He's Toast! Bob Mueller Agrees To Testify Before House Judiciary & Intel Committee July 17th

So you think he will violate the law by revealing GJ info or are you just hoping he will?

just hoping. far too much we do not know

"far too much we do not know"

Speaking for yourself, of course.

unlike you, I am not a slave to the government so i do not blindly accept everything they tell me.

What a stupid post.

I mean, really.

The truth is known to sting, but you will get used to it if you follow me around like you seem to have chosen to do
Be careful GG PC is known to have crushed all those who oppose the crooked pussy grabbing grifter
So you think he will violate the law by revealing GJ info or are you just hoping he will?
just hoping. far too much we do not know
"far too much we do not know"
Speaking for yourself, of course.
unlike you, I am not a slave to the government so i do not blindly accept everything they tell me.
What a stupid post. I mean, really.
The truth is known to sting, but you will get used to it if you follow me around like you seem to have chosen to do
The truth? So you believe the consummate gov't guy withheld evidence from his 2 yr, $35 million report which he will reveal to congress? :laughing0301:
Yanno, you seem to have some almost lucid moments and then you post something like that.

The truth? So you believe the consummate gov't guy withheld evidence from his 2 yr, $35 million report which he will reveal to congress? :laughing0301:
Yanno, you seem to have some almost lucid moments and then you post something like that.

No, I think that the government redacted things they did not want us to know about and I think it would be great if Mueller let a couple of those things slip out.

but you go right on ahead never questioning your government masters, they will be so proud of you
The truth? So you believe the consummate gov't guy withheld evidence from his 2 yr, $35 million report which he will reveal to congress? :laughing0301:
Yanno, you seem to have some almost lucid moments and then you post something like that.

No, I think that the government redacted things they did not want us to know about and I think it would be great if Mueller let a couple of those things slip out.

but you go right on ahead never questioning your government masters, they will be so proud of you
FFS. Just because I accept the findings of Mueller's report and doubt he has anything else to offer doesn't make me or anyone a gov't lapdog. The investigation was a witch-hunt from the start and I found "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime" to mean that Trump committed no crime. At some point you may want to let go of your Collusion Delusion for the sake of your own sanity.

Here is Mueller's big reveal:

FFS. Just because I accept the findings of Mueller's report and doubt he has anything else to offer doesn't make me or anyone a gov't lapdog. The investigation was a witch-hunt from the start and I found "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime" to mean that Trump committed no crime. At some point you may want to let go of your Collusion Delusion for the sake of your own sanity.

i have said from day 1 on this forum that I did not thin that Trump committed any crimes, do try and keep up.

To use your wording...just because I do not think Trump committed a crime does not mean I do not think they hid shit in the report that would make the government in general look bad
FFS. Just because I accept the findings of Mueller's report and doubt he has anything else to offer doesn't make me or anyone a gov't lapdog. The investigation was a witch-hunt from the start and I found "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime" to mean that Trump committed no crime. At some point you may want to let go of your Collusion Delusion for the sake of your own sanity.
i have said from day 1 on this forum that I did not thin that Trump committed any crimes, do try and keep up.

To use your wording...just because I do not think Trump committed a crime does not mean I do not think they hid shit in the report that would make the government in general look bad
So you would have Mueller and congress use the findings of a witch-hunt that found no criminality to smear the POTUS. That isn't just contrary to how our justice system works, it's morally repugnant.

BTW, I have no prob "keeping up" with you. You speak from both sides of your mouth.
just hoping. far too much we do not know
"far too much we do not know"
Speaking for yourself, of course.
unlike you, I am not a slave to the government so i do not blindly accept everything they tell me.
What a stupid post. I mean, really.
The truth is known to sting, but you will get used to it if you follow me around like you seem to have chosen to do
The truth? So you believe the consummate gov't guy withheld evidence from his 2 yr, $35 million report which he will reveal to congress? :laughing0301:
Yanno, you seem to have some almost lucid moments and then you post something like that.

