Hey RWs: if you're so opposed to raising the min. wage, what exactly do you think would boost wages?

Learn a skill so you're worth more.

He said wages, not worth.
You're not worth a high wage if you have no skill.
Again, a skilled job still pays shit. How is this not sinking in? And tell me, if someone makes entry level, don't they still deserve to make a living if they work 40 hours a week? They should at least be able to have enough food per month right? Right now they don't.

I know it makes you feel superior to spit on entry level workers by telling them to "learn a new skill!", but hasn't it occurred to you that there would be no one to fill those entry level jobs if everyone learned a skill? Restaurants wouldn't exists now would they?
You're thick as a brick, Billy. You're not gonna be able to live in the suburbs in a 5 bedroom house and white picket fence if all you know how to do is sweep floors and clean toilets. Those are jobs you take when you have no skills and they're never gonna pay enough to live the good life. Wake up and smell the coffee. Nobody is gonna pay somebody $15 an hour to do something you could train a monkey to do.
Hey RWs: if you're so opposed to raising the min. wage, what exactly do you think would boost wages?

1. Reform our Sabotaged, dysfunctional Educational System
2. Self Improvement, focus on how you can DO more instead of GET more; the result follow as sure as sunrise
3. Can we admit the Democrat "War on Poverty" is a 50 year, multi trillion total failure in terms of alleviating poverty but a 5 run home run success for keeping a stable voting bloc totally dependent on gubbamint cheese?

What change in our educational system would boost wages?

How about actually making sure students get an education? 3/4 of the kids who "graduate" high school can't read or write at grade level and only know enough to apply for food stamps and vote Democrat

That's pure bullshit!

Sorry, you're right, it's 80% that can't function at grade level in NYC

Thanks for pointing that out

"Nearly 80 percent of New York City high school graduates need to relearn basic skills before they can enter the City University’s community college system."

Officials: Most NYC High School Grads Need Remedial Help Before Entering CUNY Community Colleges
Innovation often leads to a reduction in staffing and as such, a reduction in payroll. Less payroll equals more profut and an increase in the likelihood of expansion.

Increased salaries is the result of an increase in business not the cause of it. Liberal nutters who believe the nonsense that increased wages are the cause are putting the cart before the horse.

If I make a widget component for a gadget, and I increase the salaries of the widget makers, sure, they have more money but they aren't buying widgets are they? No, they are buying food, clothing, alcohol, paying rent, utilities, etc. B, you could say that it all melds into one giant pot and eventually, more widgets are bought but this is a very slow process and not even a sure thing. Meanwhile my business goes into the red waiting for it to happen.

No folks, as the smartest of us know, a good economy increases wages and it does so all across the job spectrum. It's complete left wing nut nonsense to say otherwise.

Now, you could say that it all melds into one giant pot and eventually, more widgets are bought but this is a very slow process and not even a sure thing.

Yes, it's called consumer spending. It's 70% of GDP and it's a sure thing. It's not slow at all and is reported quarterly just as corporate profits, unemployment and every other economic indicator.To suggest otherwise only highlights you lack of understanding.

You haven't a single clue wtf you are talking about. You speak so much ignorant nonsense.

Explain to us why I'm wrong and give us the " truth" as you know it.
Innovation often leads to a reduction in staffing and as such, a reduction in payroll. Less payroll equals more profut and an increase in the likelihood of expansion.

Increased salaries is the result of an increase in business not the cause of it. Liberal nutters who believe the nonsense that increased wages are the cause are putting the cart before the horse.

If I make a widget component for a gadget, and I increase the salaries of the widget makers, sure, they have more money but they aren't buying widgets are they? No, they are buying food, clothing, alcohol, paying rent, utilities, etc. B, you could say that it all melds into one giant pot and eventually, more widgets are bought but this is a very slow process and not even a sure thing. Meanwhile my business goes into the red waiting for it to happen.

No folks, as the smartest of us know, a good economy increases wages and it does so all across the job spectrum. It's complete left wing nut nonsense to say otherwise.

Now, you could say that it all melds into one giant pot and eventually, more widgets are bought but this is a very slow process and not even a sure thing.

Yes, it's called consumer spending. It's 70% of GDP and it's a sure thing. To suggest otherwise only betrays the suggestion that you have been educated.

Yes and it can be increased via decreasing government spending and taxes. Derp derp...

SPEND SPEND SPEND!! Regressives...

That's it. Blame everyone but the guy who signs the paychecks. I don't understand why you people are OK with dismal wage growth. It's baffling.

We aren't OK with it you brain dead idiot!! We think it sucks and that's why we don't want another idiot Democrat in the White House. We need someone who will get the government out of the way so that the economy can take off and everyone wins. How many times does it take to get through that thick skull of yours?

You don't even understand how this shit works. Keep on truckin' fool.
Innovation often leads to a reduction in staffing and as such, a reduction in payroll. Less payroll equals more profut and an increase in the likelihood of expansion.

Increased salaries is the result of an increase in business not the cause of it. Liberal nutters who believe the nonsense that increased wages are the cause are putting the cart before the horse.

