Hey, 99 Percenters, You Call This 'Fair'?

GE's tax breaks are thanks to Obamination, you are such a fucking moron. It's called political kickbacks, GE gets tax breaks and their leaders give millions to re-elect Democrats.

It's a nice scam on the American taxpayer.

Oh, you need to learn the difference between profit and revenue.....idiot.

Typical left-wing twit.

Scum like you drive companies out of this country with the highest corporate tax rate IN THE WORLD, anti-business/pro-labor laws, and endless regulation but then you whine about those companies leave for better work environments.

Also, there is no obligation for a business to stay in its current location, ask Boeing. If they can find better and cheaper labor that produces the same results then they will go there. They are not obligated to stay in your chosen spot because lazy people like you live and want the gravy train to continue.
'Been drinking this morning?

General Electric made $10.3 billion in 2009 and got a $1.1 billion tax rebate.
Exxon "earned" 45 billion in profits in 2009 and paid no US taxes.
Citigroup had 4 quarters of $billion profits in 2010 and paid $0 taxes.
Boeing got a $124 million back from taxpayers AFTER winning a $30 billion government contract in 2010.

The highest corporate tax rate in the world means less than Mitt-shit when it isn't enforced.

Even right-wing drunks should be able to understand that much.
Are you ignorant enough to believe only Democrats take corporate bribes?

Bain Capital
Who got the gold star for an epidemic of mortgage fraud the FBI began warning about in 2004, Obama or Hank Paulson and Alan Greenspan?

What "mortgage fraud?" The sub-prime mortgage debacle was not the result of fraud except for the kind perpetrated by the likes of Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Maxine Waters and company.
You're pathetic, did you graduate from Junior High with those research skills?:badgrin:

GE's tax breaks are thanks to Obamination, you are such a fucking moron. It's called political kickbacks, GE gets tax breaks and their leaders give millions to re-elect Democrats.

It's a nice scam on the American taxpayer.

Oh, you need to learn the difference between profit and revenue.....idiot.

'Been drinking this morning?

General Electric made $10.3 billion in 2009 and got a $1.1 billion tax rebate.
Exxon "earned" 45 billion in profits in 2009 and paid no US taxes.
Citigroup had 4 quarters of $billion profits in 2010 and paid $0 taxes.
Boeing got a $124 million back from taxpayers AFTER winning a $30 billion government contract in 2010.

The highest corporate tax rate in the world means less than Mitt-shit when it isn't enforced.

Even right-wing drunks should be able to understand that much.
Are you ignorant enough to believe only Democrats take corporate bribes?

Bain Capital
Idiot....you need to get your lies and stories together.

First you babble about rich people needing to pay more in taxes but then you go on some rant about companies.

Companies are not rich people.

Your business is nothing without taxpayer support. Pay for your own fucking roads, educate your own workers at $100,000 each, go overseas and fight foreign companies who are stealing your patents.
Competitor just stole all your ideas? You go after him...why should the taxpayer have to pay to protect your intellectual property?

Go ahead and do that and you can claim all of your profit is from your own hard work

Not only do business already pay excise taxes on diesel to pay for roads. Truckers also pay additional taxes based on mileage and load. So roads are paid for before income taxes are even considered. Businesses have to pay higher wages to people with appropriate educations, so they already pay for that as well.

Enforcing patents accounts for about 0.00001% of the expenditures of the federal government. How do you justify the rest of the money the federal government takes from corporations and the rich?

Business benefits more from our infrastructure than working Americans. They would not exist without it. Our education system benefits businesses who need a qualified workforce. They do not come close to paying the $100k plus we have invested in each worker. Our Military protects their international interests and low cost raw materials. They benefit from taxpayer funded R&D, investments, protections from our legal system

Anyone who thinks business does it all on their own is a fool. So is anyone who thinks they should not have to pay taxes
Your business is nothing without taxpayer support. Pay for your own fucking roads, educate your own workers at $100,000 each, go overseas and fight foreign companies who are stealing your patents.
Competitor just stole all your ideas? You go after him...why should the taxpayer have to pay to protect your intellectual property?