All he needs to do is go into the DETAILS of why he left impeachment up to congress Trump is slime and it's about time all republicans including you, got you head out of his butt
FFS. Just because I accept the findings of Mueller's report and doubt he has anything else to offer doesn't make me or anyone a gov't lapdog. The investigation was a witch-hunt from the start and I found "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime" to mean that Trump committed no crime. At some point you may want to let go of your Collusion Delusion for the sake of your own sanity.
i have said from day 1 on this forum that I did not thin that Trump committed any crimes, do try and keep up.

To use your wording...just because I do not think Trump committed a crime does not mean I do not think they hid shit in the report that would make the government in general look bad
So you would have Mueller and congress use the findings of a witch-hunt that found no criminality to smear the POTUS. That isn't just contrary to how our justice system works, it's morally repugnant.

BTW, I have no prob "keeping up" with you. You speak from both sides of your mouth.

This might be a shock to you, but there is far more to the Government than just one man sitting at the top.

I do not give a fuck about Trump, Trump is temporary, the government will still be there after he is gone
FFS. Just because I accept the findings of Mueller's report and doubt he has anything else to offer doesn't make me or anyone a gov't lapdog. The investigation was a witch-hunt from the start and I found "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime" to mean that Trump committed no crime. At some point you may want to let go of your Collusion Delusion for the sake of your own sanity.
i have said from day 1 on this forum that I did not thin that Trump committed any crimes, do try and keep up.

To use your wording...just because I do not think Trump committed a crime does not mean I do not think they hid shit in the report that would make the government in general look bad
So you would have Mueller and congress use the findings of a witch-hunt that found no criminality to smear the POTUS. That isn't just contrary to how our justice system works, it's morally repugnant.

BTW, I have no prob "keeping up" with you. You speak from both sides of your mouth.

This might be a shock to you, but there is far more to the Government than just one man sitting at the top.

I do not give a fuck about Trump, Trump is temporary, the government will still be there after he is gone
And you would have a gov't that smears its citizens with dirt uncovered by a 2 yr, $35 million witch-hunt that concluded no criminality?
FFS. Just because I accept the findings of Mueller's report and doubt he has anything else to offer doesn't make me or anyone a gov't lapdog. The investigation was a witch-hunt from the start and I found "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime" to mean that Trump committed no crime. At some point you may want to let go of your Collusion Delusion for the sake of your own sanity.
i have said from day 1 on this forum that I did not thin that Trump committed any crimes, do try and keep up.

To use your wording...just because I do not think Trump committed a crime does not mean I do not think they hid shit in the report that would make the government in general look bad
So you would have Mueller and congress use the findings of a witch-hunt that found no criminality to smear the POTUS. That isn't just contrary to how our justice system works, it's morally repugnant.

BTW, I have no prob "keeping up" with you. You speak from both sides of your mouth.

This might be a shock to you, but there is far more to the Government than just one man sitting at the top.

I do not give a fuck about Trump, Trump is temporary, the government will still be there after he is gone
And you would have a gov't that smears its citizens with dirt uncovered by a 2 yr, $35 million witch-hunt that concluded no criminality?

You seem to have a reading comprehension problem, are you another Trumpian that needs to go back and get their GED?
FFS. Just because I accept the findings of Mueller's report and doubt he has anything else to offer doesn't make me or anyone a gov't lapdog. The investigation was a witch-hunt from the start and I found "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime" to mean that Trump committed no crime. At some point you may want to let go of your Collusion Delusion for the sake of your own sanity.
i have said from day 1 on this forum that I did not thin that Trump committed any crimes, do try and keep up.

To use your wording...just because I do not think Trump committed a crime does not mean I do not think they hid shit in the report that would make the government in general look bad
So you would have Mueller and congress use the findings of a witch-hunt that found no criminality to smear the POTUS. That isn't just contrary to how our justice system works, it's morally repugnant.