If I make a widget component for a gadget, and I increase the salaries of the widget makers, sure, they have more money but they aren't buying widgets are they? No, they are buying food, clothing, alcohol, paying rent, utilities, etc. B, you could say that it all melds into one giant pot and eventually, more widgets are bought but this is a very slow process and not even a sure thing. Meanwhile my business goes into the red waiting for it to happen.

No folks, as the smartest of us know, a good economy increases wages and it does so all across the job spectrum. It's complete left wing nut nonsense to say otherwise.

Now, you could say that it all melds into one giant pot and eventually, more widgets are bought but this is a very slow process and not even a sure thing.

Yes, it's called consumer spending. It's 70% of GDP and it's a sure thing. It's not slow at all and is reported quarterly just as corporate profits, unemployment and every other economic indicator.To suggest otherwise only highlights you lack of understanding.

You haven't a single clue wtf you are talking about. You speak so much ignorant nonsense.

Explain to us why I'm wrong and give us the " truth" as you know it.

I have and several people in this thread already have. You choose to remain ignorant for whatever reason. I no longer give a shit.
Hey RWs: if you're so opposed to raising the min. wage, what exactly do you think would boost wages?

1. Reform our Sabotaged, dysfunctional Educational System
2. Self Improvement, focus on how you can DO more instead of GET more; the result follow as sure as sunrise
3. Can we admit the Democrat "War on Poverty" is a 50 year, multi trillion total failure in terms of alleviating poverty but a 5 run home run success for keeping a stable voting bloc totally dependent on gubbamint cheese?

What change in our educational system would boost wages?

How about actually making sure students get an education? 3/4 of the kids who "graduate" high school can't read or write at grade level and only know enough to apply for food stamps and vote Democrat

That's pure bullshit!

Sorry, you're right, it's 80% that can't function at grade level in NYC

Thanks for pointing that out

"Nearly 80 percent of New York City high school graduates need to relearn basic skills before they can enter the City University’s community college system."

Officials: Most NYC High School Grads Need Remedial Help Before Entering CUNY Community Colleges

No. It says they need remedial help, not that they cannot read and write.
Learn a skill so you're worth more.

He said wages, not worth.
You're not worth a high wage if you have no skill.
Again, a skilled job still pays shit. How is this not sinking in? And tell me, if someone makes entry level, don't they still deserve to make a living if they work 40 hours a week? They should at least be able to have enough food per month right? Right now they don't.

I know it makes you feel superior to spit on entry level workers by telling them to "learn a new skill!", but hasn't it occurred to you that there would be no one to fill those entry level jobs if everyone learned a skill? Restaurants wouldn't exists now would they?

And tell me, if someone makes entry level, don't they still deserve to make a living if they work 40 hours a week?

Someone working at McDonalds for 40 hours a week shouldn't be able to buy a 3 bedroom house in a nice area to support their 3 kids and their minivan and big screen TV.

They should at least be able to have enough food per month right? Right now they don't.

What kind of food are they buying?
Productivity up, wages down. Working harder & harder, for less & less. Looks like the Slave Master's plan is progressing very nicely. Oh what a country we're becoming. Fun times ahead for sure. ;)
Productivity up, wages down. Working harder & harder, for less & less. Looks like the Slave Master's plan is progressing very nicely. Oh what a country we're becoming. Fun times ahead for sure. ;)

How did productivity rise? Magic?

Yup, working harder & harder for less & less. We sure are heading in the right direction. WTG America! USA! USA!!
Wages in America in the lower classes have been stagnant for DECADES while the cost of living continues to rise. Meanwhile, most of the income gains have gone to the top 1% of earners. This is all while productivity in the lower classes has skyrocketed in the last few decades.

If you're so opposed to raising the minimum wage to ANY level, how exactly are we supposed to boost wages? Keep in mind 1/4 of the workforce in America makes less than $10 per hour. 10s of millions more make less than $15 per hour. That means we are facing a serious wage crisis that 10s of millions of Americans have NO CHOICE but to endure. Higher wage jobs are scarce and extremely competitive and even most of them pay less than it what is required for the current cost of living standards.

What specific policies would fix this? Now many of you may claim deporting all illegals would boost wages, but not only would this skyrocket the deficit, it would take decades to achieve. Even if we did pull this off, it's not like businesses across the country would collectively say "well all the illegals are gone. I guess I have a moral obligation to pay my workers more!". Don't be stupid.

Corporate profits are already at an all time high. That means cutting taxes on top earners/corporations or deregulating wouldn't do jack shit improve the economy. That's mostly because those policies never have anyway.

So let's hear them. What are your brilliant solutions? Obviously no republicans in office have any ideas. They prey upon your ignorance.

Are you serious?
How have you missed all the threads and posts on this very subject?
"And now, they're coming for your Social Security money."

This guy nailed it Spot On. We're doomed. Case Closed.

"And now, they're coming for your Social Security money."

This guy nailed it Spot On. We're doomed. Case Closed.

