Hey Hillary - About That Time You Got Fired

Snopes is a 'left' site....that is confirming the facts involved in a case in which one of THE top 'lefties' was canned for inappropriate behavior...


Snopes has been caught in a few whoppers. C-Span did a piece on Hillary getting canned awhile back. It was factual
Again, unable to deny her immorality, lack of ethics, her corruption and lies, the poor wittle wibs squeal, 'She was not 'fired'! They just didn't need her anymore and 'let her go'!'

Thank goodness all liars get thrown in the the Lake of Fire in the End of Times as we know it!


So what do libs have against people 'innocent until proven guilty' having defense counsel?

Hillary intentionally wrote a false brief trying to ensure Nixon wouldn't have any....

The GOP Chairman said, while unethical, it was so amateurish that he considered it 'more stupid than sinister'.


That's Hillary for you!
Snopes is a 'left' site....that is confirming the facts involved in a case in which one of THE top 'lefties' was canned for inappropriate behavior...


Snopes has been caught in a few whoppers. C-Span did a piece on Hillary getting canned awhile back. It was factual
ahhhh just bull crap....

How can a man that was not Hillary's boss fire her and all the others on this committee that ended due to Nixon resigning, at the same time?

He was not her boss or the boss of the others on the same committee that were all sent home at the same time as Hillary.

He's a liar, he admitted it.
Snopes has been caught in a few whoppers. C-Span did a piece on Hillary getting canned awhile back. It was factual

Credible link to so-called whoppers. Take your time..

I don't take direction from you so you will be waiting along time. Hillary Clinton is as corrupt as they come, on the slim chance she wasn't fired she should have been and in all honesty belongs in prison
Keep making shite up and grasping for straws defending that unethical, corrupt biatch, care..... Libs continuing to defend their repeating historically documented corrupt liar / criminal to salvage her Presidential run is awesome 'reality tv'!
Again, unable to deny her immorality, lack of ethics, her corruption and lies, the poor wittle wibs squeal, 'She was not 'fired'! They just didn't need her anymore and 'let her go'!'


Couple of things:

1) The guy claiming to fire her wasn't even part of her team
2) The guy claiming to fire her said in his OWN book in 1995 that Hillary left at the end of the assignment, but changed his mind in 2006 in a new book he was trying to promote.
Keep making shite up and grasping for straws defending that unethical, corrupt biatch, care..... Libs continuing to defend their repeating historically documented corrupt liar / criminal to salvage her Presidential run is awesome 'reality tv'!

All pollie's lie. It's just a matter of degree...people like her...
Keep making shite up and grasping for straws defending that unethical, corrupt biatch, care..... Libs continuing to defend their repeating historically documented corrupt liar / criminal to salvage her Presidential run is awesome 'reality tv'!

All pollie's lie. It's just a matter of degree...people like her...

Groupie gets dumber with each post...soon he'll forget how to breathe!

New Poll Shows 60% of Americans Think Hillary Clinton is ...
Nov 4, 2015 - The real interesting part of the latest Quinnipiac University National Poll, is not the fact that 60% of Americans think Hillary Clinton is dishonest, ...
It is still amazing that in a country consisting of millions of Americans / liberals, the best the Liberals can muster to run as a candidate is an old, millionaire elitist, self-serving, Saul Alinksy-admiring Socialistic, unethical, immoral, lying, deceiving, rule/law-breaking, documented failure in every position she has held - culminating in the unnecessary deaths of 4 Americans, an FBI investigation for Espionage Act crimes and a new recent Ethics violation charge....

When the Socialist Party can field a less career-scandal-plagued, preferable (ethically / legally / ethically / morally/ etc...) that's just PATHETIC! Way to go, Bernie! :p
She's ethically, morally, legally corrupt ... 'but liberals like her', so it's ok... :p
It is still amazing that in a country consisting of millions of Americans / liberals, the best the Liberals can muster to run as a candidate is an old, millionaire elitist, self-serving, Saul Alinksy-admiring Socialistic, unethical, immoral, lying, deceiving, rule/law-breaking, documented failure in every position she has held - culminating in the unnecessary deaths of 4 Americans, an FBI investigation for Espionage Act crimes and a new recent Ethics violation charge....

When the Socialist Party can field a less career-scandal-plagued, preferable (ethically / legally / ethically / morally/ etc...) that's just PATHETIC! Way to go, Bernie! :p

And you have Donald Trump..

...those in glass houses...
Hey Doc, Trump wasn't fired for ethics violations, didn't threaten and intimidate women to keep them quiet about sexual harassment / rape / adultery, did not knowingly steal files and write false briefs in an attempt to deny someone of defense counsel, is not inder investigation by the FBI, abd was not just hit with yet ANOTHER ethics violaion charge....

Hey Doc, Trump wasn't fired for ethics violations, didn't threaten and intimidate women to keep them quiet about sexual harassment / rape / adultery, did not knowingly steal files and write false briefs in an attempt to deny someone of defense counsel, is not inder investigation by the FBI, abd was not just hit with yet ANOTHER ethics violaion charge....

Clinton wasn't fired either. All other allegations against Clinton are nothing more than allegations no matter how much you want them to be different...

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