Of course he's YOUR president, you voted to have a president in the first place, and knew the nature of the game going in
good call--it was a fair, American, legal election---and NOW they complain??!!!???
MORONS and jackasses!!
they sound like 7 year olds that don't get the Christmas present they wanted

I wouldn't say it's "fair" to select one human being to have rights the rest of us don't have. The word "American" only refers to the arbitrary territory claimed by a particular gang, and the word "legal" only means that someone made an assertion and wrote it down.

But yes, the whole endeavor is quite childish, as it equates to choosing a parent to take on the challenges and responsibilities we don't want to face.
so we should change the process?? how?? not American?? !!???
not fair??
would you rather do it like Libya or Uganda does??
Well, I suppose you could reject anyone as "your President", but that's in your mind only.

I can pretend that Mondays don't exist either, I suppose.

Well, actually, his authority over me is in HIS mind only (and in the minds of millions of other people), but does not actually exist any more than the authority of a bear in the woods. He has the power to hurt me, but that doesn't legitimize his claim to valid authority. Millions could agree with him, but that also does not validate the claim. The question to ask is, "What is the origin of his authority?" and the answer is "From a bunch of people who falsely believe they can delegate rights they don't have" since none of the voters personally claim the rights that a president has. In effect, his authority has no valid origin, and is thus invalid.

Incidentally, the notion of "Monday" is also a mental construct without inherent existence, quite obviously.
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It goes hand in hand with "If you don't vote, you have no right to complain"...

If we all agree to draw straws to see who get tossed into the volcano, and you draw short, how do you have a right to complain? You agreed to draw straws in the first place.

Of course he's YOUR president, you voted to have a president in the first place, and knew the nature of the game going in - corrupt elections and all. The only people who DO have a right to complain are those who reject the system outright and don't vote at all.

We squabble over the sword of power, clamoring around it like naked animals around a trough. But where is the voice of that noble minority who says "bury the sword"? Nowhere to be found in the mass media - that's for sure - and where they are heard, they are chastised without fail for daring to question the cultural indoctrination.

Are we so narrow in our vision that we cannot see the divide-and-conquer nature of democracy? Over every issue imaginable we are made to choose a side and hurl stones across the fence. All the while the richest and most powerful people in the world laugh hysterically on route to the bank. We picket outside the Capital, while the criminals inside peek through the curtains and grin... "Look at them begging... they still believe in our power".

They love to see you picketing. They love to see you on line at the polls. Voting is a census to find out how many people are still buying into the con of politicians' right to rule. You think those with the wealth and power to guide events are going to allow nature to take its course? You think they're just going to sit back and let the people choose their leaders? They are like the parent who offers the stubborn child a false choice: "You're a big boy now, Timmy, you get to choose for yourself - would you like broccoli or peas with dinner?" The child thinks he's made a choice, but the parent wins either way. Timmy is getting stinky vegetables, whichever way he goes.

With big money marketing and control of the media, they present you only with choices that serve their ends. So choose away and feel like you've actually done something. When one party has taken theft and injustice as far as the people can stand, the swing voters usher in the opposing party, which continues the relay race as far as they can until they've worn out their welcome, and it switches again. The left/right march into outright tyranny, with the spirit of revolution being vented by the false "change" of a switch in parties.

You are a joke to them, and this post SHOULD make you mad - but not at the messenger. You've been conned, and no amount of working within the con will free you from getting shackled and fleeced. He IS your president - they all are - because you've bought into the sham hook, line, and sinker. And we'll never get anywhere until we snap out of our stupor and realize that it's not the person sitting on the throne that's the problem, it's the throne itself.

IMO, Trump is the 'bury the sword" president.
so we should change the process?? how?? not American?? !!???
not fair??
would you rather do it like Libya or Uganda does??

I would rather do it like self-responsible, cooperative human beings do it; not by creating a ruling class that claim fallacious "rights" the rest of us don't have, then back up that claim with violent coercion.
It goes hand in hand with "If you don't vote, you have no right to complain"...

If we all agree to draw straws to see who get tossed into the volcano, and you draw short, how do you have a right to complain? You agreed to draw straws in the first place.

