Hey, 99 Percenters, You Call This 'Fair'?

There are allot of weird things about living in NYC. Taxes, Fee's Surcharges, Fines, Fee's, and Penalties, both hidden and exposed. From Property Taxes, Utilities, Services, Tolls, we are generally hit every time we blink. Somebody has to pay for the Union Perks. ;)
Somebody has to compensate for the fact that the federal tax burden of the 1% hasn't been this low in half a century. We are currently borrowing from the rich instead of taxing them.

As opposed to a Government so desperate to take what it has not earned, how is that so bad? Why not just admit that there is a problem with an addiction to spending? Start there. No amount of resource will fix something you refuse to even address. ;)
There are allot of weird things about living in NYC. Taxes, Fee's Surcharges, Fines, Fee's, and Penalties, both hidden and exposed. From Property Taxes, Utilities, Services, Tolls, we are generally hit every time we blink. Somebody has to pay for the Union Perks. ;)
Somebody has to compensate for the fact that the federal tax burden of the 1% hasn't been this low in half a century. We are currently borrowing from the rich instead of taxing them.

As opposed to a Government so desperate to take what it has not earned, how is that so bad? Why not just admit that there is a problem with an addiction to spending? Start there. No amount of resource will fix something you refuse to even address. ;)

Where does the rightwing get this nonsense that government has to earn it's money

Guess what? The government is US.....it is We the people

We elect government to do what is best for we the people. They are given the difficult task of keeping we the people happy. With an established government, we the people are better off collectively than we are as individuals. That applies to the poorest among us and the richest among us.

To do what is best for we the people, government is authorized to generate revenue. This revenue is collected from the people based on ability to contribute. Every major industrialized nation on earth collects taxes based on a progressive tax schedule. The only one who doesn't is Russia
There are allot of weird things about living in NYC. Taxes, Fee's Surcharges, Fines, Fee's, and Penalties, both hidden and exposed. From Property Taxes, Utilities, Services, Tolls, we are generally hit every time we blink. Somebody has to pay for the Union Perks. ;)
Somebody has to compensate for the fact that the federal tax burden of the 1% hasn't been this low in half a century. We are currently borrowing from the rich instead of taxing them.

As opposed to a Government so desperate to take what it has not earned, how is that so bad? Why not just admit that there is a problem with an addiction to spending? Start there. No amount of resource will fix something you refuse to even address. ;)
This country is the richest in the history of the world, and it has never been richer.
Yet its richest individual and corporations currently pay taxes at their lowest rate in 50 years.
The government addiction you mention starts with the Pentagon.
Nothing redistributes wealth upward like Empire.

Governmental spending addictions that entitle corporate agriculture to billion$ in price supports, or patent protections to big pharma that drive up drug prices, or big oil's federal subsidy are major reasons why small businesses on Main Street are barely holding on.

I'm not saying there are not corrupt unions or lazy, indifferent worker/citizens in this country; I am saying fish rot from the head down, economically and politically.
They still don't care, their response to the FACTS is that rich people should pay more.

You're dealing with piece of trash people that believe what they believe because they are idiots or they are really just scum that is ok with stealing from others,.......maybe both.
They still don't care, their response to the FACTS is that rich people should pay more.

You're dealing with piece of trash people that believe what they believe because they are idiots or they are really just scum that is ok with stealing from others,.......maybe both.

Rich people benefit more from our society......of course they should pay more
You're a fucking idiot.

Rich people benefit more? You mean someone that builds a business and makes their wealth from hard work got more benefit than some bum that sits on their ass and TAKES welfare checks?

It seems one is paying into their system with hardwork and taxes while your kind is taking more than what they put in....now that is someone benefitting more from the system.

They still don't care, their response to the FACTS is that rich people should pay more.

You're dealing with piece of trash people that believe what they believe because they are idiots or they are really just scum that is ok with stealing from others,.......maybe both.

Rich people benefit more from our society......of course they should pay more
They still don't care, their response to the FACTS is that rich people should pay more.

You're dealing with piece of trash people that believe what they believe because they are idiots or they are really just scum that is ok with stealing from others,.......maybe both.