BTW, I have no prob "keeping up" with you. You speak from both sides of your mouth.

This might be a shock to you, but there is far more to the Government than just one man sitting at the top.

I do not give a fuck about Trump, Trump is temporary, the government will still be there after he is gone
And that's the problem The lying kiss assers in the senate will mostly be still there after moron is gone
FFS. Just because I accept the findings of Mueller's report and doubt he has anything else to offer doesn't make me or anyone a gov't lapdog. The investigation was a witch-hunt from the start and I found "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime" to mean that Trump committed no crime. At some point you may want to let go of your Collusion Delusion for the sake of your own sanity.
i have said from day 1 on this forum that I did not thin that Trump committed any crimes, do try and keep up.

To use your wording...just because I do not think Trump committed a crime does not mean I do not think they hid shit in the report that would make the government in general look bad
So you would have Mueller and congress use the findings of a witch-hunt that found no criminality to smear the POTUS. That isn't just contrary to how our justice system works, it's morally repugnant.

BTW, I have no prob "keeping up" with you. You speak from both sides of your mouth.

This might be a shock to you, but there is far more to the Government than just one man sitting at the top.

I do not give a fuck about Trump, Trump is temporary, the government will still be there after he is gone
And you would have a gov't that smears its citizens with dirt uncovered by a 2 yr, $35 million witch-hunt that concluded no criminality?

You seem to have a reading comprehension problem, are you another Trumpian that needs to go back and get their GED?
And now you speak from the other side of your mouth. I understand your silliness just fine, Princess. You stated in no uncertain terms that you hope Mueller will reveal something that reflects badly on Trump to smear or otherwise damage him, despite the fact you claim to realize - and the report verified - that he committed no crime.

WTF is wrong with you? You don't understand your own words?
i have said from day 1 on this forum that I did not thin that Trump committed any crimes, do try and keep up.

To use your wording...just because I do not think Trump committed a crime does not mean I do not think they hid shit in the report that would make the government in general look bad
So you would have Mueller and congress use the findings of a witch-hunt that found no criminality to smear the POTUS. That isn't just contrary to how our justice system works, it's morally repugnant.

BTW, I have no prob "keeping up" with you. You speak from both sides of your mouth.

This might be a shock to you, but there is far more to the Government than just one man sitting at the top.

I do not give a fuck about Trump, Trump is temporary, the government will still be there after he is gone
And you would have a gov't that smears its citizens with dirt uncovered by a 2 yr, $35 million witch-hunt that concluded no criminality?

You seem to have a reading comprehension problem, are you another Trumpian that needs to go back and get their GED?
And now you speak from the other side of your mouth. I understand your silliness just fine, Princess. You stated in no uncertain terms that you hope Mueller will reveal something that reflects badly on Trump to smear or otherwise damage him, despite the fact you claim to realize - and the report verified - that he committed no crime.

WTF is wrong with you? You don't understand your own words?
So you would have Mueller and congress use the findings of a witch-hunt that found no criminality to smear the POTUS. That isn't just contrary to how our justice system works, it's morally repugnant.

BTW, I have no prob "keeping up" with you. You speak from both sides of your mouth.

This might be a shock to you, but there is far more to the Government than just one man sitting at the top.

I do not give a fuck about Trump, Trump is temporary, the government will still be there after he is gone
And you would have a gov't that smears its citizens with dirt uncovered by a 2 yr, $35 million witch-hunt that concluded no criminality?

You seem to have a reading comprehension problem, are you another Trumpian that needs to go back and get their GED?
And now you speak from the other side of your mouth. I understand your silliness just fine, Princess. You stated in no uncertain terms that you hope Mueller will reveal something that reflects badly on Trump to smear or otherwise damage him, despite the fact you claim to realize - and the report verified - that he committed no crime.

WTF is wrong with you? You don't understand your own words?
It isn't the intent of a prosecutorial witch-hunt to absolve but rather to uncover criminality. So exactly what do you believe "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime" means?
This might be a shock to you, but there is far more to the Government than just one man sitting at the top.

