Hey obama. My rent just increased 12%. Is that due to bad weather?

You gotta stop thinking about it that way!

Just accept that you DO NOT OWN THAT. There is no private property. U.S. Supreme Court says so. OK, you can use certain property but only as long as you pay the rent (what you call "property taxes") and only until somebody else tells government they want that property to build something different that will bring in more in property taxes and even jobs - but only after the property taxes have been excused for a few years.

Are your property taxes in Canada deductible?

I believe it works the same way in Canada as it does for you there in Kenya. If you don't know, ask your rich halfsie brother in America - that's near Canada.

You're Canadian and all you can write is 'I believe?' That's VERY telling.

How are your hockey teams doing?
It's no longer just food. Everything is exploding in price. For the past 5 years obozo has been giving literally trillions of dollars to the bankers and they've been putting it in stocks and driving the market higher. Now that the stimulus ( banker welfare) is ending, the big boys are getting out of stocks and all that money is getting into the real economy.

You may thank President Bush for the mess he got us into that President Obama is still trying to clean up. Oh but the costly ramifications of the Bush administration that still persist.

Blaming Bush is not a solution nor does it give Democrats a pass on accountabilty. 8 years of blame has gotten us nowhere. What is The Deomcrat plan besides punishing and demonizing success or necessarily raising energy prices?
Now it's Obama's fault that your rent got jacked up... Geez. Sun rises in the East - it's Obama's fault. Sun sets in the west - it's because of fuckin' Obama. Someone farts in an elevator - Obama again.

That's just plain silly, Godlike though He fancies himself, he cannot be in every elevator every moment of every day. He has little people you pay to that for Him. You also pay for their bean & cabbage sandwiches.
Now Obama is to blame for rent increases?

Speados blamed Obama for the Postage Rate increase....of course i have asked the dipshit numerous times to prove it.....im still waiting....

He also claimed that tires never blow out like they did in the 1950's
Hopefully this dumbass thread will end up in the Badlands like everything else that he vomits.

Speados claims a lot of things....when he does just ask him to back it up...he usually leaves the thread at that point....
It's no longer just food. Everything is exploding in price. For the past 5 years obozo has been giving literally trillions of dollars to the bankers and they've been putting it in stocks and driving the market higher. Now that the stimulus ( banker welfare) is ending, the big boys are getting out of stocks and all that money is getting into the real economy.

The US Government exists to help the wealthy. John Galt is no longer a victim. He owns your president and your congressman. This is why Bush/Obama bailed out the Bankers but foreclosed on the poor homeowners.

FDR gave a New Deal to the worker and the result was the American Middle Class.

Reagan gave a New Deal to the wealthy, and the result is a world run by and for the 1%.
It's no longer just food. Everything is exploding in price. For the past 5 years obozo has been giving literally trillions of dollars to the bankers and they've been putting it in stocks and driving the market higher. Now that the stimulus ( banker welfare) is ending, the big boys are getting out of stocks and all that money is getting into the real economy.

Monopoly capitalism is when a small network of large businesses (along with the investment class) take control of all domestic sectors, and then they raise prices until there is nothing left to pilfer, at which time they parachute into decadent wealth and dynastic safety, thus leaving the host nation with dilapidated infrastructure, terrible debt and mass poverty, as they sequester themselves behind hyper-secure gated neighborhoods. [You don't think corporations fund elections and lobby congress for fun? The point is to create a world where you use the centralizing power of the state to fleece the serfs and live large]

To be more specific. Monopoly capitalism is achieved when big sectors - energy, health care, telecom, etc - use financial leverage to capture the regulatory and legal machinery of the state (while using things like Talk Radio to confuse the public about who owns government). Once government is captured by the capitalist class, they get rid of anti-trust legislation so that they can divide the country into fixed no compete zones. This means most internet suppliers can raise rates/decrease services without losing customers. Same for energy, where big oil supported Reagan, who crushed the alternative energy movement in the early 80s, which locked us into the crippling costs of disappearing petroleum.

