Hezbollah Takes Over Lebanon


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Good. Enough of the gamesmanship, brinkmanship. Let all the Arab countries overthrow their rulers and accept their own consequences for their own choices. If the Sunni Arabs don't mind Shia running the show in their area, then let them have at it.
I have seen several Iraqis interviewed on TV. When asked if they were Sunni or Shia they all stated: "Nobody ever asked that before the occupation."

It must be one of those divide and conquer things.
Good. Enough of the gamesmanship, brinkmanship. Let all the Arab countries overthrow their rulers and accept their own consequences for their own choices. If the Sunni Arabs don't mind Shia running the show in their area, then let them have at it.

All these countries are so screwed up, every muslim country is disfuntional, but I'm sure most of them will just go back to thier old reliable scape goat, Israel and the Jews are at fault.
Good. Enough of the gamesmanship, brinkmanship. Let all the Arab countries overthrow their rulers and accept their own consequences for their own choices. If the Sunni Arabs don't mind Shia running the show in their area, then let them have at it.

All these countries are so screwed up, every muslim country is disfuntional, but I'm sure most of them will just go back to thier old reliable scape goat, Israel and the Jews are at fault.

Let them show their full faces to the world. Let the tyrants ruling all the Arab countries lose their positions. Let the countries find an Arabian Democracy and choose their leaders.

Then we will see the full and true intent of "The People".

I am interested to see this.
I have seen several Iraqis interviewed on TV. When asked if they were Sunni or Shia they all stated: "Nobody ever asked that before the occupation."

It must be one of those divide and conquer things.

Nobody asked them but Saddam sure saw a difference between Sunnis and Shites, Shites were oppressed and marginalized under the old regime.
Good. Enough of the gamesmanship, brinkmanship. Let all the Arab countries overthrow their rulers and accept their own consequences for their own choices. If the Sunni Arabs don't mind Shia running the show in their area, then let them have at it.

I feel sorry for the Christians in that country, they are going to live with whatever the Muslims decide.
Good. Enough of the gamesmanship, brinkmanship. Let all the Arab countries overthrow their rulers and accept their own consequences for their own choices. If the Sunni Arabs don't mind Shia running the show in their area, then let them have at it.

I feel sorry for the Christians in that country, they are going to live with whatever the Muslims decide.

The leaders have kept the "people" down for too long. Let us see what their true wishes are since all we see is them burning flags and calling for the death of America, Israel and the Western philosophy.

Will that change? Will it abate? Will it increase?

I am interested to see just what the people of this "Religion of Peace" choose.
Good. Enough of the gamesmanship, brinkmanship. Let all the Arab countries overthrow their rulers and accept their own consequences for their own choices. If the Sunni Arabs don't mind Shia running the show in their area, then let them have at it.

I feel sorry for the Christians in that country, they are going to live with whatever the Muslims decide.

The leaders have kept the "people" down for too long. Let us see what their true wishes are since all we see is them burning flags and calling for the death of America, Israel and the Western philosophy.

Will that change? Will it abate? Will it increase?

I am interested to see just what the people of this "Religion of Peace" choose.

I don't see much changing, Hezbollah still hates the US and Israel and feels wronged by them, the flag burnings and demonstrations will continue. Plus the Christians and Sunnis will be marginalized, I don't expect them to be happy.
I have seen several Iraqis interviewed on TV. When asked if they were Sunni or Shia they all stated: "Nobody ever asked that before the occupation."

It must be one of those divide and conquer things.

Nobody asked them but Saddam sure saw a difference between Sunnis and Shites, Shites were oppressed and marginalized under the old regime.

he's a compulsive liar. it doesn't matter what he says.

and iraq, the saudis and every other arab country care whether things are run by sunnis or shi'a.

timore the troll knows nothing about anything
I have seen several Iraqis interviewed on TV. When asked if they were Sunni or Shia they all stated: "Nobody ever asked that before the occupation."

It must be one of those divide and conquer things.

Nobody asked them but Saddam sure saw a difference between Sunnis and Shites, Shites were oppressed and marginalized under the old regime.

he's a compulsive liar. it doesn't matter what he says.

and iraq, the saudis and every other arab country care whether things are run by sunnis or shi'a.

timore the troll knows nothing about anything

In Kuwait and Saudi Arabia Shites have different color passports than the Sunnis, and being a Shite and Sunni makes a difference when apply for jobs and stuff like that.
Nobody asked them but Saddam sure saw a difference between Sunnis and Shites, Shites were oppressed and marginalized under the old regime.

he's a compulsive liar. it doesn't matter what he says.

and iraq, the saudis and every other arab country care whether things are run by sunnis or shi'a.

timore the troll knows nothing about anything

In Kuwait and Saudi Arabia Shites have different color passports than the Sunnis, and being a Shite and Sunni makes a difference when apply for jobs and stuff like that.

those differences are also why saddam worked with us against iran and why the saudis gave israel the right to use its air space in the event an attack on iran is necessary.
he's a compulsive liar. it doesn't matter what he says.

and iraq, the saudis and every other arab country care whether things are run by sunnis or shi'a.

timore the troll knows nothing about anything

In Kuwait and Saudi Arabia Shites have different color passports than the Sunnis, and being a Shite and Sunni makes a difference when apply for jobs and stuff like that.

those differences are also why saddam worked with us against iran and why the saudis gave israel the right to use its air space in the event an attack on iran is necessary.

Sunnis and Shites have had issues with each other since the religion started, this all just didn't start when the US invaded Iraq like Tinmore is trying to imply.
Cool! Can we now stop giving miserable countries like Lebanon American Taxpayer Dollars? Aggressive Foreign Interventionism is way over-rated. I don't know a single American Taxpayer who wants to give their money to miserable nations like Lebanon or Terrorist Orgs like Hamas. Yet our Government continues to hand them the cash anyway. Aren't we a Democracy? Shouldn't American Citizens have a say in how their money is spent? We need revolutionary changes in our Foreign Policy.

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