Hey, 99 Percenters, You Call This 'Fair'?

You know what? I wouldn't even give a shit about the wealthy paying their "fair share"....IF we had a reasonable labor/management ratio. The vast majority of our citizens are getting completely hosed in this country, as far as wages and benefits, simply because those with money and power can simply take their ball and go home if things don't suit them.... and by HOME... I mean places like COMMUNIST China.

Funny how the right wingers LOVE... and I mean Absolutely love to call Democrats Communists... but they have no problem with our most powerful and wealthy being fully in bed with them.... all so they can make massive profits at the expense of OUR CITIZENS.

I am raising my hand as one of the hosed. And I will agree with you about the commie scare. Some are obsessed with Communism. I thought that we'd left most of this back in the 1980's. Red Dawn must have been on AMC recently.

It's actually laughable. What happened to terrorism? Have we reverted to communism....or is it a dual paranoia: Terrorism with occasional Communism paranoia relapse?

Absofuckinglutely.... Russia is dead as.. well... dead... they were the boogeymen in my era. I distinctly remember the Russians shooting down a Korean Airlines passenger flight in 1983(I was 18)... and I seriously though that that incident was the beginning of the end of the world. I am now 46.... and I am still living. I have a wonderful wife, who is probably a little pissed at me for posting on a message board at 10:49PM on Christmas Eve... when we both have to work tomorrow, starting at 6AM.

Terrorism? You know what? It doesn't concern me all that much. I've come to my own personal conclusion that if someone or some entity wants bad enough and plans well enough... they are going to break through any defense that a FREE country can provide. THAT in itself.. is the real PRICE of being a free country.

Communism? In this exceptional country of ours? Should not even have a place at the table. Socialism?.... well, I must admit to a certain affinity towards Socialism... perhaps not to the extent of a Greece or Ireland... but most certainly to the extent of a Germany or France. You see, you have to have the financial ability to implement those practices.... which uis where Greece and Ireland fall very short.

But the UNITED STATES of AMERICA? We not only have the ability to do such things... we almost have an OBLIGATION to do such things. As the rest of the world pretty much hinges on our abilities.

The truth and the bottom line is that as America goes... so goes the rest of the world... has NEVER been truer. The absolute BEST thing that America can do is to embrace the idea that a strong, well paid workforce... will help the country(and by default) help the world... increase their standard of living.

So sorry. I feel your pain. I have to be to work at 7 AM, and work 24 hours. In my line of work, we work 24 on and 48 off. Good times.

I get tired of the boogeyman that we always seem to have. I thought the end of the world was upon us on 9/11/2001. But we dusted ourselves off and moved on. Somehow everyone did. About 5 years later, I became tired of being afraid all the time, and realized that it was becoming irrational.

We are behaving as if we are all going to live forever (in our current bodies)....not gonna happen. So living in fear is pointless.
Hey, 99 Percenters, You Call This 'Fair'?
A study by the New York City Independent Budget Office was released this week, and you didn't hear much about it in the mainstream media because it hurts their candidate's message.

Keep in mind, I'm your Conservative Everyman. I'm no economist, nor am I a political scientist. I call 'em as I see 'em just like you do. And away we go...

New York City has a little more than 8 million residents. Of those many millions, 1% -- ONE PERCENT -- pays 43% of the income taxes. You know how many people that works out to? About 35,000 people.

Picture in your mind's eye the City of New York, not just Manhattan, but all five boroughs. Imagine the throngs here right now enjoying the holidays. Think about the police presence, the sanitation, the schools brimming with children...East Side, West Side, The Village -- a hell of a town! 8 million people!

Now imagine Yankee Stadium, or any average Major League ballpark, and fill it except for the nosebleed seats. That tiny number pays almost HALF the operating costs for the city. How's THAT for fair?

