Heroic Cop being sued for firing round into ground and assaulting a boy.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
We all saw the video of the incident in Anaheim California a couple weeks ago. I left it alone at the time, because I wanted to see what the vast army of supporters of the police had to say. So far, nothing.

The news update is that the off duty LAPD officer is being sued individually. The Department won't be coming to his defense since he was off duty, so the City isn't going to have to pay up.

Boy, 13, sues off-duty LAPD officer who fired gun in videotaped clash with teens in Anaheim

I watched the video, and I noticed something right away. I'm going to post it here so you all can see what I'm talking about.

What I noticed is this. The cop kept the "detainee" between himself and the crowd. He used the boy as a human shield. This heroic cop used a thirteen year old boy as a human shield. This cowardly piece of shit used a child as a human shield, placing the child between himself and the crowd where the danger was.

He should be charged with reckless discharge of a firearm at a minimum, but he won't be. The Police take care of their own, even when the one being taken care of is a cowardly piece of shit unworthy of anything but contempt.

I wonder what happens when this cop is faced with bank robbers? I bet he grabs a woman cowering for her life and puts her up to act as a bullet shield from his precious self. I bet he'd take cover behind a van load of Nun's and orphans to make sure he didn't get hit.
That whole incident was bizarre.....why would it take so long for that off duty cop to put that boy down......it's the long dragged out across several yards that emboldened the other kids.
So, the cop just went up and grabbed some kid and used him as a human shield against people just standing there?? Here is a novel approach. Do what he asked. Use the sidewalk. Stop challenging cops. It never ends well.

There was a house on a corner lot that just begged a shortcut through Mr. Fogel's yard. He was sitting on the porch and yelled at us, and you know what we did? Apologized and started using the sidewalk. Since we didn't antagonize Mr. Fogel, there was no need for him to leave his porch.
There ya go..
We all saw the video of the incident in Anaheim California a couple weeks ago. I left it alone at the time, because I wanted to see what the vast army of supporters of the police had to say. So far, nothing.

The news update is that the off duty LAPD officer is being sued individually. The Department won't be coming to his defense since he was off duty, so the City isn't going to have to pay up.

Boy, 13, sues off-duty LAPD officer who fired gun in videotaped clash with teens in Anaheim

I watched the video, and I noticed something right away. I'm going to post it here so you all can see what I'm talking about.

What I noticed is this. The cop kept the "detainee" between himself and the crowd. He used the boy as a human shield. This heroic cop used a thirteen year old boy as a human shield. This cowardly piece of shit used a child as a human shield, placing the child between himself and the crowd where the danger was.


"Hit Me Harder, Tray Honey! I Won't Shoot You!"

You feralphile Liberals have a hidden urge to be raped by some sweaty criminal beast. Your "A Punk Is a Hunk" cult's days are numbered.
We all saw the video of the incident in Anaheim California a couple weeks ago. I left it alone at the time, because I wanted to see what the vast army of supporters of the police had to say. So far, nothing.

The news update is that the off duty LAPD officer is being sued individually. The Department won't be coming to his defense since he was off duty, so the City isn't going to have to pay up.

Boy, 13, sues off-duty LAPD officer who fired gun in videotaped clash with teens in Anaheim

I watched the video, and I noticed something right away. I'm going to post it here so you all can see what I'm talking about.

What I noticed is this. The cop kept the "detainee" between himself and the crowd. He used the boy as a human shield. This heroic cop used a thirteen year old boy as a human shield. This cowardly piece of shit used a child as a human shield, placing the child between himself and the crowd where the danger was.


"Hit Me Harder, Tray Honey! I Won't Shoot You!"

You feralphile Liberals have a hidden urge to be raped by some sweaty criminal beast. Your "A Punk Is a Hunk" cult's days are numbered.

There be a couple rubs with your argument. First, the man never identified himself as a cop. Now, take a moment and honestly consider something. Pretend you are walking with friends and some guy walks up and grabs one of your friends. What would you do? At a minimum you would start shouting to let your friend go. As your friend was being dragged back, you would follow and get hostile.

The cowardly fuck never showed a badge, nor identified himself as a police man. That means as far as anyone was concerned, he was a nut who came and grabbed their friend.

Then the lunatic pulled his gun, and fired a round into the ground. You've watched the video, he never said Police Officer, or I'm a cop. He was exercising police powers, without identifying himself. The moron was wrong any which way you look at it.

If you walk up and hit me, wearing civilian clothing, and I strike you back. I don't know if you are a cop, you're just a person who hit me, or grabbed me. Even if we assume the police are right, in this case, the words wrong as can be accurately describe the situation.

Now, if you want to test this, run up and just grab one guy out of a group. See what happens. You can come back here and complain that they beat the crap out of you.
That whole incident was bizarre.....why would it take so long for that off duty cop to put that boy down......it's the long dragged out across several yards that emboldened the other kids.