Go ahead and do that and you can claim all of your profit is from your own hard work

Not only do business already pay excise taxes on diesel to pay for roads. Truckers also pay additional taxes based on mileage and load. So roads are paid for before income taxes are even considered. Businesses have to pay higher wages to people with appropriate educations, so they already pay for that as well.

Enforcing patents accounts for about 0.00001% of the expenditures of the federal government. How do you justify the rest of the money the federal government takes from corporations and the rich?
Easy. The moochers have to be kept happy.
You're so stupid...where to begin?

Uh, companies pay taxes, cleatus.

Uh, communities benefit from companies hiring private citizens in the community to work in the companies.

People working in those companies pay taxes too.

It all works together and some people in the end make more money than others because they are lucky, work harder, etc. Meanwhile, assholes like you think those people don't deserve that money they win via some lottery, make working extra hours, get from being born in the right family, etc.....because you are a pathetic jealous creature.

1) You should be banned for parading here with your fake moniker. You should be LiberalLoon but not rightwinger. It is pretty low class hiding behind a fake mask.

2) Companies take out loans from banks to build their factory and repay those loans, that's kinda how it works.

3) Sometimes cities and states give tax breaks to lure a company to their area, that kinda shows high taxes drives out business....thanks for showing that, moron.

4) Patents....if the Govt had a hand in in, then they put restrictions on the product for a set amount of years, idiot. That is why drugs become cheaper once the patent expires.

5) Idiots like you forget the owners of these companies are also working class people with their retirement funds invested in stocks and bonds. So it it is beneficial that companies prosper for everyone invested in the system.....too bad for the lazy like you standing outside the working class of people. Those welfare checks do pay for your drugs and booze.

Just shut the fuck up and change your moniker, you idiotic poser.

You built that factory?

Did you get a tax break for building it? How about low cost loans and a government backing?

How do goods and services get to your factory? Do you like those roads and rail lines? Who educated your workforce for you? Pay low wages? Who subsidizes your workers so they can live in your area?

You have any patents? Did you get any government grants to develop them? Who protects your patents at home and abroad?

You ship product overseas? Who protects your markets? Who enforces global patents and trademarks?

The rich get more benefits from our tax dollars than any welfare queen

Your business is nothing without taxpayer support. Pay for your own fucking roads, educate your own workers at $100,000 each, go overseas and fight foreign companies who are stealing your patents.
Competitor just stole all your ideas? You go after him...why should the taxpayer have to pay to protect your intellectual property?

Go ahead and do that and you can claim all of your profit is from your own hard work
You're so stupid...where to begin?

Uh, companies pay taxes, cleatus.

Uh, communities benefit from companies hiring private citizens in the community to work in the companies.

People working in those companies pay taxes too.

It all works together and some people in the end make more money than others because they are lucky, work harder, etc. Meanwhile, assholes like you think those people don't deserve that money they win via some lottery, make working extra hours, get from being born in the right family, etc.....because you are a pathetic jealous creature.

1) You should be banned for parading here with your fake moniker. You should be LiberalLoon but not rightwinger. It is pretty low class hiding behind a fake mask.

2) Companies take out loans from banks to build their factory and repay those loans, that's kinda how it works.

3) Sometimes cities and states give tax breaks to lure a company to their area, that kinda shows high taxes drives out business....thanks for showing that, moron.

4) Patents....if the Govt had a hand in in, then they put restrictions on the product for a set amount of years, idiot. That is why drugs become cheaper once the patent expires.

5) Idiots like you forget the owners of these companies are also working class people with their retirement funds invested in stocks and bonds. So it it is beneficial that companies prosper for everyone invested in the system.....too bad for the lazy like you standing outside the working class of people. Those welfare checks do pay for your drugs and booze.

Just shut the fuck up and change your moniker, you idiotic poser.

Your business is nothing without taxpayer support. Pay for your own fucking roads, educate your own workers at $100,000 each, go overseas and fight foreign companies who are stealing your patents.
Competitor just stole all your ideas? You go after him...why should the taxpayer have to pay to protect your intellectual property?

