He's not MY president

Why are we still having this childish discussion? People need to grow the fuck up.

I take it you said this stupid shit when Obama was president so my post hit you smack in the face huh...

It is a patently stupid thing to whine about. Presidents are elected to represent a nation mot any particular individuals.

This "not my president" bs is as stupid as all the dumb ass liberals who threaten to leave the country every election cycle.

Nothing more than a foot stomping tantrum.
Your post was not clear to me. Sorry 'bout that. You can postpone your nap.
My President is Trump. Who is your president? Mine won.

My president is my own moral judgment. All you've "won" is a new master.
HAHAHAHA Wow your president s your own moral judgment. How convenient. Like wise, I asume right and wrong are moral judgments as well. That leads to legal and illegal. Those must be moral judgments as well.

You have described a liberal perfectly. Your desires should be met regardless of others or laws to that do not fit your personal agenda are not recognized.

So, what is it tike to be a liberal in California?
It goes hand in hand with "If you don't vote, you have no right to complain"...

If we all agree to draw straws to see who get tossed into the volcano, and you draw short, how do you have a right to complain? You agreed to draw straws in the first place.

Of course he's YOUR president, you voted to have a president in the first place, and knew the nature of the game going in - corrupt elections and all. The only people who DO have a right to complain are those who reject the system outright and don't vote at all.

We squabble over the sword of power, clamoring around it like naked animals around a trough. But where is the voice of that noble minority who says "bury the sword"? Nowhere to be found in the mass media - that's for sure - and where they are heard, they are chastised without fail for daring to question the cultural indoctrination.

Are we so narrow in our vision that we cannot see the divide-and-conquer nature of democracy? Over every issue imaginable we are made to choose a side and hurl stones across the fence. All the while the richest and most powerful people in the world laugh hysterically on route to the bank. We picket outside the Capital, while the criminals inside peek through the curtains and grin... "Look at them begging... they still believe in our power".

They love to see you picketing. They love to see you at line at the polls. Voting is a census to find out how many people are still buying into the con of politicians' right to rule. You think those with the wealth and power to guide events are going to allow nature to take its course? You think they're just going to sit back and let the people choose their leaders? They are like the parent who offers the stubborn child a false choice: "You're a big boy now, Timmy, you get to choose for yourself - would you like broccoli or peas with dinner?" The child thinks he's made a choice, but the parent wins either way. Timmy is getting stinky vegetables, whichever way he goes.

With big money marketing and control of the media, they present you only with choices that serve their ends. So choose away and feel like you've actually done something. When one party has taken theft and injustice as far as the people can stand, the swing voters usher in the opposing party, which continues the relay race as far as they can until they've worn out their welcome, and it switches again. The left/right march into outright tyranny, with the spirit of revolution being vented by the false "change" of a switch in parties.

You are a joke to them, and this post SHOULD make you mad - but not at the messenger. You've been conned, and no amount of working within the con will free you from getting shackled and fleeced. He IS your president - they all are - because you've bought into the sham hook, line, and sinker. And we'll never get anywhere until we snap out of our stupor and realize that it's not the person sitting on the throne that's the problem, it's the throne itself.

My President is Trump. Who is your president? Mine won.

My President is whoever comes up with a Cliff's Notes for the TL;DR OP. :rock:

Btw OP -- I don't remember ever "voting to have a President". That's about the line where I stopped.

And it may be worth noting that most Americans eligible to vote ---- didn't.

Define "MOST" because that will indicate IF I believe your unsubstantiated statement as I KNOW doing just a little research less then a minute in fact HOW MANY ACTUALLY
eligible people actually voted! So please enlighten us with your definition of "MOST"!


The total POTUS election turnout was 55%. That level is abysmal in the world but typical for us. Meaning 45% of those registered to vote, looked at the options and decided, "what's the point, fuck it".

Then there are those who could have registered but didn't even bother to take that step, arguably for the same reasons. We hit the mark of 200 million registered voters in '16, leaving some 19 million eligible-but-unregistered.

