Herman Cain said that he would Not appoint a Muslim to any position in his administra

You and uncensored are citing texts of the Koran and saying what it says is diff than what other religions say,

Great, then show us some New Testament, IE Christian texts that have similar commands.

Brain you're well aware of another religious book that says to kill large groups of people and says to kill for ridiculous reasons.

I guess the Canaanites in Jericho better live in fear of the Jews and that command that they wipe them out. OF COURSE if you're NOT a Canaanite in Jericho, you have nothing to worry about, because there is NO command in the Old Testament to butcher non-believers. That is unique to Islam among the monotheistic religions.

Sorry, your boogeyman stories still aren't working, it hasn't changed the good interactions I've had with muslims.

Facts have no power over you, huh? Your mind is made up, reality can take a hike!
Please link to the last time any CHristian leader of note called for the death of anyone, especially for the transgression of making fun of Jesus or God.

Please also note the last case of ao woman being beaten for not being a subservient Christian woman.

Please link to the last gay beheaded by a Christian.

Please link to the last thief who lost a hand to a Christian

Let's start there.
For that matter, when was the last time Israel threatened to wipe every Muslim off the face of the earth or the Roman Catholic Church advocate the violent overthrow of secular governments in favor of a global theocracy?

Jihadists are acting in accordance with Islamic views and practices, not in opposition to them. They are fundamentalist believers, not a fringe or rogue element of the Muslim religion. Mohammed, himself, was the first Muslim jihadist. (If only he'd shown the courage of his own convictions and committed suicide in the midst of his terrorist acts as his followers do today. LOL)

What too many people don't understand is that Muslims who deny jihad and sharia are either non-practising Muslims or they're lying to you about their true beliefs (something their religion encourages them to do when dealing with unbelievers, so as to deceive their enemies until they can subdue them.)

Islam is an illegitimate religion. Unlike any other religion in the world, Islam cannot - by its own tenants - live in peaceful coexistence with other beliefs or outlooks. What liberals really don't seem to understand is that other worldviews are incompatible with Islam also, not just religions. (As if liberalism really isn't a religion unto itself.)

The only way to defeat jihad is to defeat Islam. You kill the jihadists and you woo the other Muslims by giving them this example: either you enjoy freedom and the chance to prosper by adopting the values of Western civilization or you will be hunted and exterminated for raising your fist against us.

It's not bigotry to discriminate against adherents to an evil and hostile ideology that condemns non-believers to servitude or death. It's common sense.
So...what is your solution? We are allowed to legally discriminate against Muslims in America? Take away their voting rights? Expell them? What?
So...what is your solution? We are allowed to legally discriminate against Muslims in America? Take away their voting rights? Expell them? What?

Show me where that has been suggested?

Discriminate? I discriminate every time I open the refrigerator. If the milk smells sour, I discriminate by not using it. If the lettuce is wilted, I discriminate against it.

Discriminating is simply the act of applying discretion. Discriminate against creeds that advocate and engage in murder, oppression, imperialism and totalitarianism? Sane people would - those who wouldn't probably don't discriminate between having salad or dogshit for dinner.
You and uncensored are citing texts of the Koran and saying what it says is diff than what other religions say,

Great, then show us some New Testament, IE Christian texts that have similar commands.

Brain you're well aware of another religious book that says to kill large groups of people and says to kill for ridiculous reasons.

I guess the Canaanites in Jericho better live in fear of the Jews and that command that they wipe them out. OF COURSE if you're NOT a Canaanite in Jericho, you have nothing to worry about, because there is NO command in the Old Testament to butcher non-believers. That is unique to Islam among the monotheistic religions.

Sorry, your boogeyman stories still aren't working, it hasn't changed the good interactions I've had with muslims.

Facts have no power over you, huh? Your mind is made up, reality can take a hike!

Actually real life interactions are facts, your boogeyman stories aren't.

I expect you and Brain to point out specific bad texts in the Koran, and specific good texts in the Bible and ignore the good texts in the Koran and the bad texts in the Bible, standard operating procedure from the holier than thou types.
Actually real life interactions are facts, your boogeyman stories aren't.


I'll tell all those killed by Islam this week that their deaths don't meet your agenda, so they are wiped from reality.