Another kick in the head is that ten percent of New Yorkers pay 71% of the taxes. Guess how much income it takes to crack that ten percent?You don't have to be one of the millionaires or billionaires whom the Divider in Chief loves to vilify. You need not be an evil fat cat making $200,000 -- perish the thought! What's it take to crack the top ten percent in the most expensive city in America? $105,000. Yep, a buck five.​

Since they are gouging everyone and raping the country of a disproportionate amount of resources based on their relatively low value I say no. They are not paying their fair share of taxes. It should be about at least 70% of their income based on the rather sorry contribution they make.
Unlike some chickenshit chicken hawk like you, I actually served. I can say anything I want, as long as it's true.

So anyone who didn't serve is a chickenhawk?

I would have focused on the "I can say anything I want" part. Hey, NY dumbfuck, we ALL have that right. It's in the Constitution . . . you know, the one you allegedly swore to defend?

Dumbfuck. Nice one, Cecilie. :doubt:

Still a sweetheart, I see.
It is not the nation's wealth to distribute. Some people are worth more money. They are paid more for their labor. The accumulate more wealth.
Simon Cowel drives a Bugatti Veyron. that he paid 2.7 million for. Do you deserve one because you're an adequate burger flipper?

So we can count you among those who are fine with it.

I was an excellent burger flipper when I was 17, BTW.

Then I went and served my country.

Then I went and got an ok job in the financial industry.

I won't ask about your biker fluffer skills. No doubt they are more than adequate.

Explain to me why the fuck we're supposed to care about your autobiography. Who asked?

Well if you could see beyond that pointy nose of yours you would have noticed that the poster I was responding to threw a dig at me in his response claiming that I was a "burger flipper"

I posted my "autobiography" to shut the fucktard up. It did.

Frankly, I don't expect *you* (because you sure as shit don't speak for the board) to care at all. The post was aimed at one person, moron, and anybody with a third grade education could have figured it out without needing it explained to them.

But have a Merry Christmas anyway. Dumbfucks need Holiday wishes too and I'm just that nice of a guy.

Yes, the boards are full of love, tonight.

It's always a pleasure, when the jerks (peole who are bitter beyond expression) come out to spread their misery.

If you want to post your autobiography, post it! If she in her delusional state doesn't want to read it, we can only hope that she will keep her hateful comments to herself.

Just beware....she knows more than everyone in here (or at least she thinks so), so she will spew her emesis at every opportunity. And if you disagree with her...YOU ARE WRONG, MY FRIEND!
Yes, the boards are full of love, tonight.

It's always a pleasure, when the jerks (peole who are bitter beyond expression) come out to spread their misery.

If you want to post your autobiography, post it! If she in her delusional state doesn't want to read it, we can only hope that she will keep her hateful comments to herself.

Just beware....she knows more than everyone in here (or at least she thinks so), so she will spew her emesis at every opportunity. And if you disagree with her...YOU ARE WRONG, MY FRIEND!


I am more than familiar with Cesspool which is why I almost never acknowledge her.

She's a total waste of skin, a whole lotta skin.
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Speaking of people who are bitter beyond expression who come here to spread their misery....
Speaking of people who are bitter beyond expression who come here to spread their misery....

Spreading misery to libturds is a public service.

Misery? You make me smile, little dude.

I mean, you are dumb as a doorknob, but that's part of the charm.

The fact that you have the courage and strength to come on here every day and do what you do. It brings a tear to my eye.
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I would have focused on the "I can say anything I want" part. Hey, NY dumbfuck, we ALL have that right. It's in the Constitution . . . you know, the one you allegedly swore to defend?

Dumbfuck. Nice one, Cecilie. :doubt:

Still a sweetheart, I see.

Dumbfuck" is a perfectly accurate term when applied to your intellectual brethren.

Oh, nice. I now have a cyber-stalker. What the hell exactly is a dumbfuck, bripat? You're the master of words. I would love to hear your definition of that ghetto urban term; since you consider it to be an actual word.

Dumbfuck and intellectual in the same sentence. Did you sleep during English class?

You seem impaired, and you're quite annoying. Please go away, until you sober up. :eusa_hand::eusa_hand:
So we can count you among those who are fine with it.

I was an excellent burger flipper when I was 17, BTW.

Then I went and served my country.