Rich people benefit more from our society......of course they should pay more
Spoken like a true Marxist. Nevermind they pay the bills.
They still don't care, their response to the FACTS is that rich people should pay more.

You're dealing with piece of trash people that believe what they believe because they are idiots or they are really just scum that is ok with stealing from others,.......maybe both.

Rich people benefit more from our society......of course they should pay more
Spoken like a true Marxist. Nevermind they pay the bills.
Middle class consumers drive the US economy and pay the bills,not rich parasites who expect government to reward them for outsourcing of millions of middle class jobs to China with tax cuts and more financial deregulation.
Typical left-wing twit.

Scum like you drive companies out of this country with the highest corporate tax rate IN THE WORLD, anti-business/pro-labor laws, and endless regulation but then you whine about those companies leave for better work environments.

Also, there is no obligation for a business to stay in its current location, ask Boeing. If they can find better and cheaper labor that produces the same results then they will go there. They are not obligated to stay in your chosen spot because lazy people like you live and want the gravy train to continue.

Rich people benefit more from our society......of course they should pay more
Spoken like a true Marxist. Nevermind they pay the bills.
Middle class consumers drive the US economy and pay the bills,not rich parasites who expect government to reward them for outsourcing of millions of middle class jobs to China with tax cuts and more financial deregulation.
They still don't care, their response to the FACTS is that rich people should pay more.

You're dealing with piece of trash people that believe what they believe because they are idiots or they are really just scum that is ok with stealing from others,.......maybe both.

Rich people benefit more from our society......of course they should pay more

Government isn't society. Rich people do not benefit more from government. They benefit less.

Your excuse for looting other people's property is purely the product of envy. It has no rational basis.

You're a thug. Society has fallen a long way when despicable weasels like you can voice such imbecile opinions without being laughed at.
Rich people benefit more from our society......of course they should pay more
Spoken like a true Marxist. Nevermind they pay the bills.
Middle class consumers drive the US economy and pay the bills,not rich parasites who expect government to reward them for outsourcing of millions of middle class jobs to China with tax cuts and more financial deregulation.

They theory that parasites make the economy go has already been posted in this forum and thoroughly discredited. No one gets a gold star for shopping or stuffing their faces with junk food.

The term "rich parasites" is an oxymoron except when it refers to Obama's friends.In a market economy people become rich because they produce the material abundance we all enjoy. Only under the kind of crony capitalism that Obama is trying to put in place do the rich become parasites.
You're a fucking idiot.

Rich people benefit more? You mean someone that builds a business and makes their wealth from hard work got more benefit than some bum that sits on their ass and TAKES welfare checks?

It seems one is paying into their system with hardwork and taxes while your kind is taking more than what they put in....now that is someone benefitting more from the system.

They still don't care, their response to the FACTS is that rich people should pay more.

You're dealing with piece of trash people that believe what they believe because they are idiots or they are really just scum that is ok with stealing from others,.......maybe both.

Rich people benefit more from our society......of course they should pay more

You built that factory?

Did you get a tax break for building it? How about low cost loans and a government backing?

How do goods and services get to your factory? Do you like those roads and rail lines? Who educated your workforce for you? Pay low wages? Who subsidizes your workers so they can live in your area?

You have any patents? Did you get any government grants to develop them? Who protects your patents at home and abroad?

You ship product overseas? Who protects your markets? Who enforces global patents and trademarks?

The rich get more benefits from our tax dollars than any welfare queen
Typical left-wing twit.

Scum like you drive companies out of this country with the highest corporate tax rate IN THE WORLD, anti-business/pro-labor laws, and endless regulation but then you whine about those companies leave for better work environments.

Also, there is no obligation for a business to stay in its current location, ask Boeing. If they can find better and cheaper labor that produces the same results then they will go there. They are not obligated to stay in your chosen spot because lazy people like you live and want the gravy train to continue.

Spoken like a true Marxist. Nevermind they pay the bills.
Middle class consumers drive the US economy and pay the bills,not rich parasites who expect government to reward them for outsourcing of millions of middle class jobs to China with tax cuts and more financial deregulation.
'Been drinking this morning?

