Hezbollah Dismisses EU Terror Designation

. This video illustrates the nonsense in the recent EU action. There is no organization that is the military wing of Hezbollah. No such organization even exists and what the speaker says is the EU action was to take the public discussion away from the EUs recent boycott of Israels illegal settlements. But it is not working, the EU Guidelines that put sanctions on Israels war criminal illegal settlements stand and are being widely talked about.
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The fact is despite how the US may like to depict the Sunnis as more stable, its simply not true. Right this moment I am watching a news story on wycc, outside Chicago, showing horrible violence in Pakistan by Sunnis against Shiites. Nothing like this violence, like the killing of innocent Shiite girls, is being carried out by the Shiites in power in Iran today, against Sunnis there, or by Hezbollah against Sunnis in Lebanon.

Maybe not against Sunnis - but Baha'i and Christians and homosexuals and others? It certainly is.
The fact is despite how the US may like to depict the Sunnis as more stable, its simply not true. Right this moment I am watching a news story on wycc, outside Chicago, showing horrible violence in Pakistan by Sunnis against Shiites. Nothing like this violence, like the killing of innocent Shiite girls, is being carried out by the Shiites in power in Iran today, against Sunnis there, or by Hezbollah against Sunnis in Lebanon.

Maybe not against Sunnis - but Baha'i and Christians and homosexuals and others? It certainly is.

Sherri has the shiite POV-------I got both -----the very first muslim I Know well
was a SHIITE from India---(long before I even knew what a "shiite" is)------his
family stayed in India despite his INTENSE HATRED OF HINDUS----(someday
we will drink their blood) ------but at the same time I got acquainted with Pakistanis
-(who were sunnis) ---and Iranians (shiites)------there were lots of other people around---
hindus, sikhs, ----etc etc. -----but when pakistanis, Iranian and Indian muslims
were in the same room at the same time -----DAGGERS FLEW FROM ALL EYES (ie
from all muslim eyes) --------sunnis and shiite kill each other------there are "ethnic
arabs" in Iran (read that sunnis)-----they are not 'unmolested' as sherri implies.
They are certainly not assimilated into the majority shiiite population either

right now----in Yemen HEZBOLLAH has arrived------the sunni majority is
Here are some interesting comments from a Conflicts Forum article, about the ME today and Hezbollahs role in the ME: " But were the West to stand above the various partisan conflicts in the region, and its rigid adherence to the Sunni interest, it would notice that the strategic balance (as well as the world order) may indeed be shifting:**For the last month or so, it has been noticeable that both Europeans and Americans are beginning to surprise even themselves by saying out loud that Assad is here to stay, and wondering what this may mean to them.**They will have noted too, Hizbullah becoming a regional player (after Qusayr), and they may have observed that Iran’s political system in its own complex way – has worked.**It has yielded a new political direction which commands wide popular support.**Iran has – unlike others – somehow succeeded in assimilating and absorbing internal differences within a new political equation.**Yet, despite these fairly obvious signals of change to the status quo – western states toy with proscribing Hizbullah and discuss how best to snub Rouhani’s inauguration ceremony.**Equally, Russia and China are already contributing to change in the region by circumscribing western freedom to manage the international order to their own interests (both states have just acted to block further UN sanctions on Iran), and Russia continues to defy the West over Syria." Conflicts Forum Weekly Comment 12 ? 19 July 2013 : Conflicts Forum

hezbollahs casualties in Syria have been so high comparatively, they have stopped sending their back for funerals.....:clap2:
This is the news of today: Syrians, Hezbollah set to retake key Homs rebel area. "DAMASCUS (AFP) -- Government forces bolstered by Lebanese Shiite militiamen were poised on Sunday to retake the largest rebel-held district of Syria's third city Homs, a watchdog and state media said.The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said troops now controlled most of Khaldiyeh after a month-long assault and were battling insurgents on its outskirts. Syrians, Hezbollah set to retake key Homs rebel area | Maan News Agency
The fact is despite how the US may like to depict the Sunnis as more stable, its simply not true. Right this moment I am watching a news story on wycc, outside Chicago, showing horrible violence in Pakistan by Sunnis against Shiites. Nothing like this violence, like the killing of innocent Shiite girls, is being carried out by the Shiites in power in Iran today, against Sunnis there, or by Hezbollah against Sunnis in Lebanon.

