Hey, 99 Percenters, You Call This 'Fair'?

"Spittle" from the yappers on the left, and SHITTLE from the bungholes on the right. They both smell really bad, and are useless. Yes, we're talking about you too, buddy.

Who in the hell produced all these "overnight geniuses"? Oh....GOOGLE! That's right. Instead of showing up for high school, they showed up to "school high". And now....30 years later they DEMAND to be taken seriously. YAWWWWNNNNNNNN! :eusa_boohoo:
I am amazed at your ability to grasp the facts and participate in debate on an intelligent level.
I am not your 'buddy'..
As a matter of fact I want you to dislike me.

You're "amazed at my ability to grasp the facts and participate in debate on an intelligent level." Why thank ya, friend. If I didn't KNOW that you dislike me, I would think that you were complimenting me. You should have put (sarcasm) at the end of the sentence. Or perhaps you should've written: "I'm amazed at your INABILITY to grasp the facts and participate in debate on an intelligent level."

Sorry, buddy. It's difficult to dislike someone whom I don't personally know. Even if you stoop to the level of calling me something orginal...such as "moron, idiot, dumbass, etc..." or any of the other ORIGINAL terms that you angry white men call those who disagree with them, I still won't dislike you. Call me something vulgar, or joke about my disease, and you will see how I still don't get offended.

The only thing that really sucks, is having to work the holidays for the last 16 years for ingrates.

I'm not going to fall into your trap.
Again, you grasp the facts like a vice.
And don't tell me what to do.
If you are not incapable of figuring things out hopefully you can just look at the pictures.
Your disease? Dude, that's none of my business. Discussing matters of a personal nature are off limits.
So is race. Racism cuts both ways.
How much more are the 1% entitled to?

"In a recent Pew Foundation poll, 77 percent of respondents said too much power is in the hands of a few rich people and corporations.

"That’s understandable. To take a few examples:

"Wall Street got bailed out but homeowners caught in the fierce downdraft caused by the Street’s excesses have got almost nothing.

"Big agribusiness continues to rake in hundreds of billions in price supports and ethanol subsidies. Big pharma gets extended patent protection that drives up everyone’s drug prices. Big oil gets its own federal subsidy.

"But small businesses on the Main Streets of America are barely making it."

That's because small business owners and their employees have barely enough income to survive from one quarter to the next. Hence they lack the dollars necessary to drive the US economy or bribe their local elected Republicans and Democrats for favors at tax time.

The situation is not sustainable for a democratic republic.
Stop "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat when you vote.
FLUSH the DC toilet in 2012!

Fire the next shot heard 'round the world without killing anyone.
(Merry Holidays AND Happy Christmas)

Robert Reich (The Defining Issue...)
Last edited:
How much more are the 1% entitled to?

"In a recent Pew Foundation poll, 77 percent of respondents said too much power is in the hands of a few rich people and corporations.

"That’s understandable. To take a few examples:

"Wall Street got bailed out but homeowners caught in the fierce downdraft caused by the Street’s excesses have got almost nothing.

"Big agribusiness continues to rake in hundreds of billions in price supports and ethanol subsidies. Big pharma gets extended patent protection that drives up everyone’s drug prices. Big oil gets its own federal subsidy.

"But small businesses on the Main Streets of America are barely making it."

That's because small business owners and their employees have barely enough income to survive from one quarter to the next. Hence they lack the dollars necessary to drive the US economy or bribe their local elected Republicans and Democrats for favors at tax time.

The situation is not sustainable for a democratic republic.
Stop "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat when you vote.
FLUSH the DC toilet in 2012!

Fire the next shot heard 'round the world without killing anyone.
(Merry Holidays AND Happy Christmas)