{ For Immediate Release
May 31, 2011 U.S. Department of Justice
Office of Public Affairs
(202) 514-2007/TDD (202) 514-1888

Two Iraqi Nationals Indicted on Federal Terrorism Charges in Kentucky

WASHINGTON—An Iraqi citizen who allegedly carried out numerous improvised explosive device (IED) attacks against U.S. troops in Iraq and another Iraqi national alleged to have participated in the insurgency in Iraq have been arrested and indicted on federal terrorism charges in the Western District of Kentucky.}

Federal Bureau of Investigation - The Louisville Division: Department of Justice Press Release

DISMISSED from reality - Drock finds that facts are inconvenient!

{The 24-year-old who was shot by her father with a gun, had a friend and had the relationship secret from their parents. The strict Muslim, educated woman who studied at the College of Education in Lucerne could obviously not live the way they wanted. Because the father has rigid morality, she had to lead a double life - up there on Saturday evening came a deadly dispute. The 48-year-old mother died after her daughter was rushed to the rescue. The wife of the perpetrator was flown with critical injuries in a hospital, where she died during the night to Sunday from their injuries. The murder weapon was found in the apartment.}

Familiendrama: War es ein Ehrenmord? - News Panorama: Vermischtes - tagesanzeiger.ch

DISMISSED from reality - Drock finds that the life and death of the victims is inconvenient to his agenda!

I expect you and Brain to point out specific bad texts in the Koran, and specific good texts in the Bible and ignore the good texts in the Koran and the bad texts in the Bible, standard operating procedure from the holier than thou types.

I don't care about the Bible, there are no groups of Christians raping and murdering in the name of their god.

{When she fought against being dragged into a car, she was knifed. Although she doesn't spell it out, Fung was in shock -bleeding profusely, she felt no pain as her abductors spirited her away. They told her they were Taliban, bound her wounds and took turns photographing themselves -with her digital camera -while pointing a Kalashnikov at her head.

But their leader, an 18-or 19-year-old named Khalid, assured her, "I not kill you. We just want money." He guessed they could get $200,000 ransom for her.

Khalid allowed her a brief phone call to her boyfriend, CTV foreign correspondent Paul Workman in Kandahar, to tell him, "I'm okay. They're treating me well. They just want money." She added, "I'm sorry about everything. All the trouble I've caused everyone."

Arriving at a remote village, she was thrown into the hole that would be her prison. Six feet by three feet by five feet high, it had a light bulb rigged to a car battery for illumination and a bucket for bodily functions. She survived the next four weeks mainly on murky water, juice and chocolate cookies.

In that space, tiny even for one person and hidden by a canopy of dirt, she was constantly in the company of one or another of her captives. They were all young men and treated her well -except for Kahlid's "uncle" Abdulrahman, an older, fat man whose "breath reeked of garlic and onions."

He raped her at knifepoint on the one night she was left alone with him. She spent the next few hours rocking "back and forth in a fetal position, hoping I would wake up and realize this was all a horrible nightmare" as Abdulrahman slept beside her. When he woke, he asked, "You want to interview me?" and she did, to distract him, try to get information out of him -and because she's the consummate journalist.

During the ensuing weeks, she built a rapport with her captors, except of course with Abdulrahman, who was never left with her again.

In the culture clash of her debates and interviews with them, and as she relates those to her previous experiences in Afghanistan, Fung makes us realize just what a quagmire she -and we -have got into.

She tried to explain that Canada is different from the United States, that Canada is there to help the Afghans, but she was told, "Canada, America, Britain, you all same. You come, you fight in my country and kill my people." They also tried to convince her to become a Muslim. As one says, "You no go heaven. You not Muslim! You Muslim, you go."

Read more: http://www.vancouversun.com/news/Abducted+Afghanistan/4821838/story.html#ixzz1NxhaBcC1}
Please link to the last time any CHristian leader of note called for the death of anyone, especially for the transgression of making fun of Jesus or God.

Please also note the last case of ao woman being beaten for not being a subservient Christian woman.

Please link to the last gay beheaded by a Christian.

Please link to the last thief who lost a hand to a Christian

Let's start there.
For that matter, when was the last time Israel threatened to wipe every Muslim off the face of the earth or the Roman Catholic Church advocate the violent overthrow of secular governments in favor of a global theocracy?

