interaction they're beyond help.

A grudge is the heaviest thing to carry, it'd be nice if these people took the New Testament a little more seriously.
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No matter how you twist and turn; conjob, uncensored, and LGS, no matter how hard you try you are not going to be successful in rationalizing that it's okay to discriminate against Muslims.

It's fun watching ppl take turns slappin' you around tho.

The only way to defeat bigotry is by personal interraction, these people will choose to never interact with american muslims so when someone prefers ignorance over life interaction they're beyond help.

A grudge is the heaviest thing to carry, it'd be nice if these people took the New Testament a little more seriously.

In case some of you Obamarrhoidal twits missed my response to Luissa the Pissah's nonsense (and those of the other LIEberrhoid fools' similar crap), the following is what the post was ....... and is STILL not SPECIFICALLY responded to regarding the INSANELY VIOLENT and FASCIST-LIKE CENTRAL INSTRUCTION by the Historically Documented MASS MURDERING (and very Un-Christ like) WHACKJOB MOHAMMED :

"Luissa the Pissah takes the opinion of Obamarrhoidal idiots like her to assume that rational posters are not aware that the majority of TRUE Muslims....and Muslims in general FOLLOW THE FIRST DICTUM....CLEARLY UNDERLINED BY THE AUTHOR of that Piece of Shit Qu'ran....The Historically Documented MASS MURDERER, THIEF, RAPIST & PEDOPHILIC RAPIST, The MONUMENTAL WHACKJOB MOHAMMED: "Make the World the Caliphate of Islam, preferably by word, by SWORD (caps mine) if necessary."

Luissa the Pissah is a fool. And, that......is the bottom line."

And, incidentally, in case anyone thinks that there has been any improvement in the mental progress towards enlightenment on the part of the LIEberrhoid idiots ????

Answer: An unequivocal, NO !!!
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No matter how you twist and turn; conjob, uncensored, and LGS, no matter how hard you try you are not going to be successful in rationalizing that it's okay to discriminate against Muslims.

It's fun watching ppl take turns slappin' you around tho.

The only way to defeat bigotry is by personal interraction, these people will choose to never interact with american muslims so when someone prefers ignorance over life interaction they're beyond help.

A grudge is the heaviest thing to carry, it'd be nice if these people took the New Testament a little more seriously.

In case some of you Obamarrhoidal twits missed my response to Luissa the Pissah's nonsense (and those of the other LIEberrhoid fools' similar crap), the following is what the post was ....... and is STILL not SPECIFICALLY responded to regarding the INSANELY VIOLENT and FASCIST-LIKE CENTRAL INSTRUCTION by the Historically Documented MASS MURDERING (and very Un-Christ like) WHACKJOB MOHAMMED :

"Luissa the Pissah takes the opinion of Obamarrhoidal idiots like her to assume that rational posters are not aware that the majority of TRUE Muslims....and Muslims in general FOLLOW THE FIRST DICTUM....CLEARLY UNDERLINED BY THE AUTHOR of that Piece of Shit Qu'ran....The Historically Documented MASS MURDERER, THIEF, RAPIST & PEDOPHILIC RAPIST, The MONUMENTAL WHACKJOB MOHAMMED: "Make the World the Caliphate of Islam, preferably by word, by SWORD (caps mine) if necessary."

Luissa the Pissah is a fool. And, that......is the bottom line."

And, incidentally, in case anyone thinks that there has been any improvement in the mental progress towards enlightenment on the part of the LIEberrhoid idiots ????

Answer: An unequivocal, NO !!!

So do you believe Jesus would be proud of you for hating 1.7 billion of his people because they aren't the same religion as you?

I know you'll go on a name-calling rant, but before you do that answer the question posed to you.
The only way to defeat bigotry is by personal interraction, these people will choose to never interact with american muslims so when someone prefers ignorance over life interaction they're beyond help.

A grudge is the heaviest thing to carry, it'd be nice if these people took the New Testament a little more seriously.