Of course he's YOUR president, you voted to have a president in the first place, and knew the nature of the game going in - corrupt elections and all. The only people who DO have a right to complain are those who reject the system outright and don't vote at all.

We squabble over the sword of power, clamoring around it like naked animals around a trough. But where is the voice of that noble minority who says "bury the sword"? Nowhere to be found in the mass media - that's for sure - and where they are heard, they are chastised without fail for daring to question the cultural indoctrination.

Are we so narrow in our vision that we cannot see the divide-and-conquer nature of democracy? Over every issue imaginable we are made to choose a side and hurl stones across the fence. All the while the richest and most powerful people in the world laugh hysterically on route to the bank. We picket outside the Capital, while the criminals inside peek through the curtains and grin... "Look at them begging... they still believe in our power".

They love to see you picketing. They love to see you on line at the polls. Voting is a census to find out how many people are still buying into the con of politicians' right to rule. You think those with the wealth and power to guide events are going to allow nature to take its course? You think they're just going to sit back and let the people choose their leaders? They are like the parent who offers the stubborn child a false choice: "You're a big boy now, Timmy, you get to choose for yourself - would you like broccoli or peas with dinner?" The child thinks he's made a choice, but the parent wins either way. Timmy is getting stinky vegetables, whichever way he goes.

With big money marketing and control of the media, they present you only with choices that serve their ends. So choose away and feel like you've actually done something. When one party has taken theft and injustice as far as the people can stand, the swing voters usher in the opposing party, which continues the relay race as far as they can until they've worn out their welcome, and it switches again. The left/right march into outright tyranny, with the spirit of revolution being vented by the false "change" of a switch in parties.

You are a joke to them, and this post SHOULD make you mad - but not at the messenger. You've been conned, and no amount of working within the con will free you from getting shackled and fleeced. He IS your president - they all are - because you've bought into the sham hook, line, and sinker. And we'll never get anywhere until we snap out of our stupor and realize that it's not the person sitting on the throne that's the problem, it's the throne itself.

It has always puzzled me the saying, "If you did not vote you can't complain".

Complaining is an inalienable right, and for many, the thing that makes life worth living.
My President is Trump. Who is your president? Mine won.

My president is my own moral judgment. All you've "won" is a new master.

Do you know you have contradicted yourself, right?


Do, do you know the difference?

Is Trump doing the will of the people? No? He is pretty much doing what I elected him to do, as any good elected official within a republic would do.

Do, do you know the difference between a republic and a democracy. Well, here is a hint. The word democracy does not appear in the constitution or the Declaration of Independence. Democracy is just a word for MOB RULE. Hence, the reason you losers yell about popular vote.

It is all about popular vote, and group think for you and you think you are some independent thinker?

OK well then I'm off the hook --- I'm Liberal, so I don't support the notion of a ruling class.

My that was easy.

You don't support the notion of government?

"Government" means "ruling class" now?
Dooooooooooooon't think so.

Does Congress claim rights that you and I don't have, such as laying and collecting taxes, and making laws which we must obey or be punished by violence?

Despite all the Civics Class justifications and philosophical work-arounds, that sounds quite like a ruling class to me.
OK well then I'm off the hook --- I'm Liberal, so I don't support the notion of a ruling class.

My that was easy.

You don't support the notion of government?

"Government" means "ruling class" now?
Dooooooooooooon't think so.

Does Congress claim rights that you and I don't have, such as laying and collecting taxes, and making laws which we must obey or be punished by violence?

Despite all the Civics Class justifications and philosophical work-arounds, that sounds quite like a ruling class to me.

Actually it sounds like legislative activities, whether they be excessive or not.
"Ruling class" would refer to people. Entrenched people. Entitled people. People who, say, get born into privilege and conclude from that that there must be upper and lower "classes" and they therefore belong to the former, and strive to keep it that way.
He is not my president, and if I were to somehow find myself in a room with him, I would demonstrate that by standing and turning my back to him. He has earned my contempt.

Do you know you have contradicted yourself, right?


Do, do you know the difference?

Is Trump doing the will of the people? No? He is pretty much what I elected him to do, as any good elected official within a republic would do.

