Herman Cain Sets An Interviewer Straight

The T

George S. Patton Party
May 24, 2009
And Bully for him...

Herman Cain, the beguilingly personable pizza mogul and Tea Party sweetheart who is showing well in the so-far uncompelling Republican presidential nomination campaign, threw a flag early in an interview I conducted with him last week. I had made the dire mistake of referring to him as African-American.

“I am an American. Black. Conservative,” he said, punctuating each aspect of his self-identity. “I don’t use African-American, because I’m American, I’m black and I’m conservative. I don’t like people trying to label me. African- American is socially acceptable for some people, but I am not some people.” What is it about the word “African” that the candidate doesn’t particularly appreciate?

“Most of the ancestors that I can trace were born here in the United States of America,” he said, hitting those last four words with a hammer. “And then it goes back to slavery. And I’m sure my ancestors go all the way back to Africa, but I feel more of an affinity for America than I do for Africa. I’m a black man in America.”

I agree with Cain.

I'm an American who has ancestry from other parts of the world, but I was born in America and the last generations of my ancestry were born in America. You do not see many Whites say they are German-American, British-American, Irish-American, or 'whatever'-American. So why do many call Black Americans 'African-American'?.
I agree with this Herman dude (when he says "I feel more of an affinity for America than I do for Africa.")

Africans brought to Cuba, Haiti, Brazil etc, etc... managed to preserve a good part of their culture.

Africans brought to America lost everything... language, religion, names, customs, food, etc, etc, etc...
I guess he would be really pissed if he were called "Halfrican"
I wonder how many are jumping on the Cain bandwagon to prove their lack of racism.
"It will make us look good."
America is in crisis! That goes for all of Western Civilization.
We must have a competent, honest, stable, Constitution-abiding, executive to deal with the future.. as well as the utter chaos & trash the Left always leaves in its wake.
I wonder how many are jumping on the Cain bandwagon to prove their lack of racism.
"It will make us look good."

America is in crisis! That goes for all of Western Civilization.
We must have a competent, honest, stable, Constitution-abiding, executive to deal with the future.. as well as the utter chaos & trash the Left always leaves in its wake.

I have always liked Cain. I didn't even know he was Black at first so this argument would be void in my case. ;)
I wonder how many are jumping on the Cain bandwagon to prove their lack of racism.
"It will make us look good."
America is in crisis! That goes for all of Western Civilization.
We must have a competent, honest, stable, Constitution-abiding, executive to deal with the future.. as well as the utter chaos & trash the Left always leaves in its wake.

It doesn't matter...whoever gets on the "bandwagon" for Cain (which i just might!) is going to be told that the only reason is because they want people to think they're not racist. Because that's all the libs think! Doesn't matter what we say, they always tell us we hate obama because we're racist. They don't see that it's them and obama that are racist...they're the ones always talking about it.

I'm not going to vote for someone just to make people think a certain way about me, i don't care. Many voted for obama just because he's black, many voted against him because he's black...that's racist. I like Cain and i like what i've heard so far about him...but darn, he's black so i can't vote for him! :lol:
Herman Cain is a certifiable retard.

I'm just surprised that they don't make him wear a helmet whenever he walks around.
Herman Cain is a certifiable retard.

I'm just surprised that they don't make him wear a helmet whenever he walks around.

Hatin' on the black guy, huh?

So now anyone who doesn't like Herman Cain or Barack Obama is a racist ??

So you DO see the ridiculousness of calling someone racist because they dont like obama or calling them a bigot because they dont like sharia law.

good to know.
I agree that it's goofy to call someone a racist because they don't like Herman Cain or Obama.

But Herman Cain is a bigot against Islam and Muslims.

He said so himself; So there is no doubt he is a prejudiced bigot.
I like Cain because he's a political outsider with a very fine business resume.

And to paraphrase his first debate comment, how have those career politicians in D.C. been doing for us over the years?
I agree that it's goofy to call someone a racist because they don't like Herman Cain or Obama.

But Herman Cain is a bigot against Islam and Muslims.

He said so himself; So there is no doubt he is a prejudiced bigot.

Being for our country and against jihad terrorists is not being a bigot.

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