I do not give a fuck about Trump, Trump is temporary, the government will still be there after he is gone
And you would have a gov't that smears its citizens with dirt uncovered by a 2 yr, $35 million witch-hunt that concluded no criminality?

You seem to have a reading comprehension problem, are you another Trumpian that needs to go back and get their GED?
And now you speak from the other side of your mouth. I understand your silliness just fine, Princess. You stated in no uncertain terms that you hope Mueller will reveal something that reflects badly on Trump to smear or otherwise damage him, despite the fact you claim to realize - and the report verified - that he committed no crime.

WTF is wrong with you? You don't understand your own words?
It isn't the intent of a prosecutorial witch-hunt to absolve but rather to uncover criminality. So exactly what do you believe "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime" means?
Did they say he was innocent of all charges ?? and did Mueller say you can't indict a sitting president ? 10 charges against trump Did you see them all?
The evidence we obtained about the President’s actions and intent presents difficult issues that would need to be resolved if we were making a traditional prosecutorial judgment,” Team Mueller wrote. “At the same time, if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would state so.

“Based on the facts and the applicable legal standard, we are unable to reach that judgment. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.”

Attorney General William Barr and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who supervised the Russia probe for most of its existence, ultimately decided that charges were not supported by the evidence.

Their reasoning was clear: It could not be determined whether Trump’s outbursts were an attempt at obstruction or simply the actions of a man bewildered by false and politically driven accusations, which he saw as unfairly threatening the success of his presidency.
And now you speak from the other side of your mouth. I understand your silliness just fine, Princess. You stated in no uncertain terms that you hope Mueller will reveal something that reflects badly on Trump to smear or otherwise damage him, despite the fact you claim to realize - and the report verified - that he committed no crime.

WTF is wrong with you? You don't understand your own words?
Sweet. All those redacted parts of his report can now be laid out to the public
No! AG Barr has it available for them to read in a “secure room” I believe, no copies can be given, no cameras, no notepads, etc. But the members of the Judiciary committee can go up to the DOJ and read it, fully, unredacted.

The Judiciary committee just want it released publicly and under law, AG Barr can not do that.

What is to stop Mueller from verbalizing some of them in his answers to the House?
What's to stop Mueller from pulling his pants down and mooning everyone?

That would be awesome
And now you speak from the other side of your mouth. I understand your silliness just fine, Princess. You stated in no uncertain terms that you hope Mueller will reveal something that reflects badly on Trump to smear or otherwise damage him, despite the fact you claim to realize - and the report verified - that he committed no crime.

WTF is wrong with you? You don't understand your own words?

You really do need to go work on that GED. I did not bring up Trump at all until you did.

Poor little Trumpian, so confused
And you would have a gov't that smears its citizens with dirt uncovered by a 2 yr, $35 million witch-hunt that concluded no criminality?

You seem to have a reading comprehension problem, are you another Trumpian that needs to go back and get their GED?
And now you speak from the other side of your mouth. I understand your silliness just fine, Princess. You stated in no uncertain terms that you hope Mueller will reveal something that reflects badly on Trump to smear or otherwise damage him, despite the fact you claim to realize - and the report verified - that he committed no crime.

WTF is wrong with you? You don't understand your own words?
It isn't the intent of a prosecutorial witch-hunt to absolve but rather to uncover criminality. So exactly what do you believe "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime" means?
Did they say he was innocent of all charges ?? and did Mueller say you can't indict a sitting president ? 10 charges against trump Did you see them all?
FFS. Are you really that STUPID or just playing the part? Get an adult in your life to explain what "it isn't the intent of a prosecutorial witch-hunt to determine anyone's innocence but rather to uncover criminality" means and while you are at it ask 'em what "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime" means.

Not that you can comprehend this but the Mueller Report included no "charges against Trump." None. Zero. Zilch.

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