Maybe not against Sunnis - but Baha'i and Christians and homosexuals and others? It certainly is.

No comparison whatsoever between what is being done by Sunnis to Shiites in Pakistan and discrimination against minorities in Iran.
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You can download an App called MHZ Networks from Smart phones Play Store and watch world news and see for yourself the violence taking place now against Shiites in Pakistan, reported today, like seeing the corpses of two murdered girls in the program I just watched.
Sayyed Nasrallah: EU Decision Means Involvement in any Israeli Attack. " Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah stressed that the latest EU decision regarding Hezbollah will only doom to failure, advising the European states to soak their paper in water and drink it, for the Resistance will remain vital and victorious by the will of Allah Almighty. The following video sheds light upon most prominent statements of Sayyed Nasrallah's speech? " It can be viewed from the article link. Sayyed Nasrallah: EU Decision Means Involvement in any Israeli Attack
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More cheap talk from Nasrallah who has been hiding in his rat hole since 2006.
He's just like every other Arab dictator, lots of bark but no bite
There is something about Victimhood that pulls a people together and rallies support for those victimized. Watching people struggle against and overcome victimhood is a thing I cherish. My Prayers are with all the victims of Zionism all over this world, to include members of Hezbollah and their families and all the victims of Zionism in Lebanon like the 20000 Israel slaughtered in 1982, and I look forward to that day when Zionism is defeated, as its predecessor Nazism was defeated. It is only a matter of time until that glorious day arrives.
There is something about Victimhood that pulls a people together and rallies support for those victimized. Watching people struggle against and overcome victimhood is a thing I cherish. My Prayers are with all the victims of Zionism all over this world, to include members of Hezbollah and their families and all the victims of Zionism in Lebanon like the 20000 Israel slaughtered in 1982, and I look forward to that day when Zionism is defeated, as its predecessor Nazism was defeated. It is only a matter of time until that glorious day arrives.

Sherri dear.....for some insight into your condition,, google "sociopathic rage"
and "personality disintegration"

The most interesting and informative line in your post is "victims of Zionism
all over this world" I am intrigued-----lets discuss the history of world wide
zionist oppression-------when did it begin? -----how has it impacted on the history
of the far east?-------

do not give up ------there are some fairly new medications for your condition---
or,, at least aspects thereof-------the underlying sociopathy is resistent to
I am reading and heeding the words of Jesus in Matthew 23, in particular Matthew 23:26. I cannot even begin to contemplate and fathom all the evil we embrace as we label the other our enemy and demonize them. Matthew 23: "15*“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert,*and when you have succeeded, you make them twice as much a child of hell*as you are...19*You blind men! Which is greater: the gift, or the altar that makes the gift sacred?*20*Therefore, anyone who swears by the altar swears by it and by everything on it.*21*And anyone who swears by the temple swears by it and by the one who dwells*in it.*22*And anyone who swears by heaven swears by God’s throne and by the one who sits on it.23*“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth*of your spices—mint, dill and cumin. But you have neglected the more important matters of the law—justice, mercy and faithfulness.*You should have practiced the latter..*Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish,*but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence.*26*Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean.27*“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs,*which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean.*28*In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.29*“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You build tombs for the prophets*and decorate the graves of the righteous.*30*And you say, ‘If we had lived in the days of our ancestors, we would not have taken part with them in shedding the blood of the prophets.’*31*So you testify against yourselves that you are the descendants of those who murdered the prophets.*32*Go ahead, then, and complete*what your ancestors started!"
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For those still wondering about the "WORLD-WIDE" victims of zionism----to whom
sherri refers-------remember 1531-----when the presence of jews in Portugal so
incurred the WRATH OF ISA-----that isa inflicted an eathquake on Portugal-----
INFLAMED isa-respecters ----duly,, murdered thousands of jews and tore their
children away from them to force them into the filth of "isa-respect"

some escaped-----for an interesting day in Manhattan, NY ----visit the
SPANISH/PORTUGESE synagogue ----established---if I remember
correctly----some time in the early 1600s by the survivors of the
genocide that still excites sherri