Then I went and got an ok job in the financial industry.

I won't ask about your biker fluffer skills. No doubt they are more than adequate.

Explain to me why the fuck we're supposed to care about your autobiography. Who asked?

Well if you could see beyond that pointy nose of yours you would have noticed that the poster I was responding to threw a dig at me in his response claiming that I was a "burger flipper"

I posted my "autobiography" to shut the fucktard up. It did.

Frankly, I don't expect *you* (because you sure as shit don't speak for the board) to care at all. The post was aimed at one person, moron, and anybody with a third grade education could have figured it out without needing it explained to them.

But have a Merry Christmas anyway. Dumbfucks need Holiday wishes too and I'm just that nice of a guy.


I can only pity anyone who takes "burger flipper" so literally that they feel the need to justify their existence on a message board. Do you have any clue how insecure and defensive this looks?

Does not expecting ME to care mean you actually expect ANYONE to care? How inexpressably sad.
Explain to me why the fuck we're supposed to care about your autobiography. Who asked?

Well if you could see beyond that pointy nose of yours you would have noticed that the poster I was responding to threw a dig at me in his response claiming that I was a "burger flipper"

I posted my "autobiography" to shut the fucktard up. It did.

Frankly, I don't expect *you* (because you sure as shit don't speak for the board) to care at all. The post was aimed at one person, moron, and anybody with a third grade education could have figured it out without needing it explained to them.

But have a Merry Christmas anyway. Dumbfucks need Holiday wishes too and I'm just that nice of a guy.


I can only pity anyone who takes "burger flipper" so literally that they feel the need to justify their existence on a message board. Do you have any clue how insecure and defensive this looks?

Does not expecting ME to care mean you actually expect ANYONE to care? How inexpressably sad.

Not nearly as insecure as a person who feels the need to rudely interject themselves into a conversation in an attempt to belittle someone for defending themselves and giving back what they are getting.

But have a Merry Christmas anyway.

How much more are the 1% entitled to?

"In a recent Pew Foundation poll, 77 percent of respondents said too much power is in the hands of a few rich people and corporations.

"That’s understandable. To take a few examples:

"Wall Street got bailed out but homeowners caught in the fierce downdraft caused by the Street’s excesses have got almost nothing.

"Big agribusiness continues to rake in hundreds of billions in price supports and ethanol subsidies. Big pharma gets extended patent protection that drives up everyone’s drug prices. Big oil gets its own federal subsidy.

"But small businesses on the Main Streets of America are barely making it."

That's because small business owners and their employees have barely enough income to survive from one quarter to the next. Hence they lack the dollars necessary to drive the US economy or bribe their local elected Republicans and Democrats for favors at tax time.

The situation is not sustainable for a democratic republic.
Stop "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat when you vote.
FLUSH the DC toilet in 2012!

Fire the next shot heard 'round the world without killing anyone.
(Merry Holidays AND Happy Christmas)

Robert Reich (The Defining Issue...)
The problem is PEW does not distinguish between businesses and individuals.
And even if it did , the point is moot.
PEW furthers the notion of the zero sum game. Which we all know does not exist.
The federal government dispenses those subsidies. Head down I-95 and exit off the Balto Wash Parkway..It's the big white buildings at the end of the highway. File your complaint there.
The real estate bubble and subsequent burst was not caused by "Wall Street excesses.
The source can be traced directly to federal policy and Fannie/Freddie.
I listened to a woman on the radio who once worked for a mortgage company. She said she was about to testify in three court cases regarding mortgages and the fraud that took place during her tenure.
She said that at least one per week an official from fannie/freddie, HUD or FHA was there to insure loans were being made under federal regulations to the "right" people.
In other words ,these lenders were being TOLD by the federal government who they must lend to.
We know all about the federal government guaranteeing the solvency of these subprime loans. The federal government allowed the paper to be bought sold and bought again.
The feds allowed these loans to be packaged together as investments, again with the promise the federal government would back the loans and sold as 'mortgage backed securities'.
The canned message we hear from our friends in Washington and regurgitated by the main stream media and of course those members of the public who just like to be told what to think and say is "Wall Street ruined the country".
The trading of these so called securities were bought and sold at One Wall Street, but the source was once again the federal government.
Yes, our government which is led by people who have not as of yet familiarized themselves with laws of unintended consequences.
PEW and every other alarmist/advocacy group looking for donations is dead wrong here.
Unintended consequences had very little to do with the latest Wall Street looting. The trillions of dollars in private debt that have been nationalized since 2008 was a direct consequence of the epidemic of mortgage fraud the FBI began warning about in 2004, with 80% of the deception originating with private lenders.

