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Herman Cain Says U.S. Communities 'Have the Right' to Ban Mosques

I wish whomever wasi interviewing Herman Cain had pushed him on that point so that we could know one way or the other whether he meant it as EVERY news sources plus every message board and political blog seems to be taking it. If he did really mean it the way most are taking it, he is dead wrong and that will probably be a pretty big nail in his campaign coffin.

Muslims, despite their sociopolitical ideology, have as much right to free speech and, if anybody--Christian, Jew, Buddhist, et al--is allowed to build a place of worship, then so must the Muslims be allowed to build a place of worship. If the community wants no tax free religious properties in its borders, then it should be able to ban all however. It cannot single out only Muslim properties to ban. It cannot prevent ANY from the free exercise of their religion on their own private property, however, except when such exerise violates the civil law of the land. We surely don't want radical fundamentalist Christians stoning adulterers or Muslims stoning infidels anywhere despite such being written into their religious 'law'.

I also think any politician who proposed revoking the tax exemption for churches, synagogues, etc. would have a very short political career.

He did,I watched the broadcast,but the spin is in play immediately,Cain didn't help himself,poor explanation.Local municipality ban all kinds of stuff and organizations all the time.I for one would like to hear more of the locals complaints,,seeing as Cain is in support of them.

I'm not so sure because I don't see Herman Cain as a stupid or prejudiced man and we have a very short sound bite to judge. But again, IF he did mean it, then he shows very poor judgment in what freedoms the Constitution does protect.

If he meant it in the same way that I oppose the proposed Mosque to be built in the shadow of Ground Zero, I would give him some wiggle room on this one. I don't oppose a mosque being built, however, but a mosque in that location would be inappropriate just as a Fundamentalist anti-abortion church would be 'in your face' building directly across the street from a Planned Parenthood Clinic or an adult bookstore going in across the street from the church. There are good reasons to oppose situations that intentionally invite angst and confrontation.

I disagreee because the religion itself did not bring down the WTC, it was fanatics, now I would firmly be against a group of fanatical Muslims building a mosque on ground zero.
Poor Christians once again playing the victim when they can't restrict other religions or force their religious beliefs on others

I am a born again Christian and I disagree with you, the fanatics who call themselves Christians are playing the victim, they want to inject their own version of 'sharia' into the government and when they can't have it their way they are the ones playing victim. I can tolerate Muslims like any other religion, but anyone who is a dangerous fanatic regardless of religion I would have a problem with.
You mean like the left do to Christians?

Hypocrisy is never a good thing.

Yeah... it sure isn't. Capitalism goes against everything Jesus stood for. As a Christian... I cannot abide by the Christian Right's selfish and top heavy agenda.

Where in the Bible does it tell what Christ thought of capitalism? What do you think He was, politically?

The Bible says a rich man can hardly enter into heaven yet the Repugs keep feeding the rich. Reemeber the story about the beggar Lazarus who went to heaven and the rich man going to hell for giving Lazarus bad things? The greedy rich are obsessed with obtaining their reward here on earth and less concerned with laying up riches for themselves in heaven.
Both Christianity and Judaism have laws that require adherents to submit to the laws of the land (within reason), eg, 'Give to Caesar...'

Arguably, all educated societies will make the appropriate ethical decisions (or so said Jefferson).

We have the Constitution and a government that makes laws. They have sharia and men to interpret it. They're not necessarily antithetical to each other. They're just different.

They're both systems of law that are based on ethics and national prosperity.

We just see things differently.

So Christians don't submit to God at all?

Sure they do but it's a matter of their faith and how they respond to it. There is nothing in the Christian faith, however, that requires anybody else to submit to God's law as the Christian understands it and nobody is punished if they break God's law unless it is also criminal or civil law as well. (Yes I know it was different in Europe but that's why we have a USA where nobody has the right to dictate religion or religious behavior to another.) Jews, Buddhists, Muslims, everybody has the right to have the biggest house of worship in town if they want it, put a big sign out front to identify it, advertise activities as much as they want, and try to persuade others to join them.

That is not the case in ANY predominantly Muslim country.

