Hey, Lone Ranger, Leave The Kids Alone!

If the nature and degree of your general bewilderment were not well documented on this forum,

I think I would be overcome with surprise and astonishment at your apparent failure to comprehend that 'The Lone Ranger' is a movie,

and not some part of the educational curricula of our school systems.

And, D.W. Griffith's "Birth of a Nation'?

In your futile attempt at the impossible.....to score points on my posts.....you reveal a depth of ignorance that can only be compared to the Marianas Trench, the deepest part of the world's oceans.

Don't ever change.

Please list all the public schools where 'the Lone Ranger' is currently required viewing as part of a required course,

and I'll stand corrected by as many examples as you provide.

Or, list none, and confirm your idiocy.

Did I say you were stupid?

My mistake....I should have included dishonest with stupid.

Does the definition of 'Leftist Hollywood political indoctrination' require that same be a part of public school requirements?

Yes or no?

If you say "no," I'll consider that your admission of both dishonesty and stupidity.

And, we both know that that will hardly be the first time.....
Threads like this inspire recollections of the old backward masking paranoias of the religious nuts on the Christian right back in the 80's or thereabouts.
And, D.W. Griffith's "Birth of a Nation'?

In your futile attempt at the impossible.....to score points on my posts.....you reveal a depth of ignorance that can only be compared to the Marianas Trench, the deepest part of the world's oceans.

Don't ever change.

Please list all the public schools where 'the Lone Ranger' is currently required viewing as part of a required course,

and I'll stand corrected by as many examples as you provide.

Or, list none, and confirm your idiocy.

Did I say you were stupid?

My mistake....I should have included dishonest with stupid.

Does the definition of 'Leftist Hollywood political indoctrination' require that same be a part of public school requirements?

Yes or no?

If you say "no," I'll consider that your admission of both dishonesty and stupidity.

And, we both know that that will hardly be the first time.....

Let's read back your own testimony:

"How many threads have focused on the attempts by the Leftist 'education' system to indoctrinate our children???

Need there be another viewing of Youtube vids of teachers having little ones sing paeans of worship to Obama???

OK...we'll stipulate to it.

Now the Lone Ranger????"

Those of us with a real education in the English language recognize the above to be a direct linking of the movie the Lone Ranger to indoctrination within the education system.

So I repeat the question:

Where is this movie being taught in school?
I've never been in a concentration camp but can comment intelligently on same.

Wise up.
So tell me, in the movie, what material was the lone rangers mask made out of, and why did the ranger's get slaughtered?

I was trying to be kind, but since you insist on the full treatment, let's review the salience of the thread, and your post in particular.

1. The essence of the thread is that Hollywood has attempted to use the well-loved hero of American culture to indoctrinate the less perceptive.
Pay attention....this may be you.

2. The witnesses that I've presented to support the thesis are professional reviewers....who have, almost to the man, seen the film.
This, in fact, is what you claim is the key to reviews.

3. You have, in fact, presented yourself as an 'expert witness.'
This is not in evidence.

You may have dozed off during the boring movie.
You may be less than perceptive, unable to glean even what is aimed at grade-schoolers.

You may have a political perspective that filtered out the gambit.

In short....who the heck are you to deny what so very many others have sworn to?
Again, I reiterate;

Why did the original Lone Ranger wear a mask? How did this differ from the movie?

Why did the original Lone Ranger ride with Tonto rather than with deputies and a posse, and how did this differ from the movie?

You answer these factual inquiries and I will respect your post, otherwise, your post is an attempt to dodge my very salient points.

Many of the critiques cite "White guilt?" What a crock. They left out the part where Tonto and the Lone Range went to the Comanche and informed them that the lawless gang hired by the Railroad tycoons were trying to instigate a false flag war. Did the Comanche care? Not one whit. They buried them up to their necks and left them in the dessert. How sympathetic does that make the tribe look? Do you think my eleven year was sympathetic upon seeing that tribe then get slaughtered? BOTH sides were warned, both the Calvary Regiment AND the Comanche that they were being used by the corporatists. The movie was about the corruption of men, where INDIVIDUALS are the victims, and leaders, tribal elders, governments and bureaucracies are the evils among us.

The grand victory is when the silver, that which the corporation is corrupting men for, gets dumped back into the river. That is the atonement for all those deaths. (That it happens at the end of William Tell Overture is just the icing on the cake. :eusa_angel:)
Now if you wanted a real life genuine fits-the-description of politically/ideologically driven indoctrination (or attempts thereof) of schoolkids,

in the classroom,

you'd be better served posting something like this:

Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District

Kitzmiller originated when the Dover Area School District Board of Education in Dover, Pennsylvania voted 6-3 to "challenge" evolution, under the leadership of creationist Bill Buckingham, by adding a one paragraph disclaimer to the local high school biology curriculum [1] garbling the regular curriculum with teach the controversy and promoting the "scientific alternative" of intelligent design and using Of Pandas and People as a reference. The dissenting members of the school board resigned in protest[2] and the measure carried.

