Hey! Main Stream Media!! Where are your CASKET COUNTERS NOW?

Porker is a neo-con, of course. And a victim. Just ask him.
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It is a shame President Obama had to go back into Afghanistan an fix Bushs war
Porker is a neo-con, of course. And a victim. Just ask him.
No asshole...Porker is a guy who watches that liberal media televise the arrival of dead soldiers while Bush is president but WILL NOT televise or print photos of soldiers flag draped caskets who were killed under that goddamn muslim president. That's who Porker is you fucking prickhead.
OK wait, hold up OP, lemme get this straight....

--- Americans have made/are making the ultimate sacrifice on the battlefield..... and what that means to you is an opportunity to see how many fake "points" you can "score" on a political internet message board? Really?

Happy Memorial Day, asshole.
I guess you only make a big deal of it if it's George Bush in the White House? Huh?

We have been at war with Afghanistan for 13 years, 7 months, 2 weeks and 1 day.

Our last casualty was John Dawson, 2 died since December.
iCasualties OEF Afghanistan Fatalities Details

Our COTS OF WAR CLOCK can't be copy posted so I'll just type kind of what the number is now, "$808,667, 650, 000." It was outdated by hundreds of thousands before I typed it.
Cost of National Security Counting How Much the U.S. Spends Per Hour

When Obama stepped into office all of a sudden for some unknown (black) reason people started taking politics seriously. They blamed Obama for EVERYTHING in history even with proof he wasn't in control when the issue started. The small brains that got it wrong started a "Blame Bush" campaign. That way if issues like the Obamaphone were traced back to the Bush era, they could say, "Oh, now it's all Bush's fault".

As it turns out almost everything the newly interested Right Wingers hated about Obama happened long before him. But it's true, he didn't change decades of momentum and change the flaws. But guess what. He's a politician like the rest of them.

Stop defending Bush. Stop attacking Obama SPECIFICALLY. Start learning politics and the monetary sources that drive our politicians.

It's 2015.

(I wonder what would have happened if we didn't attack their country on false WMD information. I can't imagine what I would do if they attacked my family/Country on false information)

I guess you only make a big deal of it if it's George Bush in the White House? Huh?

We have been at war with Afghanistan for 13 years, 7 months, 2 weeks and 1 day.

Our last casualty was John Dawson, 2 died since December.
iCasualties OEF Afghanistan Fatalities Details

Our COTS OF WAR CLOCK can't be copy posted so I'll just type kind of what the number is now, "$808,667, 650, 000." It was outdated by hundreds of thousands before I typed it.
Cost of National Security Counting How Much the U.S. Spends Per Hour

When Obama stepped into office all of a sudden for some unknown (black) reason people started taking politics seriously. They blamed Obama for EVERYTHING in history even with proof he wasn't in control when the issue started. The small brains that got it wrong started a "Blame Bush" campaign. That way if issues like the Obamaphone were traced back to the Bush era, they could say, "Oh, now it's all Bush's fault".

As it turns out almost everything the newly interested Right Wingers hated about Obama happened long before him. But it's true, he didn't change decades of momentum and change the flaws. But guess what. He's a politician like the rest of them.

Stop defending Bush. Stop attacking Obama SPECIFICALLY. Start learning politics and the monetary sources that drive our politicians.

It's 2015.

(I wonder what would have happened if we didn't attack their country on false WMD information. I can't imagine what I would do if they attacked my family/Country on false information)

WHY? 500 Tons of Uranium Yellowcake Moved From Iraq to Canada-Truth

Summary of eRumor:

Various commentaries and news agency reports about radio active concentrates of uranium known as “yellowcake” being secretly transported from Iraq to a base in Canada.

The Truth:

This eRumor started circulating in August, 2008.

“Yellowcake” (or “yellowcakes”) is a concentrate of uranium that results from the refinement of uranium ore. It is used for making fuel for nuclear power plants and to enrich uranium for nuclear weapons.

