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Herman Cain Says U.S. Communities 'Have the Right' to Ban Mosques

Funny innit? All this concern about mosque building? The entire congress gets up daily to say a prayer and obie doodle who is paid by the US taxpayer always says "God Bless The United States of America" but we aren't able to say a prayer in school and it's becoming increasingly difficult to have a creche at Christmas and to fly the American flag. What's up with all this bullshit doyathink?

A Christian can pray wherever and whenever they want. Forcing children to pray in school is wrong. When I am in America it is almost sickening to see how many flags are flown. What is your point here?

So can a Jew, a Muslim, or any other religion pray whenever he wants to, what does that have to do with the price of anything? No one is forcing children to pray in school; it's against the law to do so. You find something wrong in flying flags? What is YOUR point here?
A Christian can pray wherever and whenever they want. Forcing children to pray in school is wrong. When I am in America it is almost sickening to see how many flags are flown. What is your point here?

Feel free to not come back, like EVER. But, while you're here, it'd please us no end if you just kept your mouth shut.

Same goes for you. Someone should just slam an alabama hotpocket into your piehole and shut you the fuck up.

Goodness, old one, that seems rather rash.
These idiotic rants of his are the reason he will never get his parties nomination for president.



Not only that, you fucking Muslims, especially the "TRUE" Muslims who follow your fucking Qu'Ran concocted by the Historically Documented MASS MURDERER, THIEF, RAPIST & PEDOPHILIC RAPIST MOHAMNMED are ENEMIES of the World's populations because of the QU'RANIC FIRST DICTUM which according to your PSYCHO PROPHET MOHAMMED, clearly enunciated as THE MOST DICTUM TO SUPERCEDE ALL OTHERS is: "Make ISLAM the Caliphate of the World, preferably by word, by SWORD (caps mine) if necessary " !!!!!

Thus, with this First Instruction by your Fucking MOHAMMED any Muslim following his clearly spelled out FIRST INSTRUCTION is an arsehole with a BLOODTHIRSTY AGENDA !!!

The Mid East Imams, especially the Shiite Wahhabis are the most FANATICAL Muslim arseholes extant, followed by the almost equally oppressive Sunni arsehole Imams governing Iran !!!

Are the BILLION or more Muslims all bloodthirsty savages like the FANATICAL Wahhabi arseholes who, blackmailing the willing Saudi Royalty, finance ~ 95% of the Mosques in America ????

ANSWER: Fortunately, NO !!!

It might be reasonable to suppose that probably 1/2 (or more) of the fucking Muslims in the World, especially those outside the Mid East are either NOT "True" Muslims, ignorant of the FIRST DICTUM of the PSYCHO Mohammed, or choose, consciously, to reject Mohammed's barbaric "First Dictum".

The same may be true of the fucking Muslims in America ........ although that is doubtful because, as stated, ~95% of the fucking Muslims in America go to the aforesaid Mosques totally run by the FANATICAL WAHHABI ARSEHOLES !!!

Do these American Muslims pose a threat as our "ENEMY WITHIN" ?????

Answer: FUCK YES !!!!

Would ALL the fucking Muslims in America become bloodthirsty savages at a moment's notice ???

Answer: "FUCK NO !!!!. Most would, cowardly, sit on the sidelines HOPING that their bloodthirsty colleagues would do the "dirty" work.

So, OBVIOUSLY, the overwhelming majority of the fucking Muslims in America who attend these fucking Wahhabi Mosques, will, in all probability, just sit idly by, when enough of these FANATICAL Fucking Wahhabi-type Muslims reach critical mass, to FIRST start by transforming communities governed by Sharia Law.....as the first step. You can use as an example, England and some of the Scandinavian Countries WHERE WHOLE NEIGHBORHOODS ARE OFF LIMITS TO THE COUNTRY'S OWN CITIZENS BECAUSE OF THE FANATICAL MUSLIM POPULATION WITHIN THOSE COUNTRIES !!!!

And, guess what ?????

