He's calling a vote.

Matt's Motion to Vacate is getting a straight up-or-down vote. Speaker Mc says he's not cutting a deal with Democrats. Who will GOPs choose for speaker next? Does anyone in Matt's caucus have enough support to get elected? Who do you want USMBcons? Speak up. Who's your horse for Speaker?

Some GOPs who have said they will vote for the Motion will have to flip-flop or Kevin is gone. Who will it be?

I may have to respect McCarthy. The gop thought it had a "unity" bill, only to have the tea party defectors kill it. It would not have gotten 45 votes in the Senate, but never mind that because, at least McCarthy could honestly say "I advanced a bill." But when the tea party kicked that off the table, he advanced a bill. And the Senate isn't too happy with that one either, btw.

I'm tired of all the Turmpism. Trump was NEVER about cutting spending. I'm tired of the tea party. ALL I'm asking for is that in 24, just spend one lousy dollar less than was spent in 23.
It would be sort of fun to watch them spend the next week or two tying to pick a Speaker.
I'm tired of all the Turmpism. Trump was NEVER about cutting spending. I'm tired of the tea party. ALL I'm asking for is that in 24, just spend one lousy dollar less than was spent in 23.
Turmpism” is one of the seven deadly unknown sins.
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Maybe, maybe not. Trump wants McCarthy out, because Trump wanted a shutdown, and McCarthy wanted to advance a bill (which is his job as Speaker)
His job as speaker is to represent his constituents which he has never done. He is a uniparty suck puppy out to destroy this country and its freedoms.
Maybe, maybe not. Trump wants McCarthy out, because Trump wanted a shutdown, and McCarthy wanted to advance a bill (which is his job as Speaker)
This nonsense is the result of the Chaos Caucus angry with McCarthy because he wouldn’t shutdown the government and crash the economy – having nothing to do with ‘fiscal responsibility.’

Republicans are clearly incapable of governing the country.
Be careful what you ask for.

That would show the whole country just how fucked up the GOP is and ensure a huge blue wave in 2024
The Blue wave will come from inflated voters rolls filled with fake registrations just like it did in 2020 and 2022. The fraud machine is alive and well.
To be ON TOPIC, you’d have to express some kind of actual thought about the prospect of losing McCarthy as SPEAKER of the House. Lol.
I don't think the prospect is very high but unless Gaetz withdraws the Motion, apparently there will be a vote today. I don't think any of Gaetz's allies have enough support to become Speaker and I don't think any of Kevin's allies want the job.
Matt's Motion to Vacate is getting a straight up-or-down vote. Speaker Mc says he's not cutting a deal with Democrats. Who will GOPs choose for speaker next? Does anyone in Matt's caucus have enough support to get elected? Who do you want USMBcons? Speak up. Who's your horse for Speaker?

Some GOPs who have said they will vote for the Motion will have to flip-flop or Kevin is gone. Who will it be?

Dems should just let Mc to stay as the speaker. nothing better then having this type of weak stupid ass kisser to throw darts at for the rest of Bidens presidency. The man i so stupid , but the smartest that the right has. The right is 100% scum bags led by a speaker who is 100% scum bag. His Biden investigation has gained more democratic voters than anything else this year. Hate filled brain dead stupid.
McCarthy is weak and has failed to unite House Republicans.
Matt's Motion to Vacate is getting a straight up-or-down vote. Speaker Mc says he's not cutting a deal with Democrats. Who will GOPs choose for speaker next? Does anyone in Matt's caucus have enough support to get elected? Who do you want USMBcons? Speak up. Who's your horse for Speaker?

Some GOPs who have said they will vote for the Motion will have to flip-flop or Kevin is gone. Who will it be?

Matts hate Nazi caucus is running a little lean at this time. I mean take a look at these slugs in the caucus , there is not one that is worth a shit . These are by far this great country's biggest threat and enemy. Obvious there are a lot of ugly cruel hateful republicans in this country to support these hate Nazi's but it is getting better every day , the republicans are so stupid that they can't even retain the most stupid among them. So the hate Nazis will be thinning out a little bit every day.

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