Hezbollah Dismisses EU Terror Designation


VIP Member
Jun 11, 2012
Hezbollah Dismisses EU Terror Designation

"After months of consultations and deliberate consideration, the European Union decided to*designate Hezbollah's military wing as a "terror entity."*As predicted in*Al-Monitor*in February 2013, the Europeans*adopted the*British approach to the organization, wherein a distinction is made between its military and political bodies to allow for future contacts with the Lebanese group's political leaders...."

"In a*statement, Hezbollah expressed “its firm rejection to the EU's decision to set [the] 'military wing' on the list of terrorism,” adding that it regards the move as an “aggressive and unjust decision that has no justification and is not based on any proof.” The group also asserted, “it looks as if the decision was written by American hands and with 'Israeli' ink, while the EU only had to add its signature in approval.” Apparently keen to differentiate between the EU decision and the people of Europe, it stressed that the decision does not “reflect the EU people's interests” and “contradicts with its values and aspirations that support the principles of freedom and independence..." "Hezbollah's perspective on the British approach is instructive in understanding how it sees the implications of putting the group's "military wing" on the EU terror list. Although here have been no direct meetings between British and Hezbollah officials, messages have been passed through mutual friends, and until now, most Hezbollah MPs, ministers and officials who applied for entry visas to the United Kingdom were permitted entry.*One source commented on the situation, thusly: "The Brits know well that we have nothing to do in London, neither now nor in the future." He continued, "The British are good at compromises, whereas a decision on something can be taken, and those pushing for it can feel content, and those who are supposed to be the victims will feel no difference. …*This is what they did, and what they pushed the EU to do." Hezbollah Dismisses EU Terror Designation - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East What my response to the EU action is to laugh. What is funny about the EU action is there is no military arm of Hezbollah, labelling an organization a terrorist organization that does not even exist is certainly something one can laugh about. Sherri
Hezbollah Dismisses EU Terror Designation

I didn't expect them to welcome it.

Hezbollah Helping Run Drug Ring

(The Blaze/AP)– A Lebanese national who U.S. authorities say is the ringleader of a vast international drug smuggling ring with links to the militant group Hezbollah has been indicted on drug and money laundering charges after allegedly reaping more than $850 million in illicit profits.

The indictment was announced Tuesday in federal court in Alexandria against Ayman Joumaa, who is currently at large. It alleges he led a conspiracy that, among other activities, sold nearly 100 tons of Colombian cocaine to the Zetas drug cartel in Mexico between 2005 and 2007 that was ultimately smuggled into the United States.

Hezbollah Helping Run Drug Ring

And I won't even get into the terrorist events. Now that they're in Syria and fighting the Sunni I don't expect them to come back to Lebanon and see friendly Sunni faces.

It's not looking good for Hezbollah although they may end up in Syria and propping up the still legitimate Assad.
Hezbollah Dismisses EU Terror Designation

What my response to the EU action is to laugh. What is funny about the EU action is there is no military arm of Hezbollah, labelling an organization a terrorist organization that does not even exist is certainly something one can laugh about. Sherri

Sherri dear-----I missed the joke. Hezbollah does not exist? gee----I grew up
in an area of the USA -----well known as a mafia enclave-------in fact it was even featured
in the "GODFATHER" series-----way back then there were some people so sensitive
to the idea that the mafia people were Italian that they insisted THE MAFIA DID NOT
EXIST ------I remember it well-----almost as well as the periodic discovery of weighted
bodies that fragmented and floated to the surface of a local river.

What is the joke? I want to share it with my hubby so HE can share it
with his yemeni friend That yemeni guy just got back from visiting his
family in SANAA-----poor guy is so confused that he talks incessantly about the
growing presence of HEZBOLLAH in yemen and in how much danger are
his family in Sanaa-------and the car bombs and truck bombs etc etc

Is that the joke? I never met a shiite yemeni-----but somehow there
are lots in yemen now-------according to hubby's sunnni yemeni buddy----
and HE claims they are armed----to the hilt. Can I tell hubby to tell his friend
that sherri finds the fact of dead yemenis lying in the gutters a BIG JOKE.

should he mention your Iranian connection for the sake of humor? the
man could use a laugh.

for another laugh-------it seems to be HIS opinion that Hezbollah and
Al queida------do not get along well in Yemen Sad but true---
then there is the issue of the border----between Yemen and Saudi arabia.

------a bit of a problem there too. THE JOKE??????

it must be me-----I do not "get" isa-respecting humor

Hezbollah does not have a "military" branch. does the mafia?---or
DID IT----if and when it existed? For that matter-----does al queida?

Now I remember------about 45 years ago----a very kind pakistani surgeon
explained to me that Hijackings of planes and killings in airports are
not "terrorism" ------because the perpetrators are NOT "IN UNIFORM"
Is that the joke? Based on what he said about SHIITES-----I got the
uneasy feeling that he thought drive by shootings of shiites in the streets
of pakistan were not crimes either. His comments did induce in me
a strong sense of compassion for shiites-----I saw them as perpetual
victims of sunni violence------I was young-----then I came to know
more shiites. BTW whatever happened to Achmadinejad?----
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Hezbollah Dismisses EU Terror Designation-.