Robert Reich (The Defining Issue...)
The problem is PEW does not distinguish between businesses and individuals.
And even if it did , the point is moot.
PEW furthers the notion of the zero sum game. Which we all know does not exist.
The federal government dispenses those subsidies. Head down I-95 and exit off the Balto Wash Parkway..It's the big white buildings at the end of the highway. File your complaint there.
The real estate bubble and subsequent burst was not caused by "Wall Street excesses.
The source can be traced directly to federal policy and Fannie/Freddie.
I listened to a woman on the radio who once worked for a mortgage company. She said she was about to testify in three court cases regarding mortgages and the fraud that took place during her tenure.
She said that at least one per week an official from fannie/freddie, HUD or FHA was there to insure loans were being made under federal regulations to the "right" people.
In other words ,these lenders were being TOLD by the federal government who they must lend to.
We know all about the federal government guaranteeing the solvency of these subprime loans. The federal government allowed the paper to be bought sold and bought again.
The feds allowed these loans to be packaged together as investments, again with the promise the federal government would back the loans and sold as 'mortgage backed securities'.
The canned message we hear from our friends in Washington and regurgitated by the main stream media and of course those members of the public who just like to be told what to think and say is "Wall Street ruined the country".
The trading of these so called securities were bought and sold at One Wall Street, but the source was once again the federal government.
Yes, our government which is led by people who have not as of yet familiarized themselves with laws of unintended consequences.
PEW and every other alarmist/advocacy group looking for donations is dead wrong here.
Income tax maybe. What other taxes do we pay and take a little peek at the taxes by the top companies last year. The 99% are getting screwed and all the facts, charts, experts that are not bias prove it. The wealthy do not create jobs. The average median wage went down by thousands. The wealthy went up by millions. We will fix it I am sure and very soon. Americans can not put up with children and families hurting for greedy bastards.

Everyone pays those other taxes.... sales, gas, etc... so you don't get a pass on that... sorry charlie

For the middle/lower income families those taxes chew away a larger percentage of their income, tho....
I am amazed at your ability to grasp the facts and participate in debate on an intelligent level.
I am not your 'buddy'..
As a matter of fact I want you to dislike me.

You're "amazed at my ability to grasp the facts and participate in debate on an intelligent level." Why thank ya, friend. If I didn't KNOW that you dislike me, I would think that you were complimenting me. You should have put (sarcasm) at the end of the sentence. Or perhaps you should've written: "I'm amazed at your INABILITY to grasp the facts and participate in debate on an intelligent level."

Sorry, buddy. It's difficult to dislike someone whom I don't personally know. Even if you stoop to the level of calling me something orginal...such as "moron, idiot, dumbass, etc..." or any of the other ORIGINAL terms that you angry white men call those who disagree with them, I still won't dislike you. Call me something vulgar, or joke about my disease, and you will see how I still don't get offended.

The only thing that really sucks, is having to work the holidays for the last 16 years for ingrates.

I'm not going to fall into your trap.
Again, you grasp the facts like a vice.
And don't tell me what to do.
If you are not incapable of figuring things out hopefully you can just look at the pictures.
Your disease? Dude, that's none of my business. Discussing matters of a personal nature are off limits.
So is race. Racism cuts both ways.

No trap has been set. And yes...I see the sarcasm in your writing. JStone (stoner) is glad that I have MS....and he frequently tells me so. It's supposed to bother me. :lol:

Look at the pictures....hmmm....is that supposed to say that I'm incapable of understanding things without pictures? Another original insult. I'm completely capable or grasping what this thread is about, and have posted some opinions and facts and no one seems interested in those, as they don't insult one side or the other.

Insults perplex me. Few in here seem to want to compromise on anything. It's more fun, I guess, to insult the other. It is more challenging, though, to find common ground...and thus smarter.

I must find this claim that 50% of Americans don't pay income taxes. And once I find this, I must find out WHY they don't pay taxes.
You're "amazed at my ability to grasp the facts and participate in debate on an intelligent level." Why thank ya, friend. If I didn't KNOW that you dislike me, I would think that you were complimenting me. You should have put (sarcasm) at the end of the sentence. Or perhaps you should've written: "I'm amazed at your INABILITY to grasp the facts and participate in debate on an intelligent level."

Sorry, buddy. It's difficult to dislike someone whom I don't personally know. Even if you stoop to the level of calling me something orginal...such as "moron, idiot, dumbass, etc..." or any of the other ORIGINAL terms that you angry white men call those who disagree with them, I still won't dislike you. Call me something vulgar, or joke about my disease, and you will see how I still don't get offended.

The only thing that really sucks, is having to work the holidays for the last 16 years for ingrates.

