Herschel Walker, Critic of Absentee Fathers, Has a Second Son He Doesn’t See

Because he's a stupid rich uncle Tom

The Georgia GOP Senate nominee is set to face Sen. Raphael Warnock on stage next month in a race that could determine control of the Senate.​

'I'm Not That Smart': Herschel Walker Seeks To Lower Expectations For Senate Debate​

Herschel Walker, the GOP nominee for Senate in Georgia, says he’ll probably be bested by Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.) in their lone debate next month.
“I’m a country boy. I’m not that smart.

“So, he is going to show up and embarrass me at the debate Oct. 14th, and I’m just waiting to show up and I will do my best.”

Walker has faced numerous negative stories about secret children he has fathered, allegations of domestic violence and questions about his credentials, among other things. His own campaign staffers have reportedly described him as a “pathological liar.”

I know this doesn't scare you because you're used to voting for pathological liars.

Walker, who has the endorsement of former President Donald Trump, has also made several awkward comments, including his criticism of President Joe Biden’s climate and health law. “Don’t we have enough trees around here?” Walker asked last month.

Despite all this, polls show the former football star trailing only slightly behind Warnock, according to the FiveThirtyEight polling average.

I asked you why you thought it was scary that Walker was doing ok in the polls.

Your post is just a spamming of partisan opinion that explains how or why you oppose him. You think a politicians might be a liar? That's supposed to be relevant to your claim of scary?

DUDE. You are just spamming partisan propaganda now.
What policies did Republicans during Re-Construction adovcate for?? and why did Conservatives back then oppose those Re-Construction Republicans and called them too radical and too progressive??
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There is a reason you morons never talk about policies....and there is a bigger reason you never talk about the track record of Conservatives since the days of Re-Construction....
Um Geary was a Conservative, ans that ad was ran by his opponent Heister Clymer a Dem.
You are. The only blacks you can stand are ones who are so stupid/rich they vote Republican.

The vast majority of blacks, you hate. Like 90%.

I'm not a racist for hating Herman Cain, Hershell Walker and Ben Carson. Uncle Toms.
And the ghettos are the flowers of beauty. Progs have uplifted the black race. You will wake up one morning and the spigots of resources will be reduced. And it is coming as we are getting poorer.
Um Geary was a Conservative, ans that ad was ran by his opponent Heister Clymer a Dem.
Um, no , he was not a Conservative...

Why is it so hard to answer my question..what were the policies that Republicans were adovcating for??

The Freeman's Bureau was not a conservative program...wealth and land redistribution was not a conservative policy...

Conservatives like you try to rewrite history to avoid having to admit the fact that Conservatives have OPPOSED every Civil Rights movement made in this country...
"Fuhrer, we have a colored man who has escaped the plantation. We will tar and feather him and destroy him, per your orders."
Hey dope… Warnock is also black. HE however is not stupid or crazy
Ahhh, proof.... the wife said he ran over her and filed a police report....

Believe all women (victims of domestic abuse), when convenient.

I love how open you are about your mental illness.
Who gets their foot run over by a car and sustains no damage… not even a bruise?
Um, no , he was not a Conservative...

Why is it so hard to answer my question..what were the policies that Republicans were adovcating for??

The Freeman's Bureau was not a conservative program...wealth and land redistribution was not a conservative policy...

Conservatives like you try to rewrite history to avoid having to admit the fact that Conservatives have OPPOSED every Civil Rights movement made in this country...
Bullshit. You better check the vote on the 1964 civil rights legislation. Tell us what percentage of each party voted for and against or I will.
Um, no , he was not a Conservative...

Why is it so hard to answer my question..what were the policies that Republicans were adovcating for??

The Freeman's Bureau was not a conservative program...wealth and land redistribution was not a conservative policy...

Conservatives like you try to rewrite history to avoid having to admit the fact that Conservatives have OPPOSED every Civil Rights movement made in this country...
Lie. Get the fuck out of here, liar.

Um Geary was a Conservative, ans that ad was ran by his opponent Heister Clymer a Dem.
Why can't you address policies?