So what is your point?
There is in fact only one Hezbollah and as Hezbollah is a mini-state unto itself the military and political arm are one.
If you are trying to say that there is no military side to Hezbollah, this is absolutely ridiculous ... for example look at Syria, which arm is fighting there on behalf of its master Iran?
The garbage collecting arm?
Hezbollah Dismisses EU Terror Designation

I didn't expect them to welcome it.

Hezbollah Helping Run Drug Ring

(The Blaze/AP)– A Lebanese national who U.S. authorities say is the ringleader of a vast international drug smuggling ring with links to the militant group Hezbollah has been indicted on drug and money laundering charges after allegedly reaping more than $850 million in illicit profits.

The indictment was announced Tuesday in federal court in Alexandria against Ayman Joumaa, who is currently at large. It alleges he led a conspiracy that, among other activities, sold nearly 100 tons of Colombian cocaine to the Zetas drug cartel in Mexico between 2005 and 2007 that was ultimately smuggled into the United States.

Hezbollah Helping Run Drug Ring

And I won't even get into the terrorist events. Now that they're in Syria and fighting the Sunni I don't expect them to come back to Lebanon and see friendly Sunni faces.

It's not looking good for Hezbollah although they may end up in Syria and propping up the still legitimate Assad.

They are laughing about that EU designation, just like I am. So funny! You and your Zionist fantasies are so funny, too!
  • Thanks
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obama is such a foreign affairs wiz kid and hes gained such cache and a reset amongst our eu 'partners' he cannot even convince them of the obvious, or convince them to declare hezbollah a T org., they took a half step and that will blow up too...unreal.
Hezbollah Dismisses EU Terror Designation

I didn't expect them to welcome it.

(The Blaze/AP)– A Lebanese national who U.S. authorities say is the ringleader of a vast international drug smuggling ring with links to the militant group Hezbollah has been indicted on drug and money laundering charges after allegedly reaping more than $850 million in illicit profits.

The indictment was announced Tuesday in federal court in Alexandria against Ayman Joumaa, who is currently at large. It alleges he led a conspiracy that, among other activities, sold nearly 100 tons of Colombian cocaine to the Zetas drug cartel in Mexico between 2005 and 2007 that was ultimately smuggled into the United States.

Hezbollah Helping Run Drug Ring

And I won't even get into the terrorist events. Now that they're in Syria and fighting the Sunni I don't expect them to come back to Lebanon and see friendly Sunni faces.

It's not looking good for Hezbollah although they may end up in Syria and propping up the still legitimate Assad.

They are laughing about that EU designation, just like I am. So funny! You and your Zionist fantasies are so funny, too!

Its a cultural thing-----kinda like meccaist sluts ULULATING as their pious heros mutilate
their victims in the name of isa -------Now, sherri----can you tell us what is a
"zionist fantasy" ??? I already know about the laughter that attends isa-respecting
mutilations and beheadings For your entertainment-----be advised that to date
your fellow isa-respecters in syria have killed well over 100,000

As to mexico-----I have been hearing about it for more than a year from a mexican
neighbor-------interestingly---the tunnels used to transport throat slitting isa-
respecters into the US----seem to be similar to those which run between syria and
lebanon. The route to the US for your kith and kin USED to be Canada----but
Canada tightened the border. Pay attention anytime anyone mentions the Mexican
border-------for your own amusement
Here are some interesting comments from a Conflicts Forum article, about the ME today and Hezbollahs role in the ME: " But were the West to stand above the various partisan conflicts in the region, and its rigid adherence to the Sunni interest, it would notice that the strategic balance (as well as the world order) may indeed be shifting:**For the last month or so, it has been noticeable that both Europeans and Americans are beginning to surprise even themselves by saying out loud that Assad is here to stay, and wondering what this may mean to them.**They will have noted too, Hizbullah becoming a regional player (after Qusayr), and they may have observed that Iran’s political system in its own complex way – has worked.**It has yielded a new political direction which commands wide popular support.**Iran has – unlike others – somehow succeeded in assimilating and absorbing internal differences within a new political equation.**Yet, despite these fairly obvious signals of change to the status quo – western states toy with proscribing Hizbullah and discuss how best to snub Rouhani’s inauguration ceremony.**Equally, Russia and China are already contributing to change in the region by circumscribing western freedom to manage the international order to their own interests (both states have just acted to block further UN sanctions on Iran), and Russia continues to defy the West over Syria." Conflicts Forum Weekly Comment 12 ? 19 July 2013 : Conflicts Forum
Now THAT was hilarious - the site presented as a 'source' here is an avowed mouthpiece for 'Islamists' - and that is the word they themselves are using. Nor are they distinguishing between 'non-violent' groups and those engaged in waylaying and murdering innocent civilians (like Hizbullah and Hamas)

Conflicts Forum
The blurb touches upon many myths - among them that the Egyptian Army is backed by the Gulf States...... it blathers about a 'strictly Sunni' view of Islam, and tries to paint the situation as 'political repression of Shi'a Islamists by Sunni Islamists' .