In case some of you Obamarrhoidal twits missed my response to Luissa the Pissah's nonsense (and those of the other LIEberrhoid fools' similar crap), the following is what the post was ....... and is STILL not SPECIFICALLY responded to regarding the INSANELY VIOLENT and FASCIST-LIKE CENTRAL INSTRUCTION by the Historically Documented MASS MURDERING (and very Un-Christ like) WHACKJOB MOHAMMED :

"Luissa the Pissah takes the opinion of Obamarrhoidal idiots like her to assume that rational posters are not aware that the majority of TRUE Muslims....and Muslims in general FOLLOW THE FIRST DICTUM....CLEARLY UNDERLINED BY THE AUTHOR of that Piece of Shit Qu'ran....The Historically Documented MASS MURDERER, THIEF, RAPIST & PEDOPHILIC RAPIST, The MONUMENTAL WHACKJOB MOHAMMED: "Make the World the Caliphate of Islam, preferably by word, by SWORD (caps mine) if necessary."

Luissa the Pissah is a fool. And, that......is the bottom line."

And, incidentally, in case anyone thinks that there has been any improvement in the mental progress towards enlightenment on the part of the LIEberrhoid idiots ????

Answer: An unequivocal, NO !!!

So do you believe Jesus would be proud of you for hating 1.7 billion of his people because they aren't the same religion as you?

I know you'll go on a name-calling rant, but before you do that answer the question posed to you.


First, I don't believe in the Organized Religions of the World. If there is a God, then my God would be the God of Einstein,Spinoza, etc., who believe that God, if he exists, is the Sum Total of all the Laws of the Universe. Praying to such a God would be like praying to a lightening so it won't strike you. Please note that the statistical result of praying to the God of the Organized Religions of the World is identical to praying to the nearest rock in your garden. When we die, we become fertilizer not unoike that of the lowly cockroach snuffling around hither and yon.

Second, the reason I mentioned Jesus, is that here is a Religion whose founder is at least a decent entity .......NOT a Historically Documented MASS MURDERER, THIEF, RAPIST & PEDOPHILIC RAPIST.....The MONUMENTAL WHACKJOB MOHAMMED the author of the Qu'ran whose CLEAR AND UNMISTAKABLE CENTRAL MESSAGE is FANATICAL RELIGIOUS VIOLENCE not any different than those of the FASCISTS like HITLER...or COMMIES like STALIN or MAO TSE TUNG !!!!

Yet a LIEberrhoid moron like you, and other LIEBERRHOIDAL idiots like you, who profess to have not only a brain.....but supposedly an interest in the welfare of Humanity.......turns the TRUTH on its head.....and twists REALITY to mean that RIDICULING a RELIGION concocted by a Historically Documented MASS MURDERER, THIEF, RAPIST & PEDOPHILIC RAPIST, a MONUMENTAL WHACKJOB MOHAMMED based on FANATICAL VIOLENCE & HATE of non-believers of ISLAM, similar to the doctrines of FASCISM and COMMUNISM....... is instead of WHAT IT IS.....according to DELUSIONSAL FOOLS like you is a RIGHTEOUS ENTERPRISE....... and my condemnation of the EVIL ISLAM is supposedly a contemptuous persecution of "rational and innocent folk" pursuing a "civilized" belief !!!!!

Lastly, you have the fucking gall, to demand that I answer your idiotic query.......WHEN YOU, APPARENTLY, STILL DO NOT KNOW THAT MY QUESTION IS UNANSWERED BY YOU, YOU IDIOTIC NINCOMPOOP !!!
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In case some of you Obamarrhoidal twits missed my response to Luissa the Pissah's nonsense (and those of the other LIEberrhoid fools' similar crap), the following is what the post was ....... and is STILL not SPECIFICALLY responded to regarding the INSANELY VIOLENT and FASCIST-LIKE CENTRAL INSTRUCTION by the Historically Documented MASS MURDERING (and very Un-Christ like) WHACKJOB MOHAMMED :

"Luissa the Pissah takes the opinion of Obamarrhoidal idiots like her to assume that rational posters are not aware that the majority of TRUE Muslims....and Muslims in general FOLLOW THE FIRST DICTUM....CLEARLY UNDERLINED BY THE AUTHOR of that Piece of Shit Qu'ran....The Historically Documented MASS MURDERER, THIEF, RAPIST & PEDOPHILIC RAPIST, The MONUMENTAL WHACKJOB MOHAMMED: "Make the World the Caliphate of Islam, preferably by word, by SWORD (caps mine) if necessary."

