Hey Adam You've Forgotten Something


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2013
Did you lose it? Did your dog eat it? Did President Trump sneak into your bedroom and steal it from under your mattress?
Or is it such a pile of bullshit you're too embarrassed to show it in public?
Or after the FBI had to remove all the classified information you attempted to sneak into it in order to claim President Trump then "removed conclusive proof of his 'collusion with the russians", there was nothing left to make public.
Little Adam Shithead.
Next time give the project to Tiny Tim. He''d do a better job.
A&W has the 'Nothing Burger' now on sale Shithead. Enjoy some today!
So where the fuck is your 'memo' shit-for brains Schiff?
Not a peep.
That's not like you Mr. Potato head.
For months you've been standing in front of MSNBS/CNN cameras swearing you had the "goods" on Trump.
Now you're running from the cameras.
What's happened?
You're now standing in a stinking pile of shit YOU helped create! That's what happened!
oh brother ,,

that horseshit belongs in the rubber room ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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