Hey Mitch !! How about a 'Red State Bailout' now !!

I don't need no ACP .45 pistol to prove my manhood slick. Just build a business. Cash is king around here. ?!?! what are you shooting these days ? beer cans ?
Afri cans.
Look,I know libs cant meme but come on!!!
Are you this dense?
Just let me put my jaw back on. You still find the nerve to pull a 'meme' like this?
You could have wrapped it around context.... 'Floyd' maybe ?
Wow, these Republicans here just can't seem to stomach much of any TRUTH
that doesn't seem to agree with their pre-conceived opinions of how things
are supposed to be in their petty little minds.
I mean why let facts get in the way of their fantasy world, right?
Republican Senators are starting negotiations for a new Covid relief bill that will provide four hundred LESS dollars to struggling Americans than the previous bill.

They are taking away their pocket change from people that really need it. That’s upsetting.

let them eat cake.
Don't you love it when the coin flips and the putrid hypocrisy reeks out for all to puke on it? :puke:

McConnell says giving aid to states to help ease the pain from the pandemic would be a 'blue state bailout.' But most states were doing the right thing before the coronavirus hit.

You need that kind of nauseating and divisive demagogy during a 'global' pandemic? ... really? I can't just blame this guy. Who the hell puts guys like this in power positions ? Can you really sustain a 'United' States of America with that kind of discourse ?

With Kentucky, Florida and Texas starting to spike up in a major way with cases, 'Blue' states will be holding their noses helping out 'Red' states until they get hopefully rid of pathetic 'Mitch' types that managed to infiltrate the political system pushing their judgmental, retrograde and intolerant agendas.

The OP can go out and just find a fucking job, and if the OP happens to die from the democrat party/CCP bio-attack virus, well that will be sad, but life will continue on without them... :wink:
Burp !
If only the people of Kentucky would wake up and smell the Russian Vodka on Mitch and vote the bastard out!
Mitch is running against Amy McGrath . She’s a retired kick ass Retired f18 marine fighter pilot who probably can put up with the rights campaign BS. With 89 combat missions to her credit, it puts her 89 up over Mitch’s buddy....old bone spurs.
What cracks me up is that Mitch and Trump are screwing over red states
Ok so I'll presume you were alive during the 1914-1918 pandemic ? You obviously know what to do then.
Any economics major knows that the money is recycled into local businesses. Take the money out of the system and.... guess what ? Anarchy until there's a viable vaccine
It's not about a 'Trump' recovery, it's about keeping the lid on chaos.

The only "chaos" is the artificial obstruction of the Trump recovery by communists intent on defeating him by cheating in the November election. I was an econ minor in the second half of the 20th century not the first half. When local businesses aren't allowed to open there is no recycling...people tend to spend their disposal income on chinese crap from Amazon, not local merchants. There will soon be a viable vaccine thanks to Trump dismantling the FDA's past foot-dragging on potential cures. The Chi-Na virus has pretty much run it's course and herd-immunity has become a valid concept. We should have a good 3rd and 4th quarter and sports and voila....Trump is reelected.
The only "chaos" is the artificial obstruction of the Trump recovery by communists intent on defeating him by cheating in the November election. I was an econ minor in the second half of the 20th century not the first half. When local businesses aren't allowed to open there is no recycling...people tend to spend their disposal income on chinese crap from Amazon, not local merchants. There will soon be a viable vaccine thanks to Trump dismantling the FDA's past foot-dragging on potential cures. The Chi-Na virus has pretty much run it's course and herd-immunity has become a valid concept. We should have a good 3rd and 4th quarter and sports and voila....Trump is reelected.

Sheesh I kind of figured I was talking to Donald Trump.

Honestly, the only reason you want to run for president again is to avoid jail time. Mike and the 'evangelicals' might pardon you if you're indicted but the list of cases is longer than your cognitive test.... remember person, man, woman, camera.... and tv

'Grab them by the pussy' has a different meaning in jail lol

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Sheesh I kind of figured I was talking to Donald Trump.

Honestly, the only reason you want to run for president again is to avoid jail time. Mike and the 'evangelicals' might pardon you if you're indicted but the list of cases is longer than your cognitive test.... remember person, man, woman, camera.... and tv

'Grab them by the pussy' has a different meaning in jail lol

"sheesh"? We'll see who ends up in prison come Barr/Durham's October Surprise. Can't wait to see Comey being frog-marched in a paddy wagon,, tears streaming down his face, begging Trump for forgiveness......Brennan will probably hang himself......Strozk may suicide-by-cop rather than become a jailhouse bride.....Clapper will get the plea deal and ten years. Susan Rice? They'll wait on her until after the election and the black vote, and then go hard after the jug-earred Kenyan queer. Biden is too senile to stand trial...he's already in his own prison of delusion and hallucination. October....will you still be using the same name here? :D

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