Luissa the Pissah is a fool. And, that......is the bottom line."

And, incidentally, in case anyone thinks that there has been any improvement in the mental progress towards enlightenment on the part of the LIEberrhoid idiots ????

Answer: An unequivocal, NO !!!

So do you believe Jesus would be proud of you for hating 1.7 billion of his people because they aren't the same religion as you?

I know you'll go on a name-calling rant, but before you do that answer the question posed to you.


First, I don't believe in the Organized Religions of the World. If there is a God, then my God would be the God of Einstein,Spinoza, etc., who believe that God, if he exists, is the Sum Total of all the Laws of the Universe. Praying to such a God would be like praying to a lightening so it won't strike you. Please note that the statistical result of praying to the God of the Organized Religions of the World is identical to praying to the nearest rock in your garden. When we die, we become fertilizer not unoike that of the lowly cockroach snuffling around hither and yon.

Second, the reason I mentioned Jesus, is that here is a Religion whose founder is at least a decent entity .......NOT a Historically Documented MASS MURDERER, THIEF, RAPIST & PEDOPHILIC RAPIST.....The MONUMENTAL WHACKJOB MOHAMMED the author of the Qu'ran whose CLEAR AND UNMISTAKABLE CENTRAL MESSAGE is FANATICAL RELIGIOUS VIOLENCE not any different than those of the FASCISTS like HITLER...or COMMIES like STALIN or MAO TSE TUNG !!!!

Yet a LIEberrhoid moron like you, and other LIEBERRHOIDAL idiots like you, who profess to have not only a brain.....but supposedly an interest in the welfare of Humanity.......turns the TRUTH on its head.....and twists REALITY to mean that RIDICULING a RELIGION concocted by a Historically Documented MASS MURDERER, THIEF, RAPIST & PEDOPHILIC RAPIST, a MONUMENTAL WHACKJOB MOHAMMED based on FANATICAL VIOLENCE & HATE of non-believers of ISLAM, similar to the doctrines of FASCISM and COMMUNISM....... is instead of WHAT IT IS.....according to DELUSIONSAL FOOLS like you is a RIGHTEOUS ENTERPRISE....... and my condemnation of the EVIL ISLAM is supposedly a contemptuous persecution of "rational and innocent folk" pursuing a "civilized" belief !!!!!

Lastly, you have the fucking gall, to demand that I answer your idiotic query.......WHEN YOU, APPARENTLY, STILL DO NOT KNOW THAT MY QUESTION IS UNANSWERED BY YOU, YOU IDIOTIC NINCOMPOOP !!!

Mohammed and the christian God are both mass murderers according to the Koran and the Bible (both Abrahamic religions).

Good chat.
His comment about muslims reminds me of an obama campaign gaffe

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8gnmUyminI]YouTube - ‪Obama "Typical White Person" Racist Interview‬‏[/ame]

doesn't make what cain said any better just saying it reminded me of this.

Obama has a stereotypical view of a "typical white person" just like Cain has a stereotypical view of a "typical muslim person"

I invite any of the mindless Chamberlain clones to invite a Taliban or Al Qaeda Jihadist to come live with them, so that through their tolerance and understanding, they can teach peace, love and kubayah.....

These guys are free for the summer....


You may believe George Bush, Dick Cheney, David Patreus and the entire military command are "Chamberlain clones" but I don't.
Their policy of allying themselves with MUSLIM countries and changing the dictators for democracies in MUSLIM countries, using MUSLIM people is sound.
Do not oblige them and their strategy.

Oh, it isn't Muslim vs Christian. You're right about that. It is Muslim vs the whole world. They don't target only Christians, they will kill Buddhists, Taoists, Hindus, Christians, African voodoo priestesses, hell even atheists. Hell, they kill each other.

Wake up.

We don't deal with "they".
Who are "they"?
We deal with Iraq, Afghanistan and many other Muslim countries now.
You need to wake up if you do not know that the Bush doctrine, continued in detail by this administration, IS TO WORK WITH MUSLIMS.
Not fight all of "they".
Who the hell to you think we have supported in Iraq and Afghanistan?
Christian governments? :lol:
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You may believe George Bush, Dick Cheney, David Patreus and the entire military command are "Chamberlain clones" but I don't.
Their policy of allying themselves with MUSLIM countries and changing the dictators for democracies in MUSLIM countries, using MUSLIM people is sound.
Do not oblige them and their strategy.