And lets not even talk about mergers and acquisitions - also accelerated in the 80s under Reagan. You get this right? It's when corporations buy each other to avoid competition. This allows them to raise prices without fear of losing customers, who are actually zombies, kept alive by plastic and debt, wandering shopping malls with blank faces buying goods made in China, the very place where our noble and patriotic capitalists shipped their jobs (cheap labor).

The logic of capital is to get as much money from the poor consumer humanly as possible. To do this you must lobby congress into submission, fund elections and staff government . . . so you can build a monopoly, then sit on your ass and charge rent. Why innovate or offer competitive pricing if your customers have no options?
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It's no longer just food. Everything is exploding in price. For the past 5 years obozo has been giving literally trillions of dollars to the bankers and they've been putting it in stocks and driving the market higher. Now that the stimulus ( banker welfare) is ending, the big boys are getting out of stocks and all that money is getting into the real economy.

You may thank President Bush for the mess he got us into that President Obama is still trying to clean up. Oh but the costly ramifications of the Bush administration still persist.
Still? He promised three years, didn't he?

Thank congress for that. Every move Obama makes, Congress block him. Plus he did not know the extent of the mess Bush left. Two wars and a failing economy, banks, etc needing bail outs.
Consider the Magnitude of Problems Obama Inherited

“The G.W. Bush era told America there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and led us into a devastating war, turned a $5 trillion projected budget surplus into a $6 trillion deficit; gave the largest tax cut in generations to the richest Americans in history; handed out a mountain of corporate welfare to the oil and gas industry, pharmaceutical companies, and military contractors like Halliburton; and turned a blind eye to Wall Street shenanigans that led to the worst financial calamity since the Great Crash of 1929 and then persuaded Congress to bail out the Street with the largest taxpayer-funded giveaway of all time.”
Speados blamed Obama for the Postage Rate increase....of course i have asked the dipshit numerous times to prove it.....im still waiting....

He also claimed that tires never blow out like they did in the 1950's
Hopefully this dumbass thread will end up in the Badlands like everything else that he vomits.

Speados claims a lot of things....when he does just ask him to back it up...he usually leaves the thread at that point....

Or when you call him out for being the douche that he is, he cries foul........but still never backs up any of his crap threads with any facts.
Your everything has gone up and will continue to do so as long as this hack president continues the squeeze-down on fossil fuel extraction. Every facet of the economy requires energy and when energy costs rise everything follows. The costs are passed to the consumer. This president's energy policy and the green agenda are the cause of all economic hardship.
Send obama to GITMO.
Your everything has gone up and will continue to do so as long as this hack president continues the squeeze-down on fossil fuel extraction. Every facet of the economy requires energy and when energy costs rise everything follows. The costs are passed to the consumer. This president's energy policy and the green agenda are the cause of all economic hardship.
Send obama to GITMO.

BS. Inflation is caused by the trillions of dollars obama has given the bankers. They had been putting it in stocks but now they're taking it out and the money is going into the real economy.
It's no longer just food. Everything is exploding in price. For the past 5 years obozo has been giving literally trillions of dollars to the bankers and they've been putting it in stocks and driving the market higher. Now that the stimulus ( banker welfare) is ending, the big boys are getting out of stocks and all that money is getting into the real economy.

Perhaps you are an undesirable tenant?
U know...U can't blame Obama for EVERYTHING...maybe it's just "market forces"...or U have a slumlord.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Your everything has gone up and will continue to do so as long as this hack president continues the squeeze-down on fossil fuel extraction. Every facet of the economy requires energy and when energy costs rise everything follows. The costs are passed to the consumer. This president's energy policy and the green agenda are the cause of all economic hardship.
Send obama to GITMO.

BS. Inflation is caused by the trillions of dollars obama has given the bankers. They had been putting it in stocks but now they're taking it out and the money is going into the real economy.
Wrong. Obama's restriction on a tangible and necessary asset is the problem. That banker crap is just deflection and smoke and mirrors. You and every household in this country are out several thousand dollars in discretionary income annually. That adds up to $1.2 our economy is deprived of each year under the hack.
Obama needs to be sent to GITMO.

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