Do, do you know the difference between a republic and a democracy. Well, here is a hint. The word democracy does not appear in the constitution or the Declaration of Independence. Democracy is just a word for MOB RULE. Hence, the reason you losers yell about popular vote.

It is all about popular vote, and group think for you and you think you are some independent thinker?


Mob rule and group think? I believe you've misunderstood my position.

The difference between an emperor and a president/congress is the difference between a monarchy and an oligarchy.

Regardless of political rhetoric, the fact is that the president claims rights the rest of us don't have. These rights are said to be delegated to him by the people, but the people do not claim the rights of a presidency, so how can they delegate them? By this logic, I may delegate the right to take 30% of your income to my cousin Alfie. He will be arriving Saturday at noon - please be fully dressed; Alfie is a man of delicate sensibilities.
so we should change the process?? how?? not American?? !!???
not fair??
would you rather do it like Libya or Uganda does??

I would rather do it like self-responsible, cooperative human beings do it; not by creating a ruling class that claim fallacious "rights" the rest of us don't have, then back up that claim with violent coercion.
so don't have any government? can you be more detailed?
How long are they going to whine about the election? PTSD clinics for hopeless angry lefties might make sense.
It goes hand in hand with "If you don't vote, you have no right to complain"...

If we all agree to draw straws to see who get tossed into the volcano, and you draw short, how do you have a right to complain? You agreed to draw straws in the first place.

Of course he's YOUR president, you voted to have a president in the first place, and knew the nature of the game going in - corrupt elections and all. The only people who DO have a right to complain are those who reject the system outright and don't vote at all.

We squabble over the sword of power, clamoring around it like naked animals around a trough. But where is the voice of that noble minority who says "bury the sword"? Nowhere to be found in the mass media - that's for sure - and where they are heard, they are chastised without fail for daring to question the cultural indoctrination.

Are we so narrow in our vision that we cannot see the divide-and-conquer nature of democracy? Over every issue imaginable we are made to choose a side and hurl stones across the fence. All the while the richest and most powerful people in the world laugh hysterically on route to the bank. We picket outside the Capital, while the criminals inside peek through the curtains and grin... "Look at them begging... they still believe in our power".

They love to see you picketing. They love to see you on line at the polls. Voting is a census to find out how many people are still buying into the con of politicians' right to rule. You think those with the wealth and power to guide events are going to allow nature to take its course? You think they're just going to sit back and let the people choose their leaders? They are like the parent who offers the stubborn child a false choice: "You're a big boy now, Timmy, you get to choose for yourself - would you like broccoli or peas with dinner?" The child thinks he's made a choice, but the parent wins either way. Timmy is getting stinky vegetables, whichever way he goes.

With big money marketing and control of the media, they present you only with choices that serve their ends. So choose away and feel like you've actually done something. When one party has taken theft and injustice as far as the people can stand, the swing voters usher in the opposing party, which continues the relay race as far as they can until they've worn out their welcome, and it switches again. The left/right march into outright tyranny, with the spirit of revolution being vented by the false "change" of a switch in parties.

You are a joke to them, and this post SHOULD make you mad - but not at the messenger. You've been conned, and no amount of working within the con will free you from getting shackled and fleeced. He IS your president - they all are - because you've bought into the sham hook, line, and sinker. And we'll never get anywhere until we snap out of our stupor and realize that it's not the person sitting on the throne that's the problem, it's the throne itself.

It has always puzzled me the saying, "If you did not vote you can't complain".

Complaining is an inalienable right, and for many, the thing that makes life worth living.
doesn't he mean about the outcome of the election?
Actually it sounds like legislative activities, whether they be excessive or not.
"Ruling class" would refer to people. Entrenched people. Entitled people. People who, say, get born into privilege and conclude from that that there must be upper and lower "classes" and they therefore belong to the former, and strive to keep it that way.

"Legislative activities" is a euphemism for "casting down dictates which the people must obey".

A ruling class is simply a class of people who claim the right to rule over others, regardless of how they got there or the cited origin of that fallacious "right". It does not necessarily imply any more than that.

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