Hey How Bout Those "Peaceful" Socialist/Progressive Protesters In Greece?...


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2009
Take a look at Greece,America. That's what we have to look forward to when our Socialists/Progressives here begin to snap during our next economic meltdown. All you Americans who have been duped into thinking Tea Party protesters are violent,all i can say to you is...You ain't seen nothin yet. Lots of "Peaceful" protests going on in Greece huh? That's what Socialist/Progressive protests look like. Btw,we Americans are now paying to bail Greece out as well. Dark days ahead? Sadly,i have to say yes. So go ahead and sit back and watch those "Peaceful" Greece protests. That could be us in the very near future.
Flash forward to when the U.S.'s sovereign debt crisis tanks our economy, and the riots will be "staffed" with SEIU thugs. It won't be pretty.
The "Community Organizers" probably can't wait for those dark days to come. Socialists/Progressives have a very long history of violent protests. Greece is a perfect example of this. That's why i always laugh when i hear them screeching about how violent the Tea Party protesters supposedly are. They still haven't proven that Tea Partiers are violent yet they're still screeching about that. We really could be Greece in the very near future. Don't believe the White House hype. Another catastrophic economic collapse is likely.
The IMF is set to give several $Billions to Greece and possibly other European nations. Since we make up most of the IMF cash,looks like the American Tax Payer is now going to be forced to bail Europe out too. Now that's something to protest. Go get em Tea Partiers!
Take a look at Greece,America. That's what we have to look forward to when our Socialists/Progressives here begin to snap during our next economic meltdown. All you Americans who have been duped into thinking Tea Party protesters are violent,all i can say to you is...You ain't seen nothin yet. Lots of "Peaceful" protests going on in Greece huh? That's what Socialist/Progressive protests look like. Btw,we Americans are now paying to bail Greece out as well. Dark days ahead? Sadly,i have to say yes. So go ahead and sit back and watch those "Peaceful" Greece protests. That could be us in the very near future.

The whole Greek government screwed those people. Doesnt matter if they are left or right.
Take a look at Greece,America. That's what we have to look forward to when our Socialists/Progressives here begin to snap during our next economic meltdown. All you Americans who have been duped into thinking Tea Party protesters are violent,all i can say to you is...You ain't seen nothin yet. Lots of "Peaceful" protests going on in Greece huh? That's what Socialist/Progressive protests look like. Btw,we Americans are now paying to bail Greece out as well. Dark days ahead? Sadly,i have to say yes. So go ahead and sit back and watch those "Peaceful" Greece protests. That could be us in the very near future.

The whole Greek government screwed those people. Doesnt matter if they are left or right.

They were Left...Far Left.
The People of Greece may have to work again. Apparently they're terrified of this. Our own Socialists/Progressives here will be burning our Capitol down too when the next catastrophic economic collapse happens. You can bet on that.
Take a look at Greece,America. That's what we have to look forward to when our Socialists/Progressives here begin to snap during our next economic meltdown. All you Americans who have been duped into thinking Tea Party protesters are violent,all i can say to you is...You ain't seen nothin yet. Lots of "Peaceful" protests going on in Greece huh? That's what Socialist/Progressive protests look like. Btw,we Americans are now paying to bail Greece out as well. Dark days ahead? Sadly,i have to say yes. So go ahead and sit back and watch those "Peaceful" Greece protests. That could be us in the very near future.

The whole Greek government screwed those people. Doesnt matter if they are left or right.

They were Left...Far Left.

I was talking about the government.
The People of Greece may have to work again. Apparently they're terrified of this. Our own Socialists/Progressives here will be burning our Capitol down too when the next catastrophic economic collapse happens. You can bet on that.

Its obvious you dont understand whats going on over there.
Take a look at Greece,America. That's what we have to look forward to when our Socialists/Progressives here begin to snap during our next economic meltdown. All you Americans who have been duped into thinking Tea Party protesters are violent,all i can say to you is...You ain't seen nothin yet. Lots of "Peaceful" protests going on in Greece huh? That's what Socialist/Progressive protests look like. Btw,we Americans are now paying to bail Greece out as well. Dark days ahead? Sadly,i have to say yes. So go ahead and sit back and watch those "Peaceful" Greece protests. That could be us in the very near future.

left wing and right wing extremists BOTH claim that they are willing to stand up to BAD GOVERNMENT. apparently the difference is that the right wing is really too chicken and the left is not.

I oppose ALL forms of violence and believe that governmental matters should be decided by TALKING, discussing and VOTING.

violence is ONLY acceptable in a TRULY repressive government (nazi germany, commumist russia, communist china)

America is a GREAT country and the FEW liberties we have lost (pot smoking? gay marriage?) do NOT justify violence from EITHER side.
Take a look at Greece,America. That's what we have to look forward to when our Socialists/Progressives here begin to snap during our next economic meltdown. All you Americans who have been duped into thinking Tea Party protesters are violent,all i can say to you is...You ain't seen nothin yet. Lots of "Peaceful" protests going on in Greece huh? That's what Socialist/Progressive protests look like. Btw,we Americans are now paying to bail Greece out as well. Dark days ahead? Sadly,i have to say yes. So go ahead and sit back and watch those "Peaceful" Greece protests. That could be us in the very near future.

left wing and right wing extremists BOTH claim that they are willing to stand up to BAD GOVERNMENT. apparently the difference is that the right wing is really too chicken and the left is not.

I oppose ALL forms of violence and believe that governmental matters should be decided by TALKING, discussing and VOTING.

violence is ONLY acceptable in a TRULY repressive government (nazi germany, commumist russia, communist china)

America is a GREAT country and the FEW liberties we have lost (pot smoking? gay marriage?) do NOT justify violence from EITHER side.

I understand what youre saying but it depends on if the power holders are willing to change or not....
The Socialists/Progressives are burning that place down over there. They may have to actually work again. Apparently they would rather burn their own cities down than have to work again. I could see our Socialists/Progressives here doing the same thing in the future. I guess we'll see.
Those Europeans, Liberals, Progressives, Socialists, Commies, Nazis, Fascists, Unionists sure know how to throw a protest, don't they?

A lesson to the teabaggers: if you want people to sit up and take notice, you gotta burn some cars and smash some windows.

Goofy signs and hats just don't cut it.
Those Europeans, Liberals, Progressives, Socialists, Commies, Nazis, Fascists, Unionists sure know how to throw a protest, don't they?

A lesson to the teabaggers: if you want people to sit up and take notice, you gotta burn some cars and smash some windows.

Goofy signs and hats just don't cut it.

They would rather burn their own cities down than have to work again. Sounds like our own Socialists/Progressives here no? Hmm?

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