Hey RWs: if you're so opposed to raising the min. wage, what exactly do you think would boost wages?

Fair and simple tax codes, including a simple corporate tax rate of 5% with non-executive payroll as the only write-off.

Give freedom and simplicity a chance.

with non-executive payroll as the only write-off.

You can't write-off COGS?
Why not?

Because the tax is only 5%.

WalMart had revenue last year of $482 billion (COGS $361 billion) and general & administrative expenses of $97 billion. Their tax would go from $6.5 billion to over $19.25 billion.
Gee, Billy, do you think 12 million illegals willing to work for less might have something to do with low wages? Why would anybody hire you for $15 an hour when they can hire a wetback for $8?
You're such a moron. Getting rid Mexicans, as much as your tiny bigoted would like it, wouldn't do jack shit to raise wages. WHY would businesses raise wages for citizens? It's not like fucking workers negotiate their wages with their employers in this day and age you idiot.

WHY would businesses raise wages for citizens?

Supply and demand. Durr.

Derp! Where does demand come from?

Demand for employees would come from employers. Derp indeed.

Yeah, you could pass an econ class. :laugh:

Customers buying products and services create demand. Demand creates the employers need for new employees. Employers don't hire for no reason.

Customers buying products and services create demand.

American customers will buy less after illegals get the boot?

Employers don't hire for no reason.

After their illegal employees get deported, they won't hire American employees?
Hey RWs: if you're so opposed to raising the min. wage, what exactly do you think would boost wages?

1. Reform our Sabotaged, dysfunctional Educational System
2. Self Improvement, focus on how you can DO more instead of GET more; the result follow as sure as sunrise
3. Can we admit the Democrat "War on Poverty" is a 50 year, multi trillion total failure in terms of alleviating poverty but a 5 run home run success for keeping a stable voting bloc totally dependent on gubbamint cheese?

What change in our educational system would boost wages?
I identified precisely the largest component. The component that is and has been lacking.
Growth is slow as a result. Obviously that's where the problem lies. The other components have grown over the same period and have not stimulated growth.

First you say consumption is the largest component, and then say it has been lacking. What makes you so sure of that? Oh of course, we should believe you the great liberal economist central planner, who is so amazing at economics that he could not run a lemonade stand!

Damn.. the regressive arrogance.

Secondly, the other components ARE growth by definition, so your claim that they haven't simulated growth is completely nonsensical. Clearly you have absolutely no clue.

I agree though, let's reduce government spending so C and I can rise, that actually leads to greater growth over the long term. Can't disagree with that! Perhaps there could be sanity to your plan after all.

First you say consumption is the largest component, and then say it has been lacking. What makes you so sure of that?
I stopped right here.
It is and it has. If you don't understand the basics then you shouldn't be trying to argue.

No, you stopped reading before getting educated. You are full of shit. So far the only thing you have outlined is that everything else being equal, by increasing consumption the economy has to be larger.

WOW! By increasing GDP you are increasing GDP. Quickly, someone reward an award to this liberal regressive thinker! He has found the formula!

You must be proud. You have no clue what you are talking about and yet think so highly of yourself. Classic regressive. I bet you are receving Marxist indoctrination, for it's very unlikely for an individual to have such diminished mental capability otherwise.

Nice cop out though, you got nothing but nonsense, and know it. Buf of course, you know what the ideal level of consumption is and when it is lacking... The arrogance.

The GDP is the economy fool.

Buf of course, you know what the ideal level of consumption is and when it is lacking... The arrogance.

No, it's called economics.

This must be the culmination of the dumbest post by a regressive, in a series of really dumb posts and arguments (to be honest I am not so sure you even had an argument, just saying spending is "lacking" is not an argument). Anyway, have fun parroting your non-argumenets. I don't have time to waste on someone who clearly doesn't even understand basic language, even after having explained it several times. I am sure your mouth is watering over spending and free stuff though, that's what it's about ain't it?

Yes and I know what economics are, I have a degree in economics. You on the other hand have absolutely no clue on economics, and possibly anything else for that matter.


Yes and I know what economics are, I have a degree in economics.


Explain this to us professor.

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You're such a moron. Getting rid Mexicans, as much as your tiny bigoted would like it, wouldn't do jack shit to raise wages. WHY would businesses raise wages for citizens? It's not like fucking workers negotiate their wages with their employers in this day and age you idiot.

WHY would businesses raise wages for citizens?

Supply and demand. Durr.

Derp! Where does demand come from?

Demand for employees would come from employers. Derp indeed.

Yeah, you could pass an econ class. :laugh:

Customers buying products and services create demand. Demand creates the employers need for new employees. Employers don't hire for no reason.

Customers buying products and services create demand.

American customers will buy less after illegals get the boot?

Employers don't hire for no reason.

After their illegal employees get deported, they won't hire American employees?

How do you come up with this shit and hope to remain credible?
Hey RWs: if you're so opposed to raising the min. wage, what exactly do you think would boost wages?

1. Reform our Sabotaged, dysfunctional Educational System
2. Self Improvement, focus on how you can DO more instead of GET more; the result follow as sure as sunrise
3. Can we admit the Democrat "War on Poverty" is a 50 year, multi trillion total failure in terms of alleviating poverty but a 5 run home run success for keeping a stable voting bloc totally dependent on gubbamint cheese?

