Hey, Lone Ranger, Leave The Kids Alone!

Yeah because that's what hypocrisy means

Even though it will be severely limiting for you,
...try to stick to words you actually understand.

Here, let me help.....hypocrisy means criticizing in others what one allows in themselves.

Now, see how dumb your post really is?

Oops...I actually meant how dumb you really are.
Whenever they show a somber moment after stacking zombie bodies in the walking dead I knew it was a plot to indoctrinate ppl into feeling "life guilt"
How many threads have focused on the attempts by the Leftist 'education' system to indoctrinate our children???

Need there be another viewing of Youtube vids of teachers having little ones sing paeans of worship to Obama???

OK...we'll stipulate to it.

Now the Lone Ranger????

If the nature and degree of your general bewilderment were not well documented on this forum,

I think I would be overcome with surprise and astonishment at your apparent failure to comprehend that 'The Lone Ranger' is a movie,

and not some part of the educational curricula of our school systems.
Wouldnt a movie based in America during the indian wars.........have to involve white men killing indians? Thats....well, kinda what happened.
Whenever they show a somber moment after stacking zombie bodies in the walking dead I knew it was a plot to indoctrinate ppl into feeling "life guilt"

I can see that you're giving up....what fun is that?

One more kick in the rear?

"The white man is the evil menace because as Tonto says, “Indians are like coyotes (nature). They kill and leave nothing to waste. What does the white man kill for?” In the movie, the white man kills for power and money. So, in short, the white man believes the Indian to be savage, and civilization to be achieved through lawful means and “progress,” but what we see in this story is that the white man is the savage, progress is exploitative, and that the Lone Ranger ultimately comes to believe that if men like those in power represent the law, then he’d rather be an outlaw. He gives up his belief in due process to stay an outlaw at the end because “there comes a time when good men must wear a mask.”
Godawa's MovieBlog - SPOILER ALERT: Movie Exegesis, not Movie Reviews

Hollywood political indoctrination.....

..aimed at kids, or adults with the mental capacity of a 10-year-old.
Raise your paw.
Likewise, the original 1950's show was one of my favorites growing up. . . .
How many threads have focused on the attempts by the Leftist 'education' system to indoctrinate our children???

Need there be another viewing of Youtube vids of teachers having little ones sing paeans of worship to Obama???

OK...we'll stipulate to it.

Now the Lone Ranger????

If the nature and degree of your general bewilderment were not well documented on this forum,

I think I would be overcome with surprise and astonishment at your apparent failure to comprehend that 'The Lone Ranger' is a movie,

and not some part of the educational curricula of our school systems.

And, D.W. Griffith's "Birth of a Nation'?

In your futile attempt at the impossible.....to score points on my posts.....you reveal a depth of ignorance that can only be compared to the Marianas Trench, the deepest part of the world's oceans.

Don't ever change.
How many threads have focused on the attempts by the Leftist 'education' system to indoctrinate our children???

Need there be another viewing of Youtube vids of teachers having little ones sing paeans of worship to Obama???

OK...we'll stipulate to it.

Now the Lone Ranger????

1."New Lone Ranger Movie: A Lesson in White Guilt

2. What makes the Lone Ranger finally embrace the need for his mask, and hence the whole “secret identity” thing? In a nutshell, he realizes his fellow white men are corrupt, and complicit in the mass murder of Tonto’s fellow Native Americans.

3. If he takes the mask off, then he too will wind up becoming complicit. Yes, that’s right — in this film, the Lone Ranger’s mask is made of White Guilt.

4. We tend to think of superhero movies as power fantasies, in which the use of America’s status as a superpower is reflected by the hero struggling to use his or her power responsibly.

5. But Lone Ranger seems to be making the case that the real seductive fantasy of these stories is absolution from blame —

6. ....as long as he’s wearing the mask. He gets surcease from America’s original sin.

7. .... the movie flails at a storyline in which Tonto keeps insisting that "nature is out of balance," because of the crimes of the white outlaws who are secretly but obviously in league with all the white authority figures in the movie.

8. ....Tonto's fellow Native Americans think Tonto is just crazy and guilt-ridden, from Tonto's own complicity with evil white men.

9. In any case, by the time you stagger out of this endless nightmare, .... you will know that you have been the hose of the high colonic that this film has given America.

10. You will understand the American hero fantasy and its dreadful underpinnings. And you'll realize just why you're to blame for The Lone Ranger."
Disney's New Lone Ranger Movie: A Lesson in White Guilt | Restoring Liberty

Well no wonder it backfired at the box office. This depiction of The Lone Ranger is an insult to the entire Westerns movie genre. Despicable Me 2 FTW.
The movie was dud in its opening weekend and looks like it will be a major flop not surprising Holloywood has a knack for screwing up classics with remakes I believe this is the second time they have done it with The Lone Ranger.

The Lone Ranger was a dude of a character to begin with.

I have no idea why they tried to make it into a movie.

Same with the Green Hornet.

The Lone Ranger was and is a American icon they could probably make a good movie out of it if they would just stop trying to put a modern day spin on it. The only thing notable about the Green Hornet is it introduced us to Bruce Lee.
If both Soros supported media, and Koch brother supported media are panning it in their reviews in an attempt to get people to stay away from it, what would any good independent thinking anti-statist, anarcho-capitalist/anarcho-socialist, or libertarian actually do then?

Quite frankly, I am surprised that Disney sponsored this. I guess when it comes down to it, money is more important than politics. If Mr. Depp wants to do the project, well, I guess they saw dollar signs.

But point of fact, the political message is so subtle, covered up by the comical quips, and the action, it would be lost by all but the discerning. You will note, it has been panned by all of those sources that are Statist and authoritarian in nature. Left or Right, it doesn't matter.

Batman is the copy. The Lone Ranger is the Original.

Even in the 1950's series, why did he ride with an indian and not a posse? Why did he wear a mask? The reason is the same in the movie. It had nothing to do with white guilt, and everything to do with corporate corruption in the government, crony capitalism, and protecting the little guy. When my son wanted to go see it pretty bad, I told him we should just wait till it came out on video b/c the story was pretty much the same as Zorro and Batman. The anti-hero that stands up for the little guy, because sometimes, the bureaucracy itself is corrupt.

Don't believe the reviews that say it is "anti-capitalism," it's not. It's anti-corportism.

In the waning days of the American empire, if you abhor corporatism and are an Anarchist or a Libertarian? See it, you will be glad you did.
How many threads have focused on the attempts by the Leftist 'education' system to indoctrinate our children???

Need there be another viewing of Youtube vids of teachers having little ones sing paeans of worship to Obama???

OK...we'll stipulate to it.

Now the Lone Ranger????

If the nature and degree of your general bewilderment were not well documented on this forum,

I think I would be overcome with surprise and astonishment at your apparent failure to comprehend that 'The Lone Ranger' is a movie,

and not some part of the educational curricula of our school systems.

And, D.W. Griffith's "Birth of a Nation'?

In your futile attempt at the impossible.....to score points on my posts.....you reveal a depth of ignorance that can only be compared to the Marianas Trench, the deepest part of the world's oceans.

Don't ever change.

Please list all the public schools where 'the Lone Ranger' is currently required viewing as part of a required course,

and I'll stand corrected by as many examples as you provide.

Or, list none, and confirm your idiocy.
Because I did see it, and I can comment intelligently on all the reviews the were posted in this thread. Can you?

I've never been in a concentration camp but can comment intelligently on same.

Wise up.
So tell me, in the movie, what material was the lone rangers mask made out of, and why did the ranger's get slaughtered?

I was trying to be kind, but since you insist on the full treatment, let's review the salience of the thread, and your post in particular.

1. The essence of the thread is that Hollywood has attempted to use the well-loved hero of American culture to indoctrinate the less perceptive.
Pay attention....this may be you.

2. The witnesses that I've presented to support the thesis are professional reviewers....who have, almost to the man, seen the film.
This, in fact, is what you claim is the key to reviews.

3. You have, in fact, presented yourself as an 'expert witness.'
This is not in evidence.

You may have dozed off during the boring movie.
You may be less than perceptive, unable to glean even what is aimed at grade-schoolers.

You may have a political perspective that filtered out the gambit.

In short....who the heck are you to deny what so very many others have sworn to?
The movie was dud in its opening weekend and looks like it will be a major flop not surprising Holloywood has a knack for screwing up classics with remakes I believe this is the second time they have done it with The Lone Ranger.

The Lone Ranger was a dude of a character to begin with.

I have no idea why they tried to make it into a movie.

Same with the Green Hornet.

The Lone Ranger was and is a American icon they could probably make a good movie out of it if they would just stop trying to put a modern day spin on it. The only thing notable about the Green Hornet is it introduced us to Bruce Lee.

Left-wing spin.
If both Soros supported media, and Koch brother supported media are panning it in their reviews in an attempt to get people to stay away from it, what would any good independent thinking anti-statist, anarcho-capitalist/anarcho-socialist, or libertarian actually do then?

Quite frankly, I am surprised that Disney sponsored this. I guess when it comes down to it, money is more important than politics. If Mr. Depp wants to do the project, well, I guess they saw dollar signs.

But point of fact, the political message is so subtle, covered up by the comical quips, and the action, it would be lost by all but the discerning. You will note, it has been panned by all of those sources that are Statist and authoritarian in nature. Left or Right, it doesn't matter.

Batman is the copy. The Lone Ranger is the Original.

Even in the 1950's series, why did he ride with an indian and not a posse? Why did he wear a mask? The reason is the same in the movie. It had nothing to do with white guilt, and everything to do with corporate corruption in the government, crony capitalism, and protecting the little guy. When my son wanted to go see it pretty bad, I told him we should just wait till it came out on video b/c the story was pretty much the same as Zorro and Batman. The anti-hero that stands up for the little guy, because sometimes, the bureaucracy itself is corrupt.

Don't believe the reviews that say it is "anti-capitalism," it's not. It's anti-corportism.

In the waning days of the American empire, if you abhor corporatism and are an Anarchist or a Libertarian? See it, you will be glad you did.

Does the film contain Leftist political propaganda or not?
Yeah because that's what hypocrisy means
Indeed it does.

"You should feel guilty for your race's role in oppressing the indigenous peoples of the American continent. Meanwhile, we refuse to hire one to star in our movie."

And before you say "But Johnny Depp is a big star! He'd draw a lot more people to the theater!", I'll ask you:

How's that working out?

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