I'm not going to fall into your trap.
Again, you grasp the facts like a vice.
And don't tell me what to do.
If you are not incapable of figuring things out hopefully you can just look at the pictures.
Your disease? Dude, that's none of my business. Discussing matters of a personal nature are off limits.
So is race. Racism cuts both ways.

No trap has been set. And yes...I see the sarcasm in your writing. JStone (stoner) is glad that I have MS....and he frequently tells me so. It's supposed to bother me. :lol:

Look at the pictures....hmmm....is that supposed to say that I'm incapable of understanding things without pictures? Another original insult. I'm completely capable or grasping what this thread is about, and have posted some opinions and facts and no one seems interested in those, as they don't insult one side or the other.

Insults perplex me. Few in here seem to want to compromise on anything. It's more fun, I guess, to insult the other. It is more challenging, though, to find common ground...and thus smarter.

I must find this claim that 50% of Americans don't pay income taxes. And once I find this, I must find out WHY they don't pay taxes.

"Do not pay taxes" is a misused term.
The text should be written "roughly 50% of all wage earners have no federal tax liability"..
That is due to credits ,deductions and allowances that exceed the earner's federal liability.
That is the what and the why.
Now, do not confuse this with a tax refund. A refund is due because the taxpayer on his or her W-2 form filed in such a way as to incur higher withholding than required.
Some people do this deliberately so they receive a check from the government.
Unfortunately these people are mistakenly allowing the government an interest free loan. DUMB...
If you see this and think "I'm fine with that" you're just fucked in the head.

It is not the nation's wealth to distribute. Some people are worth more money. They are paid more for their labor. The accumulate more wealth.
Simon Cowel drives a Bugatti Veyron. that he paid 2.7 million for. Do you deserve one because you're an adequate burger flipper?

So we can count you among those who are fine with it.

I was an excellent burger flipper when I was 17, BTW.

Then I went and served my country.

Then I went and got an ok job in the financial industry.

I won't ask about your biker fluffer skills. No doubt they are more than adequate.

Explain to me why the fuck we're supposed to care about your autobiography. Who asked?
I'm not going to fall into your trap.
Again, you grasp the facts like a vice.
And don't tell me what to do.
If you are not incapable of figuring things out hopefully you can just look at the pictures.
Your disease? Dude, that's none of my business. Discussing matters of a personal nature are off limits.
So is race. Racism cuts both ways.

No trap has been set. And yes...I see the sarcasm in your writing. JStone (stoner) is glad that I have MS....and he frequently tells me so. It's supposed to bother me. :lol:

Look at the pictures....hmmm....is that supposed to say that I'm incapable of understanding things without pictures? Another original insult. I'm completely capable or grasping what this thread is about, and have posted some opinions and facts and no one seems interested in those, as they don't insult one side or the other.

Insults perplex me. Few in here seem to want to compromise on anything. It's more fun, I guess, to insult the other. It is more challenging, though, to find common ground...and thus smarter.

I must find this claim that 50% of Americans don't pay income taxes. And once I find this, I must find out WHY they don't pay taxes.

"Do not pay taxes" is a misused term.
The text should be written "roughly 50% of all wage earners have no federal tax liability"..
That is due to credits ,deductions and allowances that exceed the earner's federal liability.
That is the what and the why.
Now, do not confuse this with a tax refund. A refund is due because the taxpayer on his or her W-2 form filed in such a way as to incur higher withholding than required.
Some people do this deliberately so they receive a check from the government.
Unfortunately these people are mistakenly allowing the government an interest free loan. DUMB...

Yes, I know many families who have 6-10 children partially for the tax credits. And these individuals can often be heard griping about welfare recipients. I find this hypocritical.

My biggest issue is the tax brackets. It bothers me that people who gross $400k and those who gross $4 billion or even more are in the same tax bracket. The 400 thousanders are getting...excuse the expression...ass reamed. I realize that there are capital gains taxes and other things, but something is a little off kilter here. And I don' t know that I believe that the lower income earners are to blame. I pay a NICE CHUNK of my income to taxes every year. But I'm single without dependents. This = ass reaming.

No trap has been set. And yes...I see the sarcasm in your writing. JStone (stoner) is glad that I have MS....and he frequently tells me so. It's supposed to bother me. :lol:

Look at the pictures....hmmm....is that supposed to say that I'm incapable of understanding things without pictures? Another original insult. I'm completely capable or grasping what this thread is about, and have posted some opinions and facts and no one seems interested in those, as they don't insult one side or the other.