Jihadists are acting in accordance with Islamic views and practices, not in opposition to them. They are fundamentalist believers, not a fringe or rogue element of the Muslim religion. Mohammed, himself, was the first Muslim jihadist. (If only he'd shown the courage of his own convictions and committed suicide in the midst of his terrorist acts as his followers do today. LOL)

What too many people don't understand is that Muslims who deny jihad and sharia are either non-practising Muslims or they're lying to you about their true beliefs (something their religion encourages them to do when dealing with unbelievers, so as to deceive their enemies until they can subdue them.)

Islam is an illegitimate religion. Unlike any other religion in the world, Islam cannot - by its own tenants - live in peaceful coexistence with other beliefs or outlooks. What liberals really don't seem to understand is that other worldviews are incompatible with Islam also, not just religions. (As if liberalism really isn't a religion unto itself.)

The only way to defeat jihad is to defeat Islam. You kill the jihadists and you woo the other Muslims by giving them this example: either you enjoy freedom and the chance to prosper by adopting the values of Western civilization or you will be hunted and exterminated for raising your fist against us.

It's not bigotry to discriminate against adherents to an evil and hostile ideology that condemns non-believers to servitude or death. It's common sense.
So...what is your solution? We are allowed to legally discriminate against Muslims in America? Take away their voting rights? Expell them? What?

My solution would be to ship your ignorant ass over to some Muslim country for about a month and see if anything happens that changes your views on Islam.

Why do you hate women so much that you defend a religion that is in fact intolerant of women? Do you understand that they would also stone you to death for your gay choice?

Fuck being tolerant, you need to get your god damned head out of the sand, and face reality. Islam is the backwards cult of stupid people and any TRUE Muslims are our enemy. There are some fake Muslims out there who don't even realize that to TRUE Mulsims they are to be killed with the rest of the non believers, yes some of those people aren't bad people, too bad they are scheduled to die right alongside the rest of us.
For that matter, when was the last time Israel threatened to wipe every Muslim off the face of the earth or the Roman Catholic Church advocate the violent overthrow of secular governments in favor of a global theocracy?

Jihadists are acting in accordance with Islamic views and practices, not in opposition to them. They are fundamentalist believers, not a fringe or rogue element of the Muslim religion. Mohammed, himself, was the first Muslim jihadist. (If only he'd shown the courage of his own convictions and committed suicide in the midst of his terrorist acts as his followers do today. LOL)

What too many people don't understand is that Muslims who deny jihad and sharia are either non-practising Muslims or they're lying to you about their true beliefs (something their religion encourages them to do when dealing with unbelievers, so as to deceive their enemies until they can subdue them.)

Islam is an illegitimate religion. Unlike any other religion in the world, Islam cannot - by its own tenants - live in peaceful coexistence with other beliefs or outlooks. What liberals really don't seem to understand is that other worldviews are incompatible with Islam also, not just religions. (As if liberalism really isn't a religion unto itself.)

The only way to defeat jihad is to defeat Islam. You kill the jihadists and you woo the other Muslims by giving them this example: either you enjoy freedom and the chance to prosper by adopting the values of Western civilization or you will be hunted and exterminated for raising your fist against us.

It's not bigotry to discriminate against adherents to an evil and hostile ideology that condemns non-believers to servitude or death. It's common sense.
So...what is your solution? We are allowed to legally discriminate against Muslims in America? Take away their voting rights? Expell them? What?

My solution would be to ship your ignorant ass over to some Muslim country for about a month and see if anything happens that changes your views on Islam.

Why do you hate women so much that you defend a religion that is in fact intolerant of women? Do you understand that they would also stone you to death for your gay choice?

Fuck being tolerant, you need to get your god damned head out of the sand, and face reality. Islam is the backwards cult of stupid people and any TRUE Muslims are our enemy. There are some fake Muslims out there who don't even realize that to TRUE Mulsims they are to be killed with the rest of the non believers, yes some of those people aren't bad people, too bad they are scheduled to die right alongside the rest of us.

Why, bless your heart...there you are. Again. :bye1:
For that matter, when was the last time Israel threatened to wipe every Muslim off the face of the earth or the Roman Catholic Church advocate the violent overthrow of secular governments in favor of a global theocracy?

Jihadists are acting in accordance with Islamic views and practices, not in opposition to them. They are fundamentalist believers, not a fringe or rogue element of the Muslim religion. Mohammed, himself, was the first Muslim jihadist. (If only he'd shown the courage of his own convictions and committed suicide in the midst of his terrorist acts as his followers do today. LOL)

What too many people don't understand is that Muslims who deny jihad and sharia are either non-practising Muslims or they're lying to you about their true beliefs (something their religion encourages them to do when dealing with unbelievers, so as to deceive their enemies until they can subdue them.)