What bible have you been reading?
Poor Christians once again playing the victim when they can't restrict other religions or force their religious beliefs on others

I am a born again Christian and I disagree with you, the fanatics who call themselves Christians are playing the victim, they want to inject their own version of 'sharia' into the government and when they can't have it their way they are the ones playing victim. I can tolerate Muslims like any other religion, but anyone who is a dangerous fanatic regardless of religion I would have a problem with.

Highly unlikely! !!!
Funny innit? All this concern about mosque building? The entire congress gets up daily to say a prayer and obie doodle who is paid by the US taxpayer always says "God Bless The United States of America" but we aren't able to say a prayer in school and it's becoming increasingly difficult to have a creche at Christmas and to fly the American flag. What's up with all this bullshit doyathink?

Cain again argued that residents were objecting to "the fact that Islam is both a religion and a set of laws, Shariah law. That's the difference between any one of our other traditional religions."

So what? Are you implying that the US is incapable of asserting the supremacy of our own laws over anything some religion might want to do,

when there is a conflict?
i didnt get the .....racism was different in the 50's cause it was based on skin color...while his is based on religion or as he tried to spin it......possible terrorist

I'm not advocating what Cain said, but let's be clear here there is a huge difference. It's intellectually dishonest and very biased belief that modern Christianity has just as many violent and discriminatory members. The left loves to say things like that, but in reality there isn't one Islamic country that has any semblance of civil rights.

The separation of church and state is against Islam. Islam teaches that that is not possible. Even in those supposed Islamic secular nations have religious leaders, like Imams, as judges. Yes Shariah law.

We just spend trillions in treasure and thousands in lives giving Iraq the opportunity to establish a Muslim theocracy.

Did you support that?
I think Israel is the only country with an official religion. Could be wrong

You are.

Did you actually think about this as you typed it?

Islam comes from the Arabic verb 'aslama, which means "to give up, to desert, to surrender (to God/Allah)." Therefore those who obey the Qu'ran must submit all, everything, the whole country, the whole world to Islam. When a nation is primarily Islamic there is no true religious freedom. Other religions may be tolerated so long as they stay very low key, essentially out of sight, and as long as the adherents to such 'infidel' religions are respectful to Muhammed and Allah and obey the requirement of Islam when in public.

There is absolutely no official religion in Israel, though certainly the predominant religion is Judaism and Buddhists, Muslims, and Christians all practice their faiths openly and freely there.

Yes and no. But more yes.

Israel doesn't have a Constitution..but the Laws of Israel define it as a "Jewish State". The "Star Of David" appears in the flag.
i didnt get the .....racism was different in the 50's cause it was based on skin color...while his is based on religion or as he tried to spin it......possible terrorist

I'm not advocating what Cain said, but let's be clear here there is a huge difference. It's intellectually dishonest and very biased belief that modern Christianity has just as many violent and discriminatory members. The left loves to say things like that, but in reality there isn't one Islamic country that has any semblance of civil rights.

The separation of church and state is against Islam. Islam teaches that that is not possible. Even in those supposed Islamic secular nations have religious leaders, like Imams, as judges. Yes Shariah law.

Indonesia is a secular nation and has the largest Muslim population on earth.
Feel free to not come back, like EVER. But, while you're here, it'd please us no end if you just kept your mouth shut.

The America that I grew up in guaranteed you freedom of speech. A popular saying was 'I might not agree with what you say, but I will die for your right to say it'. That America is gone, thanks to the likes of you. I still have an apartment and studio in New York City, and I say whatever I want when I am there, despite anti Americans like you.

It's well within her 1st A rights to tell you to stfu and gtfo.

A real American would welcome a different viewpoint. A real American would spell out words instead of using the first letter of words out of shame.
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Please don't confuse them with the facts.

It only makes them nauseous. :cool:

Sunni Bitch,

By your own name you're advertising the fact of your intolerance by following the First Dictum of your Historically Documented MASS MURDERER, THIEF, RAPIST & PEDOPHILIC RAPIST Mohammed .....especially if you are a TRUE Muslim.

So, STFU !!!
I'm not sure what part of that confuses you.


First, in view of the First Dictum of Islam, by the Historically Documented MASS MURDERER, THIEF, RAPIST & PEDOPHILIC RAPIST MOHAMMED, Islam is obviously synonymous with bloodthirsty Fascism in it's agenda to control the World through SAVAGE FORCE: Torture and Murder....if necessary.