Insults perplex me. Few in here seem to want to compromise on anything. It's more fun, I guess, to insult the other. It is more challenging, though, to find common ground...and thus smarter.

I must find this claim that 50% of Americans don't pay income taxes. And once I find this, I must find out WHY they don't pay taxes.

"Do not pay taxes" is a misused term.
The text should be written "roughly 50% of all wage earners have no federal tax liability"..
That is due to credits ,deductions and allowances that exceed the earner's federal liability.
That is the what and the why.
Now, do not confuse this with a tax refund. A refund is due because the taxpayer on his or her W-2 form filed in such a way as to incur higher withholding than required.
Some people do this deliberately so they receive a check from the government.
Unfortunately these people are mistakenly allowing the government an interest free loan. DUMB...

Yes, I know many families who have 6-10 children partially for the tax credits. And these individuals can often be heard griping about welfare recipients. I find this hypocritical.
The tax credit as compared to the actual costs of raising a child is next to nothing. Anyone having kids for the tax breaks is stupid.
You do realize that there is a progression in employment and income don't you? I started out as a teenager in high school sacking groceries for $1.60 per hour. I worked there part way thru college and because I wasn't a slacker and had a good work ethic, I was given greater responsibilities and more pay. I went to work for a bank right out of college and when they switched me to full time back in 1980, they started paying me $900 a month and I thought I was living like a king. By the time I turned 28, I was making more than my dad was after 32 years in his union job. 31 years down the road, I won't tell you how much I make, but it's much better than that $900 a month back in 1980. I've never been out of work a single day of my adult life.

You make your own luck thru the choices you make. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were average kids with an idea and a dream who started companies in their garages and became part of that 1% rich bastard group. Is there disparity in income? Of course there is. Is there disparity in the length of dicks or the size of boobs? Yeah, there is. Individuals cam close their own disparity gap thru the choices they make. Using the government to take wealth from one person to give to another person in an attempt to be "fair" is pure and simple bullshit.

I think many of us have similar stories. I worked my way through college and at the end got a job in 1978 paying $12900 a year. I was able to pay my way through college working minimum wage jobs. My father put four kids through college working as a telephone lineman and never had to take out a college loan.
The american dream was available to me and my father. If you did your part and worked hard you could eke out a decent living for yourself and your family

That American dream is fading away. You can no longer pay your way through college making minimum wage. You have to go into debt to get a degree that will barely pay your loans when you get out. Kids starting out in life are offered low paying jobs with no health or retirement benefits. Married couples need two salaries to survive.
If you do not go to college, you can join the military. Our young, veteran heroes are getting out of the service with good skills but finding nobody to pay for them. Construction jobs are gone. Skilled workers try to find work at Home Depot.

No doubt, much of this is because of a bad economy. But a bad economy should affect all levels. As it is, the wealthiest one percent are still thriving. They urge those who work for them to sacrifice, work harder and make do with less........all the while seeing their own wages and incentives skyrocket

I agree with your entire post, but wonder about the last statement. Do the wealthy really urge the little guy to work harder and sacrifice? Aren't they getting hit a lot harder on taxes than the rest of us? And I know of some that have really been hit hard on the stock market bubbles so much they are no longer in the 1%.

I think they enjoy tax loopholes that should be taken away and subsidies that we don't qualify for though.

Who said the rich were obligated to urge anyone to do anything? Where is THAT written? They're obligated to tend to their own business and obey the law, not play cheerleader.

I'd love to have you specify these sinister "tax loopholes" and "subsidies for the rich" that you think shouldn't exist, and tell us why they shouldn't. I hear lots of vague "tax loopholes for the rich" from people, but sincerely doubt that anyone has a clue what they might be.

Please explain to us exactly what you mean.
As far as I am concerned, the top 1% should be paying 100% of the tax.

You own the government, then take some responsibility and PAY for it!

If you don't like it, then get your Bankster and Corporate Politicians out of our government, as well as put away your wallet and grab a bull horn like everyone else if you want to champion for various causes.

The current scheme and propaganda being espoused lately though, is how to twist it to make the other 99% pay for the privileged elite to keep the current ponzi scheme going.