There are certainly reasons for our abysmal turnout rate, mainly two, and those are (a) the entrenched Duopoly, and the Electoral College that ensures (a) stays in place.
According to the EC, if a person had to get a plurality, "NO ONE" would be president right now.


The question is, how? How do we transition from the planet's most successful government, that has now grown way to large and out of control, to shrink it, and eventually, make it negligible? It seems an impossible task. Even small government conservatives have failed miserably over the past half century.

This guy was courted by the Obama administration, the Libertarian Party, and the Green Party during that last election cycle, he rebuffed them all.

He didn't believe any of them were ready to really deal with the deep seated corruption and problems in the shadow government and deep state, nor were any of them willing to go far enough. He is a bit out there, OTH, why would all these powerful players court him? (Other than that he is an elite, so there, should anyone trust him?)

I like your ideas, though, after many years of being similarly idealistic, we need to also think pragmatically to get there.

This is, a pragmatic idea by a suspicious and eccentric character with "a possible" solution?

Intelligent folks know that a spiraling debt cycle can't last indefinitely, it will lead to cataclysmic bloodshed, chaos, and upheaval eventually.

I'm all for anything that moves us in that direction; the plan outlined here sounds promising, as does The Venus Project (though that requires far more radical thinking). But I'm a bit of an extremist; I don't support working within the system to move us closer, I support turning our back on it immediately and entirely. That doesn't mean I'm right about this being the best way to go about it, though.

The reason I feel this way is because the fundamental issue is the belief in government authority. Any recognition of it is counter to reality and enables the hallucination. I think raising awareness is the first step, and developing alternatives that can maintain us through the transition is key. Voting for the Ron Pauls of the world, and trying to use legislation to rid us of the Fed seems unlikely to work because it assumes the system actually works the way it's supposed to, and ignores the fact that the big money/power people (like the family of that video's host) will pervert the system to block our efforts indefinitely. They're not just going to allow judges to rule against themselves. Back them into a corner and they will show their true nature if they have to.

To me, the most important thing is to spread awareness until it permeates police and military culture. Once it becomes socially taboo to enter those institutions, the misanthropes in power will have few attack dogs to enact their will, and will be rendered impotent. At that point, government will dissolve itself, and the alternatives developed in the meantime will carry us to greener pastures. I admit, this cultural shift is likely to take multiple generations, but fighting the most powerful people on their own ground strikes me as misguided, if not utterly hopeless. Again, that doesn't mean I'm right; and I've debated many Constitutional Libertarians, and even full-blown anarchists like Adam Kokesh on this very issue, and I see their point... I just can't get over the hump to join them in their thinking as of now.

Thanks for helping with your posts. Never give up.
what if some don't agree with how money is used/where the road goes/who will build it/etc etc??and what about the hiring and firing deal?? what if I don't agree with you on who should be hired/fired?

I know it's difficult to imagine solutions without government - it's like a fish imagining life without water; we've never known anything else. But the first thing to accept is that our inability to answer these questions right now does not justify supporting an immense body of invalid and immoral power. You must understand why it is invalid and immoral first, then move on to other questions.

The shift is one of self-responsibility, and I am not nominating myself for King of the new world after government. Try directing your questions to yourself, and don't allow yourself an out. Right now we live in an artificial environment, but in the real world of natural freedom, you cannot just throw up your hands and say "I don't know", let someone else decide. Something must be done, and people like you and I will have to develop new solutions. Embracing this responsibility reflects the required maturity for a peaceful, prosperous society. So as an exercise to that effect, try answering these questions without turning to anyone else for solutions. Your innate brilliance will be sparked, no doubt, if the effort is earnest.

I'd be very happy to speculate about what could be done in these situations once the initial commitment to a valid, moral way of life is accepted. But realize that there won't be a centralized solution guiding the entire population. Some communities may handle it one way, another may handle it differently. The only common ground is that the majority of people must agree not to resort to aggressive theft and violence as a solution. Anything else is a valid suggestion.
You have described a liberal perfectly. Your desires should be met regardless of others or laws to that do not fit your personal agenda are not recognized.