And of course it cheers on the Shi'a elements, and touts Russia and China as just wonderful generous and benevolent states which are helping to nourish Shi'a aspirations.

This would be enticing reading indeed - for any Maoist fan, or theocracy fan hating the American Constitution. I guess that's what a couple of posters here will get giddy about.
There's this little thing called a 'paragraph' - you may want to avail yourself of it.
Hezbollah Dismisses EU Terror Designation

I didn't expect them to welcome it.

(The Blaze/AP)– A Lebanese national who U.S. authorities say is the ringleader of a vast international drug smuggling ring with links to the militant group Hezbollah has been indicted on drug and money laundering charges after allegedly reaping more than $850 million in illicit profits.

The indictment was announced Tuesday in federal court in Alexandria against Ayman Joumaa, who is currently at large. It alleges he led a conspiracy that, among other activities, sold nearly 100 tons of Colombian cocaine to the Zetas drug cartel in Mexico between 2005 and 2007 that was ultimately smuggled into the United States.

Hezbollah Helping Run Drug Ring

And I won't even get into the terrorist events. Now that they're in Syria and fighting the Sunni I don't expect them to come back to Lebanon and see friendly Sunni faces.

It's not looking good for Hezbollah although they may end up in Syria and propping up the still legitimate Assad.

They are laughing about that EU designation, just like I am. So funny! You and your Zionist fantasies are so funny, too!

What fantasy would that be ? The EU has listed the military wing of Hezbollah as a terrorist organization.
Looks like it is you who is embedded in a fantasy.

Oh and just a reminder, the country you live in Sherri lists Hezbollah as a terrorist organization as well :cool:
I didn't expect them to welcome it.

Hezbollah Helping Run Drug Ring

And I won't even get into the terrorist events. Now that they're in Syria and fighting the Sunni I don't expect them to come back to Lebanon and see friendly Sunni faces.

It's not looking good for Hezbollah although they may end up in Syria and propping up the still legitimate Assad.

They are laughing about that EU designation, just like I am. So funny! You and your Zionist fantasies are so funny, too!

Its a cultural thing-----kinda like meccaist sluts ULULATING as their pious heros mutilate
their victims in the name of isa -------Now, sherri----can you tell us what is a
"zionist fantasy" ??? I already know about the laughter that attends isa-respecting
mutilations and beheadings For your entertainment-----be advised that to date
your fellow isa-respecters in syria have killed well over 100,000

As to mexico-----I have been hearing about it for more than a year from a mexican
neighbor-------interestingly---the tunnels used to transport throat slitting isa-
respecters into the US----seem to be similar to those which run between syria and
lebanon. The route to the US for your kith and kin USED to be Canada----but
Canada tightened the border. Pay attention anytime anyone mentions the Mexican
border-------for your own amusement

DId I read the OP right? Did Sherri say that Hezbollah has no military wing ? ??????
Please tell me I misread it !
The fact is despite how the US may like to depict the Sunnis as more stable, its simply not true. Right this moment I am watching a news story on wycc, outside Chicago, showing horrible violence in Pakistan by Sunnis against Shiites. Nothing like this violence, like the killing of innocent Shiite girls, is being carried out by the Shiites in power in Iran today, against Sunnis there, or by Hezbollah against Sunnis in Lebanon.
I didn't expect them to welcome it.

Hezbollah Helping Run Drug Ring

And I won't even get into the terrorist events. Now that they're in Syria and fighting the Sunni I don't expect them to come back to Lebanon and see friendly Sunni faces.

It's not looking good for Hezbollah although they may end up in Syria and propping up the still legitimate Assad.

They are laughing about that EU designation, just like I am. So funny! You and your Zionist fantasies are so funny, too!

What fantasy would that be ? The EU has listed the military wing of Hezbollah as a terrorist organization.
Looks like it is you who is embedded in a fantasy.

Oh and just a reminder, the country you live in Sherri lists Hezbollah as a terrorist organization as well :cool:

Declaring an entity that does not exist a terror group is funny. Now, what I support is the EU declaring the IDF a terror group.
Doesn't exist ?? What are you talking about ? Hezbollah has a military wing and the EU has designated them as a terrorist group. That is a fact . You cannot dispute that.

And where did you read the the EU declared the IDF as a terror group ?
DId I read the OP right? Did Sherri say that Hezbollah has no military wing ? ??????
Please tell me I misread it !

yes she did-----nothing new-----the isa-respecting view point is not new-----
not wearing a uniform in the eyes of isa-----renders throat slitting, car bomb
murders. deadly missiles ----ets LEGAL ------it is her religion.

Your mistake is that you seem to believe that people armed and murdering
in an organized manner constittute something "military"

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