What change in our educational system would boost wages?

Making it free for everyone, duh...

Also forgiving the debt, so bums could go spend money. Remember, only money redistributed towards liberal spending can grow an economy! Only that. Letting regressives spend your money is the answer to it alllll.
WHY would businesses raise wages for citizens?

Supply and demand. Durr.

Derp! Where does demand come from?

Demand for employees would come from employers. Derp indeed.

Yeah, you could pass an econ class. :laugh:

Customers buying products and services create demand. Demand creates the employers need for new employees. Employers don't hire for no reason.

Customers buying products and services create demand.

American customers will buy less after illegals get the boot?

Employers don't hire for no reason.

After their illegal employees get deported, they won't hire American employees?

How do you come up with this shit and hope to remain credible?

Mocking your idiocy is very easy.
Are you claiming that reducing the supply of illegal workers will not raise American wages?
Hey RWs: if you're so opposed to raising the min. wage, what exactly do you think would boost wages?

1. Reform our Sabotaged, dysfunctional Educational System
2. Self Improvement, focus on how you can DO more instead of GET more; the result follow as sure as sunrise
3. Can we admit the Democrat "War on Poverty" is a 50 year, multi trillion total failure in terms of alleviating poverty but a 5 run home run success for keeping a stable voting bloc totally dependent on gubbamint cheese?

What change in our educational system would boost wages?

Making it free for everyone, duh...

Also forgiving the debt, so bums could go spend money. Remember, only money redistributed towards liberal spending can grow an economy! Only that. Letting regressives spend your money is the answer to it alllll.

It actually is there professor.

Derp! Where does demand come from?

Demand for employees would come from employers. Derp indeed.

Yeah, you could pass an econ class. :laugh:

Customers buying products and services create demand. Demand creates the employers need for new employees. Employers don't hire for no reason.

Customers buying products and services create demand.

American customers will buy less after illegals get the boot?

Employers don't hire for no reason.

After their illegal employees get deported, they won't hire American employees?

How do you come up with this shit and hope to remain credible?

Mocking your idiocy is very easy.
Are you claiming that reducing the supply of illegal workers will not raise American wages?

When did I argue that?
You took apart my quote and inserted your bullshit into it.
Demand for employees would come from employers. Derp indeed.

Yeah, you could pass an econ class. :laugh:

Customers buying products and services create demand. Demand creates the employers need for new employees. Employers don't hire for no reason.

Customers buying products and services create demand.

American customers will buy less after illegals get the boot?

Employers don't hire for no reason.

After their illegal employees get deported, they won't hire American employees?

How do you come up with this shit and hope to remain credible?

Mocking your idiocy is very easy.
Are you claiming that reducing the supply of illegal workers will not raise American wages?

When did I argue that?
You took apart my quote and inserted your bullshit into it.

Great, so we'd have fewer illegal related expenses and American wages would rise. Win-Win.
Hey RWs: if you're so opposed to raising the min. wage, what exactly do you think would boost wages?

1. Reform our Sabotaged, dysfunctional Educational System
2. Self Improvement, focus on how you can DO more instead of GET more; the result follow as sure as sunrise
3. Can we admit the Democrat "War on Poverty" is a 50 year, multi trillion total failure in terms of alleviating poverty but a 5 run home run success for keeping a stable voting bloc totally dependent on gubbamint cheese?

What change in our educational system would boost wages?

How about actually making sure students get an education? 3/4 of the kids who "graduate" high school can't read or write at grade level and only know enough to apply for food stamps and vote Democrat
Innovation often leads to a reduction in staffing and as such, a reduction in payroll. Less payroll equals more profut and an increase in the likelihood of expansion.

Increased salaries is the result of an increase in business not the cause of it. Liberal nutters who believe the nonsense that increased wages are the cause are putting the cart before the horse.

If I make a widget component for a gadget, and I increase the salaries of the widget makers, sure, they have more money but they aren't buying widgets are they? No, they are buying food, clothing, alcohol, paying rent, utilities, etc. B, you could say that it all melds into one giant pot and eventually, more widgets are bought but this is a very slow process and not even a sure thing. Meanwhile my business goes into the red waiting for it to happen.

No folks, as the smartest of us know, a good economy increases wages and it does so all across the job spectrum. It's complete left wing nut nonsense to say otherwise.

Now, you could say that it all melds into one giant pot and eventually, more widgets are bought but this is a very slow process and not even a sure thing.

Yes, it's called consumer spending. It's 70% of GDP and it's a sure thing. It's not slow at all and is reported quarterly just as corporate profits, unemployment and every other economic indicator.To suggest otherwise only highlights you lack of understanding.

You haven't a single clue wtf you are talking about. You speak so much ignorant nonsense.
Innovation often leads to a reduction in staffing and as such, a reduction in payroll. Less payroll equals more profut and an increase in the likelihood of expansion.

Increased salaries is the result of an increase in business not the cause of it. Liberal nutters who believe the nonsense that increased wages are the cause are putting the cart before the horse.