Okay, Sparky. You give up any and all rights to vote, protest, call Congressmen, or in any way, shape, or form interact with or influence the government, and then we'll let the hated 1% pay all the taxes. Sound good to you?

What an incredible dumbfuck you are.

for all of you who are not rich, but want to cut taxes for the rich, whose taxes do you want to raise to make up for the lost revenue?

Your own?

I'll do what is necessary, but not while 50% is sitting there contributing NOTHING to this country while reaping the rewards of living in a free country. Nor will I sit by while the rich use the loop holes and subsidies afforded them that they don't need. And they can take a hit just like me.

I will not, however let the small business people take the hit. They are the job makers of this country.

And what is it that you plan on doing, vote?

You do realize that unless you can cough up several thousands of dollars to give to a government official of some stripe to get things to go yor way, your vote is basically meaningless; a nice exercise in the democratic process, but meaningless none the less.

Our government is owned lock, stock, and barrel by those who can afford the campaign contributions (aka, bribes).

In that case, I'm sure we can depend on you to stay home and grumble on Election Day 2012, rather than wasting your valuable time casting your meaningless vote, yes?
When I think about the wealthy in America, I think about the hard work, the risk and the sacrifice it takes to succeed. I think about all the people able to feed their children and send them to school because they have jobs created by the successful risk-takers. I don't hold a grudge against the big time rich -- except for limousine liberal millionaires in Hollywood.

This is typical of the ignorance and stupidity of the right:

No one ‘holds a grudge’ against the rich. Americans simply want the wealthy to pay their fair share, nothing more, nothing less. When it comes to addressing the budget deficit, for example, Americans don’t want to see taxes increased on the Middle Class – or benefits reduced for the elderly, disabled, and children – to balance the budget with the wealthy not contributing.

As for taxes in New York, that’s antidotal, non-representative, and irrelevant. An utter non-issue.

You know what? I wouldn't even give a shit about the wealthy paying their "fair share"....IF we had a reasonable labor/management ratio. The vast majority of our citizens are getting completely hosed in this country, as far as wages and benefits, simply because those with money and power can simply take their ball and go home if things don't suit them.... and by HOME... I mean places like COMMUNIST China.

Funny how the right wingers LOVE... and I mean Absolutely love to call Democrats Communists... but they have no problem with our most powerful and wealthy being fully in bed with them.... all so they can make massive profits at the expense of OUR CITIZENS.
As far as I am concerned, the top 1% should be paying 100% of the tax.

You own the government, then take some responsibility and PAY for it!

If you don't like it, then get your Bankster and Corporate Politicians out of our government, as well as put away your wallet and grab a bull horn like everyone else if you want to champion for various causes.

The current scheme and propaganda being espoused lately though, is how to twist it to make the other 99% pay for the privileged elite to keep the current ponzi scheme going.

I don't think so. We like it this way.

Pay up, bitches!
I just wrote about this on another thread. I don' care what your income is, you should pay taxes. Even welfare recipients!! Yes! Welfare! YOu fet an income you pay to live here! Everyone pays. The fact that half this country is carrying the other half is totally obsurd.

I don't care if you have to pay $100 or $200, you gotta pay. Everyone uses the education, the roads and reaps the satisfaction they are living in a secure free world. Time for the free rides should be over.

Getting rid of the income tax and implementing the consumption tax for consumers( with an exemption for food and meds) and the flat tax for corporations...would make everyone pay their fair share. Even companies like GE. That way the woman on welfare and food stamps who's baby daddy is selling drugs will pay taxes when she spends 200 bucks to get her hair done, 35 bucks to get her nails done, 175 bucks for a pair of jeans and 25 bucks to get her mans Escalade detailed. I know all poor people don't do this, but you see it more every day...
Ah I knew I could count on NYcuminhisrear to piss on some veterans again. I knew it.

Unlike some chickenshit chicken hawk like you, I actually served. I can say anything I want, as long as it's true.

So anyone who didn't serve is a chickenhawk?

I would have focused on the "I can say anything I want" part. Hey, NY dumbfuck, we ALL have that right. It's in the Constitution . . . you know, the one you allegedly swore to defend?
When I think about the wealthy in America, I think about the hard work, the risk and the sacrifice it takes to succeed. I think about all the people able to feed their children and send them to school because they have jobs created by the successful risk-takers. I don't hold a grudge against the big time rich -- except for limousine liberal millionaires in Hollywood.