I do not expect my desires to be met, I only expect my inherent freedom to be respected. In return, I will respect yours (actually, I'll do that either way). This is the extent of what I'm suggesting.

By saying "My moral judgment is my president" I only mean that i do not recognize any man's authority over me. That doesn't mean he can't beat me or kill me, but I'll never acknowledge his non-existent RIGHT to rule me. I've heard this described as "Internal Monarchy/External Anarchy". Each man must be self-regulated. Nothing else will work, as evidenced by the fact that despite thousands of years of man's law, we still have crime all over the place, including at the highest levels of government and beyond. I'm only trying to be the change that I'd like to see in the world - free individuals respecting the rights of others. I'm asking others to consider doing the same by not supporting a massive institution of domination that claims the right to rule over my children.
voluntary?? so big construction companies can volunteer to organize/build roads/etc--and set their own prices??!!

Of course, who else would set their prices? Of course they are self-regulated by their desire to remain competitive. Who sets prices on T-shirts, navel oranges, televisions, accounting services, built-in pools, or anything else we buy? Supply and demand. What's the problem?

Right now cronyism gives the government contract to some Senator's brother in law, and overcharges $500 for a toilet bowl with no accountability to the customer (the citizens). We cannot refuse their services or hire someone else. You don't think we could do better on our own?
If he's not your president then you can't impeach him

I'm not advocating impeaching him, I'm advocating ignoring him and the entire system that supports the existence of a president.

Go back to Mexico or China or wherever the hell you came from then.

Ah, I see... the old "love it or leave it" routine. Yes, this is the attitude that will usher in man's progress toward a better world. I was born here, and that fact does not imply my consent to some other naked ape dominating me. If you don't understand that, I suggest investigating the topic of self-respect.
Trump has made Palin irrelevant by being the must ignorant and dysfunctional human being in American politics. I never would have thought that was possible. I now know for sure that nobody could possibly set the standard lower than Trump has, and i find a small comfort in knowing that it is impossible to get a worse chief executive in the future.
You have described a liberal perfectly. Your desires should be met regardless of others or laws to that do not fit your personal agenda are not recognized.

I do not expect my desires to be met, I only expect my inherent freedom to be respected. In return, I will respect yours (actually, I'll do that either way). This is the extent of what I'm suggesting.

By saying "My moral judgment is my president" I only mean that i do not recognize any man's authority over me. That doesn't mean he can't beat me or kill me, but I'll never acknowledge his non-existent RIGHT to rule me. I've heard this described as "Internal Monarchy/External Anarchy". Each man must be self-regulated. Nothing else will work, as evidenced by the fact that despite thousands of years of man's law, we still have crime all over the place, including at the highest levels of government and beyond. I'm only trying to be the change that I'd like to see in the world - free individuals respecting the rights of others. I'm asking others to consider doing the same by not supporting a massive institution of domination that claims the right to rule over my children.

Thank you for your explanation. I'm not sure if I understand, though. In any society, there has to be a heirarchy of persons who make the rules and ensure al the people in that society have their own rights not infringed upon,

If every person "was an island" without any laws to keep order in the land chaos would ensue.

If you feel no one can rule you, you may feel that no person can walk on the street where your home is built.
BUt someone will walk down that street and an argument will begin. The arguing continues and you shoot the man that walked down that street, What a dismal story. The man was okay to walk down that street and it was fine for you to shoot him for there weren no laws at all,

The man who was waking in that steet was a waste employee picking up trash. His family's home will be gone for the family could not afford a home without that income. So, a father is gone, a family on the street without food but there will be no recourse against you because no one rules over you.

So much for each person's moral judgement being society's only limitation of behaviors.
If he's not your president then you can't impeach him

I'm not advocating impeaching him, I'm advocating ignoring him and the entire system that supports the existence of a president.

Go back to Mexico or China or wherever the hell you came from then.

Ah, I see... the old "love it or leave it" routine. Yes, this is the attitude that will usher in man's progress toward a better world. I was born here, and that fact does not imply my consent to some other naked ape dominating me. If you don't understand that, I suggest investigating the topic of self-respect.
You had a good dialogue going and your "moral judgement" just washed it all away. Sad.
The question is, how? How do we transition from the planet's most successful government, that has now grown way to large and out of control, to shrink it, and eventually, make it negligible? It seems an impossible task. Even small government conservatives have failed miserably over the past half century.