Buckingham had previously wanted to use the textbook Of Pandas and People in the classroom to teach both sides of the creation-evolution "debate", but was shot down because teaching creationism was previously ruled unconstitutional.

Angered about being forced to teach about ID, the entire science teaching faculty of Dover High School refused to read the statement, citing a clause in the Pennsylvania code of education allowing them not to be forced to teach something they thought false. As a result, the statement was, instead, read by the assistant superintendent during what the school staff felt was a forced classroom interruption. Local parents, weary of their children being taught a false controversy surrounding evolution, filed a class-action lawsuit.

Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District - RationalWiki

THAT is a much better example.
Now if you wanted a real life genuine fits-the-description of politically/ideologically driven indoctrination (or attempts thereof) of schoolkids,

in the classroom,

you'd be better served posting something like this:

Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District

Kitzmiller originated when the Dover Area School District Board of Education in Dover, Pennsylvania voted 6-3 to "challenge" evolution, under the leadership of creationist Bill Buckingham, by adding a one paragraph disclaimer to the local high school biology curriculum [1] garbling the regular curriculum with teach the controversy and promoting the "scientific alternative" of intelligent design and using Of Pandas and People as a reference. The dissenting members of the school board resigned in protest[2] and the measure carried.

Buckingham had previously wanted to use the textbook Of Pandas and People in the classroom to teach both sides of the creation-evolution "debate", but was shot down because teaching creationism was previously ruled unconstitutional.

Angered about being forced to teach about ID, the entire science teaching faculty of Dover High School refused to read the statement, citing a clause in the Pennsylvania code of education allowing them not to be forced to teach something they thought false. As a result, the statement was, instead, read by the assistant superintendent during what the school staff felt was a forced classroom interruption. Local parents, weary of their children being taught a false controversy surrounding evolution, filed a class-action lawsuit.

Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District - RationalWiki

THAT is a much better example.

Oh, but that is science, and PC abhors reality.

Yes, the rightwingnuts have been beating that drum for the whole time I have been alive. And just keep getting their asses kicked. As with AGW, the idiots just keep repeating the same nonsense, and keep avoiding reality.
If both Soros supported media, and Koch brother supported media are panning it in their reviews in an attempt to get people to stay away from it, what would any good independent thinking anti-statist, anarcho-capitalist/anarcho-socialist, or libertarian actually do then?

Quite frankly, I am surprised that Disney sponsored this. I guess when it comes down to it, money is more important than politics. If Mr. Depp wants to do the project, well, I guess they saw dollar signs.

But point of fact, the political message is so subtle, covered up by the comical quips, and the action, it would be lost by all but the discerning. You will note, it has been panned by all of those sources that are Statist and authoritarian in nature. Left or Right, it doesn't matter.

Batman is the copy. The Lone Ranger is the Original.

Even in the 1950's series, why did he ride with an indian and not a posse? Why did he wear a mask? The reason is the same in the movie. It had nothing to do with white guilt, and everything to do with corporate corruption in the government, crony capitalism, and protecting the little guy. When my son wanted to go see it pretty bad, I told him we should just wait till it came out on video b/c the story was pretty much the same as Zorro and Batman. The anti-hero that stands up for the little guy, because sometimes, the bureaucracy itself is corrupt.

Don't believe the reviews that say it is "anti-capitalism," it's not. It's anti-corportism.

In the waning days of the American empire, if you abhor corporatism and are an Anarchist or a Libertarian? See it, you will be glad you did.

Does the film contain Leftist political propaganda or not?
Nope. If it has any "political propaganda" at all? I'd say it has anarchist propaganda.

From the right, people will view anarchists as anarcho-socialists. From the left, people can view them as anarcho-capitalists. These are extremes of progressivism and liberatarianism.

Basically, it makes the statement that laws are only as good as those who enforce them, and all systems of enforcement are liable to corruption. At first, The Lone Ranger refuses to wear the mask, being a prosecuting attorney, and a huge believer in "the law," until he comes to the realization that even the law can be corrupted. So, like Batman and Zorro, he takes the law into his own hands. Like it or not, he, like Tonto, becomes a vigilante. That is all it is about. He is a the hero of the people, keeping the State honest. If he wasn't, he'd be another Ranger among many, working within the Ranger system. As it is, he isn't your normal everyday Texas Ranger. When the unholy alliance between corporation and State goes awry, he is there to protect the innocent.
Yeah because that's what hypocrisy means

Even though it will be severely limiting for you,
...try to stick to words you actually understand.
Here, let me help.....hypocrisy means criticizing in others what one allows in themselves.
Now, see how dumb your post really is?
Oops...I actually meant how dumb you really are.