Our MONUMENTAL MARXIST FRAUD, RACIST, AND MUSLIM & ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT PROTECTOR, OBUMMER not only has CAIR (Council on American Islam Relations)....an OBVIOUS Islamofascist Front created by two of the Hamas Leaders ....masquerading around as "The Voice of Moderate Islam" approved by Obummer and his Administration to teach our Governmental employees and MILITARY.....and have Obami Salaami's Head of Homeland Security, Janet Incompetano HIRE these Muslim Apparatchiks into the highest levels in her Administration.......but Obummer is NOW on record for INITIATING talks with the Muslim Brotherhood....the MOST VIRULENT AVOWED ........ I say, AVOWED ENEMY OF AMERICA !!!

To show you how ingrained the fucking Obamarrhoidal Administration is with our AVOWED MUSLIM ENEMY: Hellary's assistant in Mid East Affairs, and close "friend" is none other than Weanie Weiner's Muslim wife Humus, Humass (or whatever her name is) who is a member of the Muslim Sisterhood......as well as her mommy, one of the Big Shots in the Muslim Sisterhood, the gender counterpart of the Muslim Brotherhood who are the AVOWED SWORN ENEMIES OF AMERICA !!!

So, when Herman Cain states that he is for communities wanting to ban Mosques ????


Herman Cain is not only perceptive in this threat to our Nation, Cain is a foremost and established problem solver and has the true grasp of understanding the problems that are facing America in all the other areas.

Herman Cain for President !!!!

So, you want to model ourselves after Islamic republics as far as forbidding other religions. Gotcha.

I think Israel is the only country with an official religion. Could be wrong.
I find it funny that many of you are using the Constitution to support that mosques could be built with no opposition. The Constitution regulates the Federal Government and does not prevent a state from establishing their own laws. A state or local community could legally support a specific religion. I believe however, that all 50 states have adopted amendments in their own constitutions that mirror the same language of the 1st amendment. A State could establish itself as a christian, pagan, islamic, or other religious state if they so wished and they would not be in violation of the Constitution. I do find it interesting that when I wrote this response christian and pagan without being capitalized was fine, however, islamic not being capitalized set off a spelling error. Interesting why is that religion treated differently on these forums?

I can see Florida and New York declaring thenselves Judaic states.
I find it funny that many of you are using the Constitution to support that mosques could be built with no opposition. The Constitution regulates the Federal Government and does not prevent a state from establishing their own laws. A state or local community could legally support a specific religion. I believe however, that all 50 states have adopted amendments in their own constitutions that mirror the same language of the 1st amendment. A State could establish itself as a christian, pagan, islamic, or other religious state if they so wished and they would not be in violation of the Constitution. I do find it interesting that when I wrote this response christian and pagan without being capitalized was fine, however, islamic not being capitalized set off a spelling error. Interesting why is that religion treated differently on these forums?

I can see Florida and New York declaring themselves Judaic states.
I find it funny that many of you are using the Constitution to support that mosques could be built with no opposition. The Constitution regulates the Federal Government and does not prevent a state from establishing their own laws. A state or local community could legally support a specific religion. I believe however, that all 50 states have adopted amendments in their own constitutions that mirror the same language of the 1st amendment. A State could establish itself as a christian, pagan, islamic, or other religious state if they so wished and they would not be in violation of the Constitution. I do find it interesting that when I wrote this response christian and pagan without being capitalized was fine, however, islamic not being capitalized set off a spelling error. Interesting why is that religion treated differently on these forums?

Um..completely and utterly incorrect.

That's easy for you to say.
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That too. He seems all too willing to throw out the Constitution when it comes to Islam.

You mean like the left do to Christians?

Hypocrisy is never a good thing.

Yeah... it sure isn't. Capitalism goes against everything Jesus stood for. As a Christian... I cannot abide by the Christian Right's selfish and top heavy agenda.

Where in the Bible does it tell what Christ thought of capitalism? What do you think He was, politically?
Poor Christians once again playing the victim when they can't restrict other religions or force their religious beliefs on others

Not all Christians are like that winger. I am an avowed Christian, and I happen to think that the Religious right are so far away from Christ's message that they themselves risk the eternal damnation that they threaten others with.

There's no way in a truly Christian Society would 400 people own half of the wealth in his land. There would be plenty for all. There would be work for all and that work would be a requirement... but they would be able to live on the fruits of their labor and no one would be "better" than another.

What gets lost on Christian Conservatives is the MESSAGE of Christ. They are so worried about rules and regulations and the sins of others that they turn a blind eye towards their own sins and the sins of their like minded brethren.