Go ahead and do that and you can claim all of your profit is from your own hard work
And also a Gubmint employee...:eusa_whistle:
1) You should be banned for parading here with your fake moniker. You should be LiberalLoon but not rightwinger. It is pretty low class hiding behind a fake mask.

2) Companies take out loans from banks to build their factory and repay those loans, that's kinda how it works.

3) Sometimes cities and states give tax breaks to lure a company to their area, that kinda shows high taxes drives out business....thanks for showing that, moron.

4) Patents....if the Govt had a hand in in, then they put restrictions on the product for a set amount of years, idiot. That is why drugs become cheaper once the patent expires.

5) Idiots like you forget the owners of these companies are also working class people with their retirement funds invested in stocks and bonds. So it it is beneficial that companies prosper for everyone invested in the system.....too bad for the lazy like you standing outside the working class of people. Those welfare checks do pay for your drugs and booze.

Just shut the fuck up and change your moniker, you idiotic poser.

You built that factory?

Did you get a tax break for building it? How about low cost loans and a government backing?

How do goods and services get to your factory? Do you like those roads and rail lines? Who educated your workforce for you? Pay low wages? Who subsidizes your workers so they can live in your area?

You have any patents? Did you get any government grants to develop them? Who protects your patents at home and abroad?

You ship product overseas? Who protects your markets? Who enforces global patents and trademarks?

The rich get more benefits from our tax dollars than any welfare queen

Your business is nothing without taxpayer support. Pay for your own fucking roads, educate your own workers at $100,000 each, go overseas and fight foreign companies who are stealing your patents.
Competitor just stole all your ideas? You go after him...why should the taxpayer have to pay to protect your intellectual property?

Go ahead and do that and you can claim all of your profit is from your own hard work

Fine, let the businesses all close and take jobs with them, then we'll see who is left to pay those taxes that everyone depends on. I don't want to hear a word from those nearly 50% of people who pay no taxes and are on the government doles.

Funny, that some would gladly hand over billions each year to the idle, yet bitch loudly for paying a small share so companies and people have roads to use to get to work. Everyone uses roads, though the workers are the only ones who pay for them and most have companies to thank for their jobs. I guess job creators and workers are supposed to get down on their knees and thank each other for paying taxes, yet don't expect any gratitude from those who just take without paying a dime.
Let's break this down to grade school level for the twits here...

Let's say some grade school kids for Christmas were baking cookies in school, some home economics course.

Some lazy kids didn't want to do the work making cookies or didn't take it seriously so they ended up with few good cookies or no cookies.

Some kids excelled and made extra cookies, even kept baking them during recess while the lazy kids were out beating each other up on the playground.

Some kids were smart and had their parents buy them cookies to bring to class.

So in the afternoon when they had their Christmas party the kids that brought extra cookies or worked hard making extra cookies were told to fork over their cookies for the lazy/dumb kids that screwed around all morning.....because it just isn't fair some kids had 5-6 cookies to eat compared to others with 1-2 cookies.
Idiot....you need to get your lies and stories together.

First you babble about rich people needing to pay more in taxes but then you go on some rant about companies.

Companies are not rich people.

Not only do business already pay excise taxes on diesel to pay for roads. Truckers also pay additional taxes based on mileage and load. So roads are paid for before income taxes are even considered. Businesses have to pay higher wages to people with appropriate educations, so they already pay for that as well.

Enforcing patents accounts for about 0.00001% of the expenditures of the federal government. How do you justify the rest of the money the federal government takes from corporations and the rich?

Business benefits more from our infrastructure than working Americans. They would not exist without it. Our education system benefits businesses who need a qualified workforce. They do not come close to paying the $100k plus we have invested in each worker. Our Military protects their international interests and low cost raw materials. They benefit from taxpayer funded R&D, investments, protections from our legal system

Anyone who thinks business does it all on their own is a fool. So is anyone who thinks they should not have to pay taxes

God, you sure are right

At least businesses produce a product and hire workers. The super wealthy get and stay that way by the management of risk. They use the government to ensure that their is no risk in their investments. They also use the government to cover for their poor decisions

Those are the true welfare queens
The companies that have been getting help from the Feds are left-wing companies......solyndra comes to mind, GE, etc.