Oh, it isn't Muslim vs Christian. You're right about that. It is Muslim vs the whole world. They don't target only Christians, they will kill Buddhists, Taoists, Hindus, Christians, African voodoo priestesses, hell even atheists. Hell, they kill each other.

Wake up.

We don't deal with "they".
Who are "they"?
We deal with Iraq, Afghanistan and many other Muslim countries now.
You need to wake up if you do not know that the Bush doctrine, continued in detail by this administration, IS TO WORK WITH MUSLIMS.
Not fight all of "they".
Who the hell to you think we have supported in Iraq and Afghanistan?
Christian governments? :lol:

Yeah that's the weirdest thing about these people on this thread, they're proud to hate muslims, and they're also proud of our wars that spread islam and apply the influence of islam right into the governments our wars produced.
So do you believe Jesus would be proud of you for hating 1.7 billion of his people because they aren't the same religion as you?

I know you'll go on a name-calling rant, but before you do that answer the question posed to you.


First, I don't believe in the Organized Religions of the World. If there is a God, then my God would be the God of Einstein,Spinoza, etc., who believe that God, if he exists, is the Sum Total of all the Laws of the Universe. Praying to such a God would be like praying to a lightening so it won't strike you. Please note that the statistical result of praying to the God of the Organized Religions of the World is identical to praying to the nearest rock in your garden. When we die, we become fertilizer not unoike that of the lowly cockroach snuffling around hither and yon.

Second, the reason I mentioned Jesus, is that here is a Religion whose founder is at least a decent entity .......NOT a Historically Documented MASS MURDERER, THIEF, RAPIST & PEDOPHILIC RAPIST.....The MONUMENTAL WHACKJOB MOHAMMED the author of the Qu'ran whose CLEAR AND UNMISTAKABLE CENTRAL MESSAGE is FANATICAL RELIGIOUS VIOLENCE not any different than those of the FASCISTS like HITLER...or COMMIES like STALIN or MAO TSE TUNG !!!!

Yet a LIEberrhoid moron like you, and other LIEBERRHOIDAL idiots like you, who profess to have not only a brain.....but supposedly an interest in the welfare of Humanity.......turns the TRUTH on its head.....and twists REALITY to mean that RIDICULING a RELIGION concocted by a Historically Documented MASS MURDERER, THIEF, RAPIST & PEDOPHILIC RAPIST, a MONUMENTAL WHACKJOB MOHAMMED based on FANATICAL VIOLENCE & HATE of non-believers of ISLAM, similar to the doctrines of FASCISM and COMMUNISM....... is instead of WHAT IT IS.....according to DELUSIONSAL FOOLS like you is a RIGHTEOUS ENTERPRISE....... and my condemnation of the EVIL ISLAM is supposedly a contemptuous persecution of "rational and innocent folk" pursuing a "civilized" belief !!!!!

Lastly, you have the fucking gall, to demand that I answer your idiotic query.......WHEN YOU, APPARENTLY, STILL DO NOT KNOW THAT MY QUESTION IS UNANSWERED BY YOU, YOU IDIOTIC NINCOMPOOP !!!

Mohammed and the christian God are both mass murderers according to the Koran and the Bible (both Abrahamic religions).

Good chat.


Sorry, but you are a fool.

I mean close to being a clinical IDIOT !!!

You just can't get it right.



Whereas, Jesus Christ (even assuming he was not god-like) was a nice chap preaching LOVE, turn the other cheek, and that sort of stuff.

THESE MESSENGERS WERE DIAMETRICALLY OPPOSITE: One is a fucking HOMICIDAL MANIAC ...... the other a nice guy !!!!

The ONLY redemption SOME of the fucking Muslims have is that (1) they are IGNORANT about their Religion, or (2) they realize that the CENTRAL INSTRUCTION of the Whackjob Mohammed is idiotically VIOLENT (similar to FASCISM), and don't follow it.

HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU MORONIC LIEBerrhoids NOT COMPREHEND THE OBVIOUS and still go around supposedly rational in your other activities ????

