Hey RWs: if you're so opposed to raising the min. wage, what exactly do you think would boost wages?

Twenty two pages and the only solution offered by the cons is their old standby, cut taxes and regulation. Will they ever take this very real and critical problem seriously?

Actually, I suggested that people negotiate their own higher wages. But I guess that would be too much like personal responsibility.
Twenty two pages and the only solution offered by the cons is their old standby, cut taxes and regulation. Will they ever take this very real and critical problem seriously?

Actually, I suggested that people negotiate their own higher wages. But I guess that would be too much like personal responsibility.

Yeah, that's a realistic solution, just ask for a raise.
Twenty two pages and the only solution offered by the cons is their old standby, cut taxes and regulation. Will they ever take this very real and critical problem seriously?

Actually, I suggested that people negotiate their own higher wages. But I guess that would be too much like personal responsibility.

Yeah, that's a realistic solution, just ask for a raise.

I said negotiate. And yes, it's an extremely realistic solution.

  • By negotiating even a 5% raise at a new job, you stand to make hundreds of thousands of dollars more vs. simply accepting the initial offer. Negotiate well now, and you’ll be making more 2 years, 12 years, and 22 years down the line.
  • Even more money: Of course, it’s not just your first job that you’ll use negotiation. Because you’re starting at a higher initial salary, all future raises will be larger. And when you move on to other companies, your higher base pay will position you to ask for more at your new job.
  • More respect: If done correctly, your future manager won’t look at you as a difficult employee. In fact, they might even respect your business acumen more and prevent you from losing the job.

How a 2-Minute Salary Negotiation Can Impact You For Years - Salary.com
I said negotiate. And yes, it's an extremely realistic solution.

Since when do low wage workers have the business acumen and negotiating skills to go from 8 bucks an hour to ?

Hiring managers tell low wage workers what the pay is. Take it or leave it.

Middle level skilled positions may have some room.

Highly skilled, high demand workers name their price.
Since when do low wage workers have the business acumen and negotiating skills to go from 8 bucks an hour to ?

Apparently they don't, which is why the settle. But that's their fault. But that aside, the failure to even attempt to negotiate is the most damaging fact.
Twenty two pages and the only solution offered by the cons is their old standby, cut taxes and regulation. Will they ever take this very real and critical problem seriously?

Actually, I suggested that people negotiate their own higher wages. But I guess that would be too much like personal responsibility.

Yeah, that's a realistic solution, just ask for a raise.

I said negotiate. And yes, it's an extremely realistic solution.

  • By negotiating even a 5% raise at a new job, you stand to make hundreds of thousands of dollars more vs. simply accepting the initial offer. Negotiate well now, and you’ll be making more 2 years, 12 years, and 22 years down the line.
  • Even more money: Of course, it’s not just your first job that you’ll use negotiation. Because you’re starting at a higher initial salary, all future raises will be larger. And when you move on to other companies, your higher base pay will position you to ask for more at your new job.
  • More respect: If done correctly, your future manager won’t look at you as a difficult employee. In fact, they might even respect your business acumen more and prevent you from losing the job.

How a 2-Minute Salary Negotiation Can Impact You For Years - Salary.com

Not a real solution for everyone, is it?
Since when do low wage workers have the business acumen and negotiating skills to go from 8 bucks an hour to ?

Apparently they don't, which is why the settle. But that's their fault. But that aside, the failure to even attempt to negotiate is the most damaging fact.

So now we're up to the con fallback of personal responsibility. Like I asked, will you cons ever take this problem seriously?
Twenty two pages and the only solution offered by the cons is their old standby, cut taxes and regulation. Will they ever take this very real and critical problem seriously?

Twenty two pages and the only solution offered by the cons is their old standby, cut taxes and regulation.

The libs tried their old solutions, raise taxes, add regulations and import illegals.
We have the weakest recovery ever.
Will they ever take this very real and critical problem seriously?
Since when do low wage workers have the business acumen and negotiating skills to go from 8 bucks an hour to ?

Apparently they don't, which is why the settle. But that's their fault. But that aside, the failure to even attempt to negotiate is the most damaging fact.

So now we're up to the con fallback of personal responsibility. Like I asked, will you cons ever take this problem seriously?

We do, and we advocate for measures that empower people to take control of the situation for themselves. Liberals, on the other hand, treat it like it's a joke and white wash the matter with nonsensical government interventions.
"And now, they're coming for your Social Security money."

This guy nailed it Spot On. We're doomed. Case Closed.

Coming for your Social Security? You think they're going to break open the lock box and take it?
Al Gore, is that you? Durr.

There's a reason they call it the 'American Dream.'

There's a reason why we call you a moron.

They call it the 'American Dream' because you have to be asleep to believe it.
"And now, they're coming for your Social Security money."

This guy nailed it Spot On. We're doomed. Case Closed.

Coming for your Social Security? You think they're going to break open the lock box and take it?
Al Gore, is that you? Durr.

There's a reason they call it the 'American Dream.'

There's a reason why we call you a moron.

They call it the 'American Dream' because you have to be asleep to believe it.

Yeah, the man is keepin' you down.
"And now, they're coming for your Social Security money."

This guy nailed it Spot On. We're doomed. Case Closed.

Coming for your Social Security? You think they're going to break open the lock box and take it?
Al Gore, is that you? Durr.

There's a reason they call it the 'American Dream.'

There's a reason why we call you a moron.

They call it the 'American Dream' because you have to be asleep to believe it.

Yeah, the man is keepin' you down.

Now you're gettin it.
Twenty two pages and the only solution offered by the cons is their old standby, cut taxes and regulation. Will they ever take this very real and critical problem seriously?

Actually, I suggested that people negotiate their own higher wages. But I guess that would be too much like personal responsibility.

I would start by asking you why "boosting wages" is the government's responsibility. Oh, I assure you it isn't.
Twenty two pages and the only solution offered by the cons is their old standby, cut taxes and regulation. Will they ever take this very real and critical problem seriously?

Actually, I suggested that people negotiate their own higher wages. But I guess that would be too much like personal responsibility.

I would start by asking you why "boosting wages" is the government's responsibility. Oh, I assure you it isn't.


I have no interest in your straw man.
Twenty two pages and the only solution offered by the cons is their old standby, cut taxes and regulation. Will they ever take this very real and critical problem seriously?

Actually, I suggested that people negotiate their own higher wages. But I guess that would be too much like personal responsibility.

I would start by asking you why "boosting wages" is the government's responsibility. Oh, I assure you it isn't.


I have no interest in your straw man.

Wait a minute.

You want to know what our government solution is for something we don't believe is a government problem, how is that a straw man?
If only we could be more like Slave Labor countries in Asia, South America, and so on. All of our problems would be solved. Ya gotta stick it to the uppity slaves.

Average hateful white Repulican dude mentality. They're pretty messed up folks. Workers can't support them in Elections. The Democrats have the White House locked up again.

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