Hey, Koch Brothers and Your Super-Rich Friends


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

Is John Bolton’s appointment to the NSA worrying you and/or you super-rich buddies? A little? A lot?

Although you guys and most of your chums are old farts, are you, as a group, looking forward to another world war? Keep in mind, this war will come to this country, unlike the first two. And, it’s going to be messy, really, really messy.

In reading messages posted by conservatives, it’s truly surprising how many of them believe a full-on nuclear attack is just a few bright lights, a little noise, and some mushroom clouds, with everything getting back to normal in just a few days.

But are you, Dave and Chuck, expecting business as usual to return that soon? You guys have a lot at stake, especially if the conservatives are wrong, and the scientists are correct. You, Chuck and Dave, must remember, conservatives are NOT the infallible experts they believe they are.

It appears conservatives are unaware (or in denial) of what is known as “nuclear winter” and the devastating effects. And even less aware of the duration. They rarely mention the length of time radioactive fallout remains a danger.

As oil barons, you are both required to deny climate change....publicly. This is easy for you to do so, as you both will be dead before the situation gets dire for the world population. But, you admit privately the scientists are spot on in their predictions, after all, you are not among the uneducated and misinformed conservative suckers who worship fat cats, like you guys, as benevolent job creators, who make trickle down profit everyone.

Understanding that you and your friends are just a bunch of greedy old bast@rds, you might be interested in revealing to your right wing worshipers the bitter truth of nuclear war and the long nuclear winter that inevitably follows.

The following are a few highlights:

--Fallout would not be a major long-term problem, the timescale on which radiation due to fallout would present a serious danger would be less than 5 years.

--An estimated 150 teragrams (136.8 million tons) of smoke would be released in a full nuclear conflict. This doesn't include the microscopic particulate matter blown aloft in the explosions.

-- The effects on global temperature would be dramatic for several years after, and even after 10 years would be comparable to those in the last ice age. But, unlike the ice age, there would be none of warmer areas where farming would be possible.

--Large areas of North America’s and over much of Eurasia’s agricultural regions temperatures would be too cold to produce crops.

--The Southern Hemisphere would fair no better.

The rest of the news only gets worse, so that will be left for another day, so as not to frighten you further. Assuming you are frightened by nuclear war.

If this has stirred some concern in you, Chuck and Dave, and some of you super-rich brethren, perhaps you or some of them would be wise to call the House members and Senators you super-rich people own (or rent) and persuade them to eliminate Bolton from the running.

After all, the climate change you and your friends know is real, will bring famine and disease to wipe out most of the world’s population soon enough. Why help it along, and wreck your world of wealth and power by allowing the idiot trump and his band of swamp rats to start a war? You obviously realize it will cost you more than your defense stocks could ever earn you, and make such a big, big mess out of your homes and estates.





Hey, Koch Brothers and Your Super-Rich Friends


Is John Bolton’s appointment to the NSA worrying you and/or you super-rich buddies? A little? A lot?

Although you guys and most of your chums are old farts, are you, as a group, looking forward to another world war? Keep in mind, this war will come to this country, unlike the first two. And, it’s going to be messy, really, really messy.

In reading messages posted by conservatives, it’s truly surprising how many of them believe a full-on nuclear attack is just a few bright lights, a little noise, and some mushroom clouds, with everything getting back to normal in just a few days.

But are you, Dave and Chuck, expecting business as usual to return that soon? You guys have a lot at stake, especially if the conservatives are wrong, and the scientists are correct. You, Chuck and Dave, must remember, conservatives are NOT the infallible experts they believe they are.

It appears conservatives are unaware (or in denial) of what is known as “nuclear winter” and the devastating effects. And even less aware of the duration. They rarely mention the length of time radioactive fallout remains a danger.

As oil barons, you are both required to deny climate change....publicly. This is easy for you to do so, as you both will be dead before the situation gets dire for the world population. But, you admit privately the scientists are spot on in their predictions, after all, you are not among the uneducated and misinformed conservative suckers who worship fat cats, like you guys, as benevolent job creators, who make trickle down profit everyone.

Understanding that you and your friends are just a bunch of greedy old bast@rds, you might be interested in revealing to your right wing worshipers the bitter truth of nuclear war and the long nuclear winter that inevitably follows.

