hey ya'll... from Iraq

nah got out after 10, decided to protect some folks and get some new skills along the way. yep ramalamadon is comming up and the mortars will fly I am sure. NDB just adds to the excitment
simple, that I will not bow to them. I am hear to help them and they need to understand that my helping them is not a sign of my weekness. the second they feel you are week they own you.
KBR IS THE DEVIL! the food is horrid. I expect a class action lawsuit over the raise in colesterol levels in troops after the war.
KBR IS THE DEVIL! the food is horrid. I expect a class action lawsuit over the raise in colesterol levels in troops after the war.

Welcome Shooter. As for the food, I bet it's better there than it is in Afghanistan!:eek:
your point is good and I understand the concept that you put forth, however, this shows a lack of understanding of the iraqi people. I choose to show them that I am an american with my beliefs this shows strength to them and though they may not like me they do respect strength. the prevailing winds in the mid east from the time the brits left is that the west is weak and that the people are stupid, so you get dictators. people rulled by dictators become very hard to deal with when using a kind word and a soft hand. it is better I display fortitude this way rather than gunbarrel diplomacy

perhaps I do have a limited understanding of the Iraqi people. I have never been there. But, in my liberal world, you don't need to dominate someone to show your strength.

you are in a difficult situation I am sure because you do not know who is your friend and who is your enemy. You must protect yourself but I feel you put yourself at greater risk by showing disrespect for their culture and belief system even if you don't agree with it.

either way, welcome to the board I hope you find stimulating conversation and entertaining banter I know I have.
I am not good at long descriptions of who I am so I will just give you a run down

Male 30-35
Marine Vet
Rep (raised by dems)
love pork and other things that offend Muslims, like Jesus and having one wife.
am working in Iraq as a civ.
and I love a good informed Debate!
pm me if you want further info.

It's nice to 'meet' you. Thank you for serving.

What is it like in Iraq? We don't see many images. I'd be curious for your impressions.


hello. how can a guy introducing himself try into neo cons vs liberals...

nothing to see here....move on to the political boards for that....

just say hello and welcome...
nah got out after 10, decided to protect some folks and get some new skills along the way. yep ramalamadon is comming up and the mortars will fly I am sure. NDB just adds to the excitment

So you're Blackwater protecting State Dept folks or are you State Dept security?
I like a good pork chop, too, now and again.

Like those Moslems you seem to hate, shooter, Jesus didn't eat pork, either.

His loss, I guess.
I like a good pork chop, too, now and again.

Like those Moslems you seem to hate, shooter, Jesus didn't eat pork, either.

His loss, I guess.

your right, as a jew he didn't eat pork to our knowledge, he also did not condem people for not following him, and he did not tell his followers to go out and kill people who did not see his point of view. I am not saying all muslims are terrorists, just that an overwhelming number of terrorists are muslim, and I love to piss THEM off.
your right, as a jew he didn't eat pork to our knowledge, he also did not condem people for not following him, and he did not tell his followers to go out and kill people who did not see his point of view. I am not saying all muslims are terrorists, just that an overwhelming number of terrorists are muslim, and I love to piss THEM off.

While I have absolutely no problem with you attitude generally, your joy in pissing off people in Iraq, don't belong in the State Department serving in a Moslem nation, I think.

So perhaps you'll excuse me if I am somewhat dubious of that claim.

Your attitude makes you obviously not cut out to be in the diplomatic service.
Am I a guest or an invader and occupier? as for there version of heaven I like mine better the one where I don't get in with the virgins because I forced my religion on others. you see I would much rather coexsist with all peoples with the understanding that we can all get along and that most of the tenents of our chosen forms of worship are about the same things. I can do that with many of the worlds religions and other forms of worship and I can do that because they do not require that I be killed because I dont prey to a rock as they do. so um in short, screw um!

Welcome to the board!! Be safe over there. Seems like you're a middle of the road "live and let live" kind of guy . . . I admire people who can agree to disagree. I really like your "coexist" statement. Kudos!!!
While I have absolutely no problem with you attitude generally, your joy in pissing off people in Iraq, don't belong in the State Department serving in a Moslem nation, I think.

So perhaps you'll excuse me if I am somewhat dubious of that claim.

Your attitude makes you obviously not cut out to be in the diplomatic service.

first off, here is a quarter, buy a sense of humor. two I did not know you had such a grand understanding of the muslim people or arabs in general, you must have spent a lot of time in the area...
guess what these people are NOTHING like Americans. feel free to second guess me, I could care less. I have spent over three years in this country total and I feel confident that I have a better grasp at what type of diplomacy they understand.

I do often joke about pissing them off for fun, that is true. at the same time it is the lack of understanding of the Arab culture that leads to the general misconceptions in America.
I have spent over three years in this country total and I feel confident that I have a better grasp at what type of diplomacy they understand.

I do often joke about pissing them off for fun, that is true. at the same time it is the lack of understanding of the Arab culture that leads to the general misconceptions in America.

Great. So you spend a lot of time pissing of the people who we are supposed to be convincing that our reason for being there is to help them not taunt them? Sounds like you are the one who has a lack of understanding.

No wonder we are having a difficult time in Iraq. Because of people like you the joke is on us.

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