"Hey Zeus" Loves Me This I Know, For The Bible Tells Me So

What are you hiding your hate behind?


Projection (Psychological)

1) An unconscious self-defence mechanism characterised by a person unconsciously attributing their own issues onto someone or something else as a form of delusion and denial.

2) A way to blame others for your own negative thoughts by repressing them and then attributing them to someone else. Due to the sorrowful nature of delusion and denial it is very difficult for the target to be able to clarify the reality of the situation.

3) A way to transfer guilt for your own thoughts, emotions and actions onto another as a way of not admitting your guilt to yourself.
What are you hiding your hate behind?


Projection (Psychological)

1) An unconscious self-defence mechanism characterised by a person unconsciously attributing their own issues onto someone or something else as a form of delusion and denial.

2) A way to blame others for your own negative thoughts by repressing them and then attributing them to someone else. Due to the sorrowful nature of delusion and denial it is very difficult for the target to be able to clarify the reality of the situation.

3) A way to transfer guilt for your own thoughts, emotions and actions onto another as a way of not admitting your guilt to yourself.

One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument
see angryboi get angrier and angrier

You just came and made a fool of yourself, as you always do, Rati.

oh my, look how you just "fabricated claims against those whom you hate. No different than the Nazi fucks".

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ummmm, shouldn't that have been told to Kim regarding the 'sinners' she refused to issue licenses to?

Not at all. She continued to do the job she was elected to do. That political forces redefined the term marriage to mean something very different did not alter what she vowed to do.

Clearly the hate sites are listing scripture for the drones to spew at Christians, but let's face it, most leftists hate Christians and dream of marching them off to death camps, so for someone like Campbell to take a holier than thou stance is at best hypocritical.

look at naziboi acting as if care4all must have been combing hate sites in order to quote the bible..

as for the bolded statement above... wrong again! :rolleyes:

Whom you swear the oath by is different from what you swear to do. Officials in the U.S. definitively don’t swear to uphold God’s law. They swear to uphold the Constitution, which never mentions God at all. And they swear to uphold laws enacted under the Constitution -- which means laws that are in compliance with the establishment clause that prohibits any established or official religion.

That’s the main reason the framers didn’t include God in the oath of office. It would’ve contradicted the proposition in the Constitution that said no religious test would ever be required to hold office under the Constitution.

Of course, there’s nothing wrong with doing like Washington and adding God to the oath. But the key point is that doing so is a personal decision -- not an official or professional one. And the consequence of that distinction is all-important.

It’s just fine -- in fact, I think it’s admirable -- for a public official to say that he or she won’t enforce any law that’s fundamentally immoral and in contradiction to God’s laws. But the only way to keep that promise consistent with the oath of office is for the official to resign when she thinks enforcing the law would be wrong. Given Davis’s statement of faith that it would violate her interpretation of God’s will to issue a marriage license to a same-sex couple, she should quit her position as county clerk. Indeed, she must -- or she’d be living in a position of hypocritical sin.

But by saying she won't issue the marriage licenses while serving in office, Davis is also, if I may humbly say so, committing a sin: violating an oath she made before God to uphold the Constitution and laws of the U.S. The Constitution requires her to issue licenses for gay couples. Every moment she disobeys the Constitution, she is violating her oath. The Bible doesn’t look kindly on oath-breaking. The only way for her to emerge from the state of sin is to resign.

Under the Constitution, the government can’t force you to engage in a religious action or stop you from exercising your freedom of religion. Normally, it shouldn’t coerce you to act against your faith. But no one was or is coercing Kim Davis. She’s free to serve the public and obey her oath to God to follow the law. And she’s free to quit and absolve herself of that oath. The choice is hers

  1. Before you tell me that the Constitution doesn’t require gay marriage, it’s just that the Supreme Court says it does, think again. The Supreme Court’s interpretation of the Constitution is binding -- and that’s a cardinal constitutional principle that can’t be denied by anyone who works for any part of the U.S. government. If you don’t agree with that, there’s a Civil War that needs fighting, again.
What the Oath of Office Means to a Kentucky Clerk - Bloomberg View
look at naziboi acting as if care4all must have been combing hate sites in order to quote the bible..

as for the bolded statement above... wrong again! :rolleyes:

You know Rati, you're a troll, and a sock, or at least this ValeRavi handle you're using is a sock.

Marriage has meant the union of man and woman since the inception of the nation up to the moment SCOTUS created new law a few months back.

You hate Davis, as your party instructs you to do. However the fact remains that Davis in no way altered what she was elected to do and has done for over a decade, you of the left changed the rules on her.
The topic flamer's tactic is to get problematic topics removed by flaming the people in hopes of causing a topic to be removed and (ironically) censored into the flame wars bin. Strategy failed.
Epic fail is a religion or person who can't refute through knowledge and truth thus uses lying, folly, third grade school yard sand box tactics and behavior.
Hence my former analogy of the child throwing the chess board to the ground after losing.
Just iggy and learn from the behavior and stay away from all emulations.
The topic flamer's tactic is to get problematic topics removed by flaming the people in hopes of causing a topic to be removed and (ironically) censored into the flame wars bin. Strategy failed.
Epic fail is a religion or person who can't refute through knowledge and truth thus uses lying, folly, third grade school yard sand box tactics and behavior.
Hence my former analogy of the child throwing the chess board to the ground after losing.
Just iggy and learn from the behavior and stay away from all emulations.

Look dude, you are a demagogue.

You smear those you hate with false claims from fabricated scriptures that have no bearing on legitimate discussion. You are no different than the other Nazis who pass around a fabricated Talmud or Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

You're a fraud who seeks to defame through lies, while couching yourself as a legitimate scholar. You're no scholar, you're just a Nazi.
ummmm, shouldn't that have been told to Kim regarding the 'sinners' she refused to issue licenses to?