The following are a few highlights:

--Fallout would not be a major long-term problem, the timescale on which radiation due to fallout would present a serious danger would be less than 5 years.

--An estimated 150 teragrams (136.8 million tons) of smoke would be released in a full nuclear conflict. This doesn't include the microscopic particulate matter blown aloft in the explosions.

-- The effects on global temperature would be dramatic for several years after, and even after 10 years would be comparable to those in the last ice age. But, unlike the ice age, there would be none of warmer areas where farming would be possible.

--Large areas of North America’s and over much of Eurasia’s agricultural regions temperatures would be too cold to produce crops.

--The Southern Hemisphere would fair no better.

The rest of the news only gets worse, so that will be left for another day, so as not to frighten you further. Assuming you are frightened by nuclear war.

If this has stirred some concern in you, Chuck and Dave, and some of you super-rich brethren, perhaps you or some of them would be wise to call the House members and Senators you super-rich people own (or rent) and persuade them to eliminate Bolton from the running.

After all, the climate change you and your friends know is real, will bring famine and disease to wipe out most of the world’s population soon enough. Why help it along, and wreck your world of wealth and power by allowing the idiot trump and his band of swamp rats to start a war? You obviously realize it will cost you more than your defense stocks could ever earn you, and make such a big, big mess out of your homes and estates.






Geez, give it a break. The Koch Brothers being the "boogiemen" is so 2010. I would think that you would have found someone else to blame your failures on by now.

Is John Bolton’s appointment to the NSA worrying you and/or you super-rich buddies? A little? A lot?

Although you guys and most of your chums are old farts, are you, as a group, looking forward to another world war? Keep in mind, this war will come to this country, unlike the first two. And, it’s going to be messy, really, really messy.

In reading messages posted by conservatives, it’s truly surprising how many of them believe a full-on nuclear attack is just a few bright lights, a little noise, and some mushroom clouds, with everything getting back to normal in just a few days.

But are you, Dave and Chuck, expecting business as usual to return that soon? You guys have a lot at stake, especially if the conservatives are wrong, and the scientists are correct. You, Chuck and Dave, must remember, conservatives are NOT the infallible experts they believe they are.

It appears conservatives are unaware (or in denial) of what is known as “nuclear winter” and the devastating effects. And even less aware of the duration. They rarely mention the length of time radioactive fallout remains a danger.

As oil barons, you are both required to deny climate change....publicly. This is easy for you to do so, as you both will be dead before the situation gets dire for the world population. But, you admit privately the scientists are spot on in their predictions, after all, you are not among the uneducated and misinformed conservative suckers who worship fat cats, like you guys, as benevolent job creators, who make trickle down profit everyone.

Understanding that you and your friends are just a bunch of greedy old bast@rds, you might be interested in revealing to your right wing worshipers the bitter truth of nuclear war and the long nuclear winter that inevitably follows.

The following are a few highlights:

--Fallout would not be a major long-term problem, the timescale on which radiation due to fallout would present a serious danger would be less than 5 years.

--An estimated 150 teragrams (136.8 million tons) of smoke would be released in a full nuclear conflict. This doesn't include the microscopic particulate matter blown aloft in the explosions.

-- The effects on global temperature would be dramatic for several years after, and even after 10 years would be comparable to those in the last ice age. But, unlike the ice age, there would be none of warmer areas where farming would be possible.

--Large areas of North America’s and over much of Eurasia’s agricultural regions temperatures would be too cold to produce crops.

--The Southern Hemisphere would fair no better.

The rest of the news only gets worse, so that will be left for another day, so as not to frighten you further. Assuming you are frightened by nuclear war.

If this has stirred some concern in you, Chuck and Dave, and some of you super-rich brethren, perhaps you or some of them would be wise to call the House members and Senators you super-rich people own (or rent) and persuade them to eliminate Bolton from the running.

After all, the climate change you and your friends know is real, will bring famine and disease to wipe out most of the world’s population soon enough. Why help it along, and wreck your world of wealth and power by allowing the idiot trump and his band of swamp rats to start a war? You obviously realize it will cost you more than your defense stocks could ever earn you, and make such a big, big mess out of your homes and estates.






-- The effects on global temperature would be dramatic for several years after,

COUGH bullshit COUGH

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