On July 7, 2008 the American Forces Press Service released a statement of the completion of a classified mission dubbed “Operation McCall” to transfer 500 metric tons of yellowcake at the request of the Iraqi government from Tuwaitha Nuclear Research Center near Baghdad to Canada. Click here to read the story posted on the Department of Defense site.

According to published reports including CBS news, the United States secretly moved a huge stockpile of yellowcake over a two week period, from Iraq to Canada, partly to keep it from falling into the hands of either terrorists or foreign governments such as Iran.

The operation was reportedly more than a year in the making and took three months to execute. It included carrying 3,500 barrels of yellowcake by road from Baghdad, then flying them on 37 military flights to an atoll in the Indian Ocean, then carrying them aboard a U.S. ship bound for Montreal. In all, it added up to more than 500 metric tons of material from Saddam Hussein’s nuclear program.

The Iraqi government sold the yellowcake to a Canadian uranium company and it will be used in Ontario, Canada, for use in nuclear reactors.

A CBS report said, “And, in a symbolic way, the mission linked the current attempts to stabilize Iraq with some of the high-profile claims about Saddam’s weapons capabilities in the buildup to the 2003 invasion. Accusations that Saddam had tried to purchase more yellowcake from the African nation of Niger – and an article by a former U.S. ambassador refuting the claims – led to a wide-ranging probe into Washington leaks that reached high into the Bush administration. “

The news report went on to say that the yellowcake “had been stored in aging drums and containers since before the 1991 Gulf War. There was no evidence of any yellowcake dating from after 1991.”

updated 11/17/08

And from NBC NEWS

U.S. removes yellowcake from Iraq - World news - Mideast N. Africa - Conflict in Iraq NBC News
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Yep, Porker ain't got a clue.

Iraq was the worst foreign policy mistake in our history, and Porker wants to defend it.
Yup, Porker is defending RouteIrish with Econchick still.

The far right neo-cons engaged in a cause that could only lead to where it is now.
We were/are in Iraq & Afghanistan because of the final decision of one (1) person on the face of the earth, and that is Commander in Chief who chose to put us there in the first place.

No amount of spin can change that fact.

It doesn't require spin asshole. We are in Afghanistan because of one SoB named Bubba Jefferson Clinton who had a minimum of 10 freaking chances to take out Osama bin-Laden and PASSED ON EVERY ONE OF THEM.

Clinton 10 chances kill Osama Bin Laden Video C-SPAN.org

Video Bill Clinton I could have killed bin Laden - Telegraph
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We were/are in Iraq & Afghanistan because of the final decision of one (1) person on the face of the earth, and that is Commander in Chief who chose to put us there in the first place.

No amount of spin can change that fact.

It doesn't require spin asshole. We are in Afghanistan because of one SoB named Bubba Jefferson Clinton who had a minimum of 10 freaking chances to take out Osama bin-Laden and PASSED ON EVERY ONE OF THEM.

Clinton 10 chances kill Osama Bin Laden Video C-SPAN.org

Video Bill Clinton I could have killed bin Laden - Telegraph

Oh noes! Piker forced to fall back on the ol' "da debbil made Bush do it" song and dance!

What a nidiot.
We were/are in Iraq & Afghanistan because of the final decision of one (1) person on the face of the earth, and that is Commander in Chief who chose to put us there in the first place.

No amount of spin can change that fact.

It doesn't require spin asshole. We are in Afghanistan because of one SoB named Bubba Jefferson Clinton who had a minimum of 10 freaking chances to take out Osama bin-Laden and PASSED ON EVERY ONE OF THEM.

Clinton 10 chances kill Osama Bin Laden Video C-SPAN.org

Video Bill Clinton I could have killed bin Laden - Telegraph
So Clinton was the Commander in Chief who made the final decision to send troops?

I see.

What does a wall of text have to do with the body count in Afghanistan?

Daws seemed to BELIEVE that a bunch of psycho babble from the world history of WARS would offset his TOTAL LACK OF KNOWLEDGE OF THE IRAQ/AFGHANISTAN conflicts. Much like Pogo and Mac1958 do not have a fucking clue. Both of who just throw shit against a wall and hope no one reads it.

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