He never identified himself as a cop.
I had a thought about this just a moment ago. The Off Duty Cop was used to working in uniform. He was used to there being no doubt that he was easily identified as a cop. So he never practiced or considered what to do when he was not in uniform.

In other words, he never placed himself in the situation mentally where he would have to produce identification, and declare his identity, and authority. This does not excuse his actions, which were again just about as wrong as they could be. It does explain why he did not identify himself as a cop.

He's still a cowardly fuck who used a child as a human shield.
We all saw the video of the incident in Anaheim California a couple weeks ago. I left it alone at the time, because I wanted to see what the vast army of supporters of the police had to say. So far, nothing.

The news update is that the off duty LAPD officer is being sued individually. The Department won't be coming to his defense since he was off duty, so the City isn't going to have to pay up.

Boy, 13, sues off-duty LAPD officer who fired gun in videotaped clash with teens in Anaheim

I watched the video, and I noticed something right away. I'm going to post it here so you all can see what I'm talking about.

What I noticed is this. The cop kept the "detainee" between himself and the crowd. He used the boy as a human shield. This heroic cop used a thirteen year old boy as a human shield. This cowardly piece of shit used a child as a human shield, placing the child between himself and the crowd where the danger was.


"Hit Me Harder, Tray Honey! I Won't Shoot You!"

You feralphile Liberals have a hidden urge to be raped by some sweaty criminal beast. Your "A Punk Is a Hunk" cult's days are numbered.

There be a couple rubs with your argument. First, the man never identified himself as a cop. Now, take a moment and honestly consider something. Pretend you are walking with friends and some guy walks up and grabs one of your friends. What would you do? At a minimum you would start shouting to let your friend go. As your friend was being dragged back, you would follow and get hostile.

never showed a badge, nor identified himself as a police man. That means as far as anyone was concerned, he was a nut who came and grabbed their friend.

Then pulled his gun, and fired a round into the ground. You've watched the video, he never said Police Officer, or I'm a cop. He was exercising police powers, without identifying himself.


Spoil the Rod and the Child Thinks He's God

Unlike your pedophilish cartoon narrative of innocent adorable little boys, I prefer the more probable non-Barney version that they were spoiled punks up to no good. Any adult has the right to stop them. These brats are Mamas' Boys who probably don't even know who their fathers are.
We all saw the video of the incident in Anaheim California a couple weeks ago. I left it alone at the time, because I wanted to see what the vast army of supporters of the police had to say. So far, nothing.

The news update is that the off duty LAPD officer is being sued individually. The Department won't be coming to his defense since he was off duty, so the City isn't going to have to pay up.

Boy, 13, sues off-duty LAPD officer who fired gun in videotaped clash with teens in Anaheim

I watched the video, and I noticed something right away. I'm going to post it here so you all can see what I'm talking about.

What I noticed is this. The cop kept the "detainee" between himself and the crowd. He used the boy as a human shield. This heroic cop used a thirteen year old boy as a human shield. This cowardly piece of shit used a child as a human shield, placing the child between himself and the crowd where the danger was.


"Hit Me Harder, Tray Honey! I Won't Shoot You!"

You feralphile Liberals have a hidden urge to be raped by some sweaty criminal beast. Your "A Punk Is a Hunk" cult's days are numbered.

There be a couple rubs with your argument. First, the man never identified himself as a cop. Now, take a moment and honestly consider something. Pretend you are walking with friends and some guy walks up and grabs one of your friends. What would you do? At a minimum you would start shouting to let your friend go. As your friend was being dragged back, you would follow and get hostile.

never showed a badge, nor identified himself as a police man. That means as far as anyone was concerned, he was a nut who came and grabbed their friend.

Then pulled his gun, and fired a round into the ground. You've watched the video, he never said Police Officer, or I'm a cop. He was exercising police powers, without identifying himself.


Spoil the Rod and the Child Thinks He's God

Unlike your pedophilish cartoon narrative of innocent adorable little boys, I prefer the more probable non-Barney version that they were spoiled punks up to no good. Any adult has the right to stop them. These brats are Mamas' Boys who probably don't even know who their fathers are.

I know this is hard for you. But try to stay with me. His authority must be announced to be in effect. The difference between six men storming into your house and the police conducting a raid is the announcement Search Warrant. If you don't announce that you are a cop your authority has not been established.

In Texas which is a state that puts cop killers into the fast lan for execution this was demonstrated without a doubt. The police did not announce as they entered. The person inside started shooting. One cop was hit and killed. The Grand Jury refused to charge him because there was no way for him to know the people entering were cops.

