He's Toast! Bob Mueller Agrees To Testify Before House Judiciary & Intel Committee July 17th

Yeah no charges But show me where he said trump was INNOCENT He left all the steps for congress to do the job
You may not be aware of the American way, but in the United States you PRESUMED INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY.
1000 prosecutors have said if he wasn't president he'd be in jail Personally I'd like a little more than that
Democrat lawyers say a lot of things.
1000 ???? like 24 ladies lying about the pos trump molesting them ???
If they were sexually assaulted by Trump, why did they wait so long to say something?
Because filing false police reports has consequences. Writing books decades later does not and is far more lucrative.
You may not be aware of the American way, but in the United States you PRESUMED INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY.
1000 prosecutors have said if he wasn't president he'd be in jail Personally I'd like a little more than that
Democrat lawyers say a lot of things.
1000 ???? like 24 ladies lying about the pos trump molesting them ???
If they were sexually assaulted by Trump, why did they wait so long to say something?
Embarrassed ? Threatened ? But not that many would be lying And you know the perverts history
Could you list the crimes of which Trump has been convicted?
1000 prosecutors have said if he wasn't president he'd be in jail Personally I'd like a little more than that
Democrat lawyers say a lot of things.
1000 ???? like 24 ladies lying about the pos trump molesting them ???
If they were sexually assaulted by Trump, why did they wait so long to say something?
Embarrassed ? Threatened ? But not that many would be lying And you know the perverts history
So all of a sudden they're not embarrassed? Lol.
With unity there's strength
Democrat lawyers say a lot of things.
1000 ???? like 24 ladies lying about the pos trump molesting them ???
If they were sexually assaulted by Trump, why did they wait so long to say something?
Embarrassed ? Threatened ? But not that many would be lying And you know the perverts history
So all of a sudden they're not embarrassed? Lol.
With unity there's strength
With lying propaganda, there's desperation.
Democrat lawyers say a lot of things.
1000 ???? like 24 ladies lying about the pos trump molesting them ???
If they were sexually assaulted by Trump, why did they wait so long to say something?
Embarrassed ? Threatened ? But not that many would be lying And you know the perverts history
So all of a sudden they're not embarrassed? Lol.
With unity there's strength
With truth there is enlightenment.

Get some.
1000 prosecutors have said if he wasn't president he'd be in jail Personally I'd like a little more than that
Democrat lawyers say a lot of things.
1000 ???? like 24 ladies lying about the pos trump molesting them ???
If they were sexually assaulted by Trump, why did they wait so long to say something?
Embarrassed ? Threatened ? But not that many would be lying And you know the perverts history
Could you list the crimes of which Trump has been convicted?
None yet A team of lawyers helped with that,,,,,,,but I'm a patient man I can wait until after the garbage is out of the WH,,,and BTW why do you support this slime bag ? Surely you know he's crud
Democrat lawyers say a lot of things.
1000 ???? like 24 ladies lying about the pos trump molesting them ???
If they were sexually assaulted by Trump, why did they wait so long to say something?
Embarrassed ? Threatened ? But not that many would be lying And you know the perverts history
Could you list the crimes of which Trump has been convicted?
None yet A team of lawyers helped with that,,,,,,,but I'm a patient man I can wait until after the garbage is out of the WH,,,and BTW why do you support this slime bag ? Surely you know he's crud
You honestly can't see these accusations are nothing but political? Nothing is going to happen to Trump after he leaves office.
Democrat lawyers say a lot of things.
1000 ???? like 24 ladies lying about the pos trump molesting them ???
If they were sexually assaulted by Trump, why did they wait so long to say something?
Embarrassed ? Threatened ? But not that many would be lying And you know the perverts history
Could you list the crimes of which Trump has been convicted?
None yet A team of lawyers helped with that,,,,,,,but I'm a patient man I can wait until after the garbage is out of the WH,,,and BTW why do you support this slime bag ? Surely you know he's crud
Oh ... so in his "pervert" life he's never been convicted or even charged with a crime?

And no ... he strikes me as a successful guy who loves this country and doesn't care that 31 months after Shrillary's epic defeat, your butt still hurts
1000 ???? like 24 ladies lying about the pos trump molesting them ???
If they were sexually assaulted by Trump, why did they wait so long to say something?
Embarrassed ? Threatened ? But not that many would be lying And you know the perverts history
Could you list the crimes of which Trump has been convicted?
None yet A team of lawyers helped with that,,,,,,,but I'm a patient man I can wait until after the garbage is out of the WH,,,and BTW why do you support this slime bag ? Surely you know he's crud
Oh ... so in his "pervert" life he's never been convicted or even charged with a crime?

And no ... he strikes me as a successful guy who loves this country and doesn't care that 31 months after Shrillary's epic defeat, your butt still hurts
How many fines has he paid?? 25 million for Trump U of BS comes to mind He's nothing but a con man
Trump has never been accused of sexual assault in his life, but then he becomes President and accusations are everywhere. Come on, you're not that gullible.
It isn't the intent of a prosecutorial witch-hunt to absolve but rather to uncover criminality. So exactly what do you believe "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime" means?
Did they say he was innocent of all charges ?? and did Mueller say you can't indict a sitting president ? 10 charges against trump Did you see them all?
FFS. Are you really that STUPID or just playing the part? Get an adult in your life to explain what "it isn't the intent of a prosecutorial witch-hunt to determine anyone's innocence but rather to uncover criminality" means and while you are at it ask 'em what "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime" means.

Not that you can comprehend this but the Mueller Report included no "charges against Trump." None. Zero. Zilch.
Yeah no charges But show me where he said trump was INNOCENT He left all the steps for congress to do the job
Wait ... first you said "10 charges against trump Did you see them all?" and minutes later "Yeah no charges."
Does it never occur to you to think? Ever?

And you still need to get an adult to explain what "it isn't the intent of a prosecutorial witch-hunt to determine anyone's innocence but rather to uncover criminality" means. Understanding that will destroy all of your always hate-filled arguments but will make you feel and appear less ridiculous.

Just a friendly reminder: "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..." - R. Mueller III

What do you suppose Mueller meant by that?
I don’t know why parents let their 14 year old kids gain access to this site
is this going to be one of those trials when the rat pretty much gives the same answers when he's backed into a corner.,..u know,,like the ones that start with, "Based on the advice of my attorney/plead the 5ft."....or will he just be like Hillary and answer most questions,,,,"I Don't Recall"
Oh, those famous words. Sessions used the same line so if it worked for him, DJT did the same.

"Special counsel Robert Mueller's final report, released Thursday, said that in response to questions President Donald Trump said on "30 occasions" in written answers that he "didn't recall or remember" an answer."

Trump's written responses to Mueller's questions were evidently chock full of 'I don't remember'
It isn't the intent of a prosecutorial witch-hunt to absolve but rather to uncover criminality. So exactly what do you believe "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime" means?
Did they say he was innocent of all charges ?? and did Mueller say you can't indict a sitting president ? 10 charges against trump Did you see them all?
FFS. Are you really that STUPID or just playing the part? Get an adult in your life to explain what "it isn't the intent of a prosecutorial witch-hunt to determine anyone's innocence but rather to uncover criminality" means and while you are at it ask 'em what "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime" means.

Not that you can comprehend this but the Mueller Report included no "charges against Trump." None. Zero. Zilch.
Yeah no charges But show me where he said trump was INNOCENT He left all the steps for congress to do the job
Wait ... first you said "10 charges against trump Did you see them all?" and minutes later "Yeah no charges."
Does it never occur to you to think? Ever?

And you still need to get an adult to explain what "it isn't the intent of a prosecutorial witch-hunt to determine anyone's innocence but rather to uncover criminality" means. Understanding that will destroy all of your always hate-filled arguments but will make you feel and appear less ridiculous.

Just a friendly reminder: "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..." - R. Mueller III

What do you suppose Mueller meant by that?
I don’t know why parents let their 14 year old kids gain access to this site
Would you want any of these adolescent morons underfoot all day?
Did they say he was innocent of all charges ?? and did Mueller say you can't indict a sitting president ? 10 charges against trump Did you see them all?
FFS. Are you really that STUPID or just playing the part? Get an adult in your life to explain what "it isn't the intent of a prosecutorial witch-hunt to determine anyone's innocence but rather to uncover criminality" means and while you are at it ask 'em what "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime" means.

Not that you can comprehend this but the Mueller Report included no "charges against Trump." None. Zero. Zilch.
Yeah no charges But show me where he said trump was INNOCENT He left all the steps for congress to do the job
Wait ... first you said "10 charges against trump Did you see them all?" and minutes later "Yeah no charges."
Does it never occur to you to think? Ever?

And you still need to get an adult to explain what "it isn't the intent of a prosecutorial witch-hunt to determine anyone's innocence but rather to uncover criminality" means. Understanding that will destroy all of your always hate-filled arguments but will make you feel and appear less ridiculous.

Just a friendly reminder: "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..." - R. Mueller III

What do you suppose Mueller meant by that?
I don’t know why parents let their 14 year old kids gain access to this site
Would you want any of these adolescent morons underfoot all day?
It’s just such a silly thing to try and tell people who have been out on their own for 10-50 years how the world does work or should work.
is this going to be one of those trials when the rat pretty much gives the same answers when he's backed into a corner.,..u know,,like the ones that start with, "Based on the advice of my attorney/plead the 5ft."....or will he just be like Hillary and answer most questions,,,,"I Don't Recall"
Oh, those famous words. Sessions used the same line so if it worked for him, DJT did the same.

"Special counsel Robert Mueller's final report, released Thursday, said that in response to questions President Donald Trump said on "30 occasions" in written answers that he "didn't recall or remember" an answer."

Trump's written responses to Mueller's questions were evidently chock full of 'I don't remember'
BUT But but he has such a great memory,,,,, and forbidding subpoenas doesn't give idiots a clue ? Afraid for his bank records to be shown?? His taxes ?? The man is a FN thief and republicans welcome him??
is this going to be one of those trials when the rat pretty much gives the same answers when he's backed into a corner.,..u know,,like the ones that start with, "Based on the advice of my attorney/plead the 5ft."....or will he just be like Hillary and answer most questions,,,,"I Don't Recall"
Oh, those famous words. Sessions used the same line so if it worked for him, DJT did the same.

"Special counsel Robert Mueller's final report, released Thursday, said that in response to questions President Donald Trump said on "30 occasions" in written answers that he "didn't recall or remember" an answer."

Trump's written responses to Mueller's questions were evidently chock full of 'I don't remember'
BUT But but he has such a great memory,,,,, and forbidding subpoenas doesn't give idiots a clue ? Afraid for his bank records to be shown?? His taxes ?? The man is a FN thief and republicans welcome him??
Subpoenas from who? Corrupt Democrats.

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