General Electric made $10.3 billion in 2009 and got a $1.1 billion tax rebate.
Exxon "earned" 45 billion in profits in 2009 and paid no US taxes.
Citigroup had 4 quarters of $billion profits in 2010 and paid $0 taxes.
Boeing got a $124 million back from taxpayers AFTER winning a $30 billion government contract in 2010.

The highest corporate tax rate in the world means less than Mitt-shit when it isn't enforced.

Even right-wing drunks should be able to understand that much.
1) You should be banned for parading here with your fake moniker. You should be LiberalLoon but not rightwinger. It is pretty low class hiding behind a fake mask.

2) Companies take out loans from banks to build their factory and repay those loans, that's kinda how it works.

3) Sometimes cities and states give tax breaks to lure a company to their area, that kinda shows high taxes drives out business....thanks for showing that, moron.

4) Patents....if the Govt had a hand in it, then they put restrictions on the product for a set amount of years, idiot. That is why drugs become cheaper once the patent expires.

5) Idiots like you forget the owners of these companies are also working class people with their retirement funds invested in stocks and bonds. So it it is beneficial that companies prosper for everyone invested in the system.....too bad for the lazy like you standing outside the working class of people. Those welfare checks do pay for your drugs and booze.

Just shut the fuck up and change your moniker, you idiotic poser.

You're a fucking idiot.

Rich people benefit more? You mean someone that builds a business and makes their wealth from hard work got more benefit than some bum that sits on their ass and TAKES welfare checks?

It seems one is paying into their system with hardwork and taxes while your kind is taking more than what they put in....now that is someone benefitting more from the system.

Rich people benefit more from our society......of course they should pay more

You built that factory?

Did you get a tax break for building it? How about low cost loans and a government backing?

How do goods and services get to your factory? Do you like those roads and rail lines? Who educated your workforce for you? Pay low wages? Who subsidizes your workers so they can live in your area?

You have any patents? Did you get any government grants to develop them? Who protects your patents at home and abroad?

You ship product overseas? Who protects your markets? Who enforces global patents and trademarks?

The rich get more benefits from our tax dollars than any welfare queen
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GE's tax breaks are thanks to Obamination, you are such a fucking moron. It's called political kickbacks, GE gets tax breaks and their leaders give millions to re-elect Democrats.

It's a nice scam on the American taxpayer.

Oh, you need to learn the difference between profit and revenue.....idiot.

Typical left-wing twit.

Scum like you drive companies out of this country with the highest corporate tax rate IN THE WORLD, anti-business/pro-labor laws, and endless regulation but then you whine about those companies leave for better work environments.

Also, there is no obligation for a business to stay in its current location, ask Boeing. If they can find better and cheaper labor that produces the same results then they will go there. They are not obligated to stay in your chosen spot because lazy people like you live and want the gravy train to continue.

Middle class consumers drive the US economy and pay the bills,not rich parasites who expect government to reward them for outsourcing of millions of middle class jobs to China with tax cuts and more financial deregulation.
'Been drinking this morning?

General Electric made $10.3 billion in 2009 and got a $1.1 billion tax rebate.
Exxon "earned" 45 billion in profits in 2009 and paid no US taxes.
Citigroup had 4 quarters of $billion profits in 2010 and paid $0 taxes.
Boeing got a $124 million back from taxpayers AFTER winning a $30 billion government contract in 2010.

The highest corporate tax rate in the world means less than Mitt-shit when it isn't enforced.

Even right-wing drunks should be able to understand that much.
1) You should be banned for parading here with your fake moniker. You should be LiberalLoon but not rightwinger. It is pretty low class hiding behind a fake mask.

2) Companies take out loans from banks to build their factory and repay those loans, that's kinda how it works.

3) Sometimes cities and states give tax breaks to lure a company to their area, that kinda shows high taxes drives out business....thanks for showing that, moron.

4) Patents....if the Govt had a hand in in, then they put restrictions on the product for a set amount of years, idiot. That is why drugs become cheaper once the patent expires.

5) Idiots like you forget the owners of these companies are also working class people with their retirement funds invested in stocks and bonds. So it it is beneficial that companies prosper for everyone invested in the system.....too bad for the lazy like you standing outside the working class of people. Those welfare checks do pay for your drugs and booze.

