Hes gone !!!!

If your conservatives had a spine they would have dumped trump long ago.

Dump him? Idiot, we want him BACK! He is the best president in a century! He is our Winston Churchill!

The man is worth billions and could be living in a private island like a king, instead he puts himself through hell and enormous expense all for the American people giving us our best economy, lowest crime, securest borders, and most world peace in a very long time!!!
Dump him? Idiot, we want him BACK! He is the best president in a century! He is our Winston Churchill!

The man is worth billions and could be living in a private island like a king, instead he puts himself through hell and enormous expense all for the American people giving us our best economy, lowest crime, securest borders, and most world peace in a very long time!!!
Worthy of the best satire~
If your conservatives had a spine they would have dumped trump long ago. In that respect british cons are superior.
I never thought I would say that. Ever.

Boris was wrong. This wasn’t a kangaroo court, it was a lynch mob. From the start of this absurd show trial, I told you they had already decided to string him up.

And even now, after he has been forced to resign not just as Prime Minister but also as an MP, they’re still not satisfied. Hanging’s too good for him? Not nearly enough. He has to be drawn and quartered, too.

Johnson’s resignation was never going to quench their thirst for blood. If he hadn’t stood down from Parliament, they intended all along to suspend him for more than the ten days which would force him to face a by-election.

In the event, they settled on an absurd 90-day suspension, a vindictive punishment out of all proportion to his alleged crimes, even though it was too late. We’re talking horses and stable doors here.

There are even moves to compound his humiliation by confiscating his Parliamentary pass and cancelling his ex-PM’s allowance.

For seven years, since the Leave vote in 2016, MPs have been straining every sinew to undermine the democratic process by frustrating any attempt to implement a proper Brexit.

The saintly, impartial Hattie Harman was part of the People’s Vote movement, which sought to void the votes of more than 17 million people and force a second referendum.

If Labour wins the next election, the process of re-aligning Britain with the EU, in advance of a full return to membership, will begin in earnest.

And here’s the rub. They don’t want Boris around when that happens. He has never been forgiven for Brexit.

Boris was wrong. This wasn’t a kangaroo court, it was a lynch mob. From the start of this absurd show trial, I told you they had already decided to string him up.

And even now, after he has been forced to resign not just as Prime Minister but also as an MP, they’re still not satisfied. Hanging’s too good for him? Not nearly enough. He has to be drawn and quartered, too.

Johnson’s resignation was never going to quench their thirst for blood. If he hadn’t stood down from Parliament, they intended all along to suspend him for more than the ten days which would force him to face a by-election.

In the event, they settled on an absurd 90-day suspension, a vindictive punishment out of all proportion to his alleged crimes, even though it was too late. We’re talking horses and stable doors here.

There are even moves to compound his humiliation by confiscating his Parliamentary pass and cancelling his ex-PM’s allowance.

For seven years, since the Leave vote in 2016, MPs have been straining every sinew to undermine the democratic process by frustrating any attempt to implement a proper Brexit.

The saintly, impartial Hattie Harman was part of the People’s Vote movement, which sought to void the votes of more than 17 million people and force a second referendum.

If Labour wins the next election, the process of re-aligning Britain with the EU, in advance of a full return to membership, will begin in earnest.

And here’s the rub. They don’t want Boris around when that happens. He has never been forgiven for Brexit.

Do you have any thought of your own ?
Cutnpating insane nonsense is not considered a proper post. Dry your eyes and try and think of something.

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