You're just an idiot that projects left-wing failures on the right-wing to make yourself feel better about being alive.

Idiot....you need to get your lies and stories together.

First you babble about rich people needing to pay more in taxes but then you go on some rant about companies.

Companies are not rich people.

Business benefits more from our infrastructure than working Americans. They would not exist without it. Our education system benefits businesses who need a qualified workforce. They do not come close to paying the $100k plus we have invested in each worker. Our Military protects their international interests and low cost raw materials. They benefit from taxpayer funded R&D, investments, protections from our legal system

Anyone who thinks business does it all on their own is a fool. So is anyone who thinks they should not have to pay taxes

God, you sure are right

At least businesses produce a product and hire workers. The super wealthy get and stay that way by the management of risk. They use the government to ensure that their is no risk in their investments. They also use the government to cover for their poor decisions

Those are the true welfare queens
Who got the gold star for an epidemic of mortgage fraud the FBI began warning about in 2004, Obama or Hank Paulson and Alan Greenspan?

What "mortgage fraud?" The sub-prime mortgage debacle was not the result of fraud except for the kind perpetrated by the likes of Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Maxine Waters and company.
"Dec. 17 (Bloomberg) -- Representatives of five of Wall Street's dominant investment banks gathered around a blonde wood conference table on a February night almost three years ago (2004).

"Their talks over take-out Chinese food led to the perfect formula for a U.S. housing collapse.

The host was Greg Lippmann, then 36, a fast-talking Deutsche Bank AG trader who aspired to make mortgage securities as big a cash cow for Wall Street as the $12 trillion corporate credit market."

Subprime Securities Market Began as `Group of 5' Over Chinese - Bloomberg

Trillion$ in private debts have been nationalized during the last three years.
Politicians did so at the behest of the richest 1% of parasites.
Barney Frank and Maxine Waters undoubtedly deserve to die in Supermax.
So does Phil Gramm, Hank Paulson, and Alan Greenspan.
Let's break this down to grade school level for the twits here...

Let's say some grade school kids for Christmas were baking cookies in school, some home economics course.

Some lazy kids didn't want to do the work making cookies or didn't take it seriously so they ended up with few good cookies or no cookies.

Some kids excelled and made extra cookies, even kept baking them during recess while the lazy kids were out beating each other up on the playground.

Some kids were smart and had their parents buy them cookies to bring to class.

So in the afternoon when they had their Christmas party the kids that brought extra cookies or worked hard making extra cookies were told to fork over their cookies for the lazy/dumb kids that screwed around all morning.....because it just isn't fair some kids had 5-6 cookies to eat compared to others with 1-2 cookies.

Ok ...let's see how it really works in America

Twenty kids spend all day baking cookies. They work hard and ensure they are making a good product. At the end of the day, the rich kid who just sits in the corner and tells the other kids they are not working hard enough takes all the cookies and leaves ten cookies for the other kids to split

When the other kids complain, He calls them socialists and threatens to not give them any cookies at all. He points to one kid who has been sick and has not made many cookies. He is to blame for your lack of cookies! If he worked harder, there would be more cookies for the rest of you
Hey, 99 Percenters, You Call This 'Fair'?
A study by the New York City Independent Budget Office was released this week, and you didn't hear much about it in the mainstream media because it hurts their candidate's message.

Keep in mind, I'm your Conservative Everyman. I'm no economist, nor am I a political scientist. I call 'em as I see 'em just like you do. And away we go...

New York City has a little more than 8 million residents. Of those many millions, 1% -- ONE PERCENT -- pays 43% of the income taxes. You know how many people that works out to? About 35,000 people.

Picture in your mind's eye the City of New York, not just Manhattan, but all five boroughs. Imagine the throngs here right now enjoying the holidays. Think about the police presence, the sanitation, the schools brimming with children...East Side, West Side, The Village -- a hell of a town! 8 million people!

Now imagine Yankee Stadium, or any average Major League ballpark, and fill it except for the nosebleed seats. That tiny number pays almost HALF the operating costs for the city. How's THAT for fair?