Murder Charge Dropped Against Man who Killed Cop in No-Knock Raid

Without that announcement it is a random citizen grabbing someone on the street. Or in the case of Texas armed intruders entering a home unlawfully.
The scholastic impression conveyed by the backbacks notwithstanding, what we see is a gang of increasingly aggressive teen-agers -- which can be very dangerous. If those kids had jumped what they perceived to be an ordinary person they might have ended up kicking him to death, so he was lucky to be armed and what he did probably prevented his death or serious injury.

It is likely this off-duty cop was under the false impression that he was dealing with ordinary middle-class teen-agers who are socially oriented to respect the natural authority of adults and to adjust their behavior accordingly. But these kids apparently are oriented to underclass values which do not include respect for adults, including their own parents, and (obviously) incline to gang behavior.

This off-duty cop made the potentially fatal mistake of not applying "what if . . ." consideration to his actions, which is something his experience should by now have conditioned him to do. So I hope the jury in this civil suit acknowledges that while this fellow mistakenly believed he was dealing with ordinary middle-class American teen-agers he was in fact confronted by a pack of gang-oriented, assaultive young thugs deceptively wearing backpacks and that discharging his weapon probably saved his life.
We all saw the video of the incident in Anaheim California a couple weeks ago. I left it alone at the time, because I wanted to see what the vast army of supporters of the police had to say. So far, nothing.

The news update is that the off duty LAPD officer is being sued individually. The Department won't be coming to his defense since he was off duty, so the City isn't going to have to pay up.

Boy, 13, sues off-duty LAPD officer who fired gun in videotaped clash with teens in Anaheim

I watched the video, and I noticed something right away. I'm going to post it here so you all can see what I'm talking about.

What I noticed is this. The cop kept the "detainee" between himself and the crowd. He used the boy as a human shield. This heroic cop used a thirteen year old boy as a human shield. This cowardly piece of shit used a child as a human shield, placing the child between himself and the crowd where the danger was.


"Hit Me Harder, Tray Honey! I Won't Shoot You!"

You feralphile Liberals have a hidden urge to be raped by some sweaty criminal beast. Your "A Punk Is a Hunk" cult's days are numbered.

There be a couple rubs with your argument. First, the man never identified himself as a cop. Now, take a moment and honestly consider something. Pretend you are walking with friends and some guy walks up and grabs one of your friends. What would you do? At a minimum you would start shouting to let your friend go. As your friend was being dragged back, you would follow and get hostile.

never showed a badge, nor identified himself as a police man. That means as far as anyone was concerned, he was a nut who came and grabbed their friend.

Then pulled his gun, and fired a round into the ground. You've watched the video, he never said Police Officer, or I'm a cop. He was exercising police powers, without identifying himself.


Spoil the Rod and the Child Thinks He's God

Unlike your pedophilish cartoon narrative of innocent adorable little boys, I prefer the more probable non-Barney version that they were spoiled punks up to no good. Any adult has the right to stop them. These brats are Mamas' Boys who probably don't even know who their fathers are.

I know this is hard for you. But try to stay with me. His authority must be announced to be in effect. The difference between six men storming into your house and the police conducting a raid is the announcement Search Warrant. If you don't announce that you are a cop your authority has not been established.


Spawn of Hofare

I already told you it was an adult having a natural authority over children and not needing a badge to show that he was an adult. They didn't respect that, so they are undisciplined trash and probable future criminals. But you're so stuck on your Adult Against Adults reinterpretation of the scene that this thread is all about you. That explains your sympathy for those bratty Mamas' Boys, who probably don't even know who their fathers were.
Watch the video again. Watch the positions of all the participants. Tell me honestly what you see.
What I see is the cop struggling to pull the boy away from the gathering crowd. It does not appear at all to be an effort to shield himself.

You need to get some PC glasses to get the correctly refracted Kumbaya vision of these feral little darlings.
Watch the video again. Watch the positions of all the participants. Tell me honestly what you see.
What I see is the cop struggling to pull the boy away from the gathering crowd. It does not appear at all to be an effort to shield himself.

You need to get some PC glasses to get the correctly refracted Kumbaya vision of these feral little darlings.
One could say the same for your perception.
So, the cop just went up and grabbed some kid and used him as a human shield against people just standing there?? Here is a novel approach. Do what he asked. Use the sidewalk. Stop challenging cops. It never ends well.

There was a house on a corner lot that just begged a shortcut through Mr. Fogel's yard. He was sitting on the porch and yelled at us, and you know what we did? Apologized and started using the sidewalk. Since we didn't antagonize Mr. Fogel, there was no need for him to leave his porch.
There ya go..
To summarize the essence of your comment; you are a civilized, properly raised individual who understands right from wrong and conforms with the unwritten rules of social order.

We have that in common. When I was a boy, if I'd trespassed against or offended some adult and was sharply scolded by that person I would keep my mouth shut, then apologize and hope that was the end of it.

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