He's Sweating! Reporter Isikoff Who First Broke Bogus Report on Carter Page Now Says He’s ‘Skeptical

There is no coincidence here. The man is so skeptical that he co authored a book about what Trump has done. I'm sure he's shaking on his way to the bank.
That depend on his character.

Some people, even Democrats on occasion, are worried about being know for profiteering on lies and slander.
The only matter Barr is looking into is how to pull Trump's butt out of the grinder.
At least manage the self respect to admit when you're beaten.

Trump's butt is safely sitting in the Oval Office.
You sure about that?

Trump is a very worried man.
Your pack of haters overestimate themselves, as usual.

Hey Maga, did any of these haters mention that Admiral Rogers WENT to the FISA court to shut down the unmaskings by the Obama Administration?

Oh, they didn't! Why not?

They either can not, or refuse to see the forest through the trees. What was being done with the protected data base was UNLAWFUL, and 3 private contractors had access to the database under the Obama Administration. Was one of them Fusion GPS? We will soon know!

Have you ever heard the phrase------->there is no such thing as a coincidence? Well, there is a whole lot of COINCIDENCE that went on here, including the fact that the people being looked into at the data storage place were MOSTLY PEOPLE WORKING FOR REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES for President! See it wasn't about Trump, it was about the 2016 election, it just happened Trump won the primary.

And how many of you posters know, that the 2008 Republican candidate, Mr John Mcain; was accused of being a Russian stooge also! COINCIDENCE? Look it up, he was. But where the difference lies is----------->GW was the President, and Mcain got wind of it.

This whole farce is recycled Leftist nonsense, except this time, they got caught with their hand in the cookie jar, or data base as it where.

I wonder how HAPPY all these Leftists are going to be, when they discover that this whole thing, was put in motion for the only purpose of giving the Obama Administration cover for using that data base illegally to get information on people and their teams, who ran for the Republican nomination for President, in 2016! And the funny thing! It worked better than they ever thought it would for over 2 years. It took on a life of its own. They had some of these people wanting to charge Trump with TREASON!

In 6 to 10 weeks, after Horowitz releases his report, the wheels are going to fall off the Left in totality. What people are going to see, is how people in government, used lies and propaganda, to attempt to destroy a President, and his Presidency, for purely political reasoning!
You know, I have Michael Isikoff's phone number. Maybe I should just ask him if he's "sweating" anything.
Hey Maga, did any of these haters mention that Admiral Rogers WENT to the FISA court to shut down the unmaskings by the Obama Administration?

Oh, they didn't! Why not?

They either can not, or refuse to see the forest through the trees. What was being done with the protected data base was UNLAWFUL, and 3 private contractors had access to the database under the Obama Administration. Was one of them Fusion GPS? We will soon know!

Have you ever heard the phrase------->there is no such thing as a coincidence? Well, there is a whole lot of COINCIDENCE that went on here, including the fact that the people being looked into at the data storage place were MOSTLY PEOPLE WORKING FOR REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES for President! See it wasn't about Trump, it was about the 2016 election, it just happened Trump won the primary.

And how many of you posters know, that the 2008 Republican candidate, Mr John Mcain; was accused of being a Russian stooge also! COINCIDENCE? Look it up, he was. But where the difference lies is----------->GW was the President, and Mcain got wind of it.

This whole farce is recycled Leftist nonsense, except this time, they got caught with their hand in the cookie jar, or data base as it where.

I wonder how HAPPY all these Leftists are going to be, when they discover that
this whole thing, was put in motion for the only purpose of giving the Obama Administration cover for using that data base illegally to get information on people and their teams, who ran for the Republican nomination for President, in 2016! And the funny thing! It worked better than they ever thought it would for over 2 years. It took on a life of its own. They had some of these people wanting to charge Trump with TREASON!

In 6 to 10 weeks, after Horowitz releases his report, the wheels are going to fall off the Left in totality. What people are going to see, is how people in government, used lies and propaganda, to attempt to destroy a President, and his Presidency, for purely political reasoning!
I've been wondering when this will become public and how the left will try to spin/ignore it.
Competing memos from the Republicans and the Democrats on the House intelligence committee both say that information about George Papadopoulos, a Trump campaign foreign policy adviser, had prompted the FBI investigation in July 2016.

Papadopoulos had contacts with Russian intermediaries during the campaign, according to the Justice Department, and later pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about those contacts. While he was a Trump campaign adviser, Papadopoulos met with a professor with connections to Russian government officials who told him “about the Russians possessing ‘dirt’ on then-candidate Hillary Clinton in the form of ‘thousands of emails,'” and he tried to arrange a meeting between the Russian government and the campaign, the DOJ’s statement of the offense said.

A memo released Feb. 2, 2018, by the Republicans on the House intelligence committee raised concerns about the use of the dossier in an application from the DOJ and FBI under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act to conduct electronic surveillance on Carter Page, another Trump campaign foreign policy adviser. But it said the “Papadopoulos information triggered the opening of an FBI counterintelligence investigation in late July 2016.”

Dossier Not What 'Started All of This' - FactCheck.org

So why didn't the FBI obtain a FISA warrant against Papadopouls? We do know the FBI had multiple FISA warrants that were denied. Where 2 attempts against Papadopouls? Papadopouls was mentioned in the Page FISA, Page said he doesn't know Padadopouls. The contacts Papadopouls spoke with all trace back to meeting with FBI. Papadopouls was definitely set up and used as part of the Page FISA while Steel finished working on the dossier.

The FBI had been illegally spying on the TRUMP campaign and their FISA warrants against Manaford had expired so they needed a new FISA to provide legal cover.

The FBI FISA warrant labels Page as a spy for Russia, yet Page faces no charges. I don't care what your views of TRUMP are you should be very concerned that the FBI had a FISA warrant against Page for over a year accusing him of being a spy for Russia and where WRONG. This simple fact should be enough to start an investigation of the FBI spying on the TRUMP campaign.
Michael doesn't seem too worried to me.

Funny how he wasn't skeptical until Barr started looking into the matter.
What a bizarre coincidence...

There is no coincidence here. The man is so skeptical that he co authored a book about what Trump has done. I'm sure he's shaking on his way to the bank.

He better make a bundle...he's going to incur some serious lawyer bills.
That's not going to happen.

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