Second, not only that, while Fascism and Communism are brutal in their execution (pun intended), Fascism doesn't treat its women as donkeys, or simply objects to be fucked.

Finally, let me remind you that our Constitution protects us Americans from our AVOWED ENEMIES....and the fucking MUSLIMS ARE OUR OUR AVOWED ENEMIES........WITH WHOM (whether YOU recognize it or not) we are engaged in ACTIVE WARS !!!

I'm not sure what parts of all that confuses you.

Funny, I thought we were at war with Afghanistan, had some troops in Iraq, and are flying some drone missions in Libya to help protect rebels against a tyrannical ruler who threatened genocide against his own people....

But it's really a war against Islam? Wow...you got anything to prove that other than your own hatred, ignorance and paranoia?


Read my explanatory post on Page 2 of this thread.

Also, the FIRST PARAGRAPH of the post you responded to above should provide ANYONE with the lobotomized brain of a retarded paramecium the information to to figure out that our ENEMIES are not Afghanistan, Iraq, or even IRAN....although the latter actually is our enemy as a country, and a FASCISTIC REGIME called Islam.....governed by a "theology" of fanatical ISLAMIC imams.

Clearly the COMMON ENEMY throughout the PSYCHOS of 9/11, Al Queda, Taliban, Muslim Brotherhood & Sisterhood, CAIR, the Islamofascist front created by Two Terrorist Hamas Leaders .....and embraced by the Obummer Adm as the "Voice of Moderate Islam"........ whether in Afghanistan, Iraq, or Iran.......are none other than the FUCKING MUSLIMS following the FIRST DICTUM of their FUCKED UP so-called "RELIGION" which in actuality is none other than a camouflaged FASCISM created by the PSYCHO MOHAMMED !!!
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Please don't confuse them with the facts.

It only makes them nauseous. :cool:

Sunni Bitch,

By your own name you're advertising the fact of your intolerance by following the First Dictum of your Historically Documented MASS MURDERER, THIEF, RAPIST & PEDOPHILIC RAPIST Mohammed .....especially if you are a TRUE Muslim.

So, STFU !!!

Shut your damn face, its getting old kid.
Please don't confuse them with the facts.

It only makes them nauseous. :cool:

Sunni Bitch,

By your own name you're advertising the fact of your intolerance by following the First Dictum of your Historically Documented MASS MURDERER, THIEF, RAPIST & PEDOPHILIC RAPIST Mohammed .....especially if you are a TRUE Muslim.

So, STFU !!!

Shut your damn face, its getting old kid.

Weren't you leaving?
I just watched a few minutes of Benny Hinn.
the man is amazing just waves his hand and hundreds of people fall down.
Herman Cain Says U.S. Communities 'Have the Right' to Ban Mosques - FoxNews.com

Presidential candidate Herman Cain on Sunday defended his opposition to a new mosque in Tennessee, expressing concern about Shariah law and declaring Americans "have the right" to ban mosques in their communities.

Speaking on "Fox News Sunday," Cain said he came out against the Tennessee mosque after talking to members of that community. He said the site is "hallowed ground" to Murfreesboro residents and that they're concerned about "the intentions of trying to get Shariah law" -- the code governing conduct in Islamic societies.

"It's not just a mosque for religious purposes. This is what the people are objecting to," he said.

Asked whether any community should be able to prohibit a mosque, Cain said they should.

"They have the right to do that. That's not discriminating ... against that particular religion. That is an aspect of them building that mosque that doesn't get talked about," he said.

Cain comes off as a major moron here in my opinion. Thoughts USMB?

I watched that interview and literally covered my face when he said that and inside my mind I went "oh you freaking idiot, you can't tell people that you dont trust muslims if you want to run for president in the current political correctness atmosphere in the USA"

Ugh......i honestly dont care that he said that, its his opinion and he obviously distrusts muslims, but im also realize that he is basically shooting himself in the foot politically.
cain is pandering. The base he's pandering to is small enough he'll never get elected. Beside all that, there is more than one pandering to the same base, moochelle baccchmannn is doing the same, as will failin' palin if she jumps in. So many ignorant choices!!!!

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