Islam is an illegitimate religion. Unlike any other religion in the world, Islam cannot - by its own tenants - live in peaceful coexistence with other beliefs or outlooks. What liberals really don't seem to understand is that other worldviews are incompatible with Islam also, not just religions. (As if liberalism really isn't a religion unto itself.)

The only way to defeat jihad is to defeat Islam. You kill the jihadists and you woo the other Muslims by giving them this example: either you enjoy freedom and the chance to prosper by adopting the values of Western civilization or you will be hunted and exterminated for raising your fist against us.

It's not bigotry to discriminate against adherents to an evil and hostile ideology that condemns non-believers to servitude or death. It's common sense.
So...what is your solution? We are allowed to legally discriminate against Muslims in America? Take away their voting rights? Expell them? What?

My solution would be to ship your ignorant ass over to some Muslim country for about a month and see if anything happens that changes your views on Islam.

Why do you hate women so much that you defend a religion that is in fact intolerant of women? Do you understand that they would also stone you to death for your gay choice?

Fuck being tolerant, you need to get your god damned head out of the sand, and face reality. Islam is the backwards cult of stupid people and any TRUE Muslims are our enemy. There are some fake Muslims out there who don't even realize that to TRUE Mulsims they are to be killed with the rest of the non believers, yes some of those people aren't bad people, too bad they are scheduled to die right alongside the rest of us.

This is kind of a silly statement. I think our only true enemy is ignorance. People are people regardless of what religion they are. Muslims are no more a threat than Christians. Extremists that have "the answer" pose the biggest problem to world peace.
So...what is your solution? We are allowed to legally discriminate against Muslims in America? Take away their voting rights? Expell them? What?

Show me where that has been suggested?

Discriminate? I discriminate every time I open the refrigerator. If the milk smells sour, I discriminate by not using it. If the lettuce is wilted, I discriminate against it.

Discriminating is simply the act of applying discretion. Discriminate against creeds that advocate and engage in murder, oppression, imperialism and totalitarianism? Sane people would - those who wouldn't probably don't discriminate between having salad or dogshit for dinner.

Look, assbag. There's a technical definition of discrimination. A LEGAL one.

Discrimination is the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, esp. on the grounds of race, age, or sex. It's illegal. See, if you knew about our Constitution, or cared about its enforcement...which you clearly dont on BOTH counts...you'd know that Equal Protection means that all ages, races, genders and CREEDS are BY LAW required to be treated equally.

You and people like you aren't out for common sense...you're out to JUSTIFY your hatred and SHRED THE CONSTITUTION!!!
So...what is your solution? We are allowed to legally discriminate against Muslims in America? Take away their voting rights? Expell them? What?

My solution would be to ship your ignorant ass over to some Muslim country for about a month and see if anything happens that changes your views on Islam.

Why do you hate women so much that you defend a religion that is in fact intolerant of women? Do you understand that they would also stone you to death for your gay choice?

Fuck being tolerant, you need to get your god damned head out of the sand, and face reality. Islam is the backwards cult of stupid people and any TRUE Muslims are our enemy. There are some fake Muslims out there who don't even realize that to TRUE Mulsims they are to be killed with the rest of the non believers, yes some of those people aren't bad people, too bad they are scheduled to die right alongside the rest of us.

This is kind of a silly statement. I think our only true enemy is ignorance. People are people regardless of what religion they are. Muslims are no more a threat than Christians. Extremists that have "the answer" pose the biggest problem to world peace.

And let's compare number of extremists of each religeon, shall we? Let's also examine whether those extremists not only want to kill people outside of their religion , but also want to kill those within their own religion who aren't extreme enough. Let's also examine how those who are not extreme react to those within their own religion who are extreme.
My solution would be to ship your ignorant ass over to some Muslim country for about a month and see if anything happens that changes your views on Islam.

Why do you hate women so much that you defend a religion that is in fact intolerant of women? Do you understand that they would also stone you to death for your gay choice?

Fuck being tolerant, you need to get your god damned head out of the sand, and face reality. Islam is the backwards cult of stupid people and any TRUE Muslims are our enemy. There are some fake Muslims out there who don't even realize that to TRUE Mulsims they are to be killed with the rest of the non believers, yes some of those people aren't bad people, too bad they are scheduled to die right alongside the rest of us.