This guy was courted by the Obama administration, the Libertarian Party, and the Green Party during that last election cycle, he rebuffed them all.

He didn't believe any of them were ready to really deal with the deep seated corruption and problems in the shadow government and deep state, nor were any of them willing to go far enough. He is a bit out there, OTH, why would all these powerful players court him? (Other than that he is an elite, so there, should anyone trust him?)

I like your ideas, though, after many years of being similarly idealistic, we need to also think pragmatically to get there.

This is, a pragmatic idea by a suspicious and eccentric character with "a possible" solution?

Intelligent folks know that a spiraling debt cycle can't last indefinitely, it will lead to cataclysmic bloodshed, chaos, and upheaval eventually.

I'm all for anything that moves us in that direction; the plan outlined here sounds promising, as does The Venus Project (though that requires far more radical thinking). But I'm a bit of an extremist; I don't support working within the system to move us closer, I support turning our back on it immediately and entirely. That doesn't mean I'm right about this being the best way to go about it, though.

The reason I feel this way is because the fundamental issue is the belief in government authority. Any recognition of it is counter to reality and enables the hallucination. I think raising awareness is the first step, and developing alternatives that can maintain us through the transition is key. Voting for the Ron Pauls of the world, and trying to use legislation to rid us of the Fed seems unlikely to work because it assumes the system actually works the way it's supposed to, and ignores the fact that the big money/power people (like the family of that video's host) will pervert the system to block our efforts indefinitely. They're not just going to allow judges to rule against themselves. Back them into a corner and they will show their true nature if they have to.

To me, the most important thing is to spread awareness until it permeates police and military culture. Once it becomes socially taboo to enter those institutions, the misanthropes in power will have few attack dogs to enact their will, and will be rendered impotent. At that point, government will dissolve itself, and the alternatives developed in the meantime will carry us to greener pastures. I admit, this cultural shift is likely to take multiple generations, but fighting the most powerful people on their own ground strikes me as misguided, if not utterly hopeless. Again, that doesn't mean I'm right; and I've debated many Constitutional Libertarians, and even full-blown anarchists like Adam Kokesh on this very issue, and I see their point... I just can't get over the hump to join them in their thinking as of now.

Thanks for helping with your posts. Never give up.

I understand your POV, but I think you aren't looking at the anthropological realities of the situation.

There is only so much that can be accomplished in the face of natural realities.

I would recommend starting by taking a course in primatology, and from there, a general course in cultural anthropology and social psychology. There is far more to this complex puzzle than just government and economics. This is where your economists and political scientists always fail.

There are certain immutable facts to the species that I think your natural ideological and idealistic enthusiasm have caused you to overlook. I don't think this is any fault of your own really.

This is the grand folly of all political scientists and economists, IMO. It is the reason folks like Marx, Jacque Fresco, Plato and other Utopians blunder. They don't stop and consider the true essence of the human condition. It is something that is easily forgotten in an ivory tower. The Anarcho-socialist/Anarcho-Capitalist paradigm can only be taken so far if we forget that the origins of control over human society from the very beginning, from our tribal origins, is, in itself, dependent on violence. It's in our make up, it is in our DNA, it is who we are. Your logic, compassion, learning, knowledge, all of it can only take us so far, but if we leave behind those who are in pain, or the ignorant, the out classed, uneducated, if there is a lower caste/class, there will always be unrest.

We can't deny our basic condition, we can only seek to ameliorate it's effects.

It's easy to criticize the system, and claim some other way would be better, to throw it all out and to start from scratch, however doing so is a far harder thing by far.

The simple fact is, at least in this nation, more folks have a vested interest in the way things are done, then folks that don't. If you want to change things, you need to create an enticing and compelling vision, the one you are offering isn't and will never be to the majority of the folks, not even to those to whom it should be.