Not at all. She continued to do the job she was elected to do. That political forces redefined the term marriage to mean something very different did not alter what she vowed to do.

to take the plank out of her own eye before trying to remove the sawdust spec from another's, basically? (sarcasm now off)

free will gives us all a chance to basically sin....to fall from God....Kim had her share, i've had my share.... sometimes it takes a Fall or two or ten, to bring you to God...

so, I can't say she is a phony or faking this because of her adulterous past....her shortcomings could be the very reason she is so religious today.

Do I think she appears hypocritical with her religion when the very sins of adultery she committed were death penalty sins in the old testament just like some homosexual acts, and if she followed the bible she would know that her 2nd and third etc marriage licenses should not have been issued to her, yet she judges same sex couples with greater fury than she does herself....the thing is, and sadly, we all do this... our sins, well, there were reasons for them, extenuating circumstances you can say...yet we don't offer this to other sinners? WHY NOT?

do i think she's going to hell for her stamped signature on a same sex marriage license? heck no!!! But i think she either really does believe this....or is a great actress and she wanted her 15 minutes of fame... i suppose, the jury is still out on that...

Clearly the hate sites are listing scripture for the drones to spew at Christians, but let's face it, most leftists hate Christians and dream of marching them off to death camps, so for someone like Campbell to take a holier than thou stance is at best hypocritical.
I have not met a singe leftie in my entire life, whom has hated a Christian who treats them like Christ would, who is acting Christ like, or basically, who truly follows the Spirit of Him.

Seems like the problem, is with people like you, drowning in your own lies and hatred, while claiming to be pious....or religious or better.
I have not met a singe leftie in my entire life, whom has hated a Christian who treats them like Christ would, who is acting Christ like, or basically, who truly follows the Spirit of Him.

Seems like the problem, is with people like you, drowning in your own lies and hatred, while claiming to be pious....or religious or better.

First off, can I point you to Guano, Pogo, Duhs, or Campbell in this forum?

Come off it, the left drips with hatred toward Christians.

Secondly, you know full well I have no religion and am not a Christian.

Thirdly, show me ONE lie - just one? I was laughing at your fellow Communist Campbell spouting scripture as if someone was moved by a hate filled atheist dictating spiritual rules.

I know you try to do the impossible and rectify your religious faith with the Marxist doctrine of the democratic party. It can't be done, the party holds that the state is the only god.
You know Rati, you're a troll, and a sock, or at least this ValeRavi handle you're using is a sock.

Marriage has meant the union of man and woman since the inception of the nation up to the moment SCOTUS created new law a few months back.

You hate Davis, as your party instructs you to do.

However the fact remains that Davis in no way altered what she was elected to do and has done for over a decade, you of the left changed the rules on her.

it's called a moral instinct. i don't belong to a party, but you knew that already...

you're thinking of her clerk job from the wrong perspective if you think she has the authority to invalidate licenses. The license law, and any other law, existing or established while she is in office, absolutely supersedes whatever authority her official position may hold.

they didn't "change the rules on her" my gawd she is a clerk of the state and the law is not ABOUT HER.
If Davis held true to the Bible, particularly the New Testament, then maybe she should read what the Bible tells her about Oaths.

Matthew 5:33

33 “Again, you have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘Do not break your oath, but fulfill to the Lord the vows you have made.’ 34 But I tell you, do not swear an oath at all: either by heaven, for it is God’s throne; 35 or by the earth, for it is his footstool; or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the Great King. 36 And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make even one hair white or black. 37 All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.

It's weird that Christians used to criticize and put down and mock atheist and other people not Swearing on the Bible and to God....

YET, it is these very atheist and the like people, that are following God's Word, and it is us Christians, who have insisted on swearing on the Word of God Bible and God Himself....

exactly who God told us NOT to swear by....???
it's called a moral instinct. i don't belong to a party, but you knew that already...

I know you're a far left whack job

you're thinking of her clerk job from the wrong perspective if you think she has the authority to invalidate licenses. The license law, and any other law, existing or established while she is in office, absolutely supersedes whatever authority her official position may hold.

She always had the authority to issue or not issue licenses at her discretion, and was elected to do just that

What changed was that SCOTUS dictated new law federalizing what had been a state and local function since the inception of the nation.

Kim Davis did not alter the way she did her job, what changed is the revocation of the 10th amendment and the demand that all local magistrate bow in homage to their federal overlords.

they didn't "change the rules on her" my gawd she is a clerk of the state and the law is not ABOUT HER.

What SCOTUS did is create new law via edict, federalizing marriage.
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dude, you don't even know how to get the quote function right...
If Davis held true to the Bible, particularly the New Testament, then maybe she should read what the Bible tells her about Oaths.

Matthew 5:33

33 “Again, you have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘Do not break your oath, but fulfill to the Lord the vows you have made.’ 34 But I tell you, do not swear an oath at all: either by heaven, for it is God’s throne; 35 or by the earth, for it is his footstool; or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the Great King. 36 And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make even one hair white or black. 37 All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.

It's weird that Christians used to criticize and put down and mock atheist and other people not Swearing on the Bible and to God....

YET, it is these very atheist and the like people, that are following God's Word, and it is us Christians, who have insisted on swearing on the Word of God Bible and God Himself....

exactly who God told us NOT to swear by....???

She didn't violate her oath. When she took the oath the state and county had authority over the issuance of marriage licenses.

Look, you of the left yearn for dictatorship, for rulers in Washington to dictate to all how to act, think, and believe. I get it. What Kim Davis did, was continue to function in her elected position as she had always functioned, as if the Constitution still stood.

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