This is kind of a silly statement. I think our only true enemy is ignorance. People are people regardless of what religion they are. Muslims are no more a threat than Christians. Extremists that have "the answer" pose the biggest problem to world peace.

And let's compare number of extremists of each religeon, shall we? Let's also examine whether those extremists not only want to kill people outside of their religion , but also want to kill those within their own religion who aren't extreme enough. Let's also examine how those who are not extreme react to those within their own religion who are extreme.

So you're going to fuck with the decent, non-threatening Muslims by discriminating against them - pushing them further away and making them more radical?

WTF. More Jack Bauer justice from fucking conservatives. All heart...no brains.
This is kind of a silly statement. I think our only true enemy is ignorance. People are people regardless of what religion they are. Muslims are no more a threat than Christians. Extremists that have "the answer" pose the biggest problem to world peace.

And let's compare number of extremists of each religeon, shall we? Let's also examine whether those extremists not only want to kill people outside of their religion , but also want to kill those within their own religion who aren't extreme enough. Let's also examine how those who are not extreme react to those within their own religion who are extreme.

So you're going to fuck with the decent, non-threatening Muslims by discriminating against them - pushing them further away and making them more radical?

WTF. More Jack Bauer justice from fucking conservatives. All heart...no brains.

IOW you have no desire to compare extremists b/c you absolutely KNOW that there is no valid comparison.
It's not ad hominem, you're loud and proud of your bigotry towards muslims.

I've seen Bod attack all religions, if she says they're stupid I'll agree with her, if she EVER says a christian is immoral because he/she is a christian than you can rest assured I'll go on the attack. Maybe she's done that, but I've never seen it.

Every major religion I can think of says to kill large numbers of people, it's not just the Koran that says this. Every major religion including the Koran speaks horribly of killing, including the Koran, hence my point why morally these religions just end up being a wash to me.

Please link to the last time any CHristian leader of note called for the death of anyone, especially for the transgression of making fun of Jesus or God.

Please also note the last case of ao woman being beaten for not being a subservient Christian woman.

Please link to the last gay beheaded by a Christian.

Please link to the last thief who lost a hand to a Christian

Let's start there.

You and uncensored are citing texts of the Koran and saying what it says is diff than what other religions say, Brain you're well aware of another religious book that says to kill large groups of people and says to kill for ridiculous reasons.

Sorry, your boogeyman stories still aren't working, it hasn't changed the good interactions I've had with muslims.

If any religious person only did the negative things their book said to, we'd be an extinct species, if someone has to be religious my hope is they ignore the bad stuff and live by the good stuff.

Mohammed murdered a lot of people in the name of Allah. Jesus never harmed anyone and went around doing good and healing people.
This is kind of a silly statement. I think our only true enemy is ignorance. People are people regardless of what religion they are. Muslims are no more a threat than Christians. Extremists that have "the answer" pose the biggest problem to world peace.

And let's compare number of extremists of each religeon, shall we? Let's also examine whether those extremists not only want to kill people outside of their religion , but also want to kill those within their own religion who aren't extreme enough. Let's also examine how those who are not extreme react to those within their own religion who are extreme.

So you're going to fuck with the decent, non-threatening Muslims by discriminating against them - pushing them further away and making them more radical?

WTF. More Jack Bauer justice from fucking conservatives. All heart...no brains.

You want justice? Is Justice what you really want? Then stop your whining about muslims being discriminated against. You're doing exactly what they want. Useful idiot.
For that matter, when was the last time Israel threatened to wipe every Muslim off the face of the earth or the Roman Catholic Church advocate the violent overthrow of secular governments in favor of a global theocracy?

Jihadists are acting in accordance with Islamic views and practices, not in opposition to them. They are fundamentalist believers, not a fringe or rogue element of the Muslim religion. Mohammed, himself, was the first Muslim jihadist. (If only he'd shown the courage of his own convictions and committed suicide in the midst of his terrorist acts as his followers do today. LOL)

What too many people don't understand is that Muslims who deny jihad and sharia are either non-practising Muslims or they're lying to you about their true beliefs (something their religion encourages them to do when dealing with unbelievers, so as to deceive their enemies until they can subdue them.)