Shearith Israel (??) I believe that loosely translated----it
means GATES OF ISRAEL ------a very zionistic imagery.
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Oh----matthew------well-----If matthew wrote it-----he probably wrote it in
aramaic-------It does contain elements of the poetic style of that language
----very much influenced by JEREMIAH -----the all time fire and brimstone
man -------of course he probably shared Ezra's disdain for proselytizing ----
I find it fascinating that he accuses "pharisees" of proselytizing---------
since -----VERY TYPICALLY they do not------as per Ezra. My impression is
that he was actually RAILING against those few who DID seek converts-----
acceptance of converts was a controversial issue at that time. Most pharisees
considered 'convert seekers" something like traitors. For the record---
Mathew was a pharisee. My guess is that a better translation might
be "you jerks who call yourselves pharisees but seek converts anyway"
Strict pharisess would see such people as spoilers--

The issue of "foreign wives" (very much akin to the issue of "converts")
is also addressed in the dead sea scrolls.............I was fascinated reading
bits and pieces at an exhibition--------uhm.....sometimes the "foreign wives" ---
were called "whores" (zonot)
This Zionism I am discussing did not exist in any form until the late 1800s, so what you address has nothing to do with what I am writing about. What is fascinating is how words of a man spoken nearly 2000 years ago can have so much meaning and relevance in addressing events happening throughout time And how those words are not only timeless, but have such universal application to address acts of human beings everywhere, thats fascinating too. The love that led to once such a great sacrifice, that love was for those members of Hezbollah some like to so demonize, too. How can I hate the ones He loves?
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Oh wow, the terrorist organization Hezbollah went from anger, to blaming Israel, to dismissing it. Ya sure.
They are laughing about that EU designation, just like I am. So funny! You and your Zionist fantasies are so funny, too!

What fantasy would that be ? The EU has listed the military wing of Hezbollah as a terrorist organization.
Looks like it is you who is embedded in a fantasy.

Oh and just a reminder, the country you live in Sherri lists Hezbollah as a terrorist organization as well :cool:

Declaring an entity that does not exist a terror group is funny. Now, what I support is the EU declaring the IDF a terror group.
In my country, which is the US, Hezbollah is considered TERRORIST organization.

But it's no surprise that you support those who are enemies with the US.
This Zionism I am discussing did not exist in any form until the late 1800s, so what you address has nothing to do with what I am writing about. What is fascinating is how words of a man spoken nearly 2000 years ago can have so much meaning and relevance in addressing events happening throughout time And how those words are not only timeless, but have such universal application to address acts of human beings everywhere, thats fascinating too. The love that led to once such a great sacrifice, that love was for those members of Hezbollah some like to so demonize, too. How can I hate the ones He loves?

OHHHH!!!! you don't like secular zionism. well----do not worry----secular
zionism is almost a myth-------the overwhelming majority of ZIONISTS have been
ZIONISTS BASED ON JUDAISM for more than 3000 years. In fact,,,, secular
zionism lasted only a few decades-----its leftovers are jerks like URI AVNERI ------
the MARXIST ZIONISTS ----------poor uri is so out of date that he is reduced
to singing for his supper. Now go tell the saudis how much you adore
Hezbollah------for that matter-----look around for some yemeni grocer and tell
him how much you adore Hezbollah

Isa "Loves" Hezbollah? oh ok -----must be those tens of thousands of
baby brain nail bombs Hezbollah has launched -----or even those car bomb
murders taking place in Yemen. Nothing like dead babies in the gutter to DELIGHT

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