Herschel Walker gets shellacked in debate

Warnock is the real UNCLE TOM, getting paid $$$$$ to sit in the senate and deny his people SCHOOL CHOICE which he exercises solely because of the wealth he received to sell out his people.
I'll rely upon the People of Georgia to settle that matter...
Here are just a few of the lies that Biden has told, and you morons voted for him:
  1. “I’ve been in and out of Iraq and Afghanistan over 40 times.”
  2. As a youth, “I got arrested” protesting for civil rights.
  3. “I’ve been against that war in Afghanistan from the very beginning.”
  4. “I used to drive a tractor trailer … I only did it for part of a summer.”
  5. “The boilermakers union has endorsed me because I sat down with them and went into great detail with leadership [about] exactly what I would do.”
  6. Says he was the first person to call for invoking the Defense Production Act.
  7. No U.S. presidents elected before Donald Trump were racist.
    “The NAACP has endorsed me every time I've run.”
Keep Mental Patients out of the Senate.

If an individual has a mental disorder (self admitted and verified), that should disqualify that individual from becoming one of the most powerful 100 people in Politics.
What "mental disorder" is that? Being a Democrat is a mental disorder.

The highlight? Walker pulls out a fake badge, to double down on the flat out lie that he's law enforcement.

I Believe this dude is going to lose bigly. :dunno:
I'll rely upon the People of Georgia to settle that matter...
Go to every ghetto and then say it. Nothing changes but the resources funneled in increases more and more. Trump tried a different tact in getting better paying jobs. Instead, the endless programs that will be massively corrupted expands.
Go to every ghetto and then say it. Nothing changes but the resources funneled in increases more and more. Trump tried a different tact in getting better paying jobs. Instead, the endless programs that will be massively corrupted expands.
The People of Georgie get to decide this... not the rest of us... they can play it smart, or they can continue to be Sheeple... but the choice is theirs.
Their is no excuse for allowing democrats to cheat.
There wasn't any significant cheating going-on during the November 3, 2020 general election; certainly nothing sufficiently substantial to change the outcome.

Your lying sack-of-$hit Fearless Leader sold you a bill-of-goods based largely upon his bruised manic ego and you idiots bought into it lock-stock-and-barrel.

You have been snookered, but you're (collectively) too stupid to figure it out.

Do it one more time nothing will stop the bloodshed.
You idiots couldn't find your a$$e$ with both hands in a well-lit room surrounded by mirrors... you clowns would phukk-up a two-car funeral...

Sane Americans are tired of your bull$hit threats... you pu$$ie$ couldn't even storm Capitol Hill properly... nobody is afraid of your threats.
You expected the "dumb football player" to gaffe.

He didn't.

So you are ever searching for more left wing hate talking points to parrot since you have no gaffe....

Because you hate blacks who disagree with the Dems.
Waler is a member of Paw Patrol & he has a badge to prove it.
There wasn't any significant cheating going-on during the November 3, 2020 general election; certainly nothing sufficiently substantial to change the outcome.
Prove it, asshole

Your lying sack-of-$hit Fearless Leader sold you a bill-of-goods based largely upon his bruised manic ego and you idiots bought into it lock-stock-and-barrel.

You have been snookered, but you're (collectively) too stupid to figure it out.
That's what your party masters have done.
You idiots couldn't find your a$$e$ with both hands in a well-lit room surrounded by mirrors... you clowns would phukk-up a two-car funeral...

Sane Americans are tired of your bull$hit threats... you pu$$ie$ couldn't even storm Capitol Hill properly... nobody is afraid of your threats.
The usual Dim talking points.
There wasn't any significant cheating going-on during the November 3, 2020 general election; certainly nothing sufficiently substantial to change the outcome.
No one really knows that for sure, and it's impossible to prove a negative like that one, but I understand your point that there is no established judiciary proof of the contrary.
Your lying sack-of-$hit Fearless Leader sold you a bill-of-goods based largely upon his bruised manic ego and you idiots bought into it lock-stock-and-barrel.
It really didn't work like that.

We all saw the same stuff that Trump drew his ideas from.

It's inarguable that emergency powers were used to change voting laws in many places without going through the legislature, changing them in unique ways, using the excuse of the Pandemic, which may have had serious affects upon legitimacy.

Anyway, there is a big difference from claiming there is some proven fraud and it needs to be investigated further and fixed to ensure future elections are secure, compared to what you probably think most of us believe.
Sane Americans are tired of your bull$hit threats... you pu$$ie$ couldn't even storm Capitol Hill properly... nobody is afraid of your threats.
Not afraid? We just completed the January 6th hearings which began in June, four months ago. They seem to be very frightened and "threats to Democracy and The American Way" are continually in the news.

They are literally shaking in their boots because some real hearings might begin next year if Republicans win. :)

Wrong ya figgin moron.

Ya don't prove that something didn't happen...

YOU have to prove that it DID

And you can't

"Truth" according to Lesh

No cheating in 2020 election
Islamic terrorists did 911
Covid killed millions
Covid vax safe and effective, should be mandated
Co2 is warming earth
Islamic jihad did the marines in Lebanon 1983
The USS Liberty was an "accident"
Sole shooters lee Harvey Oswald, James Earl Ray, and Siran Siran killed JFK, MLK, and RFK

And JFK was not offed so that Zionist fascist racist LBJ could start s meaningless war, run us weapons factories, siphon off those weapons to Israel, so that Israel could start the 67 war....

The highlight? Walker pulls out a fake badge, to double down on the flat out lie that he's law enforcement.

I Believe this dude is going to lose bigly. :dunno:

Apparently he wasn't "shellacked" as you say.


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