Islam is an illegitimate religion. Unlike any other religion in the world, Islam cannot - by its own tenants - live in peaceful coexistence with other beliefs or outlooks. What liberals really don't seem to understand is that other worldviews are incompatible with Islam also, not just religions. (As if liberalism really isn't a religion unto itself.)

The only way to defeat jihad is to defeat Islam. You kill the jihadists and you woo the other Muslims by giving them this example: either you enjoy freedom and the chance to prosper by adopting the values of Western civilization or you will be hunted and exterminated for raising your fist against us.

It's not bigotry to discriminate against adherents to an evil and hostile ideology that condemns non-believers to servitude or death. It's common sense.
So...what is your solution? We are allowed to legally discriminate against Muslims in America? Take away their voting rights? Expell them? What?

My solution would be to ship your ignorant ass over to some Muslim country for about a month and see if anything happens that changes your views on Islam.

Why do you hate women so much that you defend a religion that is in fact intolerant of women? Do you understand that they would also stone you to death for your gay choice?

Fuck being tolerant, you need to get your god damned head out of the sand, and face reality. Islam is the backwards cult of stupid people and any TRUE Muslims are our enemy. There are some fake Muslims out there who don't even realize that to TRUE Mulsims they are to be killed with the rest of the non believers, yes some of those people aren't bad people, too bad they are scheduled to die right alongside the rest of us.

Nah...we just need to understand them...be nice to them and they'll leave us alone...right?

Isn't this what the left was saying during the fervor of us going into Iraq/Afghanistan...because the left really didn't and never have wanted to go to war with these creeps?
So...what is your solution? We are allowed to legally discriminate against Muslims in America? Take away their voting rights? Expell them? What?
Fuck being tolerant, you need to get your god damned head out of the sand, and face reality. Islam is the backwards cult of stupid people and any TRUE Muslims are our enemy. There are some fake Muslims out there who don't even realize that to TRUE Mulsims they are to be killed with the rest of the non believers, yes some of those people aren't bad people, too bad they are scheduled to die right alongside the rest of us.

Asked and answered.

This is kind of a silly statement. I think our only true enemy is ignorance. People are people regardless of what religion they are. Muslims are no more a threat than Christians. Extremists that have "the answer" pose the biggest problem to world peace.

Correct answer.

I invite any of the Islam haters to petition their elected officials – state or Federal – to introduce legislation banning Islam, or restricting its practice, or requiring Muslims to register as enemy agents. See how far such legislation would go.

Otherwise Islam haters exhibit only ignorant talk, no action.
You and people like you aren't out for common sense...you're out to JUSTIFY your hatred and SHRED THE CONSTITUTION!!!

So to discriminate between salad and dogshit for dinner is to shred the constitution? :eek:

Is that the OFFICIAL "Rachel Maddow Centrist" position?
  1. Those who tolerate creeds of murder, misogyny, totalitarianism and oppression are fools or worse.
  2. Those in the gutter are less than convincing when they scream that we should take the high road....
So you're going to fuck with the decent, non-threatening Muslims by discriminating against them - pushing them further away and making them more radical?


IF ONLY we had treated the decent, non-threatening Nazis with kindness and love, the radicals would have behaved.

YO NEVILLE, you are a stupid fuck.
I invite any of the Islam haters to petition their elected officials – state or Federal – to introduce legislation banning Islam, or restricting its practice, or requiring Muslims to register as enemy agents. See how far such legislation would go.

Otherwise Islam haters exhibit only ignorant talk, no action.


I invite any of the mindless Chamberlain clones to invite a Taliban or Al Qaeda Jihadist to come live with them, so that through their tolerance and understanding, they can teach peace, love and kubayah.....

These guys are free for the summer....

I invite any of the Islam haters to petition their elected officials – state or Federal – to introduce legislation banning Islam, or restricting its practice, or requiring Muslims to register as enemy agents. See how far such legislation would go.

Otherwise Islam haters exhibit only ignorant talk, no action.


I invite any of the mindless Chamberlain clones to invite a Taliban or Al Qaeda Jihadist to come live with them, so that through their tolerance and understanding, they can teach peace, love and kubayah.....

These guys are free for the summer....


You may believe George Bush, Dick Cheney, David Patreus and the entire military command are "Chamberlain clones" but I don't.
Their policy of allying themselves with MUSLIM countries and changing the dictators for democracies in MUSLIM countries, using MUSLIM people is sound.
Do not oblige them and their strategy.

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