The GSE's had no choice except to jump on board or watch their marker share evaporate.

If you're still blaming the CRA for telling these private lenders who they should lend to and assuming a huge percentage of these government mandated mortgages have gone bad, where's your evidence showing how CRA mandated loan have defaulted in vastly disproportionate numbers versus the national default rate?

Why didn't CRA Banks that were funding these mortgages fail in even greater numbers than the average bank? Why aren't the portfolios of large national TARP banks littered with toxic CRA defaults?

Why didn't bank execs complain to the Bush White House between 2002-2008 about these CRA mandates unless big government and big money already knew the fix was in?

Since the 345 mortgage brokers that blew up were not covered by CRA legislation and the vast majority of CRA covered banks are healthy, and the biggest foreclosure areas weren't in Harlem or South Central LA, it seems more likely irresponsibly low interest rates precipitated a housing boom while the Fed failed to adequately supervise non-bank lenders.

Radical deregulation of financial markets and a shadow derivative market that operated unlike every other financial product generated compensation schemes that rewarded short term risk over long term profitability.

Increasing the leverage from 12-1 to 35-1 at the major private investment houses also contributed more to the 2008 looting than some legislation written in 1977.
There are allot of weird things about living in NYC. Taxes, Fee's Surcharges, Fines, Fee's, and Penalties, both hidden and exposed. From Property Taxes, Utilities, Services, Tolls, we are generally hit every time we blink. Somebody has to pay for the Union Perks. ;)
There are allot of weird things about living in NYC. Taxes, Fee's Surcharges, Fines, Fee's, and Penalties, both hidden and exposed. From Property Taxes, Utilities, Services, Tolls, we are generally hit every time we blink. Somebody has to pay for the Union Perks. ;)
Somebody has to compensate for the fact that the federal tax burden of the 1% hasn't been this low in half a century. We are currently borrowing from the rich instead of taxing them.
Ah I knew I could count on NYcuminhisrear to piss on some veterans again. I knew it.

Unlike some chickenshit chicken hawk like you, I actually served. I can say anything I want, as long as it's true.

Just cause you served doesn't mean you didn't just piss on vets and it doesn't me a chickenhawk either. Besides world war II, I think every war we've fought in since 1898 has been a mistake. So you miss again, asshole.

Since you haven't served, then you don't know what being in the military is like, at every level. I stand by what I said, outside of combat, being in the military is just another government job, where they happen to give you clothes to wear.
Give up your child tax credit if you want to help the Rich out. That will immediately add a thousand dollars, or two, or more to most of your tax bills.
Unlike some chickenshit chicken hawk like you, I actually served. I can say anything I want, as long as it's true.

Just cause you served doesn't mean you didn't just piss on vets and it doesn't me a chickenhawk either. Besides world war II, I think every war we've fought in since 1898 has been a mistake. So you miss again, asshole.

Since you haven't served, then you don't know what being in the military is like, at every level. I stand by what I said, outside of combat, being in the military is just another government job, where they happen to give you clothes to wear.


Plenty of E-7's and above went with me to the desert. And they had to risk the same daily mortar attacks on the base my E-4 ass did. And they were out there getting their hands dirty right along with me. And I sure as shit wasn't combat arms.....just an Air Force Comm troop running phone lines, programming switches, and responding to trouble tickets.

And if any of us refused to go?

They would have put us in jail.

I don't see how that's "just another government job" by any stretch.

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