I am sorry to ruin it for you, but the lib regressives took the social security money the moment it was paid - years ago. That is how their irresponsible scheme was set up from the get go. Now, it is time to pay for their mistakes.
"And now, they're coming for your Social Security money."

This guy nailed it Spot On. We're doomed. Case Closed.

I am sorry to ruin it for you, but the lib regressives took the social security money the moment it was paid - years ago. That is how their irresponsible scheme was set up from the get go. Now, it is time to pay for their mistakes.

Americans will continue to work harder & harder, for less & less. That's the Slave Master plan. The plan is progressing very nicely.
Productivity up, wages down. Working harder & harder, for less & less. Looks like the Slave Master's plan is progressing very nicely. Oh what a country we're becoming. Fun times ahead for sure. ;)

How did productivity rise? Magic?

Yup, working harder & harder for less & less. We sure are heading in the right direction. WTG America! USA! USA!!

Yup, working harder & harder for less & less.

That's all it took? Anything else contribute to the rise?
Innovation often leads to a reduction in staffing and as such, a reduction in payroll. Less payroll equals more profut and an increase in the likelihood of expansion.

Increased salaries is the result of an increase in business not the cause of it. Liberal nutters who believe the nonsense that increased wages are the cause are putting the cart before the horse.

If I make a widget component for a gadget, and I increase the salaries of the widget makers, sure, they have more money but they aren't buying widgets are they? No, they are buying food, clothing, alcohol, paying rent, utilities, etc. B, you could say that it all melds into one giant pot and eventually, more widgets are bought but this is a very slow process and not even a sure thing. Meanwhile my business goes into the red waiting for it to happen.

No folks, as the smartest of us know, a good economy increases wages and it does so all across the job spectrum. It's complete left wing nut nonsense to say otherwise.

Now, you could say that it all melds into one giant pot and eventually, more widgets are bought but this is a very slow process and not even a sure thing.

Yes, it's called consumer spending. It's 70% of GDP and it's a sure thing. It's not slow at all and is reported quarterly just as corporate profits, unemployment and every other economic indicator.To suggest otherwise only highlights you lack of understanding.

You haven't a single clue wtf you are talking about. You speak so much ignorant nonsense.

Explain to us why I'm wrong and give us the " truth" as you know it.

I have and several people in this thread already have. You choose to remain ignorant for whatever reason. I no longer give a shit.

More like full of shit. None of you have posted anything of substance. It's obvious that none of you have anything to offer beyond RW media garbage.
Productivity up, wages down. Working harder & harder, for less & less. Looks like the Slave Master's plan is progressing very nicely. Oh what a country we're becoming. Fun times ahead for sure. ;)

How did productivity rise? Magic?

Yup, working harder & harder for less & less. We sure are heading in the right direction. WTG America! USA! USA!!

Yet they still want to blame everyone but the guy actually signing the paychecks.
Learn a skill so you're worth more.

He said wages, not worth.
You're not worth a high wage if you have no skill.
Again, a skilled job still pays shit. How is this not sinking in? And tell me, if someone makes entry level, don't they still deserve to make a living if they work 40 hours a week? They should at least be able to have enough food per month right? Right now they don't.

I know it makes you feel superior to spit on entry level workers by telling them to "learn a new skill!", but hasn't it occurred to you that there would be no one to fill those entry level jobs if everyone learned a skill? Restaurants wouldn't exists now would they?

And tell me, if someone makes entry level, don't they still deserve to make a living if they work 40 hours a week?

Someone working at McDonalds for 40 hours a week shouldn't be able to buy a 3 bedroom house in a nice area to support their 3 kids and their minivan and big screen TV.

They should at least be able to have enough food per month right? Right now they don't.

What kind of food are they buying?
You are such a doofus. No one is suggesting a full time employee should be able to afford that. They should be able to support themselves. Right now they can't. This is especially true of where they live in the US.

Do you not understand how food shopping works? These people can't afford the basic food groups per day. It's even worse if they have a kid. Child poverty in the US is the worst out of any other developed country.
Learn a skill so you're worth more.

He said wages, not worth.
You're not worth a high wage if you have no skill.
Again, a skilled job still pays shit. How is this not sinking in? And tell me, if someone makes entry level, don't they still deserve to make a living if they work 40 hours a week? They should at least be able to have enough food per month right? Right now they don't.

I know it makes you feel superior to spit on entry level workers by telling them to "learn a new skill!", but hasn't it occurred to you that there would be no one to fill those entry level jobs if everyone learned a skill? Restaurants wouldn't exists now would they?
You're thick as a brick, Billy. You're not gonna be able to live in the suburbs in a 5 bedroom house and white picket fence if all you know how to do is sweep floors and clean toilets. Those are jobs you take when you have no skills and they're never gonna pay enough to live the good life. Wake up and smell the coffee. Nobody is gonna pay somebody $15 an hour to do something you could train a monkey to do.
No one is suggesting that kind of work should be able to afford a house in the suberbs you doofus. I am talking about being able to afford adequate food per month and health insurance. BASIC things.

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