If I make a widget component for a gadget, and I increase the salaries of the widget makers, sure, they have more money but they aren't buying widgets are they? No, they are buying food, clothing, alcohol, paying rent, utilities, etc. B, you could say that it all melds into one giant pot and eventually, more widgets are bought but this is a very slow process and not even a sure thing. Meanwhile my business goes into the red waiting for it to happen.

No folks, as the smartest of us know, a good economy increases wages and it does so all across the job spectrum. It's complete left wing nut nonsense to say otherwise.

Now, you could say that it all melds into one giant pot and eventually, more widgets are bought but this is a very slow process and not even a sure thing.

Yes, it's called consumer spending. It's 70% of GDP and it's a sure thing. To suggest otherwise only betrays the suggestion that you have been educated.

Yes and it can be increased via decreasing government spending and taxes. Derp derp...

SPEND SPEND SPEND!! Regressives...

Can you believe how this guy sits there and pukes up this ignorant garbage over and over? The only good of it is that it puts the extreme ignorance of the left in sharp relief.
Innovation often leads to a reduction in staffing and as such, a reduction in payroll. Less payroll equals more profut and an increase in the likelihood of expansion.

Increased salaries is the result of an increase in business not the cause of it. Liberal nutters who believe the nonsense that increased wages are the cause are putting the cart before the horse.

If I make a widget component for a gadget, and I increase the salaries of the widget makers, sure, they have more money but they aren't buying widgets are they? No, they are buying food, clothing, alcohol, paying rent, utilities, etc. B, you could say that it all melds into one giant pot and eventually, more widgets are bought but this is a very slow process and not even a sure thing. Meanwhile my business goes into the red waiting for it to happen.

No folks, as the smartest of us know, a good economy increases wages and it does so all across the job spectrum. It's complete left wing nut nonsense to say otherwise.

Now, you could say that it all melds into one giant pot and eventually, more widgets are bought but this is a very slow process and not even a sure thing.

Yes, it's called consumer spending. It's 70% of GDP and it's a sure thing. To suggest otherwise only betrays the suggestion that you have been educated.

Yes and it can be increased via decreasing government spending and taxes. Derp derp...

SPEND SPEND SPEND!! Regressives...

That's it. Blame everyone but the guy who signs the paychecks. I don't understand why you people are OK with dismal wage growth. It's baffling.

We aren't OK with it you brain dead idiot!! We think it sucks and that's why we don't want another idiot Democrat in the White House. We need someone who will get the government out of the way so that the economy can take off and everyone wins. How many times does it take to get through that thick skull of yours?
Hey RWs: if you're so opposed to raising the min. wage, what exactly do you think would boost wages?

1. Reform our Sabotaged, dysfunctional Educational System
2. Self Improvement, focus on how you can DO more instead of GET more; the result follow as sure as sunrise
3. Can we admit the Democrat "War on Poverty" is a 50 year, multi trillion total failure in terms of alleviating poverty but a 5 run home run success for keeping a stable voting bloc totally dependent on gubbamint cheese?

What change in our educational system would boost wages?

How about actually making sure students get an education? 3/4 of the kids who "graduate" high school can't read or write at grade level and only know enough to apply for food stamps and vote Democrat

That's pure bullshit!
Wages in America in the lower classes have been stagnant for DECADES while the cost of living continues to rise. Meanwhile, most of the income gains have gone to the top 1% of earners. This is all while productivity in the lower classes has skyrocketed in the last few decades.

If you're so opposed to raising the minimum wage to ANY level, how exactly are we supposed to boost wages? Keep in mind 1/4 of the workforce in America makes less than $10 per hour. 10s of millions more make less than $15 per hour. That means we are facing a serious wage crisis that 10s of millions of Americans have NO CHOICE but to endure. Higher wage jobs are scarce and extremely competitive and even most of them pay less than it what is required for the current cost of living standards.

What specific policies would fix this? Now many of you may claim deporting all illegals would boost wages, but not only would this skyrocket the deficit, it would take decades to achieve. Even if we did pull this off, it's not like businesses across the country would collectively say "well all the illegals are gone. I guess I have a moral obligation to pay my workers more!". Don't be stupid.

Corporate profits are already at an all time high. That means cutting taxes on top earners/corporations or deregulating wouldn't do jack shit improve the economy. That's mostly because those policies never have anyway.

So let's hear them. What are your brilliant solutions? Obviously no republicans in office have any ideas. They prey upon your ignorance.

The only thing that boosts employment along with wages is DEMAND. A great economy where employers are begging for employees, wages go UP. The last time that happened was under Bill Clinton.
Learn a skill so you're worth more.

He said wages, not worth.
You're not worth a high wage if you have no skill.
Again, a skilled job still pays shit. How is this not sinking in? And tell me, if someone makes entry level, don't they still deserve to make a living if they work 40 hours a week? They should at least be able to have enough food per month right? Right now they don't.

I know it makes you feel superior to spit on entry level workers by telling them to "learn a new skill!", but hasn't it occurred to you that there would be no one to fill those entry level jobs if everyone learned a skill? Restaurants wouldn't exists now would they?

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