This is typical of the ignorance and stupidity of the right:

No one ‘holds a grudge’ against the rich. Americans simply want the wealthy to pay their fair share, nothing more, nothing less. When it comes to addressing the budget deficit, for example, Americans don’t want to see taxes increased on the Middle Class – or benefits reduced for the elderly, disabled, and children – to balance the budget with the wealthy not contributing.

As for taxes in New York, that’s antidotal, non-representative, and irrelevant. An utter non-issue.

You know what? I wouldn't even give a shit about the wealthy paying their "fair share"....IF we had a reasonable labor/management ratio. The vast majority of our citizens are getting completely hosed in this country, as far as wages and benefits, simply because those with money and power can simply take their ball and go home if things don't suit them.... and by HOME... I mean places like COMMUNIST China.

Funny how the right wingers LOVE... and I mean Absolutely love to call Democrats Communists... but they have no problem with our most powerful and wealthy being fully in bed with them.... all so they can make massive profits at the expense of OUR CITIZENS.

I am raising my hand as one of the hosed. And I will agree with you about the commie scare. Some are obsessed with Communism. I thought that we'd left most of this back in the 1980's. Red Dawn must have been on AMC recently.

It's actually laughable. What happened to terrorism? Have we reverted to communism....or is it a dual paranoia: Terrorism with occasional Communism paranoia relapse?
This is typical of the ignorance and stupidity of the right:

No one ‘holds a grudge’ against the rich. Americans simply want the wealthy to pay their fair share, nothing more, nothing less. When it comes to addressing the budget deficit, for example, Americans don’t want to see taxes increased on the Middle Class – or benefits reduced for the elderly, disabled, and children – to balance the budget with the wealthy not contributing.

As for taxes in New York, that’s antidotal, non-representative, and irrelevant. An utter non-issue.

You know what? I wouldn't even give a shit about the wealthy paying their "fair share"....IF we had a reasonable labor/management ratio. The vast majority of our citizens are getting completely hosed in this country, as far as wages and benefits, simply because those with money and power can simply take their ball and go home if things don't suit them.... and by HOME... I mean places like COMMUNIST China.

Funny how the right wingers LOVE... and I mean Absolutely love to call Democrats Communists... but they have no problem with our most powerful and wealthy being fully in bed with them.... all so they can make massive profits at the expense of OUR CITIZENS.

I am raising my hand as one of the hosed. And I will agree with you about the commie scare. Some are obsessed with Communism. I thought that we'd left most of this back in the 1980's. Red Dawn must have been on AMC recently.

It's actually laughable. What happened to terrorism? Have we reverted to communism....or is it a dual paranoia: Terrorism with occasional Communism paranoia relapse?

Absofuckinglutely.... Russia is dead as.. well... dead... they were the boogeymen in my era. I distinctly remember the Russians shooting down a Korean Airlines passenger flight in 1983(I was 18)... and I seriously though that that incident was the beginning of the end of the world. I am now 46.... and I am still living. I have a wonderful wife, who is probably a little pissed at me for posting on a message board at 10:49PM on Christmas Eve... when we both have to work tomorrow, starting at 6AM.

Terrorism? You know what? It doesn't concern me all that much. I've come to my own personal conclusion that if someone or some entity wants bad enough and plans well enough... they are going to break through any defense that a FREE country can provide. THAT in itself.. is the real PRICE of being a free country.

Communism? In this exceptional country of ours? Should not even have a place at the table. Socialism?.... well, I must admit to a certain affinity towards Socialism... perhaps not to the extent of a Greece or Ireland... but most certainly to the extent of a Germany or France. You see, you have to have the financial ability to implement those practices.... which uis where Greece and Ireland fall very short.

But the UNITED STATES of AMERICA? We not only have the ability to do such things... we almost have an OBLIGATION to do such things. As the rest of the world pretty much hinges on our abilities.

The truth and the bottom line is that as America goes... so goes the rest of the world... has NEVER been truer. The absolute BEST thing that America can do is to embrace the idea that a strong, well paid workforce... will help the country(and by default) help the world... increase their standard of living.

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