Herschel Walker, Critic of Absentee Fathers, Has a Second Son He Doesn’t See

Can you show where he beat his wife...

This is all you got... Making up stories again... Police found no backing to her allegation and actually found it probably was made up... Unless you can explain how you run over a woman's foot and left no mark?
Not only has he been accused of domestic violence, but he's also apparently a dead beat dad,

Georgia Democratic senator Raphael Warnock has been ordered to attend mediation for a custody dispute with his ex-wife, after she accused him of neglecting visitation with their two young children and failing to pay childcare expenses.

Fulton County Superior Court judge Shermela J. Williams said on Friday that there were "numerous unresolved issues" between Warnock and his ex-wife Oulèye Ndoye, and ordered the couple to try to reach a mediated settlement by May 7. A status hearing in the case was also scheduled for May 16, with both Warnock and Ndoye required to attend, according to a notice from the judge on Monday.
Typical Republican. I believe Herschel Walker beat his wife.

No you don't but you'll tell any lie for the democrat Reich.

Warnock's WIFE said that he beat her - massive difference than some rando on a message board making shit up.

Funny you'll use that against Warnock (true or not) but you won't mind that Herschel is a wife beater. Doesn't surprise me about you though.

Assumes facts not in reality.
Warnock was not charged, and a police report said medics couldn't find signs of injury to Ouleye Ndoye's foot...

So he was supposed to have run over her foot and left no mark.. Is this the best you got?

My ex-wife ran over my foot. It was legitimately an accident. It left no marks and broke no bones, but it did hurt.

Have one of the goats ever run your foot over, trying to escape from you?
What do you mean undisclosed? Why in the world do you think he has to go around telling the public about all his kids? Maybe they don't want to be in the spotlight....

He never lied about working with law enforcement, he trained at FBI Academy, and is a honorary deputy sheriff.
Stop! Just stop. He put his huge foot in his mouth. No, he wasn't trying to keep them out of the spotlight dumb fuck. He was bitching about fatherlessness in the black community and he himself didn't raise any of his fucking kids.

You are voting for an ignorant piece of shit. Just own it. Stop with the trying to polish this turd. Not gonna happen. He's got a name. You Republicans will vote for anyone you do not care. Trump is proof of that. He's a traitor, insurrectionist, criminal, etc. and still you want to re elect him. So no surprise you'll vote for anyone the GOP runs. You're just hoping Hershey can win over enough black votes to make a difference. 11,779 more. LOL

The only complaint you have the police found no mark on her foot. This is the usual GOP tatic, projection, they know Walker has a serious domestic abuse past..
Walker pointed a pistol at her head and said: "I'm going to blow your f'ing brains out." She also said he had used knives to threaten her

So this is what they try and equate as equal... GOP tactic is to try and throw as much shit as possible and hope to confuse people into thinking they are both the same... When you got nothinng else this is your tactic..

Doesn't matter, Warnock is losing and continuing to drop.

Without fraud, the Nazi Reich has no chance in Georgia. You're a Muzzie in the UK, so this is none of your concern. But for the Nazis, the fact is that Georgia put voter integrity laws in place and rigging the election isn't going to be like 2020.
Did you know

Warnock is only the second Black senator elected from the South since reconstruction.

I bet the other one was also a Democrat. EIther that or an uncle tom Black Republican.
Well shit, Walker will be the third. And you are a serious racist.
Well shit, Walker will be the third. And you are a serious racist.
You are. The only blacks you can stand are ones who are so stupid/rich they vote Republican.

The vast majority of blacks, you hate. Like 90%.

I'm not a racist for hating Herman Cain, Hershell Walker and Ben Carson. Uncle Toms.
Stop! Just stop. He put his huge foot in his mouth. No, he wasn't trying to keep them out of the spotlight dumb fuck. He was bitching about fatherlessness in the black community and he himself didn't raise any of his fucking kids.

You are voting for an ignorant piece of shit. Just own it. Stop with the trying to polish this turd. Not gonna happen. He's got a name. You Republicans will vote for anyone you do not care. Trump is proof of that. He's a traitor, insurrectionist, criminal, etc. and still you want to re elect him. So no surprise you'll vote for anyone the GOP runs. You're just hoping Hershey can win over enough black votes to make a difference. 11,779 more. LOL

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Do you have evidence to support your claim he wasn't in his kids lives?

Well I don't live in GA, so I won't be voting in the election at all....again not sure what your TDS has to do with this, and why you are showing it.
Give the satanic preacher a pass for running over his wife.... he still was caught in an illegal campaign finance scandal and was handcuffed, arrested and dragged out of his own "summer camp" for impeding a child abuse investigation.

The only famous quote one can find for this godless shitstain is "The US must repent for its worship of whiteness".

He's a deadbeat sperm donor and his "baptist summer camp" out of baltimore is mostly notable for lawsuits involving his counselors pouring piss on 12-year olds if they wet the bed.

Who hasn't poured piss on a pre-teen.... hmm?
Once Abrams became a political figure, the equity has shown itself in an apparent way. But Walker will make a statement that needs to be made about the issue. Ghettos can improve if single parent teenage women are reduced as a percentage.
If Walker stops fathering kids out of wedlock?
You are. The only blacks you can stand are ones who are so stupid/rich they vote Republican.

The vast majority of blacks, you hate. Like 90%.

I'm not a racist for hating Herman Cain, Hershell Walker and Ben Carson. Uncle Toms.


Stupid, I like PEOPLE who are decent - which means they are Conservative.

Color is irrelevant, the content of their character counts.
Sen Scott is a Republican. I am not surprised you call him an Uncle Tom, the dems are very racist towards minorities thap dare to get off the Plantation.

Prior to him there were two other African-Americans, but that was during Reconstruction, they were the first ever, and of course republicans.

The first African-American not from the South, was also a Republican, from MA, named Edward Brooke....it took til 1993 for the Dems to elect an African-American to the Senate....
What policies did Republicans during Re-Construction adovcate for?? and why did Conservatives back then oppose those Re-Construction Republicans and called them too radical and too progressive??
_00-rac008 (208).jpg

There is a reason you morons never talk about policies....and there is a bigger reason you never talk about the track record of Conservatives since the days of Re-Construction....

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