Hershel walker tries and fails once again on mass shootings. Poor Georgia.


AND another SWING AND A MISS by leftwing propogandists... All you folks got left is to try and smear those you disagree with... Rachel MadCow and you are pathetic.. and pretty bad at it as well...
How many teeth do you have?

I can explain Rachel MADDOW to you
But why?
Richard Maddow? Oh my God.
Threatened by intelligent women?

How sad
Dubya, Palin, Trump, Boebert, MTG, Gohmert, Walker. On and on.

The cult does love those who are as inarticulate as they are.
She is more eloquent and understands the issues much better than Herschel
She made an absolute fool of herself on her first day. Hell, she made Psaki look smart.

The important thing for Brandon was checking boxes. If she had been a judge she would have been nominated to SCOTUS for checking more boxes than that other pedophilephile.

I mean he is asked about mass shootings and starts talking about boys and girls looking at each other online.

I mean he is out to lunch.
Sorry, but MSNBC is pretty much the primary cause of mass-shootings.....so I'm not going to take their word on any political candidate.
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I can see the debates in the Senate now.

Hershel stands up and blames online porn for sanctions. 😂

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