Christ COMMANDED us not to judge others... not to cast the first stone unless we were without sin, to take the log out of our own eye before we tell another about the speck in theirs. But what I see from the right is not the worship of Christ... it's the worship of wealth and power. What I see from the right is not a non-judgmental religion, but one based on the condemnation of "other people's sins".

In short... Conservatism and Christ are pretty much incompatible. Do rules need to be obeyed.... Yes... to the best of our ability. But the gift of Christ's death is our saving grace... not piety, not judgmentalism, not money and power worship. The bottom line is, they have no right to judge anyone for anything, as they don't follow the word of the Lord at any greater level than anyone else.
You mean like the left do to Christians?

Hypocrisy is never a good thing.

Yeah... it sure isn't. Capitalism goes against everything Jesus stood for. As a Christian... I cannot abide by the Christian Right's selfish and top heavy agenda.

Where in the Bible does it tell what Christ thought of capitalism? What do you think He was, politically?

well... he said to "pay unto Caesar that which is Caesar's" in regards to taxation. He told a wealthy man that it is easier for a Camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to get into the gates of heaven.... he did follow that up with.."with God, all things are possible"... but it was obviously a rebuking of extreme wealth.

Not to mention the non-judgmentalist attitude that Christ had towards sinners and the disrespect of the Pharisees, who were wealth, powerful, and were judgmental and hypocritical.

So yeah... I think your on the wrong side if you are part of the Christian Right. But hey... I may be wrong... but I don't think so... I'll tell you what... I'll keep believing the way I do, you do the same... I hope to see you in paradise.
Herman Cain Says U.S. Communities 'Have the Right' to Ban Mosques - FoxNews.com

Presidential candidate Herman Cain on Sunday defended his opposition to a new mosque in Tennessee, expressing concern about Shariah law and declaring Americans "have the right" to ban mosques in their communities.

Speaking on "Fox News Sunday," Cain said he came out against the Tennessee mosque after talking to members of that community. He said the site is "hallowed ground" to Murfreesboro residents and that they're concerned about "the intentions of trying to get Shariah law" -- the code governing conduct in Islamic societies.

"It's not just a mosque for religious purposes. This is what the people are objecting to," he said.

Asked whether any community should be able to prohibit a mosque, Cain said they should.

"They have the right to do that. That's not discriminating ... against that particular religion. That is an aspect of them building that mosque that doesn't get talked about," he said.

Cain comes off as a major moron here in my opinion. Thoughts USMB?
I told you guys...

I've listened to his radio show on a daily basis here in GA. He's a walking, squaking...buffoon.

He SOUNDS like a dunce.

Add the bigotry with it...and this is what you get.

I'm not surprised in the least.

I am surprised his numbers are just 1% by FOX's own count.

I guess there's just more rabid RWers out there for the GOPers to go for than mr. pizzaman.
Poor Christians once again playing the victim when they can't restrict other religions or force their religious beliefs on others

Not all Christians are like that winger. I am an avowed Christian, and I happen to think that the Religious right are so far away from Christ's message that they themselves risk the eternal damnation that they threaten others with.

There's no way in a truly Christian Society would 400 people own half of the wealth in his land. There would be plenty for all. There would be work for all and that work would be a requirement... but they would be able to live on the fruits of their labor and no one would be "better" than another.

What gets lost on Christian Conservatives is the MESSAGE of Christ. They are so worried about rules and regulations and the sins of others that they turn a blind eye towards their own sins and the sins of their like minded brethren.

Christ COMMANDED us not to judge others... not to cast the first stone unless we were without sin, to take the log out of our own eye before we tell another about the speck in theirs. But what I see from the right is not the worship of Christ... it's the worship of wealth and power. What I see from the right is not a non-judgmental religion, but one based on the condemnation of "other people's sins".

In short... Conservatism and Christ are pretty much incompatible. Do rules need to be obeyed.... Yes... to the best of our ability. But the gift of Christ's death is our saving grace... not piety, not judgmentalism, not money and power worship. The bottom line is, they have no right to judge anyone for anything, as they don't follow the word of the Lord at any greater level than anyone else.

I couldn't have stated it better myself.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

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