THAT is something I can't comprehend.
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Well that'll teach you to eat turkish food when you're in Istanbul next time. Although that definitely doesn't sound halal. :p

But if we're comparing atrocities... look up the history of the Fez. Yes the hat. Then find out WHY it's colored the way it is. (Hint... the City of Fez)

Probably the same reason the British redcoats were red.
Ummmm no. Defintely not. Do your research. I'm not sure if you'll go "COOL!!" or "Eeww!"

I guess it comes down to how much you hate Christians for what you're reaction will be.

How much I hate Christians? Do tell.
His comment about muslims reminds me of an obama campaign gaffe

YouTube - ‪Obama "Typical White Person" Racist Interview‬‏

doesn't make what cain said any better just saying it reminded me of this.

Obama has a stereotypical view of a "typical white person" just like Cain has a stereotypical view of a "typical muslim person"

Ahhh Suki Suki now.. Well well well... Libroids are their own worst enemy..

Like I said Obama's Racism/Bigotry is not a justification for Cain's comment in any way.

But the fact that those who defended Obama's "typical white person" comment are in here chiding Cain can speak volumes as to what type of person they truly are.
His comment about muslims reminds me of an obama campaign gaffe

YouTube - ‪Obama "Typical White Person" Racist Interview‬‏

doesn't make what cain said any better just saying it reminded me of this.

Obama has a stereotypical view of a "typical white person" just like Cain has a stereotypical view of a "typical muslim person"

Ahhh Suki Suki now.. Well well well... Libroids are their own worst enemy..

Like I said Obama's Racism/Bigotry is not a justification for Cain's comment in any way.

But the fact that those who defended Obama's "typical white person" comment are in here chiding Cain can speak volumes as to what type of person they truly are.


The only thing similar about the two statements is that they were both based on how they perceive a group of people and that's where it ends. It's nothing like that campaign "gaffe." Cain's statement is straight from the hyper-nutter tree and expresses that he will practice open discrimination against group.

Obama's was ignorant, Cain's was whack-a-loon material.
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Ahhh Suki Suki now.. Well well well... Libroids are their own worst enemy..

Like I said Obama's Racism/Bigotry is not a justification for Cain's comment in any way.

But the fact that those who defended Obama's "typical white person" comment are in here chiding Cain can speak volumes as to what type of person they truly are.


The only thing similar about the two statements is that they were both based on how they perceive a group of people and that's where it ends. It's nothing like that campaign "gaffe." Cain's statement is straight from the hyper-nutter tree and expresses that he will practice open discrimination against group.

Obama's was ignorant, Cain's was whack-a-loon material.

At least we can both agree that both statements were not good statements.
No matter how you twist and turn; conjob, uncensored, and LGS, no matter how hard you try you are not going to be successful in rationalizing that it's okay to discriminate against Muslims.

It's fun watching ppl take turns slappin' you around tho.

Yawn. Another mindless appeaser shreiking "PAY NOT ATTENTION TO THE SUICIDE BOMBER BEHIND THE CURTAIN."

Good thing you morons weren't around in WWII, we would be flying the Swastika.
The only way to defeat bigotry is by personal interraction, these people will choose to never interact with american muslims so when someone prefers ignorance over life interaction they're beyond help.

I've interacted with a lot of American Muslims. I've interacted with several members of Aryan Nations. I've interacted with Communists, Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses.

What I don't do, is play make believe that "all ideas are equal, creeds that command murder are jes as goody as those which teach liberty and equality!"

See, I think doing this is kind of stupid, and results in lots of people dead and enslaved. Now you claim that supporting evil makes you a really good person, but I'm thinking the victims of evil might just disagree.

I talked to this guy "Dave," nice enough fellow - at least to me. Dave had gotten in some trouble a few years back and ended up in prison. He joined up with the Aryan Nations while inside.

Now I've got to tell you, because you clearly lack the wits to comprehend this on your own, regardless of how nice a guy Dave was, Aryan Nations is a fucked up group, their ideas and agenda are evil. Having a beer with Dave didn't make the creed he followed any less evil. FURTHER, the fact that he followed such a creed cast aspersions on Dave, the fact that he followed such a creed shows a flaw in his moral character, even if he never acted on the teachings of the group.

Evil is evil, even if nice people spout it.

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