Another kick in the head is that ten percent of New Yorkers pay 71% of the taxes. Guess how much income it takes to crack that ten percent?You don't have to be one of the millionaires or billionaires whom the Divider in Chief loves to vilify. You need not be an evil fat cat making $200,000 -- perish the thought! What's it take to crack the top ten percent in the most expensive city in America? $105,000. Yep, a buck five.​
but but but... look at how NICE and KIND and FAIR those 35,000 people are being supporting 7.65 million people's access to necessary services! They don't need to make 105k or more anyway. They're evil rich and must be envied, punished and hated in everything they do... as long as they keep giving us the freebies!

Fucking hive of parasites. The rich would be smart to leave that cesspit.
None of them lazy-ass kids is gittin' my cookies. I worked hard for them cookies. And I's one of them 1%, ya hear?!?


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You see, you're full of crap.

You claim every kid works the same except some rich kid, their family incomes have nothing to do with work ethic.

Now, if a rich kid brings his own cookies, you don't have a right to his cookies because you and your family are poor. Get a job and make some cookies.

Let's break this down to grade school level for the twits here...

Let's say some grade school kids for Christmas were baking cookies in school, some home economics course.

Some lazy kids didn't want to do the work making cookies or didn't take it seriously so they ended up with few good cookies or no cookies.

Some kids excelled and made extra cookies, even kept baking them during recess while the lazy kids were out beating each other up on the playground.

Some kids were smart and had their parents buy them cookies to bring to class.

So in the afternoon when they had their Christmas party the kids that brought extra cookies or worked hard making extra cookies were told to fork over their cookies for the lazy/dumb kids that screwed around all morning.....because it just isn't fair some kids had 5-6 cookies to eat compared to others with 1-2 cookies.

Ok ...let's see how it really works in America

Twenty kids spend all day baking cookies. They work hard and ensure they are making a good product. At the end of the day, the rich kid who just sits in the corner and tells the other kids they are not working hard enough takes all the cookies and leaves ten cookies for the other kids to split

When the other kids complain, He calls them socialists and threatens to not give them any cookies at all. He points to one kid who has been sick and has not made many cookies. He is to blame for your lack of cookies! If he worked harder, there would be more cookies for the rest of you
You see, you're full of crap.

You claim every kid works the same except some rich kid, their family incomes have nothing to do with work ethic.

Now, if a rich kid brings his own cookies, you don't have a right to his cookies because you and your family are poor. Get a job and make some cookies.

Let's break this down to grade school level for the twits here...

Let's say some grade school kids for Christmas were baking cookies in school, some home economics course.

Some lazy kids didn't want to do the work making cookies or didn't take it seriously so they ended up with few good cookies or no cookies.

Some kids excelled and made extra cookies, even kept baking them during recess while the lazy kids were out beating each other up on the playground.

Some kids were smart and had their parents buy them cookies to bring to class.

So in the afternoon when they had their Christmas party the kids that brought extra cookies or worked hard making extra cookies were told to fork over their cookies for the lazy/dumb kids that screwed around all morning.....because it just isn't fair some kids had 5-6 cookies to eat compared to others with 1-2 cookies.

Ok ...let's see how it really works in America

Twenty kids spend all day baking cookies. They work hard and ensure they are making a good product. At the end of the day, the rich kid who just sits in the corner and tells the other kids they are not working hard enough takes all the cookies and leaves ten cookies for the other kids to split

When the other kids complain, He calls them socialists and threatens to not give them any cookies at all. He points to one kid who has been sick and has not made many cookies. He is to blame for your lack of cookies! If he worked harder, there would be more cookies for the rest of you

What actually happens in America is that the rich kid brings everyone over to bake cookies in his kitchen, buys all the ingredients and tools, and looks up the recipe, in exchange for the other kids doing the mixing and baking. Some of the kids decide this isn't a bad way to get some cookies without having to buy them, some of the kids come up with new ways to make the recipe better, and a few of the kids decide to host their own cookie-baking days at their houses. And, of course, some of the kids sit in the corner and do nothing except bitch about how many cookies the rich kid gets to keep, and demand that everyone else give them some of their share of cookies.

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