Lower intellectual classes can never accept freedom, that is why you are getting so much resistance and so many personal attacks from both tribes, on the right and the left.

The thought of TRUE freedom scares the living shit out of them. THEY NEED DADDY. It is part of our evolutionary make up.

"In the process of becoming freed from authority, we are often left with feelings of hopelessness (he likens this process to the individuation of infants in the normal course of child development) that will not abate until we use our 'freedom to' and develop some form of replacement of the old order. However, a common substitute for exercising "freedom to" or authenticity is to submit to an authoritarian system that replaces the old order with another of different external appearance but identical function for the individual: to eliminate uncertainty by prescribing what to think and how to act. Fromm characterises this as a dialectic historical process whereby the original situation is the thesis and the emancipation from it the antithesis. The synthesis is only reached when something has replaced the original order and provided humans with a new security. Fromm does not indicate that the new system will necessarily be an improvement. In fact, Fromm indicates this will only break the never-ending cycle of negative freedom that society submits to."
Escape from Freedom - Wikipedia

See also;
Stockholm syndrome - Wikipedia
Sorry if my last post came off as condescending. Living and working among the poor and apathetic for years, those who don't give a shit about politics yet worship those who lead them has given me great clarity. I agree with so much of what you have posted.
Trump has made Palin irrelevant by being the must ignorant and dysfunctional human being in American politics. I never would have thought that was possible. I now know for sure that nobody could possibly set the standard lower than Trump has, and i find a small comfort in knowing that it is impossible to get a worse chief executive in the future.

My hope is that the lunacy of having this man be the *cough* "Leader of the free world" (a joke on so many levels) will help to wake people up to realizing that this whole dog-and-pony show isn't real. It literally is not real. There were many better actors before him, but with Trump it's downright obvious that this man is not capable of running a nation at all, and yet the nation persists, so the nature of president-as-puppet is more apparent.
Trump has made Palin irrelevant by being the must ignorant and dysfunctional human being in American politics. I never would have thought that was possible. I now know for sure that nobody could possibly set the standard lower than Trump has, and i find a small comfort in knowing that it is impossible to get a worse chief executive in the future.

My hope is that the lunacy of having this man be the *cough* "Leader of the free world" (a joke on so many levels) will help to wake people up to realizing that this whole dog-and-pony show isn't real. It literally is not real. There were many better actors before him, but with Trump it's downright obvious that this man is not capable of running a nation at all, and yet the nation persists, so the nature of president-as-puppet is more apparent.

Yup, not to worry, you will wake up in about 7 years.
Trump has made Palin irrelevant by being the must ignorant and dysfunctional human being in American politics. I never would have thought that was possible. I now know for sure that nobody could possibly set the standard lower than Trump has, and i find a small comfort in knowing that it is impossible to get a worse chief executive in the future.

My hope is that the lunacy of having this man be the *cough* "Leader of the free world" (a joke on so many levels) will help to wake people up to realizing that this whole dog-and-pony show isn't real. It literally is not real. There were many better actors before him, but with Trump it's downright obvious that this man is not capable of running a nation at all, and yet the nation persists, so the nature of president-as-puppet is more apparent.

It's hard to conduct business when every move is blocked and hindered by the Goddamn Progressive Liberal Commie bastards in Congress and SCOTUS. A curse upon all of them.
Trump has made Palin irrelevant by being the must ignorant and dysfunctional human being in American politics. I never would have thought that was possible. I now know for sure that nobody could possibly set the standard lower than Trump has, and i find a small comfort in knowing that it is impossible to get a worse chief executive in the future.

My hope is that the lunacy of having this man be the *cough* "Leader of the free world" (a joke on so many levels) will help to wake people up to realizing that this whole dog-and-pony show isn't real. It literally is not real. There were many better actors before him, but with Trump it's downright obvious that this man is not capable of running a nation at all, and yet the nation persists, so the nature of president-as-puppet is more apparent.

It's hard to conduct business when every move is blocked and hindered by the Goddamn Progressive Liberal Commie bastards in Congress and SCOTUS. A curse upon all of them.

I guess that means that Trump is not the world's most talented deal maker after all......

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