Just shut the fuck up and change your moniker, you idiotic poser.

You're a fucking idiot.

Rich people benefit more? You mean someone that builds a business and makes their wealth from hard work got more benefit than some bum that sits on their ass and TAKES welfare checks?

It seems one is paying into their system with hardwork and taxes while your kind is taking more than what they put in....now that is someone benefitting more from the system.

You built that factory?

Did you get a tax break for building it? How about low cost loans and a government backing?

How do goods and services get to your factory? Do you like those roads and rail lines? Who educated your workforce for you? Pay low wages? Who subsidizes your workers so they can live in your area?

You have any patents? Did you get any government grants to develop them? Who protects your patents at home and abroad?

You ship product overseas? Who protects your markets? Who enforces global patents and trademarks?

The rich get more benefits from our tax dollars than any welfare queen

Your business is nothing without taxpayer support. Pay for your own fucking roads, educate your own workers at $100,000 each, go overseas and fight foreign companies who are stealing your patents.
Competitor just stole all your ideas? You go after him...why should the taxpayer have to pay to protect your intellectual property?

Go ahead and do that and you can claim all of your profit is from your own hard work
Your business is nothing without taxpayer support. Pay for your own fucking roads, educate your own workers at $100,000 each, go overseas and fight foreign companies who are stealing your patents.
Competitor just stole all your ideas? You go after him...why should the taxpayer have to pay to protect your intellectual property?

Go ahead and do that and you can claim all of your profit is from your own hard work

Not only do business already pay excise taxes on diesel to pay for roads. Truckers also pay additional taxes based on mileage and load. So roads are paid for before income taxes are even considered. Businesses have to pay higher wages to people with appropriate educations, so they already pay for that as well.

Enforcing patents accounts for about 0.00001% of the expenditures of the federal government. How do you justify the rest of the money the federal government takes from corporations and the rich?
Spoken like a true Marxist. Nevermind they pay the bills.
Middle class consumers drive the US economy and pay the bills,not rich parasites who expect government to reward them for outsourcing of millions of middle class jobs to China with tax cuts and more financial deregulation.

They theory that parasites make the economy go has already been posted in this forum and thoroughly discredited. No one gets a gold star for shopping or stuffing their faces with junk food.

The term "rich parasites" is an oxymoron except when it refers to Obama's friends.In a market economy people become rich because they produce the material abundance we all enjoy. Only under the kind of crony capitalism that Obama is trying to put in place do the rich become parasites.
Who got the gold star for an epidemic of mortgage fraud the FBI began warning about in 2004, Obama or Hank Paulson and Alan Greenspan?
Your business is nothing without taxpayer support. Pay for your own fucking roads, educate your own workers at $100,000 each, go overseas and fight foreign companies who are stealing your patents.
Competitor just stole all your ideas? You go after him...why should the taxpayer have to pay to protect your intellectual property?

Go ahead and do that and you can claim all of your profit is from your own hard work

Not only do business already pay excise taxes on diesel to pay for roads. Truckers also pay additional taxes based on mileage and load. So roads are paid for before income taxes are even considered. Businesses have to pay higher wages to people with appropriate educations, so they already pay for that as well.

Enforcing patents accounts for about 0.00001% of the expenditures of the federal government. How do you justify the rest of the money the federal government takes from corporations and the rich?

Business benefits more from our infrastructure than working Americans. They would not exist without it. Our education system benefits businesses who need a qualified workforce. They do not come close to paying the $100k plus we have invested in each worker. Our Military protects their international interests and low cost raw materials. They benefit from taxpayer funded R&D, investments, protections from our legal system

Anyone who thinks business does it all on their own is a fool. So is anyone who thinks they should not have to pay taxes
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They still don't care, their response to the FACTS is that rich people should pay more.

You're dealing with piece of trash people that believe what they believe because they are idiots or they are really just scum that is ok with stealing from others,.......maybe both.

Rich people benefit more from our society......of course they should pay more
Spoken like a true Marxist. Nevermind they pay the bills.

Yeah, spoken like the Marxist in my sigline....

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