A democrat in 1860 doesn't equal a democrat in 2022....

Political parties change -- but the political spectrum remains pretty stagnant.....

But like I said, disingenuous folks like you MUST LIE about conservativism......because their track record is piss poor...
Why can't you address policies?

A democrat in 1860 doesn't equal a democrat in 2022....

Political parties change -- but the political spectrum remains pretty stagnant.....

But like I said, disingenuous folks like you MUST LIE about conservativism......because their track record is piss poor...
Answer post #208.
Lie. Get the fuck out of here, liar.

Dem- (1).png

Dem- (2).png

Dem- (3).png

Dem- (4).png

Find a new lie...

Conservatives have been the MAIN OPPOSITION to every Civil Rights initiative made in this country...still to this day....
Like I said before....if Conservatives couldn't try to gaslight you all the time, they would have no light at all...

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Find a new lie...

Conservatives have been the MAIN OPPOSITION to every Civil Rights initiative made in this country...still to this day....

Verdict: True
While the landmark act received a majority of support from both parties, a greater percentage of Republicans voted in favor of the bill. Throughout the 1950s and ’60s, Republicans were generally more unified than Democrats in support of civil rights legislation, as many Southern Democrats voted in opposition.
Why can't you address policies?

A democrat in 1860 doesn't equal a democrat in 2022....

Political parties change -- but the political spectrum remains pretty stagnant.....

But like I said, disingenuous folks like you MUST LIE about conservativism......because their track record is piss poor...
hahah you literally just had your ass handed to you, because you are an idiot that doesn’t know history

i agree, the dems back then wr mere only open about oppressing minorities, now you all want to oppress everyone.

that’s about the only policy difference, but many of you and your bigotry just can’t be hidden take old racial jungle joey xiden

Verdict: True
While the landmark act received a majority of support from both parties, a greater percentage of Republicans voted in favor of the bill. Throughout the 1950s and ’60s, Republicans were generally more unified than Democrats in support of civil rights legislation, as many Southern Democrats voted in opposition.
Northern Republicans were liberals/moderates, Northern Democrats were liberals/Moderates.....you morons are so disingenuous, it is pathetic.....

And to claim "but but but a higher percentage of Republicans voted for it" -- is equally pathetic....they were not CONSERVATIVES..... name me a single prominent conservative who was down south risking their life fighting for Civil Rights next to MLK? Because I can name a lot of progressives......and I also love how you morons ignore the people who were ALIVE during all this......like MLK himself.....


And as the numbers show -- more LIBERALS VOTED FOR IT and MORE CONSERVATIVES VOTED AGAINST it......and still to this day, the folks who OPPOSE the Voting Rights Act the most are still CONSERVATIVES....the folks who cheer for the protections of the VOTING RIGHTS ACT being gutted and stripped away the most are still...CONSERVATIVES...

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Typical Republican. I believe Herschel Walker beat his wife. Funny you'll use that against Warnock (true or not) but you won't mind that Herschel is a wife beater. Doesn't surprise me about you though.

If true, why shouldn't it disqualify both?
Your stats prove me correct. A larger percentage of Republicans supported Civil rights than democrats in 1964. Thanks.
You're a moron. Southern conservative whites have always been against civil rights and voting rights for blacks. Always. It's the only demographic we can always point to for being pieces of shit at any point in history.
If true, why shouldn't it disqualify both?
Because Warnock isn't a wifebeater with a repeated history of it...

in the case of his ex-wife -- it was Warnock who called the police, not his wife....

And initial attempts by EMT to examine her foot were avoided by his ex wife...

Now I think neither man should be disqualified behind allegations...

But if you don't think it is highly hypocritical for Republicans to always talk about how brain-dead and dumb Biden is while cheering on Herschel for BEING THE EXACT thing they claim Democrat candidates are -- then you are buying into your "both sides are the same" act too much....

The only reason Walker is on the ballot is because he is a former football great with name recognition who knows nothing about policy making and who will be told how to vote and what to vote for.....nobody believes Warnock isn't at least knowledgable of policies and can debate them at length....

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