Hey Liberals!

We need to start forming some well regulated militias

Our founding fathers would be proud

I see you're still beating that dead horse.

I will not stand for you showing disrespect to our founding fathers

As everyone knows, a well regulated militia is necessary to the security of a free State. I don't know about you, but I want a free state

We need our well regulated militias. We can start with registering all gun owners so that we know who is available for our militia. Then, we need to train them and certify them as militia members...it is part of being well regulated
Then we need to register our guns and how much ammunition they have. How else to we know how strong our militias are?

As a society, we have been very lax in executing our second amendment

your local police force is a well regulated militia, join the police auxiliary and you can be part of it.
The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled over and over against you Liberals on the Second Amendment.
The Founders, in their personal and public papers have sided against you Liberals.
Yet you keep beating that dead horse!

Great, can we get back to the part where you tell us about the Militia you are a part of. How often do you meet and train? Do you have a uniform? Since you are such a stickler for the constitution, I know you must be a part of a militia.
I see you're still beating that dead horse.

I will not stand for you showing disrespect to our founding fathers

As everyone knows, a well regulated militia is necessary to the security of a free State. I don't know about you, but I want a free state

We need our well regulated militias. We can start with registering all gun owners so that we know who is available for our militia. Then, we need to train them and certify them as militia members...it is part of being well regulated
Then we need to register our guns and how much ammunition they have. How else to we know how strong our militias are?

As a society, we have been very lax in executing our second amendment

your local police force is a well regulated militia, join the police auxiliary and you can be part of it.

And they are trained, and certified and their guns are registered

God Bless America!
When Liberals founded this nation they worried about how to secure their free state. They realized they needed well regulated militias to keep us free. The members of those militias were trained, registered and we knew how many guns they had and how much ammunition

Why does natstew hate America?
You demand gun control laws, (and others), that are Unconstitutional.
Why don't you work within the Constitutional bounds to get your way instead of just demanding it? Our Founding Fathers wrote Article Five just for you whiners, yet you ignore it!

Juan Williams,
Juan Williams reacts to Fort Hood: Time for U.S. to go 'gun-free' - Washington Times (there, I fixed it)

If you are against the United States Constitution, you are un-American and my enemy!

What part of the Constitution mentions guns?

And it's typical you think other Americans are your enemy.

Liberals wage wars on foreign enemies.

Conservatives wage wars on other Americans.
When Liberals founded this nation they worried about how to secure their free state. They realized they needed well regulated militias to keep us free. The members of those militias were trained, registered and we knew how many guns they had and how much ammunition

Why does natstew hate America?

This is what conservatives do not understand.

At all.
You demand gun control laws, (and others), that are Unconstitutional.
Why don't you work within the Constitutional bounds to get your way instead of just demanding it? Our Founding Fathers wrote Article Five just for you whiners, yet you ignore it!

Juan Williams,
Juan Williams reacts to Fort Hood: Time for U.S. to go 'gun-free' - Washington Times (there, I fixed it)

If you are against the United States Constitution, you are un-American and my enemy!

Why don't you tell me what unconstitutional laws I'm demanding, and then we'll work from there.
When Liberals founded this nation they worried about how to secure their free state. They realized they needed well regulated militias to keep us free. The members of those militias were trained, registered and we knew how many guns they had and how much ammunition

Why does natstew hate America?

the founders were not liberals by today's definition. they were libertarians by today's definition.

the rest of your post is total bunk.
I will not stand for you showing disrespect to our founding fathers

As everyone knows, a well regulated militia is necessary to the security of a free State. I don't know about you, but I want a free state

We need our well regulated militias. We can start with registering all gun owners so that we know who is available for our militia. Then, we need to train them and certify them as militia members...it is part of being well regulated
Then we need to register our guns and how much ammunition they have. How else to we know how strong our militias are?

As a society, we have been very lax in executing our second amendment

your local police force is a well regulated militia, join the police auxiliary and you can be part of it.

And they are trained, and certified and their guns are registered

God Bless America!

ny concealed carry permit required training, every time I buy a gun I am subjected to a background check.

and you are totally crazy if you think there was gun registration in 1776. there were no serial numbers on guns in those days.
You demand gun control laws, (and others), that are Unconstitutional.
Why don't you work within the Constitutional bounds to get your way instead of just demanding it? Our Founding Fathers wrote Article Five just for you whiners, yet you ignore it!

Juan Williams,
IRS Director Admits Taxes Are Voluntary 2013 - YouTube

If you are against the United States Constitution, you are un-American and my enemy!

And then someone points out gay marriage. Why don't the right work within the US Constitution?

Maybe it's that both sides are just doing what they want to do and ignoring the larger picture of rights and freedoms.

HEY WO - the first post of yours that actually makes some sense . Yes Righties need to realize that whether we like it not , Faggots and Dykes are entitled to marry each other.

And Faggots, Dykes and other Socio-facists need to realize that the only way you're ever gonna get our guns is when you pry them from our Cold Dead Hands ! THe Constittution protects the Gun Owner the same as it protects the pervert.
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You demand gun control laws, (and others), that are Unconstitutional.
Why don't you work within the Constitutional bounds to get your way instead of just demanding it? Our Founding Fathers wrote Article Five just for you whiners, yet you ignore it!

Juan Williams,
Juan Williams reacts to Fort Hood: Time for U.S. to go 'gun-free' - Washington Times (there, I fixed it)

If you are against the United States Constitution, you are un-American and my enemy!

What part of the Constitution mentions guns?

And it's typical you think other Americans are your enemy.

Liberals wage wars on foreign enemies.

Conservatives wage wars on other Americans.

today the government is the enemy of the people. the government is taking away your constitutional rights every day. and you willingly accept it as long as some evil rich guy is somehow damaged by it-----------you are pathetic.
You demand gun control laws, (and others), that are Unconstitutional.
Why don't you work within the Constitutional bounds to get your way instead of just demanding it? Our Founding Fathers wrote Article Five just for you whiners, yet you ignore it!

Juan Williams,
Juan Williams reacts to Fort Hood: Time for U.S. to go 'gun-free' - Washington Times (there, I fixed it)

If you are against the United States Constitution, you are un-American and my enemy!

What part of the Constitution mentions guns?

And it's typical you think other Americans are your enemy.

Liberals wage wars on foreign enemies.

Conservatives wage wars on other Americans.

What part of the Constitution mentions guns? LMAO - did you think about what you posted or just let your fingers do the talking ?

The Second Ammendment
Speaking of the Constitution, can you explain to me that pesky clause about "well regulated..." blah blah. I know it's something that probably isn't important but perhaps you could explain the reason it's in the Constitution.

The militia consists of all able bodied men of the community.

The term, "well regulated" at the time meant well trained in military combat.

If the founders meant controlled, they would have worded it differently, they were not illiterate, as many on this site are.

"Shall not be infringed" would not have been written if they did not mean SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!

They also intended those militias to fight against a tyrannical government if the need arose. That is why the right to bear arms is a right. They knew damn well what happened when citizens were disarmed. The left thinks things have changed and tyranny is a thing of the past. It isn't. Human nature remains the same and we will always have those who seek to rule the world. The only ones uncomfortable with people being able to defend themselves are those whom people would defend themselves against.
You demand gun control laws, (and others), that are Unconstitutional.
Why don't you work within the Constitutional bounds to get your way instead of just demanding it? Our Founding Fathers wrote Article Five just for you whiners, yet you ignore it!

Juan Williams,
Juan Williams reacts to Fort Hood: Time for U.S. to go 'gun-free' - Washington Times (there, I fixed it)

If you are against the United States Constitution, you are un-American and my enemy!
Did you support the Iraq war?

Because if you did, then you are also against the Constitution.

BTW, I could care less about the 2nd amendment. I'm not a gun guy.
Speaking of the Constitution, can you explain to me that pesky clause about "well regulated..." blah blah. I know it's something that probably isn't important but perhaps you could explain the reason it's in the Constitution.

The militia consists of all able bodied men of the community.

The term, "well regulated" at the time meant well trained in military combat.

If the founders meant controlled, they would have worded it differently, they were not illiterate, as many on this site are.

"Shall not be infringed" would not have been written if they did not mean SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!

They also intended those militias to fight against a tyrannical government if the need arose. That is why the right to bear arms is a right. They knew damn well what happened when citizens were disarmed. The left thinks things have changed and tyranny is a thing of the past. It isn't. Human nature remains the same and we will always have those who seek to rule the world. The only ones uncomfortable with people being able to defend themselves are those whom people would defend themselves against.

and thats the part that liberals don't get. in their supreme ignorance they think the government is all good, warm, and loving i.e. they are idiots.
When Liberals founded this nation they worried about how to secure their free state. They realized they needed well regulated militias to keep us free. The members of those militias were trained, registered and we knew how many guns they had and how much ammunition

Why does natstew hate America?

the founders were not liberals by today's definition. they were libertarians by today's definition.

the rest of your post is total bunk.

Are you referring to the fact that they suppressed women and owned black people?
You demand gun control laws, (and others), that are Unconstitutional.
Why don't you work within the Constitutional bounds to get your way instead of just demanding it? Our Founding Fathers wrote Article Five just for you whiners, yet you ignore it!

Juan Williams,
Juan Williams reacts to Fort Hood: Time for U.S. to go 'gun-free' - Washington Times (there, I fixed it)

If you are against the United States Constitution, you are un-American and my enemy!

What part of the Constitution mentions guns?

And it's typical you think other Americans are your enemy.

Liberals wage wars on foreign enemies.

Conservatives wage wars on other Americans.

today the government is the enemy of the people. the government is taking away your constitutional rights every day. and you willingly accept it as long as some evil rich guy is somehow damaged by it-----------you are pathetic.

So you consider the American government to be your enemy?
Speaking of the Constitution, can you explain to me that pesky clause about "well regulated..." blah blah. I know it's something that probably isn't important but perhaps you could explain the reason it's in the Constitution.

The militia consists of all able bodied men of the community.

The term, "well regulated" at the time meant well trained in military combat.

If the founders meant controlled, they would have worded it differently, they were not illiterate, as many on this site are.

"Shall not be infringed" would not have been written if they did not mean SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!

They also intended those militias to fight against a tyrannical government if the need arose. That is why the right to bear arms is a right. They knew damn well what happened when citizens were disarmed. The left thinks things have changed and tyranny is a thing of the past. It isn't. Human nature remains the same and we will always have those who seek to rule the world. The only ones uncomfortable with people being able to defend themselves are those whom people would defend themselves against.

Since you're so afraid of the government, I assume you will do whatever you can to try and limit the size of the military. Since they are the ones you are afraid you will have to fend off, I'm sure you want them as weak as possible.
You demand gun control laws, (and others), that are Unconstitutional.
Why don't you work within the Constitutional bounds to get your way instead of just demanding it? Our Founding Fathers wrote Article Five just for you whiners, yet you ignore it!

Juan Williams,
Juan Williams reacts to Fort Hood: Time for U.S. to go 'gun-free' - Washington Times (there, I fixed it)

If you are against the United States Constitution, you are un-American and my enemy!
So what you are saying is the founding fathers wrote in the Constitution that it was okay for citizens to own and use assault rifles. Strange, I have read the Constitution a number of times and I have never seen the words "assault rifle." In fact, I don't recall ever seeing the word "guns." It does mention "arms" but they are restricted to "A well regulated militia . . . ." Are you a member of a well regulated militia or are you just more scum who believes it twisting the Constitution for personal reasons?
When Liberals founded this nation they worried about how to secure their free state. They realized they needed well regulated militias to keep us free. The members of those militias were trained, registered and we knew how many guns they had and how much ammunition

Why does natstew hate America?

the founders were not liberals by today's definition. they were libertarians by today's definition.

the rest of your post is total bunk.

Our founders were the most liberal thinkers of their day

No nation has ever been founded by Libertarians....EVER

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