Heterophobia by Heterosexuals


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
No not heterophobia by non-heterosexuals towards heterosexuals but hetereophobia from heterosexuals towards other heterosexuals. Wait what?

Episode of "The Sopranos" comes to mind where one of the men is made fun of by the others for pleasuring his wife or girlfriend with cunnilingus. Not as manly I guess in Italian culture if you pleassure your woman, should be her pleasuring you judging by the episode.

Makes me wonder then if to demonstrate to heterosexuals what homophobia is like a campagin mocking and ridiculing some of the things heterosexuals do with each other might not be a bad idea?

How would straight guys feel if other straight guys made fun of them for being less-manly? With all the homosexual stuff lately it's worth mentioning much of what the Bible forbids straight couples do pretty normally. Oral and anal for example are both Biblical sodomy. Doesn't matter if it's straight or not.
I like that word and it's the truth actually what's going on now . they are also "Discriminating" against not only a whole state and the citizens who live in it, but against one damn PIZZA joint to the point of almost destroying them

we are going to need LAWS to be protected from this behavior and them soon enough. HOW SAD IS THAT?

We need to spread this word around: Heterophobia...
Stephanie failed to read and understand Delta's post, obviously.
Then there are those of us who are lesbians 'trapped' in a male body, only using its bits to bring enjoyment to our sisters. Sort of 'extratranssexuality'.
I like that word and it's the truth actually what's going on now . they are also "Discriminating" against not only a whole state and the citizens who live in it, but against one damn PIZZA joint to the point of almost destroying them

we are going to need LAWS to be protected from this behavior and them soon enough. HOW SAD IS THAT?

We need to spread this word around: Heterophobia...

Ah -- so I see you like to spread it around.

I've heard of words for girls like you, but I don't actually use them.
I think this board needs a new forum to discuss only matters of human sexuality and the perversion thereof. "Faggotology?"

If the Left can make up nonsense words like "Homophobia" then I think we all should be able to.
I think this board needs a new forum to discuss only matters of human sexuality and the perversion thereof. "Faggotology?"

If the Left can make up nonsense words like "Homophobia" then I think we all should be able to.

Nice to know you hate the subject so much you bumped a 3 days dead thread. :)

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