Soo PC who criticized anyone for a white guy portraying an Indian? According tour definition of course...
Yeah because that's what hypocrisy means

Even though it will be severely limiting for you,
...try to stick to words you actually understand.
Here, let me help.....hypocrisy means criticizing in others what one allows in themselves.
Now, see how dumb your post really is?
Oops...I actually meant how dumb you really are.

Soo PC who criticized anyone for a white guy portraying an Indian? According tour definition of course...

Maybe all five Indian actors in the US were busy.
I replied to late but I noticed something. PC just says...stuff. It doesn't make any sense, she can't explain her own links. The only thing she does is falsely string together phony pieces of info, adds ridiculous, unexplabavle even to herself, commentary. Then adds some variance of the phrase "I beat you" with a childlike name shell call anyone who asks any question.

So basically, trolling. You've never seen PC in any thread she hasn't started because she's an attention whore. (now u can pretend cry at my use of the word whore...or Templar can for you)
I replied to late but I noticed something. PC just says...stuff. It doesn't make any sense, she can't explain her own links. The only thing she does is falsely string together phony pieces of info, adds ridiculous, unexplabavle even to herself, commentary. Then adds some variance of the phrase "I beat you" with a childlike name shell call anyone who asks any question.

So basically, trolling. You've never seen PC in any thread she hasn't started because she's an attention whore. (now u can pretend cry at my use of the word whore...or Templar can for you)

Oh no! Not the "Avenger Kormac"!!!!!! Anyone but him! He'll REPORT you!
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Soo PC who criticized anyone for a white guy portraying an Indian? According tour definition of course...

Maybe all five Indian actors in the US were busy.

Instead of you white liberals dictating what offends Native Americans, maybe we could ask one.
What do you think about the controversy over Johnny Depp playing Tonto in Disney’s new Lone Ranger flick?

So, fast forward to today and Johnny Depp -- as I said, there’s nothing new about Hollywood painting up a white person to play an Indian. Johnny Depp is for sale as an actor and the essence of what he’s doing in this movie is trying to sell himself as an Indian and make It believable. Is it wrong for him to do that? Well, it’s wrong on different facets. What my organization, American Indians in Film and Television, has tried to do in 35 years of existence is provide jobs and open doors for Native people in this industry. So when a Johnny Depp or anyone else who’s not Native takes a job as an Indian and gets painted like an Indian, we believe he’s depriving a real Indian of a job. The second thing is when it comes to the director or the producers saying, “We’re going to cut this guy’s head off in the sweat lodge,” the non Indian will say, “Yeah, I don’t see anything wrong with that, go for it!” While an Indian would say, “Wait a minute, guys, that’s not really cool or according to our beliefs and practices.”

So, you’re opposed to Johnny Depp playing Tonto?

American Indians in Film and Television’s argument is not so much with Johnny Depp, a charlatan at his best, as it is with the machinations of Disney proper. The controversy that will haunt this endeavor and ultimately cause its demise at the box office is the behind-the-scenes concerted effort and forced manipulation by Disney to attempt to sell Johnny Depp as an American Indian. American Indians, as assimilated and mainstream as they may be today, remain adamantly resistant to anyone who falsely claims to be one of theirs. The question of Johnny Depp next playing Malcolm X, or Martin Luther King, as ridiculous as that may sound, is not farfetched as an example.

Disney has been marketing and re-writing the history of our people -- American Indians -- without their permission, ever since the company was born and to my knowledge has never paid a penny for it or even thanked us. Yet it has the gall and audacity to knowingly cast a non-Native person in the role of an established Native character. Tell me the extent of outrage they would encounter if they did that to an African-American character.

Johnny Depp "playing Indian" doesn't bother me as much as the efforts of a conglomerate force feeding the Indian community that he is "Indian.”​

Now, go ahead and say he's wrong.

Actually, you already have.
Wow all linked to some guys opinion page. Welp! Opinions are like assholes and his stinks.

Matter fact, he's like the guy who yells "I didn't do it" when someone says the last cookie is missing. Telling on himself since there is no mention of white guilt in the movie.

Someone sounds like they are guilty of feeling....guilt

this is the same guy that passes off